Georgios Papageorgiou Dissertation Data Mining in Sports

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Data Mining in Sports:

Daily NBA Player Performance


Georgios Papageorgiou
SID: 3308200022


A thesis submitted for the degree of

Master of Science (MSc) in Data Science


Data Mining in Sports:
Daily NBA Player Performance

Georgios Papageorgiou
SID: 3308200022

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Christos Tjortjis


A thesis submitted for the degree of

Master of Science (MSc) in Data Science


This dissertation was written as a part of the MSc in Data Science at the International Hellenic
This dissertation is related to the NBA League and its players; it focuses on Daily
performance prediction in terms of Fantasy Points for each player and Lineup Optimization for
betting purposes in Fantasy Tournaments. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to explore,
develop and evaluate ML predictive models, each one focused separately on each player for
Daily Player's Performance Prediction in terms of Fantasy Points. In adittion, tries to develop
and evaluate a Lineup Optimizer focused on total Fantasy Points for a range of Dates.
In this project tried to experiment with Pycaret library. Therefore, we develop four finalized
models for each selected player. We used two primary datasets, with advanced statistics and
only basic statistics. Also, the models are developed with historical data from Season 2010-11
to Season 2020-21, and in historical data from last seasons (2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21) while
in cases that the player does not participate in at least 100 games, additional season's data is
included. Furthermore, in the next stage of this project, using the predictions, we developed a
Lineup Optimizer with restrictions applied, focused on maximizing the sum of NBA Fantasy
Points of our selected players. Results show that we can accurately predict the performance of
each selected player in terms of Fantasy Points and build a well-performing Lineup for selected
game dates.


At this point, I would like to truly thank my Supervisor, Professor Christos Tjortjis, for his
guidance in every point of this project, providing me with essential assessment and crucial
suggestions. In addition, I would like to extend thanks to Ph.D candidate Vangelis Sarlis for his
expert assistance at any issue that occurred, providing me immediate feedback anytime I needed

Georgios Papageorgiou


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... 3

CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 1

LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................ 3

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... 4

LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................... 5

1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 6

2 LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 8

2.1 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ............................................................................... 8

2.1.1 Baseball................................................................................................ 8
2.1.2 Football ............................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Backetball (NBA) .............................................................................. 12
2.2 RELATED WORK .............................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Basketball Players’ Performance Prediction Overview .............. 13
2.2.3 Fantasy Points and Daily Fantasy Lineups .................................. 15

3 MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS ................................................................................ 18

3.1 DATA MINING ................................................................................................... 18

3.2 MACHINE LEARNING ........................................................................................ 19
3.2.1 Supervised Learning ........................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Unsupervised Learning .................................................................... 20
3.2.3 Reinforcement Learning .................................................................. 21
3.3 SPORTS ANALYTICS ........................................................................................ 22
3.3.1 The Use of Sports Analytics............................................................ 22
3.3.2 Basketball (NBA) Fantasy ............................................................... 23

4 METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 25

4.1 PROCESS DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 25

4.1.1 Data Collection .................................................................................. 26
4.1.2 Pre-Processing.................................................................................. 28
4.1.3 Feature Engineering......................................................................... 30

5 MODELING ............................................................................................................ 38

5.1 PYCARET ......................................................................................................... 38

5.2 DATA MODELING ............................................................................................. 41
5.3 MODEL SELECTION.......................................................................................... 42
5.3.1 Advanced Features Dataset Models ............................................. 44
5.3.2 Basic Features Dataset Models ..................................................... 45

6 RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 48

6.1 ADVANCED FEATURES DATASETS .................................................................. 48

6.1.1 Ten Seasons Datasets .................................................................... 48
6.1.2 Last Seasons Datasets .................................................................... 49
6.2 BASIC FEATURES DATASETS .......................................................................... 50
6.2.1 Ten Seasons Datasets .................................................................... 50
6.2.2 Last Seasons Datasets .................................................................... 51
6.3 OPTIMIZING OUR RESULTS .............................................................................. 51
6.3.1 Results Optimization ........................................................................ 52
6.4 DAILY LINEUP OPTIMIZER................................................................................ 54
6.4.1 Lineup Creation Process ................................................................. 55
6.4.2 Lineup Results .................................................................................. 56
6.5 EVALUATION OF RESULTS ............................................................................... 58

7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK .............................................................. 59

7.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... 59

7.2 FUTURE WORK ................................................................................................ 60

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 61

APPENDICES .............................................................................................................. 65

List of Figures
Figure 1: Data Mining Process ............................................................................................ 19
Figure 2: Machine Learning Structure and Applications [27]. ........................................ 22
Figure 3: Code for clearing non Active NBA Players. ...................................................... 30
Figure 4: Code of functions for Feature Engineering. ...................................................... 32
Figure 5: Code related to Last match Opponent features. .............................................. 33
Figure 6: Code for Feature Engineering implementation in Advanced Features
Datasets. ................................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 7: Code for Feature Engineering implementation for Basic Features Datasets.
.................................................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 8: Flowchart Diagram of Data. ................................................................................ 37
Figure 9: Code for filter only Last Seasons ....................................................................... 43
Figure 10: Trained models in Advanced Features Ten Seasons Datasets .................. 44
Figure 11: Trained models in Advanced Features, Last Seasons Datasets ................ 45
Figure 12: Trained models in Basic Features, Ten Seasons Datasets ........................ 46
Figure 13: Trained models in Basic Features, Last Seasons Datasets ........................ 46
Figure 14: Stephen Curry Forecast Results with Last Seasons Dataset ..................... 53
Figure 15: Code for player’s prediction tables match by model and dataset. .............. 54

List of Tables
Table 1: Features of Datasets related to Player Box Scores ......................................... 28
Table 2: Features of Datasets related to Team Box Scores. ......................................... 29
Table 3: Shape of two Datasets Before Feature Engineering. ....................................... 30
Table 4: Shape of datasets after Feature Engineering. .................................................. 34
Table 5: Results of Advanced Features, Ten Seasons Dataset .................................... 49
Table 6: Results of Advanced Features, Last Seasons Dataset ................................... 49
Table 7: Results of Basic Features, Ten Seasons Dataset ............................................ 50
Table 8: Results of Basic Features, Last Seasons Dataset ........................................... 51
Table 9: Top 5 most accurate predictable Players on Unseen Data with Ten Seasons
Datasets .................................................................................................................................. 52
Table 10: Final Results for Ten Seasons Datasets .......................................................... 52
Table 11: Top 5 most accurate predictable Players on Unseen Data with Last Seasons
Datasets .................................................................................................................................. 53
Table 12: Final Results for Last Seasons Datasets ......................................................... 53
Table 13: DraftKings Dataset............................................................................................... 55

Table 14: Lineup Prediction for the of May 2021 Matchday .................................... 57

List of Appendices
Appendix A: Post Data Cleaning Workflow ....................................................................... 66
Appendix B: Advanced Features Dataset Glossary ......................................................... 67
Appendix C: Basic Features Dataset Glossary................................................................. 76

1 Introduction
This dissertation consists of 7 chapters: The first chapter is the introduction of this topic.
The second chapter is a Historical Background and Literature review for sports analytics
domain. In chapter three, general DM and ML methods are used or mentioned in the
dissertation. The fourth chapter offers the main problem of this dissertation, with the
methodology process that was followed. The procedure of creating and using specific models
as target predicting the target values is analyzed in chapter five. The Results of the following
methods and the evaluation of these results are located in chapter six. Finally, the conclusion
and future work are concluded in chapter 7.
Sports analytics is an emerging field because the domain's value for teams, players, and
organizations is enormous. In recent years, it has been discovered that analytics and
performance prediction in the sports domain is necessary for the evolution of any sport, team,
and even the players. The big organizations-teams have departments focused on their and
opponent team analytics, trying to optimize their playstyle and detect problems that staff,
players, and coaches cannot see. For this reason, data has incredible value for the teams, and
via different methods (cameras, sensors), collect as much data as is possible for evaluation.
This dissertation focuses on Basketball and particularly on the NBA. The scope of this
dissertation is to produce predictions for the daily performance of any player participating in
the NBA while he has played at least ten matches in the past. Basketball is selected because it
offers plenty of statistics for both players and teams. Also, it can be considered as a challenging
domain of analysis and prediction making because data should be appropriately selected and
used focusing on the target variable.
In Basketball, many metrics and formulas refer to a player's overall performance in a
match. These can be; Efficiency (EFF), Player Impact Estimate (PIE), Player Efficiency Rating
(PER), and Usage Rate. In the following chapters will be further information about these
metrics. However, this dissertation focuses on another metric highly correlated with these
metrics above called Fantasy Points (FP).

Moreover, the daily performance of a player can be translated to Fantasy Points and is a
metric that betting companies use to rank each player based on his performance. Basketball is

a sport that entertains people in many ways, from watching it and supporting their favorite team
to betting on it with plenty of choices available (Win, points). However, a new opportunity has
come up for people to become coaches and choose their teams in recent years. Their choices
are evaluated and rewarded based on the Fantasy Points their players will achieve in each
Trying to predict daily performance is a difficult task to accomplish, while the daily
performance of a player can be affected by many factors. However, in this dissertation,
regression methods will be implemented to predict NBA players' daily performance using
historical advanced player and team data. With careful selection of data and creating efficient
features, high accuracy regression models will be compared; as a result, the selection of the best
to predict as accurately as possible the Fantasy Points for each NBA player participating in a

2 Literature Review
The aim of the section is to provide a comprehensive review of the relevant corpora
regarding Sports Analytics and, more specifically, NBA players’ performance prediction, NBA
Fantasy, and NBA Fantasy Lineups.

2.1 Historical Background

It is well known that Sports Analytics is an emerging field, and it is used by all big sports
organizations, professional teams, helping develop the team, improving the results, noticing
problems that are hard to find by people. The technology improvement over the years has
created new playstyles and tactics. Also, the evaluation of the results with the help of analytics
is a big deal for every kind of sport. Nowadays, the experience of a coach is not enough to be
competitive at a professional level.
However, years ago, when computers were not as capable tools as they are nowadays for
gathering data and making analyses, collecting data was manual, handwritten, hard to observe,
and time-consuming. For this reason, it is considered normal that there are no statistical records
for most sports games. While, chronologically, sports analytics appeared in the 19th century,
when the idea of analyzing a player's play helps evaluate the player's skills comes up [1].

2.1.1 Baseball

Baseball was the first sport that recording match statistics starts. In early 1837, then baseball
did not exist as we know it today. The first Baseball club, the Constitution of the Olympic Ball
Club of Philadelphia, played the first version of baseball. They called 'town ball' and kept a
scorebook with the runs scored every player did. Subsequent years (1845), the first box scores
make their appearance in New York Morning News, with only Batter's columns, include runs
and outs [2].

At the start, the sport had not the form it has today, while new regulations and statistics
were created in the following years. Until the early years of 1900, baseball was in development,
while rules and statistics were continuously expanding. For example, in 1858, nine more
columns per player formed a new box score; in 1867, terms like 'base hit' and total 'bases' came
up. Moreover, in 1872 the summarized, averaged stats created referring to 'total bases per game'
and 'batting average.' Also, often these statistics change form over the years or discard. In 1879
National League set as official statistic the "reached first base". However, remove it one year
later, replace it with 'based touched', and discard it later [3].
The need to keep more statistics born after 1900, when in 1905 started count times a player
did not complete a match, a new statistic called "times take out". Also, changes needed to be
made over the years; in 1912, President John Heydler of the National League replaced the
"earned run per game" with a new measure known as "earned run average". While in the same
year, measure "Who's Who in Baseball" record active players' batting and fielding averages.
The first attempt for an extensive record book was made in 1914 when Pittsburgh stat freak
George Moreland published the "Balldom", which introduces the critical list, "Eight Games in
Which First Baseman Made no Putouts". After this, in 1918, brothers Al Munro and Walter
Elias started a business known today as Elias Sports Bureau, which began by selling baseball
statistics. Finally, the National League hired them to keep the official numbers updated [4][5].
Almost 30 years after, in 1947, Baseball teams started to think that historical data could
optimize the results and evaluate the players' performance. For this reason, Brooklyn Dodgers
hired Allan Roth as a statistician. His job was to keep all sorts of new statistics to rate players.
He used historical data like performance in different ball-strike counts, batting average with
runners in scoring position, and more. The same strategy was followed by Branch Rickey, an
executive, and manager of ST. Louis Browns, who hired a statistician named Travis Hoke.
The years pass, and people are more interested in baseball statistics and performance. For
this reason, "Topps" include on their annual baseball cards complete statistics lines. In 1960,
Harvard University professor William Gamson created the "Baseball Seminar", which reminds
us of today's baseball fantasy [4].
Following 20 years (from 1960 to 1980) was crucial about the importance of Baseball
statistics. In 1969, The first comprehensive historical records book was published, known as
"The Baseball Encyclopedia". It concluded over 17 statistics for each player for each year from
1876. In 1970 the Mills brothers released the book "Player Win Averages". In addition, in 1971,
Bob Davids established the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) in Cooperstown,

New York. Society for American Baseball Research is still a Non Profit industry, having as
purpose to help people do baseball research. In 1979 Houston Astros also hired the first modern
stat analyst Steve Mann, while two years later, STATS Inc. developed a computer system
known as "Edge 1000" to help clubs keep their advanced statistics. [6]
Still, Sports Analytics had not gained the attention that it should of the fans and teams. This
until 1981, when Bill James published "The new Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract" to
make popular the sabermetrics to the ordinary people. Soon, Bill's book became an annual
bestseller, making him one of the most influential persons in baseball history. From then, people
started being interested in SA, more and more clubs started hiring people for today's analyst job
and concern about analytics. For example, in 1982, Eric Walker published "The Sinister First
Baseman", giving a new philosophy in the sport's strategy, making Sandy Alderson, executive
of Oakland, hire him as a consultant.
After the widespread publication of Bill James, it was clear for the clubs that SA makes the
difference on and off the court, evaluating players' performance and decision-making for the
strategies from clubs staff. For the next 20 years, with the help of the Society for American
Baseball Research (SABR), USA Today, and STATS Inc, statistics and sports analytics started
to become widely known. New publishes were done, and every professional club used them,
making their teams and players more efficient. The famous publicity in 2003 ‘Moneyball: The
Art of Winning an Unfair Game’ ensured everyone back then that analytics could make the
difference. Lastly, in 2004 the first full-length history of Baseball statistics book was published
by Alan Schwarz [7][8].

2.1.2 Football

Football origins are not clear; there are reports that Football first developed in ancient times
in Greece in the 7th century. Also, there are reports that in ancient Rome, there was a game
with a ball that existed in the military exercises (“Harpastum”), and this Roman culture brings
Football to the British Island. Rumors that the first stages of Football started developing as a
sport located in England in the 12th century. However, the rules and regulations were much
different from the form of Football we know [9].
The first rules and regulations of the game were attempted to be determined at a meeting in
Cambridge in 1848. Nevertheless, not a proper formula of rules was decided. The first

regulation was formed in England when the first Football Association started and agreed that it
was not allowed to carry the ball. In addition, the Association agreed about the size and the
weight of the ball. Back then, two playstyles dominate, British and Scottish. British chose to
run forward with the ball, and Scottish passed the ball between their teammates.
The 1871-1872 season organized the first Football Association Challenge Cup (FA Cup),
participating in twelve British teams. Teams from other countries could not join because the
Cup was located in England, and traveling was not easy at those times. The final result for the
first final in Football history made Wanderers the first football champions, defeating Royal
Engineers 1-0. Worth mentioning that National matchups started organized, with the first
national match be played one year later than the FA Cup.
In 1862, in Nottingham, the first professional club was established when there were no other
professional teams, while teams were made up of ordinary people and not particularly good fit
athletes. In the 1880s, money started to motivate people to play when money was a key factor.
Teams started having revenue and paying the players to perform as better as they could. Lastly,
in 1885 professional Football was approved, and in 1888 the first Football League was created
in England [10].
In 1904 famous Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded and
signed officially by many countries, like Spain, Denmark, France, Belgium, and more, when
England joined in 1906. While the first World Cup was organized in 1930, England and other
British countries did not participate because two years before left the organization even if they
invented the game. Finally, they rejoined in 1946 and participated in the World Cup of 1950
Football is also a sport that offers plenty of statistics, and most of them have great value for
either the club, the opponent, or the crowd. In 1950, a person introduced statistical analysis to
Football, Thorold Charles Reep, a war veteran passionate about Football. In 1933, when
Charles was located close to London, the captain of Arsenal approached Charles and had a
meeting about Arsenal’s playstyle. Charles, fascinated, started observing games for the next
seventeen years and used a mix of symbols to keep their notes updated during the match. His
primary target, how to maximize goal opportunities. He believed that more goal opportunities
could be born by the pair of wingers. His idea produced results for station teams and local
amateur teams when they used it.
Finally, in 1950, at the start of the following season, 1950-1951, Charles had the opportunity
to advise a Football League team. Charles used his contacts and came in touch with Brentford,

a team that had many difficulties ranked in last places of the League. Charles’ attacking advises
won thirteen of their last fourteen matches, and then his carrier as the first football analyst-
consultant started. He consulted many teams in his career, always tried to update and correct
his data. After many years of work, he had collected data from 2194. His calculations are based
on counting the number of passes and splitting them as sequences, set them into different
categories, and finally recond the number of goals scored for each category. While he calculated
the average of shots needed to achieve a goal, and the chances score based on the passes are
made [12][13].

2.1.3 Backetball (NBA)

In December of 1891, James Naismith, a college teacher at Springfield in Massachusetts,

invented Basketball. It all starts when his students run out of choices when they should play a
game indoors. His choice then was to force them to play the already invented games, like
Football or baseball. However, the circumstances exclude these options. Then he remembered
a game called rock-tossing that he was playing as a child, and he proposed a game that players
would throw a ball to a target. He used two peach baskets, nailed them on ten feet above the
floor at each end of the gym and a football ball. That was the day; Basketball was invented.
Following years, Basketball spread quickly around the world, while Naismith's students
helped by introducing the sport to new people. High Schools and colleges started to organize
teams, today's basketball ball was invented, and the rules changed, making the sport more
entertaining. Soon professional leagues and teams were formed, and the game became very
popular around the world. Lastly, in 1936 Basketball became an Olympic sport, and ten years
later, on the 6th of June in New York, The National Basketball Association (NBA) was invented
Nowadays, Basketball is a sport that is highly dependent on statistics and analytics. Teams
use data for decision-making about players, playstyles, and game strategies. However, Sports
Analytics is something new comparing with other sports; it all happened when Lawrence Dean
Oliver, an American statistician, published his book, "Basketball on Paper". In 2004, Oliver
introduced sports analytics in the Basketball world, while in the same year, and became the first
full-time statistical analyst in the NBA. His carrier as a sports analyst starts from the Seattle

SuperSonics team, and since then, he has worked with Denver Nuggets on NBA, with ESPN,
Sacramento King, and as an assistant coach to Washington Wizards [15].

A year after the publicity of "Basketball on Paper", the famous SportVU was created. Gal
Oz and Miky Tamir from Israel develop a real-time optical tracking system that identifies the
movements of every player on the pitch. In the 2010-2011 season, four NBA teams started using
SportVU, when in the next season, six more NBA contracted to use it. Lastly, since the 2013-
2014 NBA season, all NBA arenas have installed the SportVU camera system, and their teams
benefit from advanced statistics. SportVU offers plenty of innovative statistics based on speed,
distance, player separation, and ball possession, and teams can benefit from their analysis with
ML algorithms [16].

2.2 Related Work

2.2.1 Introduction

In this part of the Dissertation, we will present concisely previous work and relative
research. Detailed, the Literature review chapter will conclude three kinds of studies. Firstly,
we will cite topics relevant to basketball players' performance prediction, while many formulas
can translate the term performance in Basketball. Secondly, we will discuss research having as
a topic, players Fantasy points (FP) prediction, a metric high correlated with other performance
metrics. Also, we will focus on Daily Basketball Fantasy Line-up prediction, a new topic in
recent years.

2.2.2 Basketball Players’ Performance Prediction Overview

Predictions for potential basketball players' performance using DM and ML algorithms is

a new research subject. While some years ago, the evaluation methods and predictions for
players' performance were only the coach's deal based on his experience. However, in recent

years sports analytics and player performance prediction is becoming a significant research
In 2018, Leila Hamdard(B), Karima Benatchba, Fella Beckham, and Nesrine Cherairi [17]
using DM methods, tried to predict NBA players' performance working with data from seasons
2005-06 to 2013-14. Firstly, using the K-means clustering algorithm, they cluster players by
their historical performance and proven skills. Having as a target to detect any changes to the
performance-based clusters predicting their next games performance. Also, the same
experiment was transformed and, as a classification task, a Naive Bayes algorithm, using
clusters as labels based on their historical performance. While, finally, testing three specific
players' performance prediction with both two methods, they compare the results, and two of
the three players are classified in the same label-cluster that was assigned in the previous
clustering experiment. Lastly, they used a multiple regression model and exponential smoothing
algorithm based on athletes' historical statistics to predict their performance. Results show that
the exponential smoothing algorithm performed better.
In 2020, Mahboubeh Ahmadalinezhad and Masoud Makrehchi [18] had designed a unique
network based on NBA data from all the lineups and matchups of the teams from 2007 to 2019.
Using ML and graph theory, they create a metric called Inverse Square Metric and an edge-
centric multi-view network with a target to predict the performance of an NBA lineup anytime.
Specifically, the edge-centric approach provides a thorough examination of any situation of the
teams from 16 perspectives working with data like defense or offensive rebounds and many
other features. Results make clear that they constructed a highly accurate system with an edge-
centric multi-view method with an 80% average accuracy score, while ISM scored 68%.
Compared with the baseline methods, the results are improved by 10%, clarifying how efficient
the graph theory is in the lineup performance prediction problem.
Marti Casals and Jose A. Martinez [19], in 2013, tried to predict both points scored and
winning scores using mixed models with random effects. Also, they tried to find out which
feature-metric was essential to make these predictions. In their study, they considered all the
possible variables that may affect player performance. As a result, they created a dataset of
2187 examples, focusing on 27 NBA players in the 2007 regular NBA season. Results clarify
that variables like the player, his position, the difference in team quality, if the player started
the match, the minutes he played, and his usage rate were crucial to predict the points scored
successfully. In addition, the crucial variables to predict the winning score were the player, his
age, his position in the field, the difference in team quality, the relationship between his age

and his position, the minutes that he played, and the usage percentage. Lastly, they made their
predictions using a single model with all the data instead of creating daily models.

In 2020, Vangelis Sarlis and Christos Tjortjis [20] successfully predicted the NBA MVP
for the 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20 NBA season. In addition, they predict the best Defender
of the year for the following NBA season 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20. These forecasting
scenarios are performed based on certificated data from seasons 2017 up to 2020. Every season
of the dataset had 82 games and was split into four groups(Q1-Q4), while each group had
approximately 20 games of the season, starting from the first Q1 (~20 games) to the last Q4(~20
games). They selected 20 NBA players who participated at least in 30 games per season and at
least 15 minutes average participation time in each match. To make their predictions in each
category, they created two formulas, Aggregated Performance Indicator (API) and Defensive
Performance Indicator (DPI). The first formula, API, is adopted to predict the MVP of the
season, and it is a composition of box score statistics and important rating basketball analytics,
a synthesis of variables that illustrate the athlete's general performance. The second formula,
DPI, is used for forecasting the Best Defender of the year, and it is a combination of advanced
analytics variables focused on the player's contribution to the Defensive part of the team.
Finally, the predictions were successful; while it predicts the NBA MVP for season 2017 up to
2020, it is worth mentioning that this method is the only one that requires current data to make
an accurate prediction of the NBA MVP of the year. In addition, about the Best Defender of the
year predictions, the DPI formula successfully verified the Best Defenders of the year. Also,
noteworthy that this method is the only one that predicted the right, the best Defender of the

2.2.3 Fantasy Points and Daily Fantasy Lineups

Over the last fifteen years, a new method for fans participating in Basketball became very
popular worldwide. Companies offer the chance to users to take the role of the Team Manager
or the Coach and create their Fantasy Basketball lineup. Fantasy is a vast sector in the betting
industry, with millions of users trying to predict the best basketball lineup daily in terms of
performance. While the years pass, more and more companies conclude in their services the

Fantasy sports. Basketball Fantasy is highly competitive, while users compete against the other,
and the best lineup predictions are rewarded. While Basketball is a sport filled with analytics,
professionals and amateurs try to make predictions using raw statistics or other advanced
analytics and ML, building models and making up strategies.
In 2017, Charles South, Ryan Elmore, Andrew Clarage, Rob Sickorez, and Jing Cao [21]
introduced a way to predict player’s Fantasy Points (FP) and develop a system predicting the
best combination of players in the Daily Fantasy Lineups, having as target the best overall score
with a sure salary cap. They trained their models with data from Season 2013-14 and used their
system on season 2015-16, evaluating their predictions with the actual results. They followed
two methods; firstly, they used a Bayesian random-effects model to predict Daily NBA player
performance and generate a team baseline based on the game’s rules having a specific salary
cap and a constraint on the number of players who play in the same position. Secondly, they
develop a K-nearest neighbors model using the results from the previous Bayesian model to
identify the “successful” lineups. Both methods successfully generate profit in a hypothetical
experiment for the season 2015-16, with the KNN approach generating a more significant profit
than the Bayesian alone.
In addition, in the Fall of 2020, Connor Young, Andrew Koo, and Saloni Gandhi [22] try
to develop a system that predicts the best combination of players daily that their overall fantasy
score will be the better as possible with a constraint of overall fantasy cap of 50.000$. In other
words, they tried to predict the most efficient lineup in terms of fantasy value per salary unit.
They developed two models, Random Forest and Regularized Gradient Boosted Trees
(XGBoost), with NBA player and team data from 2014 to 2020. With feature engineering, they
experiment with over 70 features and evaluate the importance of these. Finally, their most
accurate model was XGBoost, and as they refer performed better by 8.58% than the published
projections of the largest betting company in the Fantasy sector (DraftKings).
In 2015, Eric Hermann and Adebia Ntoso [23] attempted to apply ML to Fantasy Basketball
to predict daily Basketball players' fantasy scores successfully and generate an eight-person
team. They started by framework the problem and scraped box score and team data from season
2014-15 and 2015-16 to train their models. The lineup they tried to predict, was composed of
eight players with constraints by the player's position. Also, by selecting a player, they should
give him a salary, and they set an overall cap of 50.000$ in total for the eight players. Their
study splits into two parts. The first part, to predict players' performance from historical data,
which is a regression problem. They used a linear regression model for the first part and

achieved an error of 7.5% less than DraftKings (DFS Company). The second part was about
choosing a team based on the predicted points of every player that had a game that he
participated in the specific night, and to construct their daily baselines, they used a multinomial
Naive Bayes Classifier and Beam Search to accelerate the running time.
In the Spring of 2019, James Earl [24] focused his study on a FanDuel (DFS Company)
tournament called 50/50s, and his goal was to select the best daily NBA performance lineup. In
this tournament, someone had to rank in the top half of the users who compete to have profit.
He used a dataset from the 2017-2018 NBA season and included historical data for every player
who competed in the League. The researcher implemented ML techniques using the R
programming language and specifically the Caret package. Furthermore, he implemented
classification methods creating a formula (players’ predicted fantasy points divided by his
adjusted FanDuel salary produced a value). The classification targeted predicting if a player
had a high ( a value above 0.5) or low ( a value of 0.0 to 0.5) fantasy performance. Continuously,
the researcher tried many classification methods with Support Vector Machine (SVM) model
performed better than the others succeeding 60% of accuracy. However, because the price of a
player is not constant and companies adjust it based on their predictions, the model results were
not trustworthy. For this reason, instead of SVM, the linear discriminate analysis was preferred,
providing the most useful predictions despite being less accurate than others achieving 59%

3 Main Research Topics
In this part of the Dissertation, general terms relative to the topic will be analyzed.
● Data Mining
● Machine Learning
● Sport Analytics
○ The Use of Sport Analytics
○ Basketball Fantasy

3.1 Data Mining

Data Mining is the process that achieves to extract knowledge from a large amount of data
using ML, Statistics, and Database Systems. DM is a subfield of Computer Science and evolves
statistics trying to discover patterns, trends and find meaning where the human eye cannot [25].
The implementation of DM tasks in databases is a procedure that requires:
● Data Selection
Data need to be extracted from sources, collected, and stored in Data
● Data Understanding
Before continuing, data should be understandable from the user
● Pre-processing
Dataset usually is not in the appropriate form for optimized DM tasks. For this
reason, cleaning should be done.
● Transformation
Datasets that contain “Noise” or missing variables should be processed and
transformed in a form capable of extracting knowledge.
● Data Mining
Common DM tasks are:
○ Anomaly detection; (The detection of an anomaly on data, unusual data records,
or data errors).
○ Association rule learning; (Finding relationships between variables).
○ Clustering: (Constructing groups from the data that in some way are related to
each other).
○ Classification: (Classify the data to already known structures).

○ Regression: (The attempting to find a function that fits the data with the least
possible error for extracting data relations).
○ Summarization; (Data representation, like visualizations or written reports).
● Evaluation
The results after the DM tasks should be evaluated for their significance in
extracting knowledge.
● Visualization
The visualization of the results from a DM task is essential for a better
understanding of them [26].

Figure 1: Data Mining Process

3.2 Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a kind of Artificial Intelligence in which applications can generate

accurate prediction outcomes without being specially programmed for specific occasions. It is
also a subfield of Computer Science, and its uses are to build models based on algorithms,
deploy them on data and make predictions or decisions. ML has many applications. Some of
them are; text processing, natural language processing, and speech recognition [27].
ML splits into three major types:
● Supervised Learning

● Unsupervised Learning

● Reinforcement Learning

3.2.1 Supervised Learning

Supervised Learning is a type of ML in which the algorithm is trained on accurately labeled

data. The ML algorithm works by giving a portion of the data to be trained, processing the
problem, the solution, and the kind of data. Train, test, and final datasets are often similar to
each other based on their characteristics. After training, the algorithm has found relationships
in given data between the input and output. Lastly, the trained model is deployed in the final
dataset and attempts to project the class labels for inconspicuous cases correctly. Supervised
Learning is separated into two types of problems, Classification, and Regression [28][29].
● Classification methods
○ Linear Classifiers
○ Naive Bayes
○ Support Vector Machines (SVM)
○ Decision Trees
○ K-Nearest Neighbor
○ Random Forest
○ Neural Networks

● Regression methods
○ Linear Regression
○ Logistic Regression
○ Polynomial Regression
○ Neural Networks

3.2.2 Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised Learning, in contrast with Supervised Learning, can work with unlabeled data
as input and output. For this reason, human intervention is not required to make the data
understandable to the machine. Because Unsupervised Learning has no labels to process, it
creates hidden structures, finding similarities and differences in data [30].

Common Unsupervised Learning approaches:

● Clustering
○ K-Means clustering (Exclusive and Overlapping Clustering)
○ Ward’s linkage (Hierarchical Clustering)
○ Average linkage (Hierarchical Clustering)
○ Complete (or maximum) linkage (Hierarchical Clustering)
○ Single (or minimum) linkage (Hierarchical Clustering)
○ Gaussian Mixture Models (Probabilistic clustering)
● Association Rules
● Apriori Algorithms
● Dimensionality Reduction
● Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
● Singular Value Decomposition
● Autoencoders

3.2.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning is similar to Supervised Learning; however, the model is not

trained using a portion of data but by trial and error—the algorithm works with an interpreter
and a reward system. In every loop of the algorithm, the outputs are evaluated by the interpreter
as favorable or not. The interpreter reinforces the solution if the outputs are correct; if not, the
algorithm is reiterated until a better result emerges [31].

Some applications of Reinforcement Learning can be applied in the following fields:

● Resources management in computer clusters
● Traffic Light Control
● Robotics
● Web System Configuration
● Chemistry
● Personalized Recommendations
● Bidding and Advertising
● Games
● Deep Learning

Figure 2: Machine Learning Structure and Applications [27].

3.3 Sports Analytics

Sports Analytics is a rapidly evolving topic because it provides advanced decision-making

and improvement information in competitive professional sports. Sports Analytics can offer
tremendous competitive advantages to a team using AI technology and statistical analysis on
valid data.

3.3.1 The Use of Sports Analytics

Sports Analytics is valuable in improving players and team performance, while it can
provide information and find patterns that an experienced coach can not for any individual
player performance and team tactics and strategies. One more major category of Sports
Analytics is the organization’s business performance, for example, advance analytics for ticket
pricing, social media appearance, promotions, and generally the interaction between fans and
teams-organizations. In addition, Sports analytics can be used for the analysis of player heal
and injuries. Furthermore, with Sports Analytics, it is possible to predict if a player is vulnerable
to injuries and must have time off or a therapy to be planned [32].

3.3.2 Basketball (NBA) Fantasy

The subject of Basketball Fantasy is to allow the fans to compete with each other, constructing
their team from all players that participate in NBA League. Many companies in the betting
industry offer Fantasy games with prizes in the first place. For Ranking the competitors, a
metric called "FP" (Fantasy Points) is used, representing each athlete's performance in the actual
Fantasy Points Formula [55] :

Point = Each point scored
REB = Rebound
AST = Assist
STL = Steal
BLK = Block
TOV = Turnover

However, some constraints on the team build-up exist. In most cases, one of these
constraints is the fictional salary cap, while every player has a salary and the budget for building
the team is fixed. In addition, one more constraint is the fundamental role of the player, while
the user has to pick players with different roles in NBA, mirroring a real team roster. The
constructed team must have eight players, one each of the traditional five roles (Point Guard,
Shooting Guard, Small Forward, Power Forward, Center), one additional guard, one forward,
and one of any of the five positions above. Also, the selected players have to be from at least
two NBA teams, and they must be selected from teams that have to play an actual match on the
specific day of interest [21][24].

The most often types of games are the "50-50" and the Tournament. The "50-50" is a game
in which to make a profit you have to be ranked in the top half places, while on the tournament
mode, only the top 20% of the competitors make a profit. The Rank list of the competitors is
contacted with each competitor's team Fantasy Points sum, which is an addition of each selected

player's Fantasy Points from the match on the specific day of interest. Lastly, the sum of the
Fantasy Points of the selected team is computed for each competitor who entered the same
game, and the winner is acclaimed [33].

4 Methodology
This Dissertation chapter will analyze the methodology for predicting each player’s Fantasy
Points for each game match chosen. Also, the process for Baseline Optimizer Lineup building
up using Fantasy Points prediction results will be examined. Starting with Data Engineering,
how data are scraped from a valid source, and continue with how data are cleaned and
transformed. Finishing with Feature Engineering, where time-lagged features are created.

4.1 Process Description

First of all, the appropriate dataset should be constructed. As valid data needed, the source
we used to scrape them was the NBA's official website ( Basketball is a sport with
plenty of statistics. For this reason, several datasets with different types of statistics are needed.
The data used is Player's Box Scores statistics and Team's Box Scores statistics.
After data were possessed, the necessary pre-processing was needed. While we had to clean
and transform each dataset from unnecessary statistics that gave us no further information about
the performance of the player or the team, each type of dataset for players and teams had to be
merged to proceed to predictions related to NBA Fantasy Points for each player.
The next step was to pre-process the data, testing for null values, duplicates, and noise.
Also, the transformation of each dataset was necessary for merging Players and Teams data into
one single dataset. The next most important phase was feature engineering and extraction
because each dataset row should have historical data.
In the prediction-making phase, to optimize our results and conduct better predictions, the
dataset was split into several smaller datasets per player, and one model for each player was
built and selected. The results of the conducted predictions were evaluated in terms of Mean
Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE).
The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) is a measure of a forecast system's accuracy.
It expresses this accuracy as a percentage, calculated as the mean or average of forecast absolute
percentage errors. The error is defined as the observed value minus actual values divided by
actual values for each time period. The following formula defines MAPE:

1 𝐴𝑡 − 𝐹𝑡
𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐸 = ∑ | |
𝑛 𝐴𝑡

where 𝐴𝑡 the actual value and 𝐹𝑡 the forecasted value

The MAPE is one of the most common evaluation metrics to determine the quality of a
regression model. However, the data should not contain outliers and zeros in order to use MAPE
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is a model assessment metric that is commonly employed
with regression models. A model's mean absolute error with regard to a test set is the average
of the absolute values of the individual prediction errors on all instances in the test set. Each
prediction error is the difference between the instance's true and predicted values. The following
formula defines MAE:
𝑀𝐴𝐸 = ∑|𝑦𝑖 − 𝑦̃𝑖 |

where 𝑦̃𝑖 is the expected value of the 𝑖-th sample and 𝑦𝑖 is the actual value [35].

Finally, we built up a Daily Fantasy Lineup Optimizer with restrictions to select the best
eight-player lineup for an NBA Fantasy Tournament for one day. To proceed with the
Optimizer, an additional dataset related to Fantasy Salaries and Positions of the players needed
and downloaded from the DraftKings website ( offers this kind of Tournaments.
The Daily Fantasy Lineup Optimizer results were evaluated by the sum of the actual results of
the Fantasy points of each player.
It is worth noting that, because of the large amount of data, the environment used for all the
processes was the Google Collaboratory with RAM power(51GB). Also, Python language was
utilized for download, pre-processing, feature engineering, building up ML models, predictions,
Daily Fantasy Lineup Optimizer phases.

4.1.1 Data Collection

There are plenty of websites that offer plenty of NBA historical data. However, these historical
data must be valid. For this reason, the official NBA website “” is selected to scrape

our data. Our research focuses on data from seasons “2011-12” to “2020-21”. Different types
of historical data were downloaded using Python and the Request library, specifying the
parameters. These parameters were :

● URL (

● Season Year ( “2011 - 12” to “2020 - 21”)
● Season Type ( “RegularSeason” / “Playoffs” )
● Measure Type
○ Player datasets
■ Base (68 features)
■ Advanced (82 features)
■ Misc (46 features)
■ Scoring (56 features)
■ Usage (56 features)

○ Team datasets
■ Base (57 features)
■ Advanced (49 features)
■ Misc (31 features)
■ Scoring (45 features)
■ Four Factors (31 features)
■ Opponent (57 features)

Each Player dataset contained Box Score statistics for each player for each game played for
ten Seasons. Also, each Team dataset contained Box Score statistics for each team for each
game played for ten Seasons. One hundred Player datasets were scraped for each type of data,
ten per type (one for each season), fifty for the Regular Season, and fifty for Playoffs. In
addition, One hundred and twenty Team datasets were scraped for each type of data, ten per
type (one for each season), sixty for the Regular Season, and sixty for Playoffs. Worth noting
that each dataset is stored as an excel file type to keep the appropriate format.
After collecting the data, various actions needed to clean and transform and finally take
place to the ML models’ variables and features.

4.1.2 Pre-Processing

The pre-processing phase started with merging datasets and cleaning the data. Firstly, for
Player datasets, every year’s dataset was merged for each type of dataset (Base, Advanced,
Misc, Scoring, Usage) for the Regular Season and Playoffs. To procedure, these datasets
contained useless columns and rank statistics in ever. These rank statistics were related to the
final ranks for every player or team at the end of the season, and for this reason, they were

In Player Datasets, the columns “SEASON_YEAR”, “PLAYER_NAME”,

“TEAM_ABBREVIATION”, “GAME_DATE”, “MATCHUP” and “WL” dropped in all
tables except one. For proceeding with merging, we kept “PLAYER_ID” and “GAME_ID” to
merge on.

Table 1: Features of Datasets related to Player Box Scores

In Team datasets, the columns “SEASON_YEAR”, “TEAM_ABBREVIATION”,
“TEAM_NAME”, “WL”, and “MATCHUP” dropped in all tables except for one. To proceed
with merging, we kept “TEAM_ID” and “GAME_ID” to merge on.

Table 2: Features of Datasets related to Team Box Scores.

Continuously, one more column was created, named “PLAYOFFS” in all datasets. In
Regular Season datasets, we set the value in all rows as “0”, while in Playoff datasets, we set
the value in all rows as “1”.
Regular Season and Playoff datasets are merged on dataset type (Base, Advanced, Misc,
Scoring Usage) in the next phase. The precisely same procedure is followed for Teams’
datasets. Finally, five datasets related to player data occurred (Base, Advanced, Misc, Scoring,
Usage) and six datasets related to team data occurred (Base, Advanced, Misc, Scoring, Four
Factors, Opponent). These datasets contained all Season years for Regular and Playoff Season.
Finally, datasets related to Player statistics (Base, Advanced, Misc, Scoring, Usage) are
merged on “PLAYER_ID”, “GAME_ID”. Also, datasets related to Team statistics (Base,
Advanced, Misc, Scoring, Four Factor, Opponent) are merged on “TEAM_ID”, “GAME_ID”.

Before merging Player and Team datasets, the final step was to remove players who do not
participate in the NBA anymore. For this reason, we list the Active IDs on Season 2020-21, and
based on this list; we exclude every player who is not included in this list from datasets.

df2021 = data.loc[data['SEASON_YEAR'] == '2020-21']

Active_IDs = df2021['PLAYER_NAME'].copy()
Active_IDs = Active_IDs.drop_duplicates()
Active_IDs = Active_IDs.to_list()

data = data[~data['PLAYER_NAME'].isin(Active_IDs) == False]

Figure 3: Code for clearing non Active NBA Players.

The final two Datasets had the following shape.

Player Data (145415, 106)

Team Data (25148, 100)

Table 3: Shape of two Datasets Before Feature Engineering.

4.1.3 Feature Engineering

The tables were already very informative; however, we needed to transform the datasets in
a form that its row contained past statistics and add some extra features to optimize our results.
Before continuing in-depth with the Feature extraction and engineering, we will present
some functions used to create our past statistics.

These functions are,

def get_previous_momentums(dataframe, columns)

In which, we calculate the value of the difference of 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑛 with 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑛−1 .

def get_previous_day(dataframe, columns)

Generating the value of the 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑛−1 .

def get_previous_xdays_avg(dataframe, days, columns)

Generating the mean of the number of days we select.

def get_previous_xdays_sum(dataframe, days, columns)

Generating the sum of the number of days we select.

def rest_days(dataframe, date_column)

Generating the difference of 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑛 with 𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑛−1 in “GAME_DATE”, calculating how many
rest days the player had before his last match.

# Previous Days Values

def get_previous_momentums(dataframe, columns):
for column in columns:
dataframe[column + '_MOMENTUM']=dataframe[column].diff()

def get_previous_day(dataframe, columns):

rows = len(dataframe.index)-1
for column in columns:
dataframe['LAST_MATCH_' + column]=np.nan
dataframe['LAST_MATCH_' + column][1:] = dataframe[column][0:rows]

def get_previous_xdays_avg(dataframe, days, columns):

for column in columns:
dataframe['LAST_MATCHES_' + str(days) + '_DAYS_' + column +

def get_previous_xdays_sum(dataframe, days, columns):

for column in columns:
dataframe['LAST_MATCHES_' + str(days) + '_DAYS_' + column +

def get_time_lagged_features(dataframe, columns):

get_previous_day(dataframe, columns)
get_previous_momentums(dataframe, dataframe.drop(columns =

for days in [3,5,7]:

get_previous_xdays_avg(dataframe, days, columns)
get_previous_xdays_sum(dataframe, days, columns)

#Create Rest_Days
def rest_days(dataframe, date_column):
dataframe[date_column]= pd.to_datetime(dataframe[date_column])
dataframe['REST_DAYS'] = dataframe[date_column].diff()
dataframe['REST_DAYS'] = (dataframe['REST_DAYS']).astype(str)

dataframe['REST_DAYS'] = dataframe['REST_DAYS'].str[:-5]
dataframe['REST_DAYS'] = (dataframe['REST_DAYS']).astype(int)
dataframe.loc[dataframe['REST_DAYS'] >= 5, 'REST_DAYS'] = 5

Figure 4: Code of functions for Feature Engineering.

First of all, we had to rename the columns of Team dataset to differ with Players’ dataset,
however we had to keep same name on columns on which we would merge the tables on ( for
example, “GAME_DATE”, “GAME_ID”). In addition, a new column was created “H/A” based
on “MATCHUP” column in which value is “0” when Team//Player participates on Home, and
“1” on Away. Before merging the datasets, we had to create Opponent last match statistics. For
this reason,we created dictionaries with Key: TEAM_NAME and value the table of each team.
After sorting these datasets by “GAME_DATE” and using the function get_previous_day
on Team dataset we created the Opponent statistics and finally added them on Team dataset.

#Filter only columns that we are interested in for gain value

df4 = df2.copy()
df4 = df4.filter(items=['GAME_DATE','TEAM_ABBREVIATION',
df4.sort_values(by = 'TEAM_ABBREVIATION', inplace = True)

#Rename them to take Opponent Data on each game


#Get Team's Last game Data

def get_previous_day(dataframe, columns):
rows = len(dataframe.index)-1
for column in columns:
dataframe['LAST_MATCH_' + column]=np.nan
dataframe['LAST_MATCH_' + column][1:] = dataframe[column][0:rows]

#Dictionaries of dataframes for Team to get Lasts match opp points / Split Dataset
to each Team
dfsteam = {}
groups = df4.groupby(df4.TEAM_ABBREVIATION)
columns =

dfopp = pd.DataFrame()
for i in tnames:
dfsteam[i] = groups.get_group(i)
dfsteam[i].sort_values(by = 'GAME_DATE', inplace = True)
get_previous_day(dfsteam[i], columns)
dfsteam[i] = dfsteam[i].filter(items=['GAME_DATE','TEAM_ABBREVIATION',
dfsteam[i].rename(columns = {'TEAM_ABBREVIATION' : 'OPPONENT'},inplace = True)

#Create a new Dataset with Opponent data

for i in tnames:
dfopp = dfopp.append(dfsteam[i], ignore_index=True)

#Merge Player Data with Team Data

df_merged = pd.merge(df, df2, on= (df2.columns).intersection(df.columns).to_list(),

#Get column Opponent

df_merged['OPPONENT'] = df_merged['MATCHUP'].str[-3:]
#Drop old, incorrect Opponent Data
df_merged.drop(columns = ['TEAM_OPP_EFG_PCT' ,'TEAM_OPP_FTA_RATE',
,'TEAM_OPP_PF', 'TEAM_OPP_PFD', 'TEAM_OPP_PTS'], inplace=True, axis=1)

Figure 5: Code related to Last match Opponent features.

While our goal was to predict each players' performance as best as possible based on
his past statistics, our purpose was to create two datasets. The first dataset would contain all
available statistics and the second one only with the basic statistics that construct the value of
Fantasy Points that we wanted to predict. For this reason, two different procedures were
followed. The following procedures are done using dictionaries, as Key: Player name and as
value the table of data of each player.
Before proceeding to Feature engineering, we had to exclude rookies and players who
underperform in Season 2020-21. For this reason, players that have less than 100 appearances
from season 2017-18 to season 2019-20. Also, we exclude the players who had less than 30
appearances in season 2020-21 and had less than 18 minutes mean participation time in season
2020-21. Also, we exclude players who perform poorly on Season 2020-21 in contrast with the

rest having FP means less than half of the total FP mean of all players. Furthermore, we encoded
all categorical features except of "SEASON_YEAR".
With the Pycaret library, we perform Anomaly Detection on Fantasy points on both of our
datasets. We found if there is an Anomaly on Fantasy Points by Standard Deviation (setting the
boundary on each players' standard deviation - 2) for each players' dataset for four months. In
this way, we created two new features, Smoothed FP, which smooths the value of Fantasy
Points. and Anomaly, which took value "1" if Anomaly detected and "0" if there was no
Anomaly detected.
After Anomaly detection, we had to create new columns with historical information for
each row. For the first dataset with all features, using the functions from above, we created
momentum columns for all informative columns, anomaly columns included. However, we
could not keep these columns because of the data leak appearance. Motivated by this, we
created new columns with last match statistics, last three matches sum statistics, and the last
match sums statistics. Furthermore, because our resource focuses on NBA Fantasy Points,
Instead of only "LAST_MATCH_NBA_FANTASY_PTS" column, we also created four
additional features, containing last three, last five, last seven, and last ten matches averages of
Fantasy Points.
As well, we exclude the appearances of each player that underperformed (FP <= 10)
because of injury or played less than one period (MIN <= 12) in each match. The final dataset
contained 203 of 540 players. Finally, we dropped all "present" columns related to each game
to avoid data leaks and keep only historical data for each match.
The same procedure is followed for the second dataset also. However, we exclude last game
sums, and of course, only primary and opponent data were included.

The final output of our two datasets is shown in Table 4,

Advanced Features (79036, 269)


Basic Features Dataset (79036, 67)

Table 4: Shape of datasets after Feature Engineering.

# Get momentum (differences in games)
# Get previous day (create new columns with data from last game)
# Drop necessery columns to avoid Data leak
# Drop games-rows that player scores no more than 10 FTS PTS

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):
get_previous_day(dfsfull[i], sums)

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):
dfsfull[i] = dfsfull[i][dfsfull[i]['MIN'] > 12]
dfsfull[i] = dfsfull[i][dfsfull[i]['NBA_FANTASY_PTS'] > 10]

for i in list(dfsfull.keys()):

Figure 6: Code for Feature Engineering implementation in Advanced Features Datasets.

# Get momentum (differences in games)

# Get previous day (create new columns with data from last game)
# Drop necessery columns to avoid Data leak
# Drop games-rows that player participated no more than 12 Minutes
# Drop games-rows that player scores no more than 10 FTS PTS

for i in list(dfsclear.keys()):
get_previous_momentums(dfsclear[i], columns)
get_previous_day (dfsclear[i], combine)
for days in [3,5,7,10]:
get_previous_xdays_avg(dfsclear[i], days,a)

for i in list(dfsclear.keys()):
get_previous_momentums(dfsclear[i], drop_anomaly)
get_previous_day (dfsclear[i], drop_anomaly)

for i in list(dfsclear.keys()):
dfsclear[i].drop(columns = drop_anomaly, inplace = True)

for i in list(dfsclear.keys()):
dfsclear[i] = dfsclear[i][dfsclear[i]['MIN'] > 12]
dfsclear[i] = dfsclear[i][dfsclear[i]['NBA_FANTASY_PTS'] > 10]

for i in list(dfsclear.keys()):
dfsclear[i].drop(columns = columns_to_drop, inplace = True)
dfsclear[i].drop(columns = added_columns_to_drop, inplace = True)

Figure 7: Code for Feature Engineering implementation for Basic Features Datasets.

In conclusion, after the appropriate feature engineering, we appended each value (data
frame) of each of the two dictionaries to a new data frame/table to create our two final datasets
and stored them to continue with ML Models.
The process followed to create the final datasets that contain each player’s records is shown
in Figure 8. The process starts with scraping different type of Player’s and Team’s data and
then removing season ranking data from the scraped data. Said data are then merged to create
an initial dataset for each player and each team. The process continues by merging each player’s
dataset with his respective teams’ dataset to create the base player datasets that will be used as
the base for the feature engineer in process.

Figure 8: Flowchart Diagram of Data.

5 Modeling
5.1 Pycaret

[54] Pycaret is an open-source ML library that benefits from automating ML workflows. It

replaces any handwritten code of ML algorithms in just a few lines. It offers plenty of ML
methods in Classification, Regression, Clustering, Anomaly Detection, NLP, and Association
Rules. In this particular project was selected because we needed to train each player's data and
make predictions separately to optimize the results.
The benefits of working on the Regression problem with Pycaret are plenty; it offers
automated data preprocessing services like scale and transformation, feature engineering, and
feature selection. Also, automate trains the most of available regression models, tune the
selected by the chosen metrics, and pick the best performing model based on test data. In
addition, Pycaret finalizes the selected model using testing data to predict unseen data.
Furthermore, it offers model ensembling like Bagging, Boosting, Stacking models, Blender
Bagging is an ensemble method that aims to decrease the variance. The goal here is to
generate various subsets of data from a training sample selected at random via replacement.
Each subset of data is utilized to train their regressor. This process results in an ensemble of
several models, each generating predictions. The average of these predictions result in a more
robust model [36].
Boosting is another ensemble method. The goal here is to train homogeneous regressors,
sequentially, as each regressor depends on the predictions of the previous one [36].
Blending and stacking are two assembly approaches, that utilize multimple regressor
trained on the same data and use their predictions as trained data for meta-regressor to produce
final prediction.[37]
When the target is to train multiple models, it is a great choice that optimizes the results,
while when the auto ml function is called, Pycaret picks the best-performing model. In addition,
using Pycaret, you can analyze the selected model. Function plot_model Pycaret provides a
detailed report and visualization charts to analyze the chosen model [34].

Pycaret can simultaneously train multiple ML regression models and compare them based
on results on test data.

A brief description of each Model that Pycaret offers will follow.

❖ Huber Regression
➢ Huber Regression technique uses a different loss function instead of the
traditional least-squares; it is less sensitive to outliers in data [43].

❖ Ridge Regression
➢ Ridge Regression is a specialized technique on data that suffer from
multicollinearity. By using Ridge Regression, the parameters are shrunk,
preventing multicollinearity, and finally, the complexity of the model is
reduced by coefficient shrinkage [44].

❖ Linear Regression
➢ Linear Regression is an essential and common technique used for predictive
analysis. It refers to a linear approach for modeling between a scalar and the
explanatory variables [45].

❖ Least Angle Regression

➢ Least Angle Regression is a technique preferred for high dimensional data.
Finding the higher correlated features to the target value pushes the regression
line in this directive until it contacts another variable with the identical or more
increased correlation [46].

❖ Bayesian Ridge
➢ Bayesian regression is usually selected for insufficient or inadequately
distributed data by formulating linear regression. It works by employing
probability distributors instead of point estimates. The response output (y) is
assumed to be computed by a probability distribution instead of estimated as a
single value [43].

❖ Orthogonal Matching Pursuit

➢ The Orthogonal Matching Pursuit approach is used to recover a high-
dimensional sparse signal from a small set of noisy linear measurements. It is
an iterative greedy method that selects the most correlated feature at each stage

❖ Passive Aggressive Regressor
➢ Passive Aggressive Regressor belongs to the category of online learning in
ML. This technique works by feeding its instances sequentially, individually,
or in groups called mini-batches. It is most commonly used in procedures
where data stream in a continuous flow [45][46].

❖ Adaboost
➢ Adaboost Regressor is a meta-estimator that works by matching a regressor on
the original data, and in the next phase, copies of this Regressor on the same
dataset using modified weights of instances based on errors in the first
prediction [47].

❖ Random Forest Regressor

➢ Random forest works by using ensemble methods (bagging). This technique
starts by constructing a large number of decision trees and delivers the
mean/mode of prediction of these [48].

❖ Gradient Boosting Regressor

➢ Gradient Boosting Regressor technique implements a regression tree by fitting
it on the negative gradient of the given loss function. This method enables the
optimization of any differentiable loss function [49].

❖ Extra Trees Regressor

➢ The Extra Trees Regressor method uses a meta estimator that fits several
different decision trees on different sum samples of the dataset and improves
accuracy by averaging [50].

❖ Lasso Regression
➢ Lasso Regression is a regularization technique and a linear regression method
that uses shrinkage. Usually, this method is preferred when a high level of
multicollinearity is presented. While, when there is an appearance of a large
number of features, it automatically performs feature selection [51].

❖ Light Gradient Boosting Machine

➢ Light Gradient Boosting is an extension of the gradient boosting method. It
follows an automated feature selection procedure and boosts examples with
more considerable gradients [52].

❖ Decision Tree Regressor

➢ Decision Tree Regressor is a popular regression that breaks down the dataset
into smaller and smaller subsets samples. In this way, a decision tree is
incrementally produced. The decision tree is constructed of nodes and leaf
nodes in its final form [53].

5.2 Data Modeling

In our case, we use the Pycaret tool and Google Colab with 51GB storage RAM and Python
3 Google Compute Engine backend (GPU). It is worth mentioning that all following procedures
are deployed to both of our datasets. First, we load our datasets' Advanced Features and Basic
Features and encode the categorical features, 'SEASON_YEAR' and
In the next phase, we split our datasets into smaller / per player datasets using dictionaries
in which each key is the Player's name and as value the Dataframe with his records. In this way,
we trained and evaluated each player model and selected the best one based on the model's
MAPE score.
The split that is followed in Modeling is 70% of data is used for training, 20 % of data is
used for Testing, and sorted by Date, last 10% of data is considered as Unseen data and used
for evaluating our models and their predictions are used for predicting the best possible Lineup
for the NBA Fantasy Tournament.
Furthermore, we take advantage of Feature Selection methods to reduce data
dimensionality before training our models. The methods that are deployed to our dataset are the
At first, transform the target variable that we want to predict (NBA FANTASY PTS) using
the Yeo-Johnson method because the distribution of NBA FANTASY PTS is a variable most
of the time with non-symmetric distribution. The Yeo-Johnson method can make the
distribution more symmetric.
Secondly, because the number of features is grand and our data per Player is contained
because each season has maximum 82 regular-season games plus playoffs, which in a few cases
a player can participate in all, we had to remove some features that did not add to the explained
variance of the model. In this stage, three methods are followed.

We remove multicollinearity between features. In this method, the features that are highly
linearly correlated with another feature variable and less correlated with the target variable are
dropped in the same dataset. Our dataset contained high correlated features increasing the
variance of the coefficients, making them unstable and noisy for the models. For this reason,
the multicollinearity threshold is set to 0.50, resulting in the features with inter-correlations
higher than 0.50 being dropped.
The second method that we use to constrain the feature space in order to improve efficiency
in Modeling is the feature importance method. Using a mix of permutation importance
approaches such as Random Forest, Adaboost, and Linear correlation with the target variable.
We set the feature selection threshold to 0.90, meaning that the algorithm will keep features
that explain at least 90% percent of the dataset's variance.
Thirdly, the last method to reduce feature space is related to categorical features
ignore low variance method for the categorical data. This method removes features with
statistically insignificant variances from the dataset. The variance is computed by dividing the
number of samples by the number of unique values and the rate of the most common value by
the rate of the second most common value. More detailed, two conditions must be fulfilled to
drop a feature by this method :
● Count of unique values in a feature / sample size < 10%
● Count of most common value / Count of second most common value > 20 times.

5.3 Model Selection

After the Feature Engineering, our next goal was to split our primary datasets to continue
with training our models. To optimize our results, having as the target to get as better results as
possible, we split our two primary datasets to per' player dataset as referred before using
dictionaries, resulting in two datasets for each player.
The training, testing, and evaluation stages are performed for all available records for each
player's dataset and a filtered version for each player's dataset. In the second version, restrictions
on data are applied, while we take the newest records for each player, trying to find the best
possible trend in the last three, four, and five seasons, depending on the amount of data of each

player. While we tested that to perform our algorithms well, each dataset should contain at least
one hundred records.

#Drop Seasons
def crop_matches(data):
dataframe = data.copy()
count = dataframe.apply(lambda x : True if (x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2020-21") |
(x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2019-20") | (x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2018-19") else False, axis =
num_rows = len(count[count == True].index)
if num_rows >= 100 :
dataframe = dataframe.loc[(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2020-21") |
(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2019-20") | (dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2018-19") ]
else :
count = dataframe.apply(lambda x : True if (x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2020-21") |
(x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2019-20") | (x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2018-19") |
(x['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2017-18") else False, axis = 1)
num_rows = len(count[count == True].index)
if num_rows >=100 :
dataframe = dataframe.loc[(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2020-21") |
(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2019-20") | (dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2018-19") |
(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2017-18")]
dataframe = dataframe.loc[(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2020-21") |
(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2019-20") | (dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2018-19") |
(dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2017-18") | (dataframe['SEASON_YEAR'] == "2016-17")]
data = dataframe.copy()
return data

Figure 9: Code for filter only Last Seasons

Each player's training, test, and evaluation processes were made separately, and the total
prediction MAPE score is calculated as the mean of all final models. Starting with training all
fourteen available algorithms with ten-fold validation, for each player and comparing their
results based on each MAPE score, after, we tuned the best three models and used the "blender"
function of Pycaret tool, that combine the top three models, one more model "Voting Regressor"
is made and compared with others. The next step was to compare all algorithms trained on the
player's dataset and pick the best based on MAPE score on Test data. After this selection, the
followed procedure was to train this model with all available data and test sets to finalize it.
Lastly, we made our predictions on Unseen data using the finalized model and evaluated our
results with actual data. The same procedure is followed in all datasets with Full, Basic Features.

5.3.1 Advanced Features Dataset Models

It occurs that every player’s model performs differently, while after comparing all trained
algorithms for each player dataset, the best model for each player is not the same and performs
differently. Using data from the last ten seasons, Random Forest Regressor fits better in 50
datasets/players, Bayesian Ridge Regressor in 42, Voting Regressor in 39.

Figure 10: Trained models in Advanced Features Ten Seasons Datasets

While using only last seasons, Voting Regressor fits better in 45 players/ datasets, the
second better fitting model in datasets is the Bayesian Ridge in 40 players/ datasets, and the
third most accurate model in some of datasets/ players is the Random Forest Regressor in 33 of

Figure 11: Trained models in Advanced Features, Last Seasons Datasets

It is worth mentioning that Linear, Extra Trees, Huber, Lasso, and Least Angle Regressors
were selected as best-fitting models in a few cases. With Random Forest, Bayesian Ridge, and
Voting Regressor being the most popular in both cases with ten seasons and last seasons data.

5.3.2 Basic Features Dataset Models

Using Basic Features Datasets, the same results are observed, that every player’s model
performs differently, while after comparing all trained algorithms for each player dataset, the
best model for each player is not the same and performs differently. Train our algorithms in 10
Seasons with Basic Features Datasets, the model that fits better in most players/ datasets is the
Voting Regressor while performing better in 61 of 203 of total selected players/ datasets. The
second most popular algorithm is AdaBoost Regressor fitting in 43 and the third one Bayesian
Ridge fitting in 32 of them.

Figure 12: Trained models in Basic Features, Ten Seasons Datasets

Lastly, selecting only Last Seasons for training, testing, and evaluating our datasets, using
only the Basic Features, the most popular model that fits better in most players/ datasets is again
the Voting Regressor performing best in 42 players' datasets. The second most popular is the
AdaBoost fitting better in 36 datasets and third the Random Forest Regressor fitting in 30 of
203 datasets.

Figure 13: Trained models in Basic Features, Last Seasons Datasets

Finally, using a model selection strategy on the models trained, tested, and evaluated on
data that consist of identical records (exact matches), we chose the best-performing model for
each player to finalize our results.

6 Results
In this chapter, we present the results of our research, including the results for each dataset.
Every player's dataset is trained separately and evaluated separately based on the Test set and
Unseen Data. Our split in all datasets was set to 70% of the dataset used for training each model,
20% for testing, and 10% as Unseen data. Unseen data is selected from the tail of each dataset
(newest data) to evaluate each player's model in the same period of timing. To evaluate the
whole project's results and compete the final MAPE and MAE score, we calculated the average
of total models MAPE and MAE score for each experiment, respectively.
Furthermore, except for NBA Fantasy points predictions results that would be evaluated,
we present the Daily Lineup Optimizer (DLO) that can be used for NBA Fantasy Tournaments,
in which we try to predict the best NBA Lineup with restrictions set by Fantasy Tournaments.

6.1 Advanced Features Datasets

Advanced Features datasets contain 269 features, and each player’s model is trained with
all available data from Season 2010-11 and separately with data from Last Seasons.

6.1.1 Ten Seasons Datasets

The scores for all 203 models trained with all available records since season 2010-11 are
shown in Table 5.

Averages of all 203 selected Models (Advanced

Features, Ten Seasons Datasets)

Test MAE 7.503

Test MAPE 0.306

Unseen MAE 8.032

Unseen MAPE 0.307

Table 5: Results of Advanced Features, Ten Seasons Dataset

We observe that MAPE results on test data are equal with these on Unseen Data, scoring
0.30 (30%), which means that we avoid overfitting, and our models are stable. However, MAE
is different on Test and Unseen data because the variance of our target value is more significant
on Unseen data.

6.1.2 Last Seasons Datasets

The mean of MAPE and MAE scores for all 203 models trained with Last Seasons records
is shown in Table 6.

Averages of all 203 selected Models (Advanced

Features, Last Seasons Datasets)

Test MAE 7.977

Test MAPE 0.316

Unseen MAE 8.150

Unseen MAPE 0.311

Table 6: Results of Advanced Features, Last Seasons Dataset

We also observe that MAPE in Test and Unseen data is similar again, 31%. However, MAE
scores are closer to each other than the Ten Seasons models mean. Nevertheless, models trained
on Last Seasons performed worse than those trained on the Ten Seasons dataset.

6.2 Basic Features Datasets

Using Last Three Seasons data, we set the restriction that the player must participate in at
least 100 games. Otherwise, we added the previous season's games that he participated until we
can successfully make our predictions with at least 100 records. We achieve the same length of
records for each player with Advanced Features Datasets in Basic Features Datasets. Moreover,
the filter for Last Seasons is the same.

6.2.1 Ten Seasons Datasets

The mean of the metrics of all 203 models trained with all available records since season
2010-11 is shown in Table 7.

Averages of all 203 selected Models (Basic

Features, Ten Seasons Datasets)

Test MAE 7.060

Test MAPE 0.289

Unseen MAE 7.544

Unseen MAPE 0.286

Table 7: Results of Basic Features, Ten Seasons Dataset

As we can observe, the results above are the best achieved so far. At the same time, the
MAPE average for all players is 0.289 and 0.2866 on Test Data and Unseen Data, respectively.
In addition, the MAE score is significantly lower than in other experiments transformed at 7.06
on Test and 7.54 on Unseen data.

6.2.2 Last Seasons Datasets

The mean of the metrics of all 203 models trained with all available records since Last
Seasons is shown in Table 8.

Averages of all 203 selected Models (Basic

Features, Last Seasons Datasets)

Test MAE 7.466

Test MAPE 0.297

Unseen MAE 8.017

Unseen MAPE 0.309

Table 8: Results of Basic Features, Last Seasons Dataset

It was evident that using Last Seasons datasets for predicting the accurate target value of
NBA Fantasy Points for each player using the Basic Features; the better strategy is to use all
available records offered. While all results are lower in this case, having Test and Unseen
MAPE score around 0.30 and MAE score bigger than in any Test and Unseen Data in contrast
with Last Season Datasets.

6.3 Optimizing our Results

We successfully predicted the target value of NBA Fantasy with an average Test MAPE
0.289 and Unseen MAPE 0.286 using Basic Features Ten Seasons Datasets. In the next phase,
we optimize these results by contrasting these results with the results of the Advanced Features
Ten Season Datasets. At the same time, both datasets contained the same number of records for
each player. We perform a model selection by results of Test Data. In this way, our final results
include models trained on both Full and Basic Features Datasets.

Table 9: Top 5 most accurate predictable Players on Unseen Data with Ten Seasons Datasets

The mean of the metrics of all 203 models trained with all available records since season
2010-11 is shown in Table 10.

Final Averages of all 203 selected Models (10

Seasons Datasets)

Final Test MAE 6.981

Final Test MAPE 0.283

Final Unseen MAE 7.544

Final Unseen MAPE 0.287

Table 10: Final Results for Ten Seasons Datasets

We checked that all models, in any case, are stable, and we prevented overfitting; for this
reason, we considered making this model selection for our final models, resulting in a more
accurate Test MAPE and MAE score for future long-term predictions.

6.3.1 Results Optimization

The same procedure is followed for Last Seasons datasets. We produce these results for
short terms results, while Last Season models are made to predict around the last 10 Matches
(Unseen Data). The following results are related to Last Seasons datasets, merging both Full
and Basic Features Datasets.

Table 11: Top 5 most accurate predictable Players on Unseen Data with Last Seasons Datasets

The mean of the metrics of all 203 models trained with all available records in Last Seasons
is shown in Table 12.

Final Averages of all 203 selected Models

(Last Seasons Datasets)

Final Test MAE 7.330

Final Test MAPE 0.289

Final Unseen MAE 7.736

Final Unseen MAPE 0.295

Table 12: Final Results for Last Seasons Datasets

As we can see, these results are efficient also while the difference in MAPE is only 0.8%
on the Unseen set of data predictions.

Figure 14: Stephen Curry Forecast Results with Last Seasons Dataset

We needed to save our predictions for the next phase of DLO. We used dictionaries having
as key Player Name and value the prediction table. However, each player’s prediction table had
to be selected carefully based on the final model and the predictions made from this specific
model and dataset. We had four predictions tables for each player, and based on the model and
dataset used, the correct prediction table is selected for each one.
The code for this process is shown in Figure 15, while predictions_full and
predictions_cut tables had the form of Table 11.

#Get the correct prediction table for each Player

#Based on model and Dataset used for training model and prediction are done

names = df['Player_name'].unique().tolist()
dictionary_final = {}
groups_full = predictions_full.groupby(predictions_full.PLAYER_NAME)
groups_CUT = predictions_cut.groupby(predictions_cut.PLAYER_NAME)

for i in names:
if df.loc[(df['Player_name'] == i) & (df['Dataset'] == 'Full Feature
dictionary_final[i] = groups_full.get_group(i)

elif df.loc[(df['Player_name'] == i) & (df['Dataset'] == 'Cut Feature

dictionary_final[i] = groups_cut.get_group(i)


Figure 15: Code for player’s prediction tables match by model and dataset.

6.4 Daily Lineup Optimizer

This section presents the built-up of an NBA Daily Lineup Optimizer, whose goal is to
calculate the best possible combination of the picks that will offer the maximum total NBA
Fantasy Points for a Match Day. This optimizer is based on Fantasy Tournaments that several
betting companies offer. These Tournaments' goal is to build a team that their players will score
the most Fantasy Points. Of course, some restrictions are applied on player selection. These
restrictions are the following:

❖ Buy a player at most once.
❖ Include players from at least 2 different NBA games
❖ The 8 roster positions are:
➢ One PG (Point Guard)
➢ One SG (Shooting Guard)
➢ One SF (Small Forward)
➢ One PF (Power Forward)
➢ One C (Center)
➢ One G (PG,SG)
➢ One F (SF,PF)
➢ One Util (PG, SG,SF,PF,C)
❖ Spend no more than $60,000.

6.4.1 Lineup Creation Process

In Fantasy Tournaments, there is always a total salary limit, while each player costs a salary
to our portfolio. However, our already owned datasets were not related to Fantasy Tournaments,
and we missed Salary data and the Position of each player. It is worth noting that the salary
variable. To perform our final predictions, we had to acquire the related salary and position data
from the Game Date that we wanted to predict the best possible Lineup based on our predicted
Fantasy Points records. For this reason, we accessed the DraftKings site and acquired the
missing data. This dataset contains every player who could participate in this day’s game, his
salary value, and his Position in court.

Table 13: DraftKings Dataset

The build-up of the best possible Lineup for a specific game is an optimization problem,
and to solve it, we used Linear Optimization [56]. For this reason, we used the PuLP library
[57]. We used the already scraped dataset from DraftKings and predictions made from Last
Seasons datasets to generate our Lineup, even if the scores are lower than 10 Seasons data
prediction's results. This is because models that trained using only data from the Last Seasons
can better capture the player’s form as a trend. Since the sample size is smaller the date
difference from the train set observations and the test set observations is smaller.
To start with the best Lineup prediction, we filtered players, whose performance we
predicted, who participated to a specific match day. For our experiment, we selected one of the
final games of the Regular Season in 2021 (15 May 2021). 26 different NBA teams participated
to 13 events (games) on this Match Day.
After filtering the players that participated in these events, we used a pool of 53 available
players to generate our Optimized Lineup. It is worth mentioning that we have a slight pull
because, in our research, we contained our predictions to players that are more likely to
participate in an event and have a good performance.

6.4.2 Lineup Results

Our aim was to create a lineup based on our predictions that will have the maximum
possible sum of NBA Fantasy Points for this matchday, and after evaluating it by the actual
sum of NBA Fantasy Points from the selected players.
Our generated Lineup for the 15th of May 2021 Matchday based on Predicted Fantasy Points
scored 359 Predicted Fantasy Points, which is the best combination with the specific restrictions
that we, set and scored 298 Actual Fantasy Points. These results are considered good, as any
lineup that scores around 300 in this kind of Tournaments is considered a good result,
specifically on the 15th of May 2021 that our predictions are made, two Fantasy Tournaments
took place. At the first Tournament, the average cash line that presents the lower limit that the
user’s lineup wins was 243.5 Fantasy Points, and in the second one, it was 294.5 Fantasy Points.

Player Name Position Salary

Andre_Iguodala SF 2400

Bruce_Brown SF 4300

Caris_LeVert SG 8600

Devin_Booker SG 8500

James_Harden PG 10800

Karl_Anthony_Towns C 10100

LeBron_James PG 9600

Thaddeus_Young PF 5600

Total Predicted Fantasy Points : 358.7

Total Actual Fantasy Points : 297.5

Spending $ : 59900

Position Restrictions fulfilled

PG 2

SG 2

SF 2

PF 1

C 1

Table 14: Lineup Prediction for the of May 2021 Matchday

6.5 Evaluation of Results

This section refers to issues that came up during the project and the procedures that we
followed to overcome these. Also, the results of this project are evaluated.
The first challenge of this project was to select the appropriate amount and type of data to
use for prediction making. Basketball is a game rich off statistics, and almost every statistic can
be helpful for research purposes. For this reason, we had to select the type of data and the
appropriate number of Seasons correctly. During Preprocessing, some useless attributes were
eliminated. Those were different kinds of Ranks that refer to end of season ranks of players or
teams for all the kinds of statistics because this kind of data does not give further information
for the performance of each player or team in any particular game.
However, extra data could be gathered from wearable devices or betting odds, which is
more likely to improve model performance. Nevertheless, it is hard to gather such historical
data because they are not accessible online. In addition, financial data about players and teams
could be efficient for our models.
Another problem during this research is that because we choose to use one final model for
each player if he is a rookie or injured for a long time, we would lack data for splitting sets to
train, test, and evaluation. For this reason, we focus our research on players who have
participated at least in 100 matches and at least for one period of each match.
The results of this project are promising. Achieved accuracy in the long and short terms can
be considered more than satisfactory. While our models were trained with data from Season
2010-11, we can accurately predict their performance in terms of Fantasy Points for over half-
season with MAE lower than 29%. The same efficient results occur for short terms (around 15
games) using Last Seasons data.
Building an efficient Lineup with restrictions from scratch is also a challenge. At the same
time, our predicted lineup is based on predicted data. We achieved 298.5 Fantasy Points on one
Game Date, which is considered a good score, while the average cash line from two
tournaments that were held on the 15th of May 2021 were 243.5 and 294.5 [54].

7 Conclusion and Future Work
In this study, we successfully predicted each player's performance-focused on his historical
data in terms of Fantasy Points. Additionally, using these predictions, we created a Lineup
Optimizer with restrictions which purpose was to maximize the total Fantasy Points of the built
Lineup for a specific date.

7.1 Conclusion

Player performance prediction, probably the most fundamental case of sports analytics, was
analyzed in this project.
The first stage of this project was to build several successful models to predict each NBA
player’s performance as well as possible, based on their historical data. For this reason, several
models for each player were created and compared to each other to optimize the results. The
data were just historical (from Season 2010-11 to Season 2020-21) and contained plenty of
different kinds of NBA’s Box Scores statistics. Four different experiments were conducted
separately for each player with different data periods and different kinds of NBA’s Box Score
statistics to select the best-performing model. Results showed that we could successfully predict
each player’s performance in Fantasy Points with MAPE 28,9% and MAE 6.98 on the Test set
and 7.54 on Unseen data.
In addition, in the second stage of the project, we successfully built a Daily Lineup
Optimizer to maximize the total sum of Fantasy Points. Using our predictions from a specific
date, we managed to create an eight-player lineup that scores 298 Fantasy points, which is
considered a successful result in contrast with the available Tournament’s results for the 15th
of May [54].
Concluding, sports analytics is already acknowledged as a hot field that teams, players, and
companies are taking into account. Although data are generated rapidly by players and teams
during training and matches, the collection and analysis of these data make DM and ML
excellent tools for everyone related to Sports. Nowadays, every NBA team has Data Science
and Sports Analysis departments, taking this expanding industry into account.

7.2 Future Work

This project shows that it is possible to make short and long-term predictions about player
performance based on historical data. For this reason, researchers could work on the same path
for further improvement. However, based on this project, there is room for improvement.
Our proposed method involves a detailed prediction-making process based on different
metrics related to Box Scores statistics. It contains player's Basic, Advanced, Misc, Scoring,
Usage types of metrics and team's Base, Advanced, Misc, Scoring, Four Factors and Opponent
types of metrics. While there are not many more statistics related to Box Scores, further
improvement in the results might exist, with different analysis.
One idea that could probably improves the results is sentiment analysis on Twitter and other
social platforms for every player and team. Furthermore, these results can be used as features
at the final forecast. Sentiment Analysis will provide an overview of the public opinion on every
player's upcoming performance. However, it should be done precisely to ensure that results are
related to future performance and not an evaluation of historic performance
Additionally, Association Rules in the analysis of Basketball tactics can optimize results
also. In addition, it can provide hidden relations between the players, give us an overview of
performance improvement and deterioration for each player depending on the starting lineup.
In addition, knowing the starting lineup and subs for any upcoming match, Association Rules
results can also be considered a feature in player performance forecast [58].
Finally, a potentially good extension in our data could be the betting odds. Betting odds
related to match result, and team points scored, assists, blocks, and other statistics offered for
betting reasons. Moreover, odds related to a player's performance can be beneficial, offering
the potential probability of each player points score, assist, blocks, turnovers, double-double,
and triple-double. However, this type of historical data is hard to find, and players' performance
odds are usually offered only for certain star players.

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We include here our Process Model (Appendix A).
The flow of the process starts with the two types of datasets (Basic and Advanced Features
datasets from Section 4.1.1) from which two new datasets are created one contain data from all
seasons and one with only the last season. Then multiple ML models are trained on and
compared on each dataset using 10-fold cross validation. The 3 best models in terms of MAPE
for each dataset are then tuned and then used to create a blended model. For each dataset all the
trained models are evaluated on the test set that was held out by Pycaret for the final evaluation.
Finally, the best model is used to generate the predictions that will be fed on the lineup optimizer
which maximize the sum of the selected lineups FPs based on these predictions, while
considering the restrictions imposed by the betting platforms (i.e., budget, player position,
number of players etc.).
Additionally, Advanced Features are shown in (Appendix B) and Basic Features are shown
in (Appendix C).

Appendix A: Post Data Cleaning Workflow

Appendix B: Advanced Features Dataset Glossary

REST_DAYS Days brake before last match (over

'5' assigned as '5')
Last Game's Opponent's
LAST_MATCH_OPP Offensive Rating difference from
_TEAM_OFF_RATIN Game before last
The Season Year G_MOMENTUM

PLAYER_NAME Player's Name Last Game's Opponent's

LAST_MATCH_OPP Defensive Rating difference from
_TEAM_DEF_RATIN Game before last
TEAM_NAME Team's Name
Last Game's Opponent's Net
LAST_MATCH_OPP Rating (Difference of OFF/DEF)
_TEAM_NET_RATIN difference from Game before last

Last Game's Opponent's Sum

LAST_MATCH_OPP Fantasy Points scored difference
H/A Home or Away ('1' for Home, '0' for
_TEAM_NBA_FANT from Game before last
The Fantasy Points Scored
NBA_FANTASY_PT Last 3 Game's sum of wins
PLAYOFFS Playoff Match or not ('1' for Playoff,
'0' for Regular Season) Last 3 Game's sum of DD2
LAST_MATCHES_3 (Double-Double)
OPPONENT The Opponent that team/Player
faces Last 3 Game's sum of TD3 (Triple-
Opponent's last match Offensive
Last 3 Game's sum of participation
LAST_MATCHES_3 minutes

Opponent's last match Defensive

LAST_MATCH_WL Last Game's Result (Win '1' or
Lose '0')
LAST_MATCH_DD2 Last Game made Double-Double
Opponent's last match Net Rating or not
LAST_MATCH_OPP (Difference of OFF/DEF)
G LAST_MATCH_TD3 Last Game made Triple-Double or
Opponent's last match Sum
LAST_MATCH_OPP Fantasy Points scored
LAST_MATCH_MIN Last Game's minutes participated

Last Game's type of Last Game's Team's Steals
LAST_MATCH_PLA Game(Playoffs '1' or Regular LAST_MATCH_TEA
YOFFS Season '0') M_STL

Last Game's Team's minutes Last Game's Team's Blocks


Last Game's Team's Field Goals Last Game's Team's Blocks


Last Game's Team's Field Goals Last Game's Team's Personal Foul

Last Game's Team's Field Goals Last Game's Team's Personal


Last Game's Team's 3-Point Field Last Game's Team's Points Scored

Last Game's Team's 3-Point Field Last Game's Team's Estimated

LAST_MATCH_TEA Goal Attempted LAST_MATCH_TEA Offensive Rating

Last Game's Team's 3-Point Field Last Game's Team's Offensive


Last Game's Team's Free Throws Last Game's Team's Estimated


Last Game's Team's Free Throws Last Game's Team's Defensive


Last Game's Team's Free Throws Last Game's Team's Assist


Last Game's Team's Offensive Last Game's Team's Assist to


Last Game's Team's Defensive Last Game's Team's Assist Ratio


Last Game's Team's Rebound Last Game's Team's Defensive


Last Game's Team's Assists Last Game's Team's Offensive


Last Game's Team's Turnovers Last Game's Team's Rebound's


Last Game's Team's Turnover MR

Last Game's Team's Effective Last Game's Team's Percent of

LAST_MATCH_TEA Field Goal Percentage LAST_MATCH_TEA Points (3-Point Field Goals)

Last Game's Team's True Last Game's Team's Percent of

LAST_MATCH_TEA Shooting Percentage LAST_MATCH_TEA Points (Fast Break Points)

Last Game's Team's Estimated Last Game's Team's Percent of


Last Game's Team's Pace Last Game's Team's Percent of

Last Game's Team's Pace per 40
LAST_MATCH_TEA Minutes Last Game's Team's Percent of
M_PACE_PER40 LAST_MATCH_TEA Points (Points in the Paint)
Last Game's Team's Possessions
LAST_MATCH_TEA Last Game's Team's Percent of
M_POSS LAST_MATCH_TEA Assists 2 Point Field Goals Made
Last Game's Team's Impact
LAST_MATCH_TEA Estimate Last Game's Team's Percent of
M_PIE LAST_MATCH_TEA Unassisted 2 Point Field Goals
Last Game's Team's Points off
LAST_MATCH_TEA Turnovers Last Game's Team's of Assists 3
Last Game's Team's 2nd Chance
LAST_MATCH_TEA Points Last Game's Team's of
M_PTS_2ND_CHAN LAST_MATCH_TEA Unassisted 3 Point Field Goals

Last Game's Team's Fast Break Last Game's Team's of Assists


Last Game's Team's Paint Touch Last Game's Team's of

LAST_MATCH_TEA Points (The number of points LAST_MATCH_TEA Unassisted Field Goals Made
M_PTS_PAINT scored by a player or team on M_PCT_UAST_FGM
touches in the paint)
Last Game's Team's Free Throw
Last Game's Team's Percent of LAST_MATCH_TEA Attempt Rate
LAST_MATCH_TEA Field Goals Attempted (2 Pointers) M_FTA_RATE
Last Game's Opponent
Last Game's Team's Percent of LAST_MATCH_OPP
LAST_MATCH_TEA Field Goals Attempted (3 Pointers) ONENT
Last Game's Field Goals Made
Last Game's Team's Percent of LAST_MATCH_FGM
LAST_MATCH_TEA Points Made (2 Pointers)
Last Game's Field Goals
Last Game's Team's Percent of
LAST_MATCH_TEA Points (2-Point Field Goals: Mid
M_PCT_PTS_2PT_ Range)

Last Game's Percent Field Goals LAST_MATCH_PTS Last Game's Points

Last Game's Field Goals Made (3 Last Game's Fantasy Points


Last Game's Field Goals Last Game's Estimated Offensive

LAST_MATCH_FG3 Attempted (3 Pointers) LAST_MATCH_E_O Rating

Last Game's Field Goals Last Game's Offensive Rating


LAST_MATCH_FTM Last Game's Free Throws Made Last Game's Sp Work Last Game's
LAST_MATCH_sp_ Offensive Rating

LAST_MATCH_FTA Last Game's Free Throws Last Game's Estimated Defensive

Attempted LAST_MATCH_E_D Rating

Last Game's Free Throws Last Game's Defensive Rating


Last Game's Offensive Rebounds Last Game's Sp Work Last Game's

LAST_MATCH_ORE LAST_MATCH_sp_ Defensive Rating

Last Game's Defensive Rebounds Last Game's Assists Percentage


Last Game's Rebounds Last Game's Assist to Turnover

LAST_MATCH_AST Last Game's Assists
Last Game's Assist Ratio
LAST_MATCH_TOV Last Game's Turnovers
Last Game's Offensive Rebound
LAST_MATCH_STL Last Game's Steals
Last Game's Defensive Rebound
LAST_MATCH_BLK Last Game's Blocks
Last Game's Rebound Percentage
Last Game's Blocks Against _PCT
A Last Game's Team's Turnover
LAST_MATCH_TM_ Percentage
LAST_MATCH_PF Last Game's Personal Fouls TOV_PCT

Last Game's Estimated Turnover

LAST_MATCH_E_T Percentage
LAST_MATCH_PFD Last Game's Personal Fouls OV_PCT

Last Game's Effective Field Goal Last Game's Opponent Points Off

Last Game's True Shooting Last Game's Opponent Second

LAST_MATCH_TS_ Percentage LAST_MATCH_OPP Chance Points
Last Game's Usage Percentage
LAST_MATCH_USG (Ratio of plays used to Last Game's Opponent Fast Break
_PCT possessions) LAST_MATCH_OPP Points
Last Game's Estimated Usage
LAST_MATCH_E_U Percentage Last Game's Opponent Points in
Last Game's Estimated Pace
LAST_MATCH_E_P Last Game's Percentage Of Field
ACE LAST_MATCH_PCT Goals Attempted that are two-point
_FGA_2PT field goal attempts
Last Game's Pace
LAST_MATCH_PAC Last Game's Percentage Of Field
E LAST_MATCH_PCT Goals Attempted that are three-
_FGA_3PT point field goal attempts
Last Game's Pace per 40 Minutes
LAST_MATCH_PAC Last Game's Percentage Of Points
E_PER40 LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from two-point field goals
Last Game's Sp Work Pace
LAST_MATCH_sp_ Last Game's Percentage Of Points
work_PACE LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from two-point field goals
_PTS_2PT_MR from mid-range field goals
LAST_MATCH_PIE Last Game's Player Impact
Estimate Last Game's Percentage Of Points
LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from three-point field goals
Last Game's Possessions
LAST_MATCH_POS Last Game's Percentage Of Points
S LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from fast break
_PTS_FB opportunities
Last Game's Field Goals Made Per
LAST_MATCH_FGM Game Last Game's Percentage Of Points
_PG LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from free throws
Last Game's Field Goals
LAST_MATCH_FGA Attempted Per Game Last Game's Percentage Of Points
_PG LAST_MATCH_PCT that are off turnovers
Last Game's Points Off Turnovers
LAST_MATCH_PTS Last Game's Percentage Of Points
_OFF_TOV LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from the paint
Last Game's Second Chance
LAST_MATCH_PTS Points Last Game's Percentage Of two-
_2ND_CHANCE LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
_AST_2PM assisted
Last Game's Fast Break Points
LAST_MATCH_PTS Last Game's Percentage Of two-
_FB LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
_UAST_2PM unassisted
Last Game's Points in the Paint
LAST_MATCH_PTS Last Game's Percentage Of three-
_PAINT LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
_AST_3PM assisted

Last Game's Percentage Of three- Last Game's Percentage Of Blocks
LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are LAST_MATCH_PCT Attempted while on court
_UAST_3PM unassisted _BLKA

Last Game's Percentage Of field Last Game's Percentage Of

LAST_MATCH_PCT goals made that are assisted LAST_MATCH_PCT Personal Fouls while on court

Last Game's Percentage Of field Last Game's Percentage Of

LAST_MATCH_PCT goals made that are unassisted LAST_MATCH_PCT Personal Fouls Drawn while on
_UAST_FGM _PFD court

Last Game's Percentage Of Field Last Game's Percentage Of Points

LAST_MATCH_PCT Goal Made while on court LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court

Last Game's Percentage Of Field Last Game's minutes participated

LAST_MATCH_PCT Goal Attempts while on court LAST_MATCH_MIN Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of three- Last Game's Field Goals Made

LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goal made while on LAST_MATCH_FGM Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of three- Last Game's Field Goals

LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goal attempts while on LAST_MATCH_FGA Attempted Difference From Game
_FG3A court _MOMENTUM Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of free Last Game's Percent Field Goals

LAST_MATCH_PCT throws made while on court LAST_MATCH_FG_ Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of free Last Game's Field Goals Made (3

LAST_MATCH_PCT throw attempts while on court LAST_MATCH_FG3 Pointers) Difference From Game

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Field Goals

LAST_MATCH_PCT Offensive rebounds while on court LAST_MATCH_FG3 Attempted (3 Pointers) Difference
_OREB A_MOMENTUM From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Field Goals

LAST_MATCH_PCT defensive rebounds while on court LAST_MATCH_FG3 Percentage Difference From Game

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Free Throws Made

LAST_MATCH_PCT Rebounds while on court LAST_MATCH_FTM Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Free Throws

LAST_MATCH_PCT Assists while on court LAST_MATCH_FTA Attempted Difference From Game
_AST _MOMENTUM Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Free Throws

LAST_MATCH_PCT Turnovers while on court LAST_MATCH_FT_ Percentage Difference From Game

Last Game's Percentage Of Steals Last Game's Offensive Rebounds

LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court LAST_MATCH_ORE Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of Blocks Last Game's Defensive Rebounds

LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court LAST_MATCH_DRE Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Rebounds Difference Last Game's Sp Work Last Game's
LAST_MATCH_REB From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_sp_ Defensive Rating Difference From
_MOMENTUM work_DEF_RATING Game Before Last
Last Game's Assists Difference
LAST_MATCH_AST From Game Before Last Last Game's Assists Percentage
_MOMENTUM LAST_MATCH_AST Difference From Game Before Last
Last Game's Turnovers Difference
LAST_MATCH_TOV From Game Before Last Last Game's Assist to Turnover
_MOMENTUM LAST_MATCH_AST Ratio Difference From Game
_TO_MOMENTUM Before Last
Last Game's Steals Difference
LAST_MATCH_STL From Game Before Last Last Game's Assist Ratio
_MOMENTUM LAST_MATCH_AST Difference From Game Before Last
Last Game's Blocks Difference M
LAST_MATCH_BLK From Game Before Last
_MOMENTUM Last Game's Offensive Rebound
LAST_MATCH_ORE Rating Difference From Game
Last Game's Blocks Against B_PCT_MOMENTU Before Last
LAST_MATCH_BLK Difference From Game Before Last M
Last Game's Defensive Rebound
Last Game's Personal Fouls LAST_MATCH_DRE Rating Difference From Game
LAST_MATCH_PF_ Difference From Game Before Last B_PCT_MOMENTU Before Last

Last Game's Personal Fouls Last Game's Rebound Percentage

LAST_MATCH_PFD Drawn Difference From Game LAST_MATCH_REB Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Points Difference Last Game's Team's Turnover

LAST_MATCH_PTS From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_TM_ Percentage Difference From Game
Last Game's Fantasy Points
LAST_MATCH_NBA Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Estimated Turnover
_FANTASY_PTS_M LAST_MATCH_E_T Percentage Difference From Game
Last Game's Estimated Offensive
LAST_MATCH_E_O Rating Difference From Game Last Game's Effective Field Goal
FF_RATING_MOME Before Last LAST_MATCH_EFG Percentage Difference From Game

Last Game's Offensive Rating Last Game's True Shooting

LAST_MATCH_OFF Difference From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_TS_ Percentage Difference From Game
Last Game's Usage Percentage
Last Game's Sp Work Last Game's LAST_MATCH_USG (Ratio of plays used to
LAST_MATCH_sp_ Offensive Rating Difference From _PCT_MOMENTUM possessions) Difference From
work_OFF_RATING Game Before Last Game Before Last
Last Game's Estimated Usage
Last Game's Estimated Defensive LAST_MATCH_E_U Percentage Difference From Game
LAST_MATCH_E_D Rating Difference From Game SG_PCT_MOMENT Before Last
Last Game's Estimated Pace
Last Game's Defensive Rating LAST_MATCH_E_P Difference From Game Before Last
LAST_MATCH_DEF Difference From Game Before Last ACE_MOMENTUM

Last Game's Pace Difference From Last Game's Opponent Points in
LAST_MATCH_PAC Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_OPP the Paint Difference From Game
Last Game's Pace per 40 Minutes
LAST_MATCH_PAC Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Percentage Of Field
E_PER40_MOMENT LAST_MATCH_PCT Goals Attempted that are two-point
UM _FGA_2PT_MOMEN field goal attempts Difference From
TUM Game Before Last
Last Game's Sp Work Pace
LAST_MATCH_sp_ Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Percentage Of Field
work_PACE_MOME LAST_MATCH_PCT Goals Attempted that are three-
NTUM _FGA_3PT_MOMEN point field goal attempts Difference
TUM From Game Before Last
Last Game's Player Impact
LAST_MATCH_PIE_ Estimate Difference From Game Last Game's Percentage Of Points
MOMENTUM Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from two-point field goals
_PTS_2PT_MOMEN Difference From Game Before Last
Last Game's Possessions TUM
LAST_MATCH_POS Difference From Game Before Last
S_MOMENTUM Last Game's Percentage Of Points
LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from two-point field goals
Last Game's Field Goals Made Per _PTS_2PT_MR_MO from mid-range field goals
LAST_MATCH_FGM Game Difference From Game MENTUM Difference From Game Before Last
_PG_MOMENTUM Before Last
Last Game's Percentage Of Points
Last Game's Field Goals LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from three-point field goals
LAST_MATCH_FGA Attempted Per Game Difference _PTS_3PT_MOMEN Difference From Game Before Last
_PG_MOMENTUM From Game Before Last TUM

Last Game's Points Off Turnovers Last Game's Percentage Of Points

LAST_MATCH_PTS Difference From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from fast break
_OFF_TOV_MOMEN _PTS_FB_MOMENT opportunities Difference From
TUM UM Game Before Last

Last Game's Second Chance Last Game's Percentage Of Points

LAST_MATCH_PTS Points Difference From Game LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from free throws
_2ND_CHANCE_MO Before Last _PTS_FT_MOMENT Difference From Game Before Last

Last Game's Fast Break Points Last Game's Percentage Of Points

LAST_MATCH_PTS Difference From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT that are off turnovers Difference
_FB_MOMENTUM _PTS_OFF_TOV_M From Game Before Last
Last Game's Points in the Paint
LAST_MATCH_PTS Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Percentage Of Points
_PAINT_MOMENTU LAST_MATCH_PCT that are from the paint Difference
M _PTS_PAINT_MOM From Game Before Last
Last Game's Opponent Points Off
LAST_MATCH_OPP Turnovers Difference From Game Last Game's Percentage Of two-
_PTS_OFF_TOV_M Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
OMENTUM _AST_2PM_MOMEN assisted Difference From Game
TUM Before Last
Last Game's Opponent Second
LAST_MATCH_OPP Chance Points Difference From Last Game's Percentage Of two-
_PTS_2ND_CHANC Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
E_MOMENTUM _UAST_2PM_MOME unassisted Difference From Game
NTUM Before Last
Last Game's Opponent Fast Break
LAST_MATCH_OPP Points Difference From Game Last Game's Percentage Of three-
_PTS_FB_MOMENT Before Last LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are
UM _AST_3PM_MOMEN assisted Difference From Game
TUM Before Last

Last Game's Percentage Of three- Last Game's Percentage Of Steals
LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goals made that are LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court Difference From
_UAST_3PM_MOME unassisted Difference From Game _STL_MOMENTUM Game Before Last
NTUM Before Last
Last Game's Percentage Of Blocks
Last Game's Percentage Of field LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court Difference From
LAST_MATCH_PCT goals made that are assisted _BLK_MOMENTUM Game Before Last
_AST_FGM_MOME Difference From Game Before Last
NTUM Last Game's Percentage Of Blocks
LAST_MATCH_PCT Attempted while on court
Last Game's Percentage Of field _BLKA_MOMENTU Difference From Game Before Last
LAST_MATCH_PCT goals made that are unassisted M
_UAST_FGM_MOM Difference From Game Before Last
ENTUM Last Game's Percentage Of
LAST_MATCH_PCT Personal Fouls while on court
Last Game's Percentage Of Field _PF_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last
LAST_MATCH_PCT Goal Made while on court
_FGM_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Percentage Of
LAST_MATCH_PCT Personal Fouls Drawn while on
Last Game's Percentage Of Field _PFD_MOMENTUM court Difference From Game
LAST_MATCH_PCT Goal Attempts while on court Before Last
_FGA_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last
Last Game's Percentage Of Points
Last Game's Percentage Of three- LAST_MATCH_PCT while on court Difference From
LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goal made while on _PTS_MOMENTUM Game Before Last
_FG3M_MOMENTU court Difference From Game
M Before Last Last Three Game's Fantasy Points
Last Game's Percentage Of three- _DAYS_NBA_FANT
LAST_MATCH_PCT point field goal attempts while on ASY_PTS_AVG
_FG3A_MOMENTU court Difference From Game
M Before Last Last Five Game's Fantasy Points
Last Game's Percentage Of free _DAYS_NBA_FANT
LAST_MATCH_PCT throws made while on court ASY_PTS_AVG
_FTM_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last
Last Seven Game's Fantasy Points
Last Game's Percentage Of free LAST_MATCHES_7 Average
LAST_MATCH_PCT throw attempts while on court _DAYS_NBA_FANT
_FTA_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last ASY_PTS_AVG

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Ten Game's Fantasy Points

LAST_MATCH_PCT Offensive rebounds while on court LAST_MATCHES_1 Average
_OREB_MOMENTU Difference From Game Before Last 0_DAYS_NBA_FAN

Last Game's Percentage Of Last Game's Fantasy Points

LAST_MATCH_PCT defensive rebounds while on court LAST_MATCH_NBA Smoothed Difference From Game
_DREB_MOMENTU Difference From Game Before Last _FANTASY_PTS_S Before Last
M moothed_MOMENT
Last Game's Percentage Of
LAST_MATCH_PCT Rebounds while on court Last Game's Anomaly Detected
_REB_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_Ano Difference From Game Before Last
Last Game's Percentage Of
LAST_MATCH_PCT Assists while on court Difference Last Game's Fantasy Points
_AST_MOMENTUM From Game Before Last LAST_MATCH_NBA Smoothed
Last Game's Percentage Of moothed
LAST_MATCH_PCT Turnovers while on court
_TOV_MOMENTUM Difference From Game Before Last Last Game's Anomaly Detected

Appendix C: Basic Features Dataset Glossary

REST_DAYS Days brake before last match

FEATURE EXPLANATION (over '5' assigned as '5')

Last Game's Opponent's Sum

SEASON_YEAR The Season Year LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Fantasy Points scored
_NBA_FANTASY_PTS_MO difference from Game before
PLAYER_NAME Player's Name

Last Game's Opponent's

LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Offensive Rating difference
GAME_DATE The Date of Match
_OFF_RATING_MOMENTU from Game before last

H/A Home or Away ('1' for Home,

Last Game's Opponent's
'0' for Away)
LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Defensive Rating difference
_DEF_RATING_MOMENTU from Game before last
NBA_FANTASY_PTS The Fantasy Points Scored

TEAM_ABBREVIATION Team's Name Last Game's Opponent's Net

LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Rating (Difference of
_NET_RATING_MOMENTU OFF/DEF) difference from
OPPONENT The Opponent that M Game before last
team/Player faces
LAST_MATCH_MIN Last Game's minutes
Opponent's last match Sum participated
LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Fantasy Points scored

Opponent's last match

LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Offensive Rating LAST_MATCH_FG3M Last Game's Field Goals

_OFF_RATING Made (3 Pointers)

Opponent's last match LAST_MATCH_REB Last Game's Rebounds

LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Defensive Rating

LAST_MATCH_AST Last Game's Assists

Opponent's last match Net

LAST_MATCH_OPP_TEAM Rating (Difference of
LAST_MATCH_STL Last Game's Steals

PLAYOFFS Playoff Match or not ('1' for

LAST_MATCH_BLK Last Game's Blocks
Playoff, '0' for Regular

LAST_MATCH_TOV Last Game's Turnovers Last Game's Assists
LAST_MATCH_AST_MOM Difference From Game
ENTUM Before Last
LAST_MATCH_DD2 Last Game made Double-
Double or not Last Game's Steals
LAST_MATCH_STL_MOM Difference From Game
LAST_MATCH_TD3 Last Game made Triple- ENTUM Before Last
Double or not
Last Game's Blocks
Last Game's Net Rating LAST_MATCH_BLK_MOM Difference From Game
LAST_MATCH_NET_RATI (Difference of OFF/DEF) ENTUM Before Last
Last Game's Turnovers
LAST_MATCH_USG_PCT Last Game's Usage LAST_MATCH_TOV_MOM Difference From Game
Percentage (Ratio of plays ENTUM Before Last
used to possessions)
Last Game's Double-Double
LAST_MATCH_PIE Last Game's Player Impact LAST_MATCH_DD2_MOM Difference From Game
Estimate ENTUM Before Last

LAST_MATCH_WL Last Game's Result (Win '1' Last Game's Triple-Double

or Lose '0') LAST_MATCH_TD3_MOM Difference From Game
ENTUM Before Last
Last Game's Team's
LAST_MATCH_TEAM_OFF Offensive Rating Last Game's Net Rating
NG_MOMENTUM Difference From Game
Last Game's Team's Before Last
LAST_MATCH_TEAM_DEF Defensive Rating
_RATING Last Game's Usage
LAST_MATCH_USG_PCT_ Percentage (Ratio of plays
Last Game's Team's Fantasy MOMENTUM used to possessions)
LAST_MATCH_TEAM_NBA Points Difference From Game
_FANTASY_PTS Before Last

Last Game's minutes Last Game's Player Impact

LAST_MATCH_MIN_MOM participated Difference From LAST_MATCH_PIE_MOME Estimate Difference From
ENTUM Game Before Last NTUM Game Before Last

Last Game's Points Last Game's Opponent's

LAST_MATCH_PTS_MOME Difference From Game LAST_MATCH_OPPONENT Difference From Game
NTUM Before Last _MOMENTUM Before Last

Last Game's Field Goals Last Game's Fantasy Points

LAST_MATCH_FG3M_MO Made (3 Pointers) Difference LAST_MATCH_NBA_FANT Difference From Game
MENTUM From Game Before Last ASY_PTS_MOMENTUM Before Last

Last Game's Rebounds Last Game's Team's Fantasy

LAST_MATCH_REB_MOM Difference From Game LAST_MATCH_TEAM_NBA Points Difference From

UM Game Before Last Last Three Game's Fantasy
LAST_MATCHES_3_DAYS_ Points Average
Last Game's Win or Lose
LAST_MATCH_WL_MOME Difference From Game Last Five Game's Fantasy
NTUM Before Last LAST_MATCHES_5_DAYS_ Points Average
Last Game's Rest Days
LAST_MATCH_REST_DAY Difference From Game Last Seven Game's Fantasy
S_MOMENTUM Before Last LAST_MATCHES_7_DAYS_ Points Average
Last Game's Playoffs
LAST_MATCH_PLAYOFFS Difference From Game Last Ten Game's Fantasy
_MOMENTUM Before Last LAST_MATCHES_10_DAYS Points Average
Last Game's Home or Away
LAST_MATCH_H/A_MOME Difference From Game Last Game's Fantasy Points
Last Game's Team's
LAST_MATCH_TEAM_OFF Offensive Rating Difference LAST_MATCH_Anomaly Last Game's Anomaly
_RATING_MOMENTUM From Game Before Last Detected

Last Game's Team's Last Game's Anomaly

LAST_MATCH_TEAM_DEF Defensive Rating Difference LAST_MATCH_Anomaly_M Detected Difference From
_RATING_MOMENTUM From Game Before Last OMENTUM Game Before Last

Last Game's Fantasy Points Last Game's Fantasy Points

ASY_PTS ASY_PTS_Smoothed_MOME Game Before Last
Last Game's Opponent


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