Upsc Books For Prelims and Mains 64
Upsc Books For Prelims and Mains 64
Upsc Books For Prelims and Mains 64
Before choosing the right USPC Mains Books, it is important to understand the UPSC
Exam Pattern for the Mains exam as it contains numerous papers. We have
categorized the UPSC Book List for Mains subject-wise as per the GS Papers
1. UPSC Books for GS1 - History, Indian Art & Culture, Geography
2. UPSC Boos for GS Paper 2 - Polity & IR
3. UPSC GS Paper 3 Books - Economics, Environment and Internal Security
4. UPSC GS 4 Books - Ethics
After completing the basic books, you can move on to the following History Books
for IAS
The history section of UPSC Mains Syllabus includes History and Indian Heritage &
Culture. In the UPSC Mains exam, world history is also included. Check the selected
UPSC Booklist to complete the history section
Geography Books for UPSC Prelims include both Indian geography and world
geography, and the following are some recommended books for this subject.
UPSC Books for Geography include all topics such as Indian Geography, Physical
Geography, etc. The best way to cover Geography for the UPSC Mains GS Paper 1 is
by covering the NCERTs first before moving on to advanced books. It is fair to
assume that aspirants must have covered the basic NCERTs for the UPSC Prelims
Books for UPSC Prelims Polity cover the basic and in-depth understanding of
Parliament, Union States, Local Administrations, Constitutions, etc. Following are
some recommended books to cover these topics.
Above mentioned Polity Books for UPSC are for building the foundation. Below we
have mentioned some standard books for covering Polity.
Books for UPSC Mains GS paper 2 include sections that cover polity, governance,
and IR. It is important to note that current affairs play a huge part in the GS Paper 2
section. The Best Books for IAS Polity are mentioned below.
UPSC Prelims Books for Economics would give you an in-depth idea about the issues
associated with society, economic growth, and development, demographics, poverty,
etc. here are the best books you can refer to cover these topics.
The Economics books for IAS Mains focus on conceptual clarity and understanding
of everyday economics. Along with the UPSC Mains books for Economics, aspirants
must supplement their preparation with the Annual Budget and Economic Survey.
You can also check Environment and Disaster Management – Tata McGraw Hill. The
above listed books are useful for both Prelims & Mains GS Paper 3
Many aspirants often face problems because there is a huge amount of UPSC study
material to complete in a limited period of time. Reading too many books for IAS
would confuse you. That’s why we have prepared this simple strategy that would help
you to read the books efficiently.
• Start picking up only a unit from the UPSC syllabus and choose a book as per
the content of that unit. It would be a wise decision to pick one standard book
for a particular subject and build a basic understanding.
• If you are a beginner then you should start with NCERT books as the content is
written in simple language, and explain the concept with ease.
• After that start making notes from the book. Make sure you are covering all the
topics of that subject while creating notes.
• Highlight the important points so that you can glance through them in the
revision period.
• UPSC exam requires purposeful reading, so make sure you are reading the
books for IAS dedicatedly.