Adolescent Girls With An Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Adolescent Girls With An Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Adolescent Girls With An Autism Spectrum Disorder1
Pamela Jacobs
My very special thanks go to the girls and their parents who participated in this
project, and who so willingly shared their invaluable experiences, knowledge and
insights. It is my hope that the information you have shared about your life as a girl
with ASD will inform those who work with girls in the future. None of this would
developmental disorders, I can say with a good deal of authority that there is not
nearly enough information on the unique ways in which autism spectrum disorders
(ASDs) affect females. Considering that the penalty females pay for flying under the
must conclude that more information on girls with ASDs is needed post haste.”
• Girls with ASD are diagnosed significantly less than boys, at a rate of 4:1
(Attwood 2006).
• Sensory issues and anxiety add to the difficulties girls with ASD experience.
• During adolescence, girls with ASD are at increased risk of not fitting in,
feeling alienated from their age level peers and experiencing bullying and
appropriate support.
• To provide insight and ideas from girls, their families and schools.
autobiographical accounts, about adolescent girls with ASD resulted in the following
• Adolescent girls with ASD are less identifiable and diagnosed later than
boys, and may not receive appropriate support. This is partly due to bias in
the diagnostic criteria, the belief that ASD is a “male disorder”, the knowledge
of behaviours, and levels of awareness and concern of parents, educators
and clinicians influence clinical diagnosis of girls with ASD. Girls are
difficulties and social difficulties. Girls exhibit the same symptoms of ASD
The presentation of symptoms in girls is often less obvious, less atypical and
less overt. They can appear socially integrated due and seem to have mature
language skills due to their ability to imitate their peers and adults and their
desire to “fit in” and not be noticed as different. Analysis reveals this is not
so, and frequently their ASD becomes more evident in early adolescence when
Kopp (2011) found that more that one in two girls with ASD had been bullied.
Adolescent girls’ bullying techniques are more covert than boys, less physical and
and extended periods of feeling excluded can significantly affect outcomes for
In most girls and boys with ASD, comorbid psychiatric or behavioural disorders
are quite common. Anxiety was found to be higher in adolescent females with
ASD than in adolescent males with ASD, there was no difference in depression
scores, but internalizing scores were significantly higher. Girls with ASD scored
higher in all areas than typical girls. Other internalising disorders can also develop
due to stress and anxiety. For example, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
occurs as a result of social anxiety. It was also found that, as well as anxiety, girls
with ASD frequently experienced depressive conditions sleep problems, OCD and
Education and training in ASDs across the spectrum, particularly at the higher
functioning level, is essential for all educators at all levels in mainstream schools
Unfortunately, many educators are unaware of the way girls with ASD present
and therefore are not aware of their unique needs. For adolescent girls with ASD
subject teachers results in teachers not being effectively informed or trained and in
them using unsuitable teaching strategies in the classroom. This can result in
“socially isolated, lonely, potentially depressed individuals who will not be able to
capitalize on their high potential” Wagner (cited in Attwood & Grandin 2006, p.
57 participants were involved in this research project. There were 24 girls with
ASD between the ages of 10 and 20 years, 24 parents /caregivers, and 9 school
The guiding questions were the same for all the participants and covered
All interviews were transcribed by the researcher, and the results analysed to
The results supported the findings of the Literature Review. The three main
themes or issues which were found to have the most impact on the ability of the
• It was found that most girls missed out on early diagnosis and were diagnosed
at a later age than boys (Average Age was 9.6 years) and so missed out on
• 79% had a prior diagnosis other than ASD. 92% had another diagnosis as well
as ASD, and 62% had more than one diagnosis apart from ASD.
• All participants found that receiving a diagnosis was positive and 59%
Special Interests
• All the girls had special interests. These interests were many and varied,
and most were common to all girls. It was the intensity and endurance of
• An interest in animals, birds and insects was common, and 25% were
peers or teachers. 38% had difficulty communicating with both peers and
Academic Strengths and Challenges
academic success.
by 25%.
Social / Emotional
or report it at school.
2. Peer Relationships
participants. Of those who did not report concerns (8), five reported
• Supportive peer groups and tolerance at school, did not necessarily equate
to friendships.
3. Mental Health
Self Determination
• 58% of the participants felt positive about their future, and only one felt
Sensory Issues
lack of support.
over 13 years. They were aware of their lack of real friendships and
wanted to develop them. They lacked the skills to do this.
• Exclusion was more ongoing. Social intimidation and social exclusion can
• Anxiety was often hidden at school but affected school attendance and
discussed above. Although, some of the other diagnosed learning strengths
and difficulties clearly had an affect on academic achievement, and
implemented to maximise social success and emotional well being, this
• Self-‐determination involves the ability to self regulate and self manage
one’s own behaviour, be less dependent on others, express preferences
will minimise the effects of anxiety and depression. Education of girls
with ASD should also develop the skills to make decisions, solve problems
Sensory Issues
defuse the situation before the stress escalates and becomes unmanageable.
found to be useful. Strategies should be mutually determined and
overload is essential.
and reciprocate appropriately. Social skills support strategies will also support
1. Regular sessions with a counselor or trusted staff member who can provide
trusted person to talk to can help in many areas not just communication.
with ASD express feelings appropriately and reduce anxiety. Some of these
these visual instructions and assignments are presented in a form that is
is being said and checking that they are not over-‐whelmed by the general
classroom noise. This will minimise the effects of auditory sensory
overload and auditory processing issues that are common for girls with
assignment requirements. This is critical, as adolescent girls with an ASD
will often not say they do not understand and will not ask for help.
Some strategies to minimise bullying and exclusion, and support adolescent girls
adapted to suit the students and the type of bullying occurring, small
group or 1:1 education about bullying, and learning strategies to deal
with bullies
1. Establishing a safe haven / quiet place for students to access at recess and
anxiety and depression and will help develop and maintain self
1. Educators need an in depth knowledge of the cognitive ability, learning
style and the skills, abilities and challenges faced by each individual girl
3. Reduced homework.
5. Pre-teaching of content.
Areas for future research could include sensory integration difficulties and their
impact on anxiety, social and communication difficulties at school. The effects of
into the effectiveness of some of the strategies suggested as supportive of
adolescent girls with ASD in education facilities (for example peer group support
and safe havens for both bullying and sensory overload) could assess the value of
the strategies.
Future Outlook
the positive outlook of adolescent girls with ASD is not costly, and does not require a
lot of resources. It requires the awareness of school and educators to the needs of
adolescent girls with and ASD and their willingness to address these needs.
• These strengths are the positives that, with future research, will improve
understanding and outcomes for adolescent girls and women with ASD.