Nintendo Power Issue 233 (October 2008)
Nintendo Power Issue 233 (October 2008)
Nintendo Power Issue 233 (October 2008)
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Ñ E зн
⁄ жы ТОД АДУ
1 i на ! VILE
100 пан ох
wan 4 s
Shake Your
Booty 34
Old meets new in
Wario Land: Shake
It!, the amazing 2-D
powered by Wii
motion controls.
Date with
Destiny 42
We spend some time
with Time Hollow,
a classic-style DS
adventure with a
temporal twist.
Reach for
the Stars 50
A star is reborn with
Kirby Super Star Ultra,
a feature-heavy DS
remake of the Super
NES classic.
NE jtd| Gites Р
Vd quw y ⁄
^ Chant: YМое Chosen и
Next Month
тту ay
July's ЕЗ still has everyone buzzing about the games that were—and
weren't—shown, and recent Nintendo Power exclusives Mega Man 9 and
Sonic and the Black Knight continue to be a hot topic of discussion. This
month's question: which series would you pick to get a Mega Man 9-type
retro treatment? Send your opinions to the address on page 8!
this new trend of mixing old-school gam- another wild goose chase like your
last one (the one with the moon—
ing and new-school technology. Mega you know what I'm talking about!).
Man 9 merges NES-style action with Heh, sorry, Hotrod—considering
WiiWare's modern download service; that our Next Month page is usu-
Wario Land: Shake It! uses Wii-powered ally written at 2am on the day of
our deadline, you've got to let us
graphics and motion controls to breathe enjoy ourselves a little. So far,
new life into 2-D platforming; this though, all of the clues we've
dropped on those pages have
For NES kids of the '805,
month's featured DS title, Time Hollow, had the simplest answers: the
Capcom's new retro-style Mega
Man 9 is like a time-machine
refreshes the classic PCstyle adventure moon hinted at Castlevania, and
the close-up of Sonic's back with
trip back to your youth.
genre; beloved RPGs like Dragon Quest the sword related to Sonicand
IV and Final Fantasy IV have been re- the Black Knight. That's why we COUPLE QUARREL
get a kick out of folks who over- 1was playing Super Smash Bros.
imagined for DS; and even a modern-day examine Next Month like it's the Brawl with my boyfriend when
classic like Wii Sports is set for a stunning Zapruder film. | mean, if we were
going to drop a bomb as bigasa
we started to argue over the
pronunciation of the Deku Nut.
makeover thanks to new superaccurate new Kingdom Hearts game, we'd Granted, it's the most pointless
Wii MotionPlus controls. just tell you, right? Or... would we?
Of course we would. I think.
item in Ocarina of Time, but is it
pronounced "Deh-ku" or "Day-
The innovative features of the DS and ku?" (I think it's the first.)
Wii—and sometimes even the limitations VIVA LA RETRO Ocarina of Time is my all-time
REVOLUTION favorite game. The first time 1
of these systems—have pushed game |just got a look at Mega Man 9 for watched my brother play it back
creators to, well, get creative. Ina Wii, and as soon as | picked my jaw
up off the floor, | ran to my com-
in the N64 days, it was magical. |
remember seeing Zora's Domain
market where you can’t simply take last puter to write you guys. Looking at and being amazed at how beautiful
year’s game and tack on HD graphics, MM? took me back to when games
were simple but a blast to play. |
the setting was. I'm currently
tryingtobeat the game with only
developers have to work harder and wish all of the other old franchises three hearts since I've played
smarter for success. This issue we spot- that are still around would go back
to the 8-bit style.
through it at least five times and
have everything memorized. Might
light the 15 Wii and DS titles that stand TIM as well up the challenge! Anyway,
to do the best job of pushing gaming, Mega Man 9-fantastic idea! Its
please help resolve our debate!
and Nintendo’s hardware, into bold new retro design is revolutionary and Laura, you are indeed correct:
areas this fall and beyond. Turn to page should be taken further with many
more new games in the style of the
the famed nut is pronounced
“Deh-ku.” Coincidentally, it's
54 and get ready to be happy! classics. Let me be the first to offer a little-known fact that the
up the idea of another game that “Power” in Nintendo Power is
many fans would no doubt love to pronounced “Pow-WARRR!”, with
see: Super Mario Bros. 4. a kind of panther growl at the
Animal Crossing: City
Folk and Wii Sports
Resort took center
stage at this year's E3
while Mario, Link, and
® samus took a breather.
new Zelda, Mario, Smash
How pumped are you about Bros ‚ Mario Kart, and Metroid
Animal Crossing: City Folk? The games~it’s simply too soon to ex
minute I saw the preview from E3, pect follow-ups. Despite what you
I immediately fell in love with it. thought of the press conference
I'm counting down the days until it (1, like many of you who wrote in,
comes out! What about you guys? think Animal Crossing: City Folk
AYANFE and Wii Sports Resort both look | Swear that Nin endo Power 15 turn-
Гуе been a Nintendo fan all my life
fantastic), there's a slew of great
Wii and DS titles on the way. (Turn
ing into Sega Visions [Sega’s official
and have been greatly satisfied to our “Від 15" feature on page 54 magazine in th e early '90s]. Volumes
with every one of its consoles.
At ЕЗ, though, I'm afraid that
to feel the love.)
231 and 232 ha d bacicto-back Sega
Nintendo was the only company covers for the irst time in Nintendo
that didn't really appeal to hard-
core fans like me. I mean, half of
| just got back From a Portland
Beavers baseball game, where,
Power history; that's three Sega cov-
the press conference was about along with, "Chaaarge!" and ers so far in 2008, and the year isn't
Wii Music and Wii Sports Resort,
with only a mere mention of Mario
"Let's go Beavers," the announcer
played two Mario songs! In the
over yet. (Shenmue Ill, anyone?)
and Zelda. | hope to see more fourth Inning, the speakers FEWELLJAY
games for hardcore Nintendo fans. blasted the underwater theme Hey, it’s a great time to bea Sega fan! After some ups and downs
JEFFREY M. from Super Mario Bros., and later, over the years, the company's game lineup has been getting bet-
Asa hardcore gamer myself, I justaftera player stole second ter and better. This year's three Sega covers—Sonic Chronicles:
would have loved to see a Mario- base, the invincibility tune echoed The Dark Brotherhood, MadWorld, and Sonic and the Black
or-Zelda-type game on stage throughout PGE Park! Do you guys Knight—highlighted three of the most promising new Wii and
at E3. But as Shigeru Miyamoto think this could possibly be linked DS games. And if we thought giving Se: ja another cover could
and other Nintendo reps said at to Mario Super Sluggers for the convince them to make Shenmue III, d certainly do it!
the show, those titles—while in Wii? GO BEAVERS!
the works—just weren't ready COUNT CATERPIE Chris Slate said that Sonic and Adventure an actual playable
to be shown. I think that's fair, That's pretty cool!
| doubt there's the Black Knight looks to further game for more than 10 minutes. So
considering that we've recently a connection to Super Sluggers; I cement the hedgehog's return to please tell me, what is this return
think it just goes to show how big glory. What return to glory was he to glory that Chris speaks of?
an impact Nintendo games have talking about? Did | miss it? I've ADAM O.
had on popular culture. Consider played all the recent Sonic games, I continue to be amazed at how
mea new Beavers fan! including Sonic and the Secret polarizing Sonic is among Гапз-
Rings (Wii), Sonic Rush Adventure many of you simply love him
(DS), and the putrid Sonic the or hate him. It's no secret that
Hedgehog (PS3/Xbox 360), and the hedgehog has been through
| would consider only Sonic Rush rough times, but since his disas-
trous PS3/360 adventure, the
Blue Blur has been on a roll. Sonic
and the Secret Rings was at least
good, if not great; Sonic Rush and
Sonic Rush Adventure were excel-
lent, Bioware's Sonic Chronicles:
The rk Brotherhood looks fan-
tastic, and both Sonic Unleashed
and Sonic and the Black Knight
look promising. (Sonic's brilliant
inclusion in Super Smash Bros.
Brawl gave him a nice bump, too.)
It seems to те that the guy has
definitely earned another chance.
OCTOBER 2008 7
Iwouldn't disagree with you on that point, Goron—hardcore expected there to be bikes.
gamers look for more than just blood and guts in their games. ОГ My favorite Mario title would Isaac Uguy, 949-218-0981,
course, as much as I enjoyed every game that you listed, I'm also be Super Paper Mario for Wii—it's 650-238-2324,
pumped to play MadWorld. To each their own, as they say—that's So awesome. My sisters and | once Jim Schiekofer, 646-723-5410,
why developers make a wide variety of titles for every taste. played it until lam. With all of the
fun levels, it's just what you want 212-217-1358,
out of a Mario game.
Power staff have any wacky/awe- was such a deep experience, 323-493-5929,
some Nintendo-related tats? especially as a launch title for the RAYMOND AD PROJECT MANAGER Rhoda Ushijima
THE LOST FANATIC then brand-new N64. There was What a diverse range of tastes! ADVERTISING COORDINATOR
Justin has a full-back image that always something new to discover. Sorry that we couldn't run all of
Arthur St. Germain, 650-238-2571,
works like a Mad magazine fold- Even after the game was finished the emails that you sent in, but MARKETING MANAGER Andrea Recio-Angy
in: when he pushes his shoulder and I started it anew, it still felt as they would've filled the entire
blades together, it creates a full fresh as when | had turned it on for issue. If I had to pick my favorite PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Larry Briseno
map to the Lost Woods in The the first time. | love SM64 simply Mario game, I'd probably go with PRINT ORDER COORDINATOR Jennifer Lim
of Zelda. Or maybe Ijust because it never gets stale for me. Super Mario World...or Super CIRCULATION
made that up. You'll have to catch My least favorite Mario title Mario Galaxy, depending on what
him at the beach to be sure! would be probably be any of the dayitwas. It's too hard to choose! ONLINE CONSUMER MARKETING MANAGER
Betsy Wong
later Mario Party games. The BILLING & RENEWAL MANAGER Mike Hill
YOUR FAVORITE AND series was a lot of fun in its early
LEAST FAVORITE days, but it quickly lost its charm Alexandra Davydova
MARIO GAMES as each sequel relied far too heav- NEWSSTAND COORDINATOR Alex Guzman
—| |
ки. ius "ees.
Вси PC
Wi and the Wii logo are trademarks of Nintendo, © 2006 Nintendo. Line Rider © 2008 InXile Entertainment. Artwork©2008 Genius Products, LLC. АЙ Rights Reserved. Distributed by Genius Products, LLC, 2461 Santa Monica Boulevard D-727, Santa Monica, CA90404. Advertising and promotional details are subject to change without notice.
Fin a
An Illuminating Sequel
Atlus brings Luminous Arc 2 to DS with more strategy,
more witches, and a bonus soundtrack CD.
After a brief foray into modern just looks: new weapons such
warfare, the Call of Duty franchise as flamethrowers and larger
delves back into the battles of elements such as kamikaze attacks
World War II with Call of Duty: are justafew additions to this
World at War for Wii. The game installment. In addition to the
explores some of the final kinds of competitive multiplayer
important battles of WWII in both modes that have set the Call of
The Wii version
the European and Pacific theaters Duty franchise apart from other
from the viewpoint of American
of World at War
World War Il games, World at War
also supports the
marines and Russian soldiers. introduces a co-op mode allowing
Wii Zapper. It's
By buildingon Call of Duty 4's two players to work together
technology, developer Treyarch to execute tactical maneuvers.
nice to see that
the series’ World at War takes the Call of
more games are
making use of
reputation for top-notch graphics, Duty franchise once more into the
the peripheral.
but the advancements go beyond breach this fall. -CHRIS SH.
ocroser 2008 11
| + Я!
The Prophecies
Were True!
Crack the Avalon Code to rewrite the future, one page at a time.
After toiling for years on the world around you. That book is the
excellent remakes of Final Fantasy only hope for re-creating the world
Ill and IV, the talented developers at after its impending destruction, but
quantities, take notes in the
£ 1000-10000
margins, and—best of all—find
Puke with Pleasure
Tecmo presents SPRay, a promising new Wii-exclusive
adventure sure to make you spew.
Comic Mischief
Mild Cartoon Violence
Rubik's World The Game 10/08 Imagine Babysitters Ubisoft 10/08
Laid : Imagine Fashion Designer Ubisoft 10/08
Runaway: The Dream of FocusHome — TBA econ 1се New York
EWA ب Imagine Movie Star Ubisoft 2008
ад иы m Ап Ubisoft executive. Imagine Wedding Designer Ubisoft 10/08
t В K Infinite Space. Sega 2009
Rygar: The Battleof Argus
Тесто 2009
confirms gaming's worst 3
т dad И
Samurai Shodown Anthology SNKPlaymore 0408 kept
ept secret.t. не XSEED kid
Secret Files: Tunguska DeepSilver FALL In a recent ;interview
with Last King Е of Africa. Focus
08 +
Shaun WhiteSnowboarding Ubisoft 10/08, Ubisoft The LegendofKage2 Tait 10/08
Sim animals Hectronicarts 2009 executive director Alain Кол Мон на ДЕ
SimCity Creator.
Corre confirmed
that Red LEGO Batman:The“
Videogame Warner Bros.—9/08
ы | inth k Littlest Pet shop: Garden tlectronicArts 10/08
a tet Hlecttonicarts 12/08 Steel 2 was in the works LttlestPet shop: ungle — ElectronicArts 10/08
Animal Crossing: CityFolk — Nintendo WIN 08 саный " на па for Wii and that it would Littlest Pet Shop: Winter Electronic arts 10/08
Bolt Disney 11/08 onic and the Black Knigl ega m Lock’s Quest THQ 9/08
Brave: AWarrior's Tale. SouthPeak 9/08 gure Unleashed Ed 11/08 take advantage of the Wii luminous Arc2 Atlus 11/08
BrothersinArms: Ubisoft TBA Spider-Man:
WebofShadows Activision 10/08 MotionPlus peripheral. ыланы. ake dos
9: ‘SPRay Tecmo 10/08 “
callof Duty: Activision 11/08 site COR 5009 Red Steel 2 has been iin Men SET SNK Payment. 33008.
World at War development for many Moon Mastiff 11/08
Carnival Games MiniGolf — 2KPlay 9/08 Pages (Шива. «ШОЕ 1 MushroomMen:Riseof Gamecock — 108
Castlevania Judgment Konami 1/08 Story Hour Adventures
je Fungi jedia Group
200 Games. 2008 months now, and this new My SAT Coach Ubisoft 9/08
Catch ofthe Day Electronic arts
ти ТВА
= StoryTHour Fairy Tales ZooGames
5 2008 device will help us be even " Kingdom
Mysims Electronic Arts 10/08
a ARE و 908 more precise іп what we Naruto:PathoftheNinja2 — Tomy 9/08
Majesco 10/08 Tomb Raider:Underworld Eidos 11/08 3 +d ы
World Kitchen
Crash: Mind over Mutant — Sierra 10/08 Ultimate Band У Disney шов d
o with hth
the product,” sai
di ” National Geographic Panda
NERF N-Strike
Namco Bandai 11/08
Electronic arts шов
Cursed Mountain Deep silver — 2009 Mann art знаке Мао А Mid Corre. Neopets Puzzle Adventure Capcom 11/08
Dance Dance Revolution Konami 9/08 Meet Nance banal ЧЧ Ninjatown SowhPeak 10/08
Hottest Party 2 Wii Music Nintendo: WIN OS Interactive.
deBlob THO 9/08 WiiSports Resort Nintendo spr 09 Peggle PopCap 2008
Dead Rising: Capcom мнов Wizardology Codemasters —12/08 Pet Vet Down Under Deep Silver TBA
Chop TillYou Drop WWE SmackDown vs. THQ шов PipeMania Empire 9/08
Deal or No Deal Destination. 11/08 Raw 2009 Interactive.
Defendin'dePenguin Crave 9/08 p МАТЕНОО DS | Pirate Battle Orbital Media ТВА
The Destiny of Zorro Pronto Games TBA Аве of Empires: Mythologies THQ 11/08 Pirateology Codemasters. TBA
Disaster: Day of Crisis. Nintendo ТВА Avalon Code Marvelous 0109. Pokémon Ranger: Nintendo 11/08
Disney Singit Disney 9/08 8 а s х ritae на ds
EEE i Rê adi uffle Dungeon ны 0308 Рорш "-05 = fД
Don King Presents: TUE TW oak Bella Sara Codemasters 10/08 Prey the
stars cei /08
Prizefighter Interactive Big Bang Mini SowhPek — Q408 ThePriceis Right Ubisoft 9/08
Dragonology Codemasters 10/08 Bleach: Dark Souls Sega 10/08 0 . . Ke Persia: Ubisoft 11/08
KOParty Elecronlcarts в Мой Faustina enas Activision Thefallening к
FIFA 09 All-Play ElectronicArts 10/08 Duo хогс В вес VU е Яe Р
i Fantasy Crystal Square Епіхii ТВА Bolt Disney 11/08 Е uzzle Kingdoms I s
100 Games
Chronicles: Crystal Bearers Brave: Shaman’s Challenge SouthPeak 9/08 1 Puzzle Quest: Galactrix D3Publisher 10/08
Fishing Master WorldTour Hudson 2009 interactive SC г Quantum of Solace Activision — 1/08
Ghostbusters: TBA 2009 Broken Sword и 9/08 Activision Blizzard drops Red BullBC One Ignition 9/08
The Video Game Callof Duty: WorldatWar Activision 11/08 games from lineu p. Rhythm Heaven Nintendo tba
Goosebumps Horrorland ELASTIC 10/08 Castlevania: Order ofEcclesia. Konami 10/08 + ые Robocallypse Tecmo 10/08
Gravity Deep Silver 9/08 Catch of the Day Electronic
Arts TBA Thenew unton of Activision Rock Revolution Konami 10/08
TheGuinness Bookof Warner Bros. —10/08 Chrono Trigger. Square Enix — 12/08 Blizzard has announced its Rubik's World The Game 10/08
orld Records Club Penguin: Disney. 10/08 n i Factory
Guitar Hero WorldTour Activision 10/08 Elite Penguin Force. upcoming games lineup, Runaway: The Focus Homê TBA
Hasbro Family бате Night — ElectronicArts 11/08 ue Nintendo 11/08 and while former Sierra Dream of the Turtle Interactive
High School Musical 3: Disney 10/08 اے ییا Rune Factory2: Natsume 9/08
Senior Year Dance Crash: Mindover Mutant — Sierra 10/08 properties Crash and AFantasy Harvest Moon
TheHouse of the Dead: Sega 2009 deBlob тиф 2008 Spyro have been acquired Secret Files: Tunguska берт FAL
ver Defendin’ de Penguin Crave 9/08
Igor: The Game Legacy 9/08 prose Е pr Ss by the conglomerate, Shaun the Sheep D3Publisher 9/08
Indoor Sports Konami TBA SERRE eben Ghostbusters and sev- Sim Animals. Electronic arts 2009
The King ofFighters SNKPlaymore 0408 В em simcity Creator Electronicarts 9/08
Collection: TheOrochi Saga Ишин Toker Bel бнт им eral other titles are now in Six Flags Fun Park км 10/08
° Don KingPresents: Take-Two TBA Y :
ELA ORIS Bawa t; Sitta 008 Prizefighter interactive search of new publishers. Skatelt Electronicarts 12/08
The Videogame Warmer Bros. —9/08 Doodle Hex
Dragon Quest У: Hand ofthe
Square Enix
Ghostbusters hasn't been ева виивейоа = А
Littlest Pet Shop
Heavenly Bride canceled, but don't expect Spectrobes:
Beyond the Portals.
Dragon QuestVI:Realms Square Enix TBA it until 2009.
Lost inBlue:Shipwrecked Konami 9/08 of Reverie . Spider-Man: Webof Shadows Activision 10/08
MadWorld Sega 2009 Dragonology Codemasters 12/08 SporeCreatures. Electronic arts 9/08
Major Minor's Majestic March Majesco 2009 Drawn to Life: SpongeBob THQ 9/08 x Mars n dede
Wars: LucasArts 11/08
Monster Lab Eidos 10/08 SquarePants Edition N k 11
Moto GP 08 Capcom 11/08 кейит, DeepSilver 2009 ukem A 1 Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff Tecmo 9/08
Mushroom Меп: Gamecock 10/08 Theresia Aksys 10/08
The Spore Wars кыин
Duke Nukem Trilogy:
Deep Silver 2009
Duke Nukem returns tin Time Hollow Konami FALL
MySims Kingdom ElectronicArts 10/08 " + 08
Duke мокет Trilogy: Deep Silver. 2009 -l ^ ^
Naruto: Clash of
Ninja Tomy | 10/08 Proving Grounds anall-new tri logyfor DS. Tom Clancy's EndWar Ubisoft 10/08
Revolution? рини % Ener-G Dante Squad Ubisoft 10/08 Well, we didn't see this Tornado Ignition 9/08
NBA Live 09 All-Play ElectronicArts 10/08
Ener-G Gym Rockets Ubisoft 10/08 i
coming-the TrackMania DS FocusHome 0408
PuzzleAdventure — Capcom 11/08 موج Ubisoft 1008 i 8 | over-the-to|
Ј р Interactive
NERF N-Strike See Arts а пей: Te adventures ot Konami 11/08 antics of alien-slaying, Transformers Animated Activision 10/08
NHL2K9 2K Sports Kai andZero. " +
Onechanbara: D3Publisher 0109 Exit 05 Taito 10/08 movie-quoting, manly man ыы aul 0
Bikini Zombie Slayers a Viva piñata: Pocket Paradise THQ 9/08
ems н Gauntlet Eidos 10/08 Duke Nukem are coming — alr nme
Pet Pals: Animal Doctor Majesco 10/08
Ghostbusters: TBA 2009 "
Pirateology Codemasters ТВА The Video Game to DS. Duke Nukem Trilogy What'scooking? Atari 10/08
TheBigAdventure — Activision 9/08 GoosebumpsHorrorland ELASTIC 10/08 will be released ina series ае yanaq oa
Popstar Guitar XS Games 2008 Grand Theft Auto: Rockstar TBA ^
(remque poen pem Chinatown Wats of three games next year, Wizardology Codemasters 12/08
pro ul ig Crave 10/08 Gravity Deepsilver ТВА courtesy of publisher Deep Mason THO nos
Outofthe Chute The Gt
Book of Wi В! 10/08 il +
amm wine MENE: -E Silver and the resuscitated Zenses: Ocean The Game 10/08
йот. 200 Games 2008 Factory
Quantum of Solace Activision 11/08 Пода Ld bo Apogee Software. Tenses: Rainforest TheGame — 10/08
Rock Revolution ааа 10/08
Konami тн came
lara sta
iy И
ini Zoo Vet:х Endangered
Endanger d рSpecies. icis 10/08
Zubo Electronic Arts 9/08
© Comic Mischief -
«M \/
Е я ер. са
Нар Starting with an abandoned `
{ farm, a handful of seeds, апа `
ра Ше determination to start a new life,
'& b
|I want to be a great
№ LWE i į rancher. Does that sound
VISA i || strange? 2
Serious Fun?
Nintendo DS is a trademark of Nintendo. ©2004 Nintendo. Harvest Moon, Natsume and Serious Fun are registered trademarks of Natsume Inc. ~ — eee
©2008 Natsume Inc. ©2008 Marvelous Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association
Can you grow/crops;inurture
animals апа па a way;to restore
magic and natural wonders?,
Sow the seedsiof/destiny/inithis
first farming[adventure
for the Nintendo Wii! и
| 2
Serious Fun?
Alcohol Reference |
Comic Mischief
In This
As you can tell by the icon on the screen, you can
MONSTERS play Tetris Party with the Balance Board. Crank up
NINJA COMMANDO the difficulty and give yourself a workout!
18 oro rower
||уx 3
ioe X
Build your own city. Play with it to make it perfect. Then crush it to bits.
Set loose the monsters. Call in the aliens. Summon the perfect storm.
And when there's nothing left but rubble, rebuild.
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
7 | БИЧЕ ШӘ p S
Mild Violence
Iur Mild Language
Wii Channels
Second Coming
Producer Hironobu Takeshita shares his thoughts on
Not content
with just
creating an
Mega Man's WiiWare rebirth. game,
Capcom has
also сге-
When Capcom unveiled Mega Man 9—an all-new WiiWare Mega Man game
ated some
created in the style of the Blue Bomber's Classic NES adventures—you could
practically hear the gasps of hardcore gamers around the world. For the
artwork for
Mega Man faithful it was a dream come true: their weapon-acquiring hero returning
Мера Мап
to his roots. And Mega Man 9 does more than look the part; it truly feels like a vintage
9. And by
Mega Man game, and it's got the insane difficulty level to match. (In fact, it's probably harder
than any NES Mega Man release.) But that hasn't stopped us from enjoying the game. The
art, we
more we play it, the more we like it, and the more eager we become for the game's fall release.
mean it's so
If you read our article in Vol. 231 then you already know that Mega Man creator Keiji
Inafune is heavily involved in the project, but he isn't making the game alone. We recently
ly bad that
caught up with producer Hironobu Takeshita (who was also the produceron Zack &Wiki:
it's good.
Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure) to learn more about Mega Man 9. -CHRIS H.
what appropriate to the NES style, so For me personally, what sticks out Wasit Gyroman?
exactly is your role on Mega we had to redo at least half of it most in my mind was playing Mega I think it was Gyroman, but I'm not
Man 9? because of that. And the character Man 5 and how |just played that so sure. I'm not sure if |can't remem-
im movements, the animation—it was much when I was younger trying ber it, or if my brain is choosing
the producer of Mega Man 9, so too good for an NES style, so we to beat it. One of the bosses-l not to remember the trauma!
basically I'm in charge of making had to redo that as well. can't remember which one it was
sure everything got done on the exactly, but |remember him giving Those old games were definitely
project, and more specifically 1 What has your personal experi- me so much trouble. | had to keep hard. So is Mega Man 9. I think
was tasked with making sure that ence been like, as a gamer, with trying over and over again to beat it's harder than any of the old
Mr. Inafune's vision for making an Mega Man? him. ones! What was your approach
NES-style Mega Man game was tothe difficulty?
kept and realized. Our aim with Mega Man was to
create something that emulates
How did the collaboration with the original series, specifically 1
Mr. Inafune work? and 2, because those were pretty
Working with Inafune on this, his challenging. From a controls per-
idea was to create an NES-style spective it's pretty simple; it's not
game. So for us, one of the first hard at all. The hard part comes
things we did was with the boss from the levels themselves and
design, and Inafune would come in the design of those levels. In each
and show us how you could create stage there are hints about how to
this simple boss character-and it get through the stage. The trick is
wasn't overly detailed or anything, you have to be able to find them...
but it looked really good—and he So you do one stage, you die 20
showed us how to keep it simple. times, the 21st time you finally
He came in and told us that most of succeed and say, “Oh, that's the
what we had was not right, wasn't way to go in this stage!"
20 sunrenvo rower
v А Cí
Paint t y and smash your way. Dodge ink cannons, flatten МАКС,
past Inky enemies to free your friends. tanks and outsmart Inky soldiers.
Е Mild Cartoon Violence 9.22.08 (mobile game / FFU ; /
DEBLOB.COM bluetongue
Wii Channels
Beds of
spikes, such
as this one in
stage, are
deadly to Grumble Grumble
the touch.
such treach-
erous obsta-
cles is part of
the fun!
A Classic Reborn
Capcom isn’t the only company that’s bringing a classic franchise to WiiWare with
old-school flair. Konami of Japan recently announced that Gradius—one of the titles
that helped define the side-
scrolling-shooter genre—will
be making the jump in the form
of Gradius ReBirth. Konami
hasn't revealed much about
the game yet or even officially
announced if it will be coming
to North America (although we
have a good feeling that it will),
but we'll bring you more details
as they become available.
Virtual Console Virtual Console Virtual Console WANTED
Earthbound remains
readers' top spot as their
most-wanted Virtual
Console game. Their sub-
sequent picks remained
predictable as well, except
CHASE Н.О. DONKEY KONG3 GLEY LANCER for fifth place, which saw
1 Mega Man: The Wily Wars
(Sega Genesis/Europe &
2 Castlevania: Rondo of
KING OF THE NINJA Blood (TurboGrafx CD/
3 Terranigma (Super NES/
4 Super Punch-Out!
(Super NES)
во гуу" 5 Pilotwings (Super NES)
ocrosen 2008 23
Shake ItDown
24 „ено rower
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Mental Mojo
Crash Bandicoot’s old nemesis, Dr. Neo Cortex, Mind over Mutant is equal parts platformer and
is up to no good again. This time he’s taking over action game. Crash has numerous attacks, and he
the minds of the Wumpa Islands’ inhabitants by gets stronger as you progress through the game.
way of the NV—an all-in-one cell phone/PDA-type | к»
device that's worn as a helmet. Even Crash's sister
Coco and their burly pal Crunch fall under Cortex's
spell. But as fans of the marsupial know, Crash isn't
exactly helpless: he can platform with the best of
them, апа it’s up to him to spin (accomplished by
shaking the remote), double-jump, wall-run, swing,
dig, and climb to free his buddies. The game also
features a robust combat system, complete with
easy-to-execute reversals that can confound even
the toughest opponents. But just as important as
Crash’s own skills are those of his foes; like in his
previous adventure, Crash of the Titans, our hero
can monster-jack his adversaries and use their
skills in combat and to solve puzzles. One beast can
freeze water to create platforms, for example, while
another can telekinetically throw other baddies
and activate switches. With enemies like these, who
needs friends? -CHRIS H.
А Вапа Apart
26 „ено ower
веки EVERYONE | `
| ⁄
An eclectic mix of Tokyo street style, cosplay, and
Les! ^ fashion design.
x А Q Y
“ща! : Manage a fashion boutique. Hire models and staff,
choose your shop's look, and place magazine ads.
Challenge a friend in fabulous Fashion Battles
using Nintendo DS Multi-Card Wireless Play.
Prowl the streets for inspiration. Gather ‘keywords’
to create clothes, accessories and hairstyles.
You may be the next fashion phenomenon!
Comic Mischief POP CUTIE! and the КОЕ! logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of КОЕ! Co., Ltd. ©2000-2008 КОЕ! Co., Ltd. EJ th,
All rights reserved. PREY THE STARS ©2008 KOEI CANADA, Inc. PREY THE STARS is a registered trademark or SS
ESRB CONTENT RATING [YT trademark of КОЕ! САМАРА, Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo DS is a trademark of Nintendo. @2004 Nintendo. The ratings KOEI5 Anniversary
icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
m Halo Series — The perfect melee weapon. Pwned.
4. RCP90
007 Goldeneye — Your roommate still remembers it.
3. B.F.G.
DOOM Series — Annihilate everyone on the screen in
one shot.
Half-Life 2 — Best. Gun. Ever. Where anything can
be used as ammo: a table, a shelf, a car or
Ph another human. LEET.
клати PTUY trop
$8.25 ro start.
Games Delivered.
прасі on the g ameplay, but the fun characters
And for expert players who enemies, finding a certain amount spectacular and offer someof the discover appropriate counterat-
want an even tougher test of their of money, and more. Thankfully, game's toughest trials. The first tacks. Taking down each boss
Skills, each stage offers ahandful you don't have to complete a level's few aren't particularly tricky (until requires mastery of different skills,
of bonus challenges that can be set of challenges in one run, and you take on the game's challenge and all the bosses make a great
downright nasty. Common themes you can replay stages endlessly in to redefeat them under special first impression with massive,
include clearing a level within a pursuit of 10096 completion. restrictions), but later bosses superbly animated sprites and a.
tough time limit, not taking any The boss fights deserve will likely cost you many lives as rich arsenal of attacks. This roster
damage, dispatching certain special mention—they are truly you work to learn patterns and of stage-ending baddies is among
Smooth Moves
The ultrasmooth cartoon-like
animation in Wario Land: Shake It!
is second to none. Here's just one
example, shown frame-by-frame,
of just how detailed character
movements are.
36 sinrenvo power
Tilting the remote triggers many of the game's special
maneuvers. Throwing a grabbed enemy, aiming a cannon,
and steering vehicles all use this method.
Nintendo's best, thanks to much games ofold, but it simultane- polygonal 3-D worlds, it's startling cartoon. The environments look
longer and more engaging battles ously feels brand-new thanks to to see how much the extra muscle like they are composed of paint-
than the typical three-hops-and- its excellent use of motion controls of a modern-day system can ings instead of the repeated block
you're-dead wimps found in many and jaw-dropping graphics. We've enhance
а 2-D title. Most notably, textures used in 2-D handheld
ofthe publisher's other titles. rarely seen a 2-D game look the movements of Wario and every games, and a TV screen allows for
anywhere near this good. After other character are enhanced with much bigger worlds to play around
IN WITH THE NEW years of 2-D games being shunned so many frames of animation that in than the portable systems
Shake It! plays like the Wario Land by home consoles in favor of the game feels like an interactive that so often provide our 2-D fix.
OCTOBER 2008 37
E а
@ 00146900 sta
2.22 222224 where he car 1
hat he's
unlocke to jump Бас!
into the fray, he с;
Stages 66%
Treasure 40%
Missions 2%
38 „гено rower
a ча
C Akiyoshi Hongo, Toei Animation © & © 1997 - 2008 Bandai. DIGIMON, DIGITAL MONSTERS, DIGIMON WORLD and all related logos, names and distinctive likenesses thereof are the property of Bandai/Toei Animation. DIGIMON DATA SQUAD and all related logos, names and distinctive likenesses thereof are
the property of Toei Animation. © 2008 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. All rights reserved. Nintendo DS is a trademark of Nintendo. © 2004 Nintendo.
Theratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.АЙather trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
with something horrible. fans can enjoy it on a more basic
As you progress, you'll appreci- level. This action-platformer (Оойвобвво F
ate the tremendous amount of won't turn the world upside down
variety between the game's five like Super Mario Galaxy, but its
areas (each split into four standard rock-solid gameplay, fun controls,
levels plus some hidden ones), and good looks should be plenty to
which keeps the action fresh and satisfy players looking for a classic
exciting. Even within stages that Nintendo experiencetocomple-
share similar themes, different ment the publisher's more-novel
gameplay elements keep you titles this fall. The game's late-
guessing as to what's coming September launch isn't far off, so
next. A set of stages might have practice your “heh-he-hehhh!” and
you running across a series of look for a full review next issue.
timed water-jet streams, hopping
between vanishing platforms
The game's stages showcase an impressive
that are visible only when lit by
amount of diversity, with varying elements
roving searchlights, raising sunken
such as conveyor belts and tilting platforms.
pyramids from beneath the sand,
working a giant slot machine, and
much more.
ffer classic throwdown bach fight tes Пе|ayers’ wits ‹
gh, but thedifficulty ra nps up fast once yu reachthe m
adblocks to fortune and glory—don’t wort vont
ROLLANRAT . This giant stone warrior HOT RODERICK < Easily Wario's
uses the environment against you, but has a most unique fight, this high-speed chase
very obvious weakness. requiresyou totilt theWii remote to
move forward and backward.
CHORTLEBOT Things get quite a bit LARGE FRY Thegrowing throngs of ene-
tougher against this demonic clown head, which mies become a bigger threat as the fight goes
changes up tactics as the fight progresses. on, but could be the key to victory.
ДО ceno rower
Gay nd Relexte
al о е in fun!
Cartoon Violence
‘©2008 Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., and its subsidiaries. Developed by Cat Daddy Games, пс. Carnival Games, 2K Play, the 2K logo, Cat Daddy Games, the Cat Daddy Games logo, Take-Two Interactive Softwar the A
ЕЩtrademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the USA and/or foreign countries, Wii™ is a trademark of Nintendo. © 2008 Nintendo. The ratings icon is a trademark ofthe Cp jrd
DATE wilh DESTINYGet behind-the-scenes insight on Time Hollow, a unique
point-and-click DS adventure that lets you alter the past
to change the present.
You play the role of Ethan Kairos, spot is essential. Using the pen also NINTENDO POWER Time
aseemingly normal high schooler consumes Ethan's life force (there's Hollow shares a lot of ideas with
whose last name just so happens to acost for meddling with time, after your 2001 PS2 game Shadow of
mean “right or opportune moment" all), so you have to make the most Destiny (which we're also big
in Greek. Except for his fascination of every opportunity. fansof). What is it about the
with watches, he's a pretty typical Although figuring out what time-manipulation concept that
kid—he lives with his mother, happened to Ethan's parents is appeals to you?
father, and pet cat Sox, has a solid the game's primary mystery, JUNKO KAWANO I get asked
circleoffriends at school, and is other sinister threats will keep this question quite often, but
the object of some of the younger you occupied. In the game's first to be honest there is really no
female students’ affections. He’s chapter (out of six), your friend's specific reason why |use this
also got an uncle, Derek, who's younger sister goes missing; later concept except that I like it. |guess
kind of a deadbeat. Before Ethan an acquaintance gets killed while that using this concept allows me
goes to sleep on the eve of his 17th riding her bike. It's up to you to to go beyond the norms and allows
birthday, his father promises to reach into the past to prevent these more creative freedom in the
tell him a secret the following day, events, but sometimes doing so can storytelling process and [gets] the
but he doesn't get a chance—when have unintended consequences— players more excited.
Ethan wakes up, his reality has for example, if you save one person
been altered; his parents have another might suffer, and who Why is the main implement in
evidently been missing for 12 years knows what will happen from an act Time Hollow in the form of a
and he lives under the supervision as innocent as saving a dog? A fairly
Коп! has a lot of secrets—like whether
pen? And what makes the ability
of his uncle. However, he also finds linear story means you can't usually
or not that's her natural hair color.
to make small holes in time а
himself in possession of the time- avoid the unintentional side effects, more interesting mechanic than
altering Hollow Pen. but it's interesting to watch them beingable to simply time-travel sible in the real world. Therefore,
At first, nothing makes play out-;just as it's interesting to different periods? we first came up with the idea of
sense-not only has Ethan's reality trying to determine who orwhat is To be honest, we came up with this using the stylus to create a circle,
changed, but his head is filled with altering the past and causing Ethan concept because we wanted to then the idea of that circle creating
memories he never previously had. so much grief. create a game that allows the users a hole that would allow you to see
However, by visiting the places To gain more insight into this to have fun with the DS stylus. into an alternate world that was
in his flashbacks and talking with unique graphic adventure, we We wanted the users to become in a different time. We limited the
people to flesh out the details, he spoke to the game's director, Junko immersed into the game world and things the users can do on the
learns to use the Hollow Pen in Kawano of Konami. have an experience that is not pos- other side of the hole. The user
specific locations to change the cannot travel through the hole;
past and put things back the way they can only see the outcome of
After you
they should be. Using the pen is as the changes they made in the past
simple as drawing a circle on the by the changes that occur in the
touch screen, but there are limita- present, which we felt would make
clues, you
tions on how big the hole can be; things more exciting.
opening the hole at just the right
can carve
а hole into
We like the fact that the story—a
{һе ра5ї
young man losing his parents
and interact
and then his friends—is very
with what-
personal. Why did you choose
that rather than something
the other
broader (like saving the world or
ocrosen 2008 43
standard and it comes first. | think
Time the most important thing to take
out of this is that neither the past
nor the future, but the present, is
where you exist right now and is
what people should focus оп in life.
And "family love," of course!
Cartoon Violence
Crude Humor
qs Language
hol ү
fN (31
House of the
Dead: Overkill.
VIOLENCE.” of first-person games and we just
wanted to give some control back
VW to the player,” McEwan explains.
“You hear a sound over to the left,
you kind of whiz around to the
left and deal with that situation
then to the right, and then maybe
something starts dropping down
from above. It just feels more
absorbing that way.”
There’s more to the gameplay,
but it's not overly complex, nor
should it be. "The core experi-
“\үе have really turned the fran- always good fun, especially when press the B Button to fire, and ence is focused on great shooting
chise totally on its head," says Neil playing cooperatively. Those waggle the remote to reload. This feedback-cool weapons, cool
McEwan, producer at developer who played The House of the time, however, you can push the hit effects, tons of enemies,"
Headstrong Games. “The game is Dead 2 & 3 Return on Wii earlier reticle to the edge of the screen McEwan promises. “HotD games
heavily inspired by the B movies this year should be able to pick and move the camera around. are positioned very differently
of American cinema. This styling up and start playing; you aim at It’s still on rails, but “time has in the market to Resident Evil,
is conveyed in everything from the screen with your Wii remote, moved on and people play a lot Silent Hill, and other ‘survival-
our art style, presentation, gore, horror’ titles. Where they
and violence." More specifically, are suspenseful, gloomy and
McEwan explains, "the prevailing unpleasant, HotD is adrenaline-
style for Overkill is based upon fueled, fast, gory action.”
the 'grindhouse' movies of the This concept of an adrenaline-
"605 and '705.... These films were fueled shooter is further empha-
made on a tight budget and so the sized by the array of firearms
editing and film quality was often in the game. In addition to your
poor, leadingtododgy splicing, standard Desert Eagle-like pistol—
film scratches, color burning, etc." which, like all of the weapons,
As such, the onscreen action is is upgradable, giving you more
covered with a grainy, scratched- firepower
or a larger clip—you can
up filter. Dick Dale-style surf use a compact submachine gun,
music plays in the background, a grenade launcher, and other
contrasting with the images of
over-the-top bloody violence
«4333333 weapons
yet to be finalized. Even
OCTOBER 2008 47
better, McEwan teases, “we'll have the environment. “We're focusing
dual-wielding as well.... Ifyou've a lot on the gore and dismember-
got two controllers you can go in ment of the zombies and what kind
with two weaponsin each level. of weapons are cool and can rip
You can change up the combina- zombies apart,” shares McEwan.
tion of the weapons on the 1 and
2 Buttons, so you can alternate
[between them]. You can go into Besides the undead-shooting light-
alevel with four weapons and gun action, the other constant in
dual-wield them." House of the Dead games is an
Sometimes the living dead can AMS agent named G. (None of the
get in your face, however, which is games in the series reveal what
where the grapple mechanic and AMS or G stand for.) Little is known
the pistol-whipping melee attacks aboutG aside from his penchant
come into play. When a baddie for riddling zombies with bullets,
grabs you,simply shake the Wii but Overkill will explore more
remote to dispatch him. As McEwan about his backstory. “Overkill is a
tells us, “The cool thing about the prequel to the previous versions of
Wii is the physicalness of it, so HotD,” McEwan reveals. “We join
we're trying incorporate ... that Agent G on his first assignment
into the game, and we just thought after leaving his AMStraining.
it was а really cool feature to be We've teamed him up with hard-
ableto pistol-whip someone into boiled Detective Washington...
submission when they get close to Together they take on Papa
you and see their head explode." Caesar, a criminal kingpin of Bayou
So obviously, Overkill is a very County. Caesar has acquired
gory game-certainly gorier than access to a mysterious chemical
prior iterations—and it becomes compound that makes individuals into the other games and whether and his colleagues are trying to
even bloodier when you use the both significantly stronger and it involves series villain Goldman make it as engaging and over-the-
many power-ups. For example, one particularly open to suggestion. remainsto be seen. top as possible: “You won't believe
power-up slows everything down, unfortunately, beyond a certain The storyissecondary
to the the plot when you see it unravel,"
bullet-time-style, making it much dose irreversible mutation occurs. action, of course—especially McEwan asserts. "It's just amazing
easier to target and blast zombies With the assistance of his biochem- in a series that's known for its and totally off-the-wall." And
apart. And we mean that literally— ist lackey Jasper, he plans to refine convoluted stories—but McEwan because the story has branching
you can shoot off the zombies" the chemical and paths, Overkill offers a lot of replay
individual extremities, and the master its proper- value. (The developers are aiming
undead will react to the gunshots, ties." Whether to make the game last two to
with their blood splattering onto the story ties two-and-a-half hours in the first
playthrough. While that sounds
short, it's actually longer than the
original arcade games.)
The Louisiana setting allows for
£ ^ SPORE” БЕ.
E М.7 peter it
Orari سے
Каны,"om 2
ЫШТ» Wii o
бы. Ц fab
sentient ln di
the Boleles
Ve resilient:
die b
one-on-one attacks.
4Y Y à THE
Melee expert TME
BOLETES А x % > wf
^ | ў
Camouflage and agility make thëm perfect for surprise attacks. CAUTION: Observed attacking in groups
4 Y Scavenged spears appear to be weapon of choice.
The Morel defens
tely they
Mus noL
a good amount of level variety, the Dead: Overkill a top-notch
from a swamp to a prison to game worthy of the franchise's
a plantation house. The area moniker. Sega of Japan and
we experienced was a carnival original HotD developer AMI
where booths are burning, rides certainly sound impressed, giving
are exploding (in one of the the Overkill team at Headstrong
game's many scripted cinematic their blessing: "We've run all of
sequences), and the living dead our concepts and ideas past Sega
are running amok. You really get of Japan. They have been very
asense of the chaos of a zombie supportive and are really excited
apocalypse as you trek through about where we are taking the
the fairgrounds, dispatch zombies, game." Based on what we've seen
and attempt to rescue F-bomb- so far, so are we, which makes the
dropping human survivors. (Hey, wait until the game's spring 2009
if zombies were about to munch release all the more unbearable.
on you, you probably wouldn't be
able to keep your language clean.
Besides, Sega has its sights set on
a Mature rating.) Thankfully, even
atthis early stage, the voice acting
is a noticeable step up from the
infamously bad performances in
the previous games.
The developers are clearly
taking everything that worked
about the original House of the
Dead games and putting their
own spin on it. More importantly,
they're devoting a lot of time and
effort to making The House of
DIRECTING All previous installments of The House of the Dead were originally designed for arcades by Sega's acclaimed AM1 studio.
We sat down with longtime series director Takashi Oda to discuss the franchise's origins, the differences in developing an
THE DEAD arcade game and a console game, and the best plan for survival in the event of a real zombie apocalypse.
È T ^OWER First, can you detail for The House of the Dead is that rare arcade entertain the player. With creating arcade
us how The House of the Dead series came franchise that has endured after all these games, it also has the advantage of the machine
about? Where did the idea come from, and years. Why do you think that is? cabinet that goes with the game and being able
what were your sources of inspiration? We're very pleased to hear that fans still enjoy to create something that uses the cabinet and
AKASI A It started very simply-we the series and that it has stood the test of time. the graphics to create an experience.
needed to make an arcade shooting game. With We've tried to keep the game from getting
that we started looking at psycho thrillers that complicated; rather we have always thought What’s your favorite zombie movie and why?
were popular in Japan at the time and other to keep it simple with pick-up-and-play game The Evil Dead. It caused a lot of nightmares for
TV dramas. From there we got the idea that it mechanics while trying to deliver something, me when |was a kid. It is certainly the first thing
would be better to make a game that is horror even if it is one big thing, that really makes the I think of when someone mentions zombies.
based in something that had the possibility of player jump. The movie version of The House of
the Dead was
happening; rather than ghosts or monsters, we “special.”
wanted enemies that were humanoid in shape. What do you think is the key to makinga
good light-gun game? If the zombie apocalypse were to occur in
What would you say are the defining charac- The key point is the reaction to shooting and real life, what measures would you take to
teristics of the franchise? being shot; making sure that the reaction ensure your survival?
The ability to mix both fear and exhilaration in matches or exceeds the expectation. The other Run away like they do in all the movies. I’m not
gameplay. Also, having realistic enemies attack element is making sure that the pacing and going to stand up and be a hero like [in] the
you in a variety of ways; that keeps you on the tempo engage a player fully. games. I'd be beaten down really fast if | did.
edge of your seat. [Laughs]
How have you had to adjust your develop-
Theseries' main protagonist is mysteriously ment philosophies since Sega’s arcade Any chance you could give us a hint as to your
referred to as “б.” We've gotta know: what heyday? What are the main differences team's next project?
does G stand for? between developing an arcade title anda We're currently working on finishing up the
He continues to be referred to as "G" and his console game? Rambo arcade game, and as the title suggests,
history is still shrouded in mystery. The main philosophy hasn’t changed over the it is fully licensed. It certainly will provide differ-
years, and that is, it needs to surprise and ent types of thrills, so please, check it out!
OCTOBER 2008 49
hough it was released 14 years ago, Kirby Super
Star is still considered one of the pink puffball's A condensed version of Kirby's
best, thanks in no small part to the fact that it original adventure, Kirby's
inc luded nine games on one cartridge, which Dream Land for Game Boy,
allowed for varied gameplay and hours of adven- Spring Breeze is intended to
ture. TheS ES original has been one of the most-requested give you a healthy dose of
games for he Virtual Console (a tip of the hat to everyone nostalgia while familiarizing
who voted or it in our poll), but Nintendo has done us one you with Kirby Super Star
better with Kirby Super Star Ultra on DS, a reimagining of Ultra's gameplay mechanics.
the origina that's slated for a September release. King Dedede's stolen all the
On 04 | vens 490005]
Kirby Super Star Ultra contains all of the games from food from Dream Land, and
the original Kirby Super Star, enhanced with beautiful new it's up to Kirby to get it back,
graphics an d animations, as well as touch-screen function- defeating the King and his
ality for some of them. On top of that, the game features minions in the process. With a
P nS
two brand-new adventure modes and two new arena difficulty of only one star and
modes, bringing the total number of subgames to 13. On the a play time of 15-30 minutes,
following pages we'll dig into all nine returning challenges Spring Breeze isn't very tax-
(and their d ifficulty levels; each game is rated out of seven ing; it's a good place to start,
Stars) as we Il as the brand-new touch-screen minigames. especially if you haven't played
any Kirby games before.
The giant armored bird named Dyna
Blade destroys Dream Land's crops,
The first game to offer a real challenge, Great Cave
and Kirby takes it upon himself to
Offensive comes in at four stars and introduces some
investigate. At three stars, this game
advanced enemies and environmental elements, such as
is atad more challenging and gives
wind. Unlike the previous two games, which had you playing
you a longer adventure than Spring
through a few stages to reach the final boss, the goal of
Breeze (offering five stages, compared
Great Cave Offensive is not to defeat an enemy but to collect
to Spring Breeze's four). By the time
as many of the 60 treasure chests hidden throughout the
you're done with it you should be pretty
On 04 | ws.ums game as possible. It takes multiple playthroughs and back-
comfortable with the game's controls
tracking to find them all, but it's worth it to discover gems
and mechanics. Though it starts slow, тасв 5, X
like a Koopa Shell from the Mario universe, a DK barrel, and
Dyna Blade is challenging at times, and
the Triforce from the Zelda series. Don't be surprised if you
it's a good idea to play through it before
spend hours on this one.
moving on to the tougher games.
(УСШ |
scattered throughout each stage; they allow him to access
less, and the final swordfight
those powers at.any time through the touch screen or the
with Meta Knight is epic.
pause menu. With Kirby trying to settle a dispute between
This is definitely one of the
the sun and the moon, you'll travel to different planets,
highlights of the title.
each of which has a theme, such as fire, ice, or water, and
you'll face an appropriate boss at the end of each. Though
it's rated five stars, Milky Way Wishes is easier than it seems
since extra lives are plentiful and you can call on helpers at
any time using your Copy Essences, but that doesn't take
Gourmet Race feels more like away from its fun factor.
aminigame than a full-fledged
game. It pits you against King
Dedede (or another player over a
wireless connection) as you race
through three stages, gathering
as much food as possible along
the way. You get points for
reaching the finish line first and
for each food item you collect,
and whoever has the most points
at the end wins. At two stars,
it's not particularly tough and
it's over quickly, though it adds
replayability through a time-trial
mode in which you can set ghost
records and race against them.
It's a nice break between
adventures, but probably not the
mode you'll play the most.
ocrosen 2008 DÅ
This classic minigame is a test of timing, and you'll
be tasked with pulling off three button presses
às accurately as possible in order to deliver the
most powerful blowtosome cement blocks (and
the planet underneath). As the only minigame that
isn't reaction-based, it's a fun change of pace, and
cameos from the cast of Mario in the crowd are a
nice touch.
www. 2ksports:ċom/games/mlbpp20084 ы.
for rating information ЧІ PlayStation.2 NINTENDOS. Wi i
я = > as
All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Š
its are used with permission of Major
rs Choice on the web at © МВР 2008/ МИ
5 are trademarks of Nintendo. © 2006 Nintendo. The ratings icon is a registered trademark oí
The recent Electronic Entertainment
Expo (E3) gave publishers a chance
to show off the latest and greatest
games that are headed to Nintendo
systems in the coming months—some
new, some improved, and some com-
pletely unexpected. We sifted through
the cavalcade of titles to pick the top
15 games we're most excited about for
the remainder of 2008 and beyond.
КО Party When we first sible controls and engaging in a
saw the Wii knock-down drag-out slugfest.
version of Intuitive punching motions with
Facebreaker the nunchuk and remote let you
a few months throw high left and right jabs
ago, it looked at your opponent's face, and by
very promising. Now that we’ve holding down B while swinging
been ableto play it, that promise you can strike your opponent's
seems ever closer to being body. Other moves arejustas
fulfilled. Facebreaker KO Party (as simple—you hold A and swing for get fancy, you can block while wears good and evil sock puppets
it's now known) certainly delivers a haymaker, hold Z to block, and charging, which lets you parry an as boxing gloves), Sparrow (a
when it comes to pick-up-and-play raise either the remote or nunchuk opponent's attack. speedy female fighter pilot), Steve
arcade-style boxing—we had no over your shoulder to charge up. It all becomes second nature as (a self-taught fighter who learned
problem easing into the acces- for a powerful hit. If you want to soon as you step into one of the to compete by watching TV; he
colorful arenas and start slugging uses the Crane Kick from The
away with one of the game's 13 Karate Kid), Kiriko (a raver girl),
diverse fighters. We'd already seen and Tiki (a monkey).
a good chunk of the game's cast, As you pummel your opponent,
but it was our first time in the ring ameter fills up that lets you
with Socks (a mental patient who execute four levels of Breaker
punches, ranging from the
Bonebreaker to the Facebreaker
(which, although it uses your
entire special meter, instantly
KOs your opponent if it connects).
Our only concern about the game
is that throws (accomplished by
pressing the remote’s Control Pad)
seem a little cheap. Nonetheless,
we had a blast, and that's without
experiencing the full extent of the
multiplayer options-something we
intend to explore in depth as the
game's release draws closer.
OCTOBER 2008 55
Wii Music Wii Music isn't ple, you press the 1 and 2 Buttons
really a video (putting the remote up to your face
game-at to complete the simulation is up to
least, notin you). Don't worry about timing or
the traditional accuracy—just play for the fun of
sense. The it. Unlike games like Guitar Hero or domain tunes, licensed hits, and with a virtual drum kit. The latter
gameplay is fairly simple—just Rock Band, Wii Music is all about Nintendo game favorites. With 50 allows you to attach a nunchuk and
shake your remote or press the playing an instrument without the songs such as "Twinkle, Twinkle, hook up a Wii Balance Board to get
remote's buttons to start playing anxiety that comes with trying to Little Star," "From the New World," the full effect. By pressing buttons
your instruments (over 50 in all). perform as perfectly as possible. "Turkey in the Straw," "Yankee or hitting different directions on
It’salot like playingair guitar: It's an experience that all kinds Doodle," and “Super Mario Bros.,” your Control Pad or stick, you
you approximate the appropriate of people can enjoy (up to four there's something for everyone. select which drums and cymbals
action, even if you have no idea players at once). This accessibility In addition to jamming, other you hit, while steppingon the
how to really play the instrument. is further underscored by the modes let you ring handbells, Balance Board to hit the kick drum
To play the saxophone, for exam- track list, which includes public conduct an orchestra, and play or open and close the hi-hat.
пазва =e
ic Se
~ Molar: bt
BuildYour UltimateSquad |
теп 8 \ hen Battle,
АШ Friends]
Сгифе Нитог
Mild Cartoon Violence
Suggestive Themes
NARUTO ©2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO. All Rights Reserved narksofShueisha, Inc in the U.S. and other countries.This product is manufactured, distributed and sold under license from VIZ a, LLC, All Rights
Reserved, Game and Software ©2006 TOMY. PATH OFTHI j idits logo of TOMY. VIZ А nd its logo are trademarksofVIZ Media, LLC. D3Publisher an logo are trademarksof
D3Publisher of America, Inc. Nintendo DS is a trademark rere radertork of the Entertainment Software Association
Wii Sports Resort There's no the new Wii MotionPlus peripheral The gameplay
denying the that's included with the game (see couldn't be
immense Sidebar), you'll be able to perform simpler—after
popularity of actions that are more accurate and grabbing your
Wii Sports. true-to-life than ever before. Frisbee-style flying disc from your flick it forward to toss the disc in
Responsible Of the three events revealed pooch (who you might recognize the desired direction. Your puppy
for selling millions of Wii consoles, for Wii Sports Resort thus far, Disc from Wii Fit) with the A Button, you pal will rush out and attempt to
the original Wii Sports offered Dog is probably the most relaxing. simply pull your hand back and grab the disc out of the air; the
accessible, responsive pick-up- closer you get to your designated
and-play fun for casual and hard- target, the more points you'll earn.
core gamers alike. The sequel, Wii What impressed us the most about
Sports Resort, is primed to do the Disc Dog is how responsive it was;
same when it launches next spring. by mimicking real-life motions,
As its name implies, the game you can throw the disc any way
revolves around an island-vacation you want—even straight up or right
theme, and it offers more than 10 into the ground (but don't expect
fun-in-the-sun events with which to score any points that way).
you can test your skills. But Wii Also on display was Power
Sports Resort isn’t just more of the Cruising, a jet-ski racing challenge
same with a tropical tan—thanks to in which your goal is to success-
S A Cet
Š Val
ne I с.
8 NX
Wii MotionPlus
pm mnm m m PPG C ra020202El asas:
OCTOBER 2008 61
E CD 0
Chrono Trigger
As soon as characters via the touch screen
we heard during exploration and trigger
that Chrono battle commands during combat.
Trigger, one of Ofcourse, if you prefer doing
the greatest things the old-fashioned way
RPGs ofall you can always just play with the
time, was coming to DS we were good ol' Control Pad and buttons.
thrilled; now that we've played it We're greatly looking forward to
we're even more so. Though it's reacquainting ourselves with the
onthe small screen, the game heroic Crono, his perky friend
contains all the detailed visuals, Marle, scientific minded Lucca,
deep gameplay, and compelling. and their memorable assortment
characters that made it so of allies in the months ahead.
legendary on the SNES. Even the
translation seems remarkably
close to that of the original (which
isn't a bad thing-the SNES version
boasts some of the best writing
of its era). Although these screen-
shots don't show it, the game also
makes great use of the DS's lower
screen-not only does it show a
map of your current area (not that
die-hard fans who've memorized
every inch of the game will really
need it), but it lets you move your
Rhythm Heaven
The greatest the stylus for just the right number
Game Boy of beats. If you messed up, the
Advance title other disgruntled chorus members
to never see would shoot you a dirty look. It's
the light of humorous little touches like that,
day on these combined with some brilliantly
shores was Rhythm Tengoku,a creative play mechanics, that
quirky and devilishly addictive made us fall in love with the GBA
piece of software from the folks original. And while it's too early
who brought us WarioWare. to tell if the DS version will live up
Fortunately, it looks as if Nintendo to those lofty standards, we're
is going to make it up to us by certainly encouraged by what
bringing the DS follow-up to we've played thus far.
North America later this year.
Like its predecessor, Rhythm
Heaven is a collection of rapid-fire,
music-themed minigames that,
while eminently simple, are
overflowing with personality. Of
the three challenges on display
at E3 (the full game will include
dozens), our favorite involved you
"singing" as the third member of a
chorus. You had to hold the stylus
against the touch screen until it
was your character's turn to belt
out a hearty “LAAAAA!” then lift
62 euo ower
-and-play control system, hockey is
ш = =E c © гиE g < с © © n = a a = 2 a + z =x m m c E o B5 x =
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Mild Violence
64 „ень power
on your way into town. You're have visitors come to your actual
moving into town. It's what you'd town. Including yourself, you can
expect: you're on the bus, you get have up to four people wandering
asked a bunch of questions—you around the town.
know, what’s your name, where are
you moving, that sort of same initial Why do you feel that this is an
setup. You move in, you choose ideal title to come out simul-
the location of where your house taneously with the WiiSpeak
will be, you go to work for Tom microphone?
Nook-it’s the same initial setup Well, you know, one of the things
that you're used to with Animal about Animal Crossing is that you
Crossing. go to all of the trouble of designing
your home or laying out your
What would you, personally, do will interact with players within Academy. So the Happy Room village to the extent of [placing]
asa player once you're past that the city area is through the auction Academy will choose a room based your flowers and trees and whatnot
setup? house. The auction house is a place on the scores and they will display to customize your village. And
1 would probably travel to the city where you can go and you can take that exact room within the Happy when people come to visit, you
and I'd go into Harriet's, a salon, ап item that you wish to sell. You Room Academy showroom. So want to know what they think. And
and then I'd put on my Mii mask, go into the auction house and you you're able to go in and the person up until this point you could, of
and then | would come back.... Once give it to them and they place it up who's attending the showroom-it's course, send a letter saying, “1 like
I've done that, it's mine. | can take it on display. And then other players, Lyle, who was actually the insur- this,” but WiiSpeak allows you the
off, | can put it back on- depending as they visit, can go into the auction ance salesman in the last game—he opportunity to have that sort of
on what my mood was-and my house and they will say, “Oh, look! will say, "And today in the Happy feedback in real time.
feeling is that when my friends Here's item whatever-it-is! I've Room Academy Showroom we're And I'd consider Animal Crossing
came to visit, rather than my always wanted that!" And they'll featuring theroom from so-and-so to be a very relaxed, sort of infor-
Animal Crossing character, I'd put put a bid in. And other players as in Animal Town." So in that sort of mal experience. And, of course,
my Mii face on so | could play as me they come in, again, consecutively, way you can see what other people human dialogue can bejust that, in
with my friends. can go into the auction house and are doing with some of the more that without any sort of preparation
people can start a bidding war on a creative room-designing aspects of or anything like that you just talk
Sothe big new thingin City Folk particular item. the game. with people and tell them what
is obviously the city. What can And the other way that players [The city] is a place for people you feel and what you're thinking,
you tell us about it? can see what other players around who you have registered as Wii and WiiSpeak allows you to have
The city, the image that we've built the globe are doing is the Happy Friends—and those are ones that that really informal, spontaneous
this [game] upon, is a place where Room Academy showroom. And you are able to send messages interaction with people inside of
players go in, not at the same time, basically the showroom is a place through the Wii message board-if agame that embodies that same
but consecutively, not simultane- to display rooms that have received you both have Animal Crossing. sort of spirit. We thought it was a
ously. And one of the ways that they high scores from the Happy Room really good marriage between the
What parts of the game hardware and the software.
promote simultaneous player
interaction? Other than the new city content
As with the DS version, you can we've talked about, what other
OCTOBER 2008 65
new activities can you do in the DS to one of the service areas and
game? download new content that way.
Well, |think one of the big things We're definitely moving forward
this time is the ability to take. with that in Japan.
photos inside the game. Now, of
course, you can take those photos How would you say City Folk
and you can attach them to letters compares to your original vision
and you can send them to your for Animal Crossing? Are the
friends. But you can also save them new features things that you'd
to an SD card and then take that SD wanted to do all along?
card over to your computer. You I think the original idea that started
can print out the photos that you've Animal Crossing and what we have
taken. Anything that you could do now are fairly different things. But
with information off an SD card now How will it take advantage of the launch that you could download once we actually created the first
you can do [with in-game photos]. the Wii controls? Will there be asthe game progresses. version of Animal Crossing, |think
Plus, you know, there are new motion-based fishing or digging? each iteration has been a natural
and/or returning events. Some As far as motion-sensor controls, Will it fall into the Pay & Play progression in that evolution of the
ofthe events that were in the we're still looking at some of the category or will it be free? franchise. So this time with Animal
GameCube version that we did not implementations of that, so right This is a free service. If you buy the Crossing: City Folk we've been able
put in the DS version are back. So now we don't have [anything to say software, we're not going to make totake some of the things like,
there are just a lot of things to do. about] what the motion control will you purchase anything else. for example, voice chat. Now with
We have Jingle, the reindeer, that do іп the game. Right now we have WiiSpeak we've been able to put
shows up in the winter holiday. two control schemes. One is with Will City Folk interact with Wild that in. Some of the more creative
Zipper T. Bunny is a rabbit that the Wii remote and the nunchuk.... World in any way? aspects—we want to make it easier
comes and visits, and he buries Or you can play with just the Wii Actually, one of the things you can to create different things. Well,
Bunny Day eggs [on] Bunny Day. remote...and that’s a point-driven dois, if you played the DS version of with the Wii remote functionality
And there's also a carnival event control scheme. Animal Crossing, you can actually and the ability of creating patterns
that takes place. We've got a new take the character that you played in different sections, all of these
character associated with that and Will there be downloadable throughout that game and have things are natural progressions and
new things that happen in town. I content? that character move in and be your ideas we've had every time, and it's
think some of these new events are That's a great question. |was character in the Wii version. One just now easier for us to do.
really a lot of fun... looking forward to that question! other thing you can do with the DS
We're thinking of having a service and Wii this time is—let’s say you're Isthereanything else our readers
Speaking of returning charac- where you can download new not connected to the Internet with should know about the game?
ters, is pretty much everyone furniture, new wallpaper designs, your Wii—you can actually take your You've pretty much drawn out
returning from previous games? new flooring designs, and that sort travel data and download it to your everything that | had! I can't
Yes, they're all back. There are some of thing. And that's not content that DS. Another thing you can do with really think of anything else at the
new ones as well, along with some is already hidden on the disc and the DS—we'd mentioned earlier moment.
ofthe familiar faces you've seen. must be unlocked; this is absolutely downloadable content, say, new
new content we'd be creating after furniture. You'll be able to take the
Mega Man 9
We still can't believe we're getting an NES-style Mega Man sequel. Hopefully this
WiiWare title will be a massive hit, sparking other developers to follow in its foot-
Steps. How awesome would a SNES-style Super Mario World 3 be? Or a Sonic the
Hedgehog 4 based on Genesis specs? The mind boggles. To learn more about
MM9, check out our interview with producer Hironobu Takeshita on page 20.
Order of Eccles la The Castle-
vania series
to be one
of the best
own a DS. Producer Koji Igarashi's
team manages to crank out new
installments with remarkable
regularity, and while the games
may not abound with innovation,
they always deliver a top-notch
adventure. Orderof Ecclesia looks
to be no different.
In case you missed our cover
story in Volume 230, here’s a quick
recap. The game stars a raven-
tressed heroine named Shanoa, the core of Ecclesia’s gameplay and tion as rapiers, throwing knives, handheld, but Order of Ecclesia
charged by the titular Order with bestow Shanoa with myriad abili- flaming swords, humongous raises the bar further. The game
defeating Dracula in the mid 1800s. ties, including some that manifest spears, and something that looks boasts improved animation quality,
The reason Shanoa's the right themselves as weapons. What like a machine gun. Furthermore, more-detailed backgrounds, and
woman for the job is that she alone we've seen thus far hints at the certain Glyphs endow Shanoa anew artist whose painterly
can harness the energies of mysti- staggering armament variety with powerful magic attacks, from character designs are a far better
cal objects called Glyphs. These we've come to expect from the lightning bolts to giant cyclones fit for the series’ Gothic motif than
mysterious sources of power are at series. There are Glyphs that func- to barriers composed of revolving were the generic anime-style
Medusa heads. A recent trailer illustrations of the last two games.
even showed our protagonist using With a soundtrack by famed series
Glyphs to transform into a flying composer Michiru Yamane, the
succubus, as well as aslinky catlike game should be equally pleasur-
creature that could shred enemies ableto the ears.
with its claws. This classic series may not have
Previous DSinstallmentsin changed much over the past few
the series have been among the years, but like its iconic villain,
most visually impressive on the we're always thirsty for more.
ocroser 2008 67
The Conduit When the Wii system's first year and a half can
68 мнтеноо power
ocrossn оов 69
па а ВО ПО
MadWorld Core gamers
looking for
latch onto, this
is it. A stylish,
hilariously over-the-top M-rated
action romp from the brilliantly
disturbed minds at PlatinumGames
(Okami, Viewtiful Joe), MadWorld and Jack even showed off a couple around one poor sap, trapping his far too vulgar to reprint here).
is the Wii title we continue to yearn of new WWE-inspired grappling arms to his side before planting The game really does a great job
for more than any other. Though moves, including a giant swing a signpost through the guy's of keeping things light-hearted,
the demo at E3 didn't reveal much and a leaping, over-the-shoulder cranium, then picking him up and preventing the subject matter
in terms of new information, it did backbreaker. hurling him at a wall of spikes. Hey, from ever feeling too disturbing.
reaffirm our belief that the game Of course, why settle for when dealing with bloodthirsty Nevertheless, if it’s not abundantly
will be completely awesome. exterminating
your adversaries thugs, you can never be too clear by now, this one’s intended
Perhaps what impressed just once? To really impress the careful. for mature audiences only.
us most is that protagonist audience and earn more points, We also got to hear a bit We can't wait to see more
Jack, who's a contestant on the Jack can string together all sorts more of the game’s play-by-play of MadWorld, and you can rest
brutal futuristic game show Death of grisly combination fatalities. We commentary, and many ofthe assured that we'll continue to fol-
Watch, went through an entire saw the gruff antihero slam a tire lines were genuinely
funny (though low the game closely in the run-up
level without dispatching any toits March release. On a system
two enemies the same way. We that prides itself on challenging
witnessed a staggering number the status quo, this title cuts the
of context-sensitive finishing status quo in half, throws it in a
maneuvers in just that one locale, dumpster, and lights it on fire.
70 „поо power
In the November/December 1988 issue, NP's Howard Phillips invited readers to submit their
ideas for the "Ultimate" video game (1), describing it by virtually any means they saw fit:
written, audio, visual, or tactile. Jeffrey Scott Campbell's winning entry-Lockarm-included
a cornucopia of great art (2). So it was no surprise that Jeffrey went on to a successful career
creating comic book series such as Gen 13 and Danger Girl. To celebrate NP's 200" issue,
we invited Campbell to dish out a little more Nintendo fan art love, which resulted in this
Nintendo character family portrait (
ocrosen 2008 73
Chiba-ken, Japan
Manager, Software
Development Group
No. 1, Nintendo
Analysis and
Development (EAD)
Making kart
racing super
“It’s a secret."
Hideki Konno
ТА eoo rower
oshi's Island, Wind Waker, Luigi's Mansion, broad range of classic and been exposed to a lot
Nintendogs, Mario Kart—few game developers Nintendo franchises. of ideas working under
ave a resume as impressive as this month's Does any one game them.
Power Profiles subject. No, we're not talking or series hold special
about Shigeru Miyamoto, but Hideki Konno, a significance for you? Many of your games
manager at Nintendo's famed EAD Software Each title | was involved have prominently
Development Department. Konno has been at with in development featured new hardware
intendo for over 20 years; he learned the ins holds special significance innovations. How does
and outs of game development while working for me. Out of those, NES hardware functionality
on classic titles like Super Mario Bros. 3 and and SNES titles involved influence your approach
Super Mario World. He is perhaps best known much strife and new to game development?
as the driving force behind the superpopular Mario Kart series, most discoveries so they were We are always thinking
recently serving as pro ucer for Mario Kart Wii. From popularizing especially memorable. about how to provide
two-player splitscreen racing with Super Mario Kart to petting pups During the time of Super surprises and fun for
in Nintendogs, Konno has constantly revolutionized the way we play Mario Bros. 3 and Super our users. We constantly
games, a habit that we don't expect him to break anytime soon. Mario World, | wasn't rack our brains, thinking
very experienced in about how to come up
NINTENDO POWER: played games on Apple Il, started to think that work game development so with fresh and innovative
Can you tell us how you 1 was shocked by how fun involving creating games everything was trial and games. For example,
got into the video game it was. | tried out a variety would be enjoyable. When error for me. Also, at when I worked on Luigi's
business? of games including | went out job hunting around that time, game Mansion I was thinking
HIDEKI KONNO: 1 got adventure, simulation, a few years later, the production was all about how fun it would be if you
my start when | was and action games. After first place |went to was innovation. The game were able to accurately
16 and first became that, Nintendo released Nintendo. engines and basic library control the game using
interested in personal the Family Computer [also that are commonplace the two control sticks.
computers. During that known in Japan as the When you were a kid, today weren't available With Nintendogs, we dis-
period, | started to play Famicom, and in North what did you want to be to us during development covered the fun of being
with Japanese-made PCs America as the Nintendo when you grew up? back then. We also had to able to talk to your puppy
and Apple's Apple Il. At Entertainment System]. An astronaut. | wanted build the gameplay ideas through the mic and pet
the time, PCs had this It specialized in games to explore the stars in within the constraints of it with the touch screen.
image of "computers and was relatively cheap. aspaceship on my own. the hardware. | have been In Mario Kart Wii, we
can do anything" and Plus, the games were fun. But that dream was from working with [Shigeru] were able to implement
were advertised as 1 researched it and found when I was about 10. Miyamoto and [Takashi] intuitive controls using
such. But after trying out that it had the 6502 Tezuka since then. | have the Wii Wheel. Hardware
them out, they gave as its CPU, which was You have worked on a made a lot of discoveries innovation can be the
me an impression of the same as the Apple
business programs like that Nintendo was an
spreadsheets. But when | intriguing company. |
With over two decades’ worth of Nintendo games under Hideki Konno's belt, it's impossible for us to include all of his hits here.
Suffice it to say, there are many more classic Konno titles where these came from.
1988, NES 1992, SUPER NES
остовек 2008 75
compatible with Nintendo Wii would have up to 12 development of the DS the Mario Kart DS
Wi-Fi Connection. Using players over Nintendo and we strived for that technique that fans
the Wi-Fi connection will Wi-Fi Connection from goal by trying many refer to as “snaking”?
allow you to play against the beginning of the different things. Our Some players consider
afriend who is very far development process. production environment itahighly skilled way to
away. We had a goal of We believed that if 12 did not change, but race, while others view
providing a safe and players can get together rather we reviewed and itas cheating—what is
seamless system for the from anywhere in the reestablished our goals. your opinion?
multiplayer modes so world, that, in itself, will And we continued on We did not expect such
that as many people as make a very heated race. at full speed, heading a huge difference in
possible can enjoy Mario We had a lot to work on, towards our goal. skill in regards to the
Kart. also think that it is such as improving the straightaway drifts in
important for many users matchmaking speed Which aspect of creat- Mario Kart DS. Ofcourse,
to be able to have fun and being able to join in inga video game do you considering itatechnique
with the Wi-Fi connection. during gameplay, but I enjoy the most? is bad for the overall
We will probably continue believe the final result Developing games has game balance because
to expand the possibilities turned out great. numerous hardships it would cause a huge
of gaming over Wi-Fi and but it is also extremely rift between those who
it will branch off into vari- More than ever, it rewarding. Generally can do it and those who
ous directions. However, seems that Nintendo is speaking, developing can't. For Mario Kart Wii,
it doesn't make sense acompany that thrives agame is not done by we incorporated the Wii
unless the single player on exploring new ideas. one person, but rather Wheel along with the
modes are also fun. How would you compare an entire group working mini-turbo technique.
driving force behind the creative environ- together. Each of the staff Making games with
increased imagination in What
do you feel makes ment within Nintendo members' personalities great gameplay is a high
software development. agreat multiplayer today with years past? tend to get reflected priority for us, and we
experience? The production in the game, and that want to keep challenging
Mario Kart DS and Playing with a large group environment is constantly process will go on while many different ideas. We
Mario Kart Wii have led can make games very changing. But a change we continue to dotrial want to provide games
the way for Nintendo exciting. The Mario Kart in the environment
for and error each step of with great gameplay that
with regards to Wi-Fi series puts great focus development does not the way until we finish. all users can enjoy. The
play. How important do on multiplayer modes necessarily mean that it | find it very exciting to feedback we receive will
you feel that Wi-Fi gam- and has continued to will cause a revolutionary see that while the game certainly be reflected in
ingis today, and how expand on that. SNES change in ideas. Nintendo continues to inch towards the next title.
do you see it evolving in had two players. GBA, had set a huge goal of completion.
thefuture? Nintendo 64, and GCN expanding the gaming Speaking of Mario Kart,
We have been expanding had four. DS allowed up population since the Are you familiar with please tell us: is there
the multiplayer communi- to eight players over the
cation aspect of the Mario wireless connection and
Kart series so the players up to four Mario Kart fans
can better enjoy the from anywhere in the
game with their friends. world with the Nintendo
Mario Kart DS and Wi-Fi Connection. We had
Mario Kart Wii are both decided that Mario Kart
- 1997, NINTENDO 64
“ „considering [snaking in Mario
game creators do you What is your favorite
most admire or respect, hobby or pastime?
Data East wasn’t the only
company to take a crack at
the Shadowrun franchise—
Sega published an entirely
different Shadowrun game
for the Genesis only
COVERED IN ISSUES: 45, 48, 50,
months later. With an over-
head perspective, open-
world structure, and avery
cool first-person Matrix
interface, the Genesis ver-
Shadowrun opens with hero Jake
sion was every bit as good
Armitage kicking his way out of
as its SNES cousin.
a morgue's corpse locker, deter-
mined to find the gunmen who put
him there. That would make for
an unusually gritty opening even
today, but in the SNES era of light-
He's drinking iced tea. You could only take hardcore so far in 1993.
hearted fantasy, it was downright
shocking. Clearly the folks at
Beam Software didn't much care button, you guide a floating hand hacking scenes in which you enter
what everyone else was doing, as or crosshair to your target and acomputerized world known as
nearly every aspect of Shadowrun select actions from a menu. (That the Matrix (yes, long before the
broke from the prevalent Dragon system was clearly inspired by a movie) to disable enemy defense
Quest formula. Battles are fought computer mouse, yet annoyingly, Systems or steal money from
with guns and ranged spells on Shadowrun is incompatible with electronic bank accounts. But the
the same field map where you do the actual SNES mouse.) setting also has a splash of fantasy,
your exploring, yet conversations Much of the game's quirkiness mixing in races like elves and trolls
take place in a separate window comes from its imaginative plus an assortment of magical
Things went downhill
where you can select from lists of near-future Seattle setting, spells. Jake can master the game's
from there, however.
collected keywords to ask specific which was first detailed in the skills himself or hire hackers and
Japanese developer
questions. Instead of examining Shadowrun pencil-and-paper shaman to join him as Al-controlled
Compile made а Sega CD
objects and attacking foes by RPG. The game features heavy party members.
version in 1996, which was
approaching them and tapping a cyberpunk elements, including Sure, Shadowrun looks sort of
little more than a digital
ugly, and you'll frequently get stuck
comic with RPG-style bat-
when you fail to notice some tiny
tles. Far inferior to the pre-
note or key amidst the cluttered
vious games, it was never
environments. But when you're
given an international
racing against time to defuse
release. A planned PC title
abomb that's been surgically
wascanceled, and the
implanted in your brain, or raiding
series fell dormant until
skyscrapers by hacking security
Microsoft revived it for
systems and blasting orc security
a poorly received Xbox 360
guards in cubicle-maze shoot-outs,
shooter їп 2007. The video-
you won't miss the trite save-the-
game rights to Shadowrun
world plots and tired dungeons
are now held by Smith
settings of nearly every other RPG.
& Tinker, anew company
Shadowrun was one of a kind in
established by one of
1993, and amazingly it remains
thefranchise’s original
that way 15 years later. -CASEY L.
Ime ET
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We make Б ©
does itbring
the heat Ü
warm the |
bench? рада
pi Бука)
DisageaDS 88
Dragon Quest IV:
oftheChosen 86
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo
Pirelli (0S) 90
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo
SNK ARCADE CLASSICS VOL. 1 89 Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility 9С
Mario Super Sluggers 6
Pop Cutie! Street Fashion
Sam & Max Season
SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1
Star Wars: The Force
Unleashed (05)
Star Wars: The Force
Unleashed (Wii)
Tiger Woods PGA
"EM vo г:
Wisi 11
тър neu
Plumbers in
come to console! And you could point in
` any direction with Wii MotionPlus. STAR WARS: THE
OCTOBER 2008 87
is a lively mix of jazz and inspired won't have to use up your quarters Financial aid available to those who qualify* Career development assistance * Accredited School, ACCSCT
thematic pieces (including an (or your Wii's internal memory) to
awesome up-tempo riff on the play them. Although the difficulty
Soviet national anthem). settings tend to lean toward too
Asitcom is only as good as easy or too hard, the games
its writing, though, and in that are still highly enjoyable (espe-
regard Sam & Мах is frustratingly cially in co-op mode), and various
uneven. There are moments of achievement-style challenges will
genuine hilarity, but the humor keep you playing. —CHRIS H. Real World Education
Thear that
The Tempest may
be holding an ДЗ)
from time to time, such as the slow be learned from the game, but it’s
HARVEST frame rate during thunderstorms one for Koei, not one for up-and- FERRARI
MOON: TREE OF and lousy collision detection on coming fashionistas. -CHRIS SH. CHALLENGE TROFEO
TRANQUILITY some of the terrain. Despite the PIRELLI
flaws, Tree of Tranquility is still
PLATFORM: Wii the addictive farming sim Harvest PLATFORM: DS
PUBLISHER: NATSUME Moon fans expect, if not neces- FERRARI PUBLISHER: SYSTEM 3
INTERACTIVE Natsume promised us. If nothing PIRELLI ESRB: EVERYONE
ESRB: EVERYONE else, it'll definitely keep us busy
until Animal Crossing comes out. PLATFORM: Wii Ferrari vehicles have frequently
Harvest Moon games sell —AMANDA б. PUBLISHER: SYSTEM 3 been absent from other racing
themselves by sticking to formula— DEVELOPER: EUTECHNYX titles, ostensibly so they can be
you're a cute little dude or dudette ESRB: EVERYONE highlighted with their own game,
who comes to town to be a farmer. such as Ferrari Challenge. The
To that end, you plant your crops, POP CUTIE! Fans of hardcore racing simula- decision to go it alone was a
raise your cattle, listen to villagers STREET FASHION tions finally have a Wii title they mistake, at least for the DS version.
whine, and play a dating sim so SIMULATION can sink their teeth into. Ferrari The meager number of tracks and
you can spawn a cute little child Challenge offers an authentic vehicles makes Ferrari Challenge
who will help you out on the ranch. PLATFORM: DS recreation of the titular race series, dreadfully short, as the developers
There's also an adventure storyline PUBLISHER: KOEI complete with ultrarealistic han- chose to maintain Ferrari brand
about reviving the Harvest DEVELOPER: КОЕ! dling (via either analog or motion identity in lieu of creating a solid
Goddess, but the main thrust of the ESRB: EVERYONE controls) and comprehensive game. Ferrari Challenge looks and
game is an endless grind of chores options for both tuning your car's plays nice while it lasts, however,
toraise healthy crops and animals On the surface, Pop Cutie! has performance and customizing its with sleek-looking cars and faith-
to earn more cash. the appearance of sheer fluff: you appearance. The game looks pretty fully recreated tracks (although
Tree of Tranquility doesn't get ideas for clothes from people good, to boot, and though limited the engine noise sounds more like
stray from the norm, despite on the street, then design and to a single automaker, it exploits a hornet's nest than like the sweet
being the series' big jump to Wii. sell them to those same people. that illustrious brand to the fullest. purr of a Ferrari V12). As a little
However, motion controls have On closer inspection, though, In fact, this feels like an interactive diversion, you can play a modified
been added to make the farming Pop Cutie! shows intriguing love letter to the "prancing horse;" game of war with trading cards
feel more "realistic," and there are depth, providing subtle lessons the moment the title screen featuring various Ferrari models,
minigames that make you swing, in economics such as supply and appears with an almost-sensual but this lone minigame can't save
flail, and flick the remote on your demand and staff management, close-up of a Ferrari accompanied Ferrari Challenge from being too
way to victory. These controls are educating the player without being by sweeping choral music, you can brief. -CHRIS SH.
twitchy at best and I'm really glad patronizing. The game's strategy tell the developers were passionate
the game lets you opt out with the is in determining what kinds of about their subject matter. There
Classic controller. clothes to sell and how many are a few bumps in the road—the
The problem is that the employees to hire, and watching difficulty seems uneven at times ALSO THIS MONTH
game feels phoned in, from the what the competition is doing. and changing your car's livery is We didn't get 'em in time to review
tacked-on motion controls to the The downside of Pop Cutie! is that strangely laborious—but if it's a 'em, but keep your eyes open for
scant tutorial system that assumes all of these duties are hard to serious racer you seek, this is the Namco Bandai's We Cheer for
you've already played every other accomplish due to an unbearably best ride in town. -STEVE T. Wii, THQ's Viva Piñata: Pocket
Harvest Moon game. A couple of clunky interface that makes simple Paradise for DS, and Electronic
other issues really wreck the fun tasks difficult. There’s a lesson to Arts's Spore Creatures for DS.
Sweet Potato Ocarina $39.95
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Cranium Kabookii N/A Ubisoft 224 SE from the original, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Konami
Cruis'n N/A Midway 224 Е but! personally don Puzzle Quest: D3PA
CSI: Hard Evidence
Death Jr.: Root of Evil
Ubisoft 225 м mind. When а series Challenge of the Warlords
Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 Ubisoft
Deca Sports N/A
229 Е works as well as this Resident Evil: Capcom
Destroy All Humans! 7.0 THQ 227 T one does, you don't The umbrella Chronicles
Rock Band MTV Games
Big Willy Unleashed
Dragon BallZ: N/A Atari 223
Е want to mess with the Rock Band Track Pack MTV Games
Budokai Tenkaichi 3 formula too much. Volume1
Rockstar Games Rockstar
Dragon Quest Swords: 7.0 Square Enix 226 T -JUSTIN C. Presents Table Tennis.
The Masked Queen and
the Tower of Mirrors Samurai Warriors: Katana Кое!
Dream Pinball 3D N/A Southpeak 228 Е10+ Sega Bass Fishing зева
Emergency Heroes N/A Ubisoft 230 Е10+ Sega Superstars Tennis Sega
Emergency Mayhem N/A Codemasters 228 T. Showtime Jack of All Games
Championship Boxing
* Endless Ocean 75 Nintendo 225 Е
© FIFA08 N/A Electronic Arts 222 Е
The Simpsons Game Electronic Arts
Final Fantasy Fables: 7.5 Square Enix 231 Е10+
Smarty Pants Electronic Arts
Chocobo's Dungeon Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Sega
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn 9.5 Nintendo 222 Е10+ Soulcalibur Legends Namco Bandai
Furu Furu Park N/A Majesco 225 т Space Chimps Brash
Game Party N/A Midway 224 E Speed Racer Warner Bros.
* Geometry Wars: Galaxies 8.0 sierra 222 E
* Ghost Squad 7.0 Sega 223 T
Summer Sports: Destineer
Paradise Island
Godzilla Unleashed 5.5 Atari 223 Е10+
Super Mario Galaxy Nintendo
The Golden Compass 4.0 Sega 224 Е10+ With EA Sports promising to put Super Smash Bros. Brawl Nintendo
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core 8.0 Aksys Games 222 T more effort into its Wii titles this Super Swing GolfSeason 2 Tecmo 224
* Guitar Hero: Aerosmith 7.0 RedOctane 232 Target: Terror N/A Konami
© Guitar Hero Ш: 9.0 Activision 222 б year, the company's gridiron
Legends of Rock
Thrillville:OfftheRails N/A LucasArts
offerings are a mixed bag. While
Harvey Birdman: 6.5 Capcom 224 Tomb Raider Anniversary 6.5 Eidos
Attorney at Law n NCAA Football falls squarely in Top Spin3 7.0 2K Sports
High School Musical: Singit! М/А Disney Interactive 223 E mediocre territory, Madden NFL Trauma Center: New Blood 8.0 Atlus
The House of the 7.0 Sega 227 M 09 is pigskin heaven. The game
Victorious Boxers: Revolution N/A XSEED
Dead 2 &3 Return WALL'E N/A THQ
The Incredible Hulk 3.5 Sega 231 T looks great, the controls are We Love Golf! 8.5 Capcom
Indoor Sports N/A Konami 223 E rock-solid, and the all-new Call WeSki 6.0 Namco Bandai
Indy 500 Legends N/A Destineer 223
s Your Shots option is the best Wild Earth: African Safari N/A Majesco
Iron Man 5.5 Sega 229 Worms: A Space Oddity 6.0 THQ
Jenga N/A мап 223 E thingtohappen to football since WWE SmackDown 6.5 THQ
Jumper N/A Brash 226 T Adrian Peterson. -STEVE T. vs. Raw 2008
WWII Aces 3.0 Destineer
Zack & Wiki: Quest for 9.0 Capcom 222 E Looney Tunes: Eidos 230
Barbaros' Treasure Cartoon Conductor
NINTENDO DS Lost in Blue3 Konami 227
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin 8.5 Nintendo 225 E10 Madden NFL 09 Electronic Arts 232
Alvin and the Chipmunks N/A Brash 223 Mario & Sonic at Sega 225
American Girl: N/A THQ 224 the Olympic Games
Julie Finds a Way Mario Party 05 Nintendo 223
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney 8.0 Capcom 226 MasterofIllusion Nintendo 223
Are you Smarter N/A THQ 223 PORTRAIT OF RUIN Mega Man Star Force2 Capcom 230
Thana Sth Grader? Mega Man ZX Advent Capcom 222
6.5 230 With Castlevania: Order of
Arkanoid DS Square Enix Miami Nights: Ubisoft 225
Assassin's Creed: 75 Ubisoft 226 Ecclesia on the horizon, I Singles in the City
Altair's Chronicles
decided to revisit Konami's Mister Slime Southpeak 230
Balls of Fury N/A Destination 222 MLB 2K8 Fantasy All-Stars 2K Sports 228
Software previous Gothic adventure. Monster Jam Activision 223
Bangai-O Spirits 8.0 D3PA 232 What I discovered is that while The Mummy: Tomb of the Vivendi Games 231
Bleach: The Blade of Fate 8.5 Sega 222 Dragon Emperor
6.0 Portrait of Ruin looks and plays
Bomberman Land Touch! 2 Hudson 225 MX vs. ATV Untamed THQ 224
Boogie 7.0 Electronic Arts 224 great, I felt cheated by the My Horse and Me Atari 225
Brain Challenge N/A Ubisoft. 225 second half of the game, which Mysims Electronic Arts 222
Brain Voyage N/A Eidos 228 Myst Empire Interactive 227
recycles the environments
Bratz: Super Babyz N/A THQ 226 Mystery Dungeon: Sega 226
Build-A-Bear Workshop. N/A The Game Factory 223 from the brilliant first half. Shiren the Wanderer
Cake Mania 2 Majesco 230 Hopefully Ecclesia's world map. Ne Atari 228
Call of Duty 4: Activision 223 Nancy Drew: The Mystery of Majesco 232
Modern Warfare and distinct areas will provide the Clue Bender Society
Carnival Games 4.5 2K Games 231 better variety! —cHRIS H. Nanostray 2 Majesco 225
The ChroniclesofNarnia: Disney Interactive 229 Naruto: Ninja Destiny Tomy/D3PA 226
Prince Caspian Naruto: Path of the Ninja Tomy/D3PA 222
Civilization Revolution
Code Lyoko: Fall of Xana N/A
2K Games
The Game Factory
05 Need For Speed ProStreet
New International Track
Electronic Arts
Commando: Steel Disaster N/A XS Games 229 This arcade classic is a and Field
Contra4 Konami 222 perfect fit for the DS's Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword Tecmo 227
Jack of All Games Ninja Reflex Electronic Arts 227
Corvette Evolution GT
Cooking Mama 2: Majesco
two screens, and is Ontamarama Atlus 223
Dinner with Friends nice to zone out with Orcs & Elves Electronic Arts 223
Crosswords DS N/A Nintendo 228 during short pick-up- Panzer Tactics DS Conspiracy 223
Gamecock 223 Petz: Bunnyz Ubisoft 227
Dementium: The Ward
Draglade Atlus 224 and-play sessions. Petz Wild Animals: Tigerz Ubisoft 227
Dragon Quest Square Enix 222 It isn't for everyone, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Capcom 222
Monsters: Joker but in my opinion, #5 Trials and Tribulations
Dream Pinball 3D N/A Southpeak 228 229
Drone Tactics Atlus 229 better than our 6.5 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:
Art, cosplay, case mods-if you've got it, we want it. Show Us
Send your pictures via email to community@nintendo- or via snail mail to Community c/o Future
US, 1000 Marina Blvd., Suite 510, Brisbane, CA 94005.
the Love `
Reader Kelsey Garlock, whose
We'll run the best stuff in this section.
dream has been “to draw
something that would appear in
your magazine,” sent us a letter
full of love and somefantastic
art, which we're happy to present here. We're especially impressed
with her picture of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap's Vaati. Keep
Who Needs R.O.B.? up the good work, Kelsey, and thanks for reading! -TOM н.
Disney/Pixar's WALL-E has many things in common with Nintendo's WRITE YOUR OWN CAPTION
GameCube console—both are adorably compact, durable, and
arguably outmoded by more-advanced technology—but we never
expected them to be one and the same.
Luckily, brothers Martin and Stefan Blass of Cologne, Germany-
based Babetech Custom Computer and Gaming Consoles had the
bright idea of modifying an old GameCube to look like the diminutive
animated hero after they saw a trailer for the film earlier this year.
“When we saw the teaser for the first time, we just fell in love with this
cute little robot,” says Martin. “There was no long discussion—just the
quick decision that we wanted to build something like that.” The duo THIS MONTH'S SHOT
began putting together the WALL-E case mod in January, plugging ¥ a
about 30 hours into the project before it was completed. As you can
see from the images, the project required quite a bit more than just
old hardware and a few tubes of paint-the brothers had to draw from
Several unique sources to find the materials needed for WALL-E's
trademark eyes, treads, and hands.
Building the eyes proved to be a multistep process, starting with a
wood base surrounded by a strip of PVC and topped with airbrushed
acrylic half-spheres and small Plexiglas tubes. The arms and hands
may look like metal, but they are actually composed entirely of
Plexiglas and assembled in a way that allows both the arms to move
and the hands to be opened and closed. Only the treads were lifted
directly from another object: a plastic toy bulldozer. Despite the com-
plexity of the modifications, the GameCube remains fully functional,
asthe lid can be popped like normal and WALL-E's nameplate can
be flipped down to reveal the controller ports. “That is always the
most important thing," Martin recognizes. "We don't want to destroy VOLUME 231'S SHOT
anything, just improve it and make it better."
Martin says the brothers have several other projects currently in
the works, including ahandful of PC mods, but WALL-E is unlikely to
be the last console mod to come out of the Babetech crew. “We're
currently in the planning/discussion phase for another console mod.
This time we want to mod a Wii," asserts Martin. “Our WALL-E needs a
girlfriend." CANDREW H.
WEMBER 2008 = VOL. 23h
In true Nintendo Power fashion, next issue's cover game is a doozy of an
exclusive. We don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but.... Well, okay—
here's a hint: somewhere on this page is a clue. Can you crack our code?
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