Lesson Plan in Teaching Arts
Lesson Plan in Teaching Arts
Lesson Plan in Teaching Arts
At the end of the lesson, the student shall be able to:
a. Identify the meaning of arts;
b. Develop on how to control the materials used in arts and;
c. Discover different types of arts.
A. Preliminary Activity
a. Routines
Before we begin our class, may I request everyone to Students begin to pray
please be silent for a prayer.. Sign of the cross
Good afternoon students! How are you this afternoon? Students: Good Afternoon, Teachers.
I hope all of you are having a great day Students: Yes, Teachers.
My dear students, are you ready for today’s fun Students: Yes, Teachers. We’re excited.
Before anything else, let us first check your attendance. Students participates the checking of
When your names are called, please switch on your attendance.
camera and microphone so that I can verify your presence.
b. Review
We tackled about how to make designs. Students 1: We can create designs using our
I want three students in the class who can share their phones.
learnings from the previous lessons. Student 2: We can make designs using old
Anyone? Student 3: Making designs is fun and easy.
c. Motivation
Okay class, who among you here knows how to play 4 pics Students: Me, Teacher.
one word? Students: I sometimes borrow phone to my
I am sure that a lot of you use cellphones at home right? Mom.
Some of you borrows cellphones from your mom? Or, Students: Me too, Teacher.
maybe from your dad? Or, your brothers and sisters?
B. Developmental activities
a. Presentation
1. Very Good!
2. This is a statue.
3. Great Job!
Students: It’s a triangular image, Teacher.
Students: I don’t have any idea about that,
4. Very Good!
6. Perfect, and
7. Excellent!
Okay, my dear students, I know some of you are familiar
with this and others of you are not, so I will go over the
seven types of arts with you. Our lecture will be on the
arts, but we will concentrate on number one which is the
“Drawing and painting”.
b. Discussion
Painting and drawing are always exciting for us. Do you Students: Yes, Teacher. We are all very
remember the first time your parents bought art supplies excited buying art materials.
for you?
Now, the first illustration I gave you was about painting Students starts to listen to the Teacher.
and drawing, but I'll discuss it to you later. Let's look at
some different types of art.
For example:
1. Flowers
2. Sticks Students are listening.
3. Leaves
4. Soap
5. Old clothes
6. Paper etc….
You can have this thoughts if you are artistic.
Who among you here got a reward from their teacher Student 1: Me, Teacher.
because your unique art projects? Student 2: Me too, Teacher.
Student 3: Me too, Teacher.
I guess, everyone.
Okay, any questions about painting and drawing? Students; No question, Teacher.
c. Generalization
This time, let us now generalize and reflect to our lesson Students are listening.
for today.
Always Remember:
Okay class, since we are done discussing with our lesson, Students are listening.
let us have an activity. I want you to draw and paint a
family portrait. I will give you 30 minutes to do it. Be Students starts answering the activity.
creative, students.
Draw and paint something that you like that you can Students are listening.
found inside your house. Submit it next meeting. Students: Yes, Teacher.
Dear God,