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Lesson Plan in Teaching Arts

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At the end of the lesson, the student shall be able to:
a. Identify the meaning of arts;
b. Develop on how to control the materials used in arts and;
c. Discover different types of arts.


a. Topic: Drawing and Painting
b. Reference: PIVOT 4a Calabarzon Arts G2
c. Materials: Art Materials, Digital Arts
d. Values Integrated: Patience



A. Preliminary Activity

a. Routines

Before we begin our class, may I request everyone to Students begin to pray
please be silent for a prayer.. Sign of the cross

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy

Spirit. Amen
Thank you God for all the things you've made our world to
be. For every single living plant, insect, bird and tree.
Thank you God for all the people you have placed around
us. For every single parent, friend and teacher that we
trust. Thank you Lord for all the gifts you send to us each
day. For every single meal and snack, for cuddles, toys
and play. Thank you God for caring for us, we know you
always see. Our every need, our worries, cares, our
laughter, joys and tears.
Thank you Lord that you're our friend, you delight in all
we do. Especially when you hear our prayers, and we give
thanks to you. In the name of the Father, of the Son, and
of the Holy Spirit.

Good afternoon students! How are you this afternoon? Students: Good Afternoon, Teachers.
I hope all of you are having a great day  Students: Yes, Teachers.

Our names are Teacher Igirl, Teacher Azineth and Teacher

Monica. We will be your teachers for this afternoon. I hope
all of you will participate and engage to our new lesson.

My dear students, are you ready for today’s fun Students: Yes, Teachers. We’re excited.

Before anything else, let us first check your attendance. Students participates the checking of
When your names are called, please switch on your attendance.
camera and microphone so that I can verify your presence.

b. Review

Before we begin, let us have a first short review on our

previous discussions.

We tackled about how to make designs. Students 1: We can create designs using our
I want three students in the class who can share their phones.
learnings from the previous lessons. Student 2: We can make designs using old
Anyone? Student 3: Making designs is fun and easy.

Thank you for sharing your learnings students. Great job.

c. Motivation

Okay class, who among you here knows how to play 4 pics Students: Me, Teacher.
one word? Students: I sometimes borrow phone to my
I am sure that a lot of you use cellphones at home right? Mom.
Some of you borrows cellphones from your mom? Or, Students: Me too, Teacher.
maybe from your dad? Or, your brothers and sisters?

Alright, So, I prepare here a picture. Can you identify

what’s in the pictures?
Students: A girl painting, Teacher.

You guess it right, my dear students 

The pictures I showed you was of a young child playing
with paint colors, and it is now art. It appears to be messy
and uninteresting, but it is considered art.

B. Developmental activities

a. Presentation

At this point of time, I will show you another sets of

pictures. I want you to examine these, and after that, I
want someone in class to share the things that he/she
observed in the pictures.

Are you ready, Kids? Students: Yes, we are ready, Teacher.

Students: Same with the first picture,

Teacher. A girl painting.

1. Very Good!

Students: We don’t know that, Teacher.

2. This is a statue.

Students: It’s a set of books, Teacher.

3. Great Job!
Students: It’s a triangular image, Teacher.
Students: I don’t have any idea about that,

4. Very Good!

Students; It’s a cinema, Teacher.

5. Yes, you are


Students: Playing instruments, Teacher.

6. Perfect, and

Students; They’re acting, Teacher.

Students: I know this, Teacher. It’s Aladdin.

7. Excellent!
Okay, my dear students, I know some of you are familiar
with this and others of you are not, so I will go over the
seven types of arts with you. Our lecture will be on the
arts, but we will concentrate on number one which is the
“Drawing and painting”.

b. Discussion

Painting and drawing are always exciting for us. Do you Students: Yes, Teacher. We are all very
remember the first time your parents bought art supplies excited buying art materials.
for you?

Now, the first illustration I gave you was about painting Students starts to listen to the Teacher.
and drawing, but I'll discuss it to you later. Let's look at
some different types of art.

Painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, cinema,

music, and theater are the seven different types of art. Students are listening.

- The second image shows a marble statue of three

young children. Another old visual art form that
stretches back to prehistoric times is sculpture. A
sculpture is a three-dimensional visual picture
created with conventional materials like clay, stone, Students are listening.
ceramics, metals, or wood.

- The third picture is Literature. Literature is an art

form that shares stories. It is an art form of
language and can be read or spoken. Students are listening.

- The fourth one is about Architecture. Architecture

is the art form you pass every day without realizing
or fully appreciating it as an art form. Architecture
is the art of structures, and we could reasonably
date architecture back to the point when man first Students are listening.
created shelter.

- The fifth picture is about Cinema. Cinema is the

newest of the seven forms of art. Created just over a
century ago, cinema may not have the length of
history as the other art forms on this list, but it has Students are listening.
quickly become one of the most popular.

- The six picture shows Music. Music is the art of

arranging audible sounds and vibrations to produce
a musical composition using the elements of Students are listening.
melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre. Music can
use the human voice, instruments, or both.
- And lastly, theater and it’s an art form where the
artist combines both visual art and dramatic Students are listening.

Okay, class, I just went through the seven forms of arts

with you, but let's go back to our primary topic which is
painting and drawing.

Painting and drawing maybe done in variety of ways. It

makes no difference where you are right now since you Students are listening.
can create art with your phone just by installing an app. If
you don’t have any arts supplies, you can find ways to
make art.

For example:
1. Flowers
2. Sticks Students are listening.
3. Leaves
4. Soap
5. Old clothes
6. Paper etc….
You can have this thoughts if you are artistic.

Who among you here got a reward from their teacher Student 1: Me, Teacher.
because your unique art projects? Student 2: Me too, Teacher.
Student 3: Me too, Teacher.
I guess, everyone.

Everything around us, my dear students, is art. You will

cherish a work of art near you if you grasp the importance Students are listening.
of arts and how important it is in our life. When you get
older and can appreciate arts as a hobby, you will be able
to locate a piece in any location where you can paint or

Okay, any questions about painting and drawing? Students; No question, Teacher.

c. Generalization

This time, let us now generalize and reflect to our lesson Students are listening.
for today.

Always Remember:

Art gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand

our world. It is an essential part of our culture because it Students are listening.
allows us to have a deeper understanding of our emotions;
it increases our self-awareness, and also allows us to be
open to new ideas and experiences.
d. Evaluation

Okay class, since we are done discussing with our lesson, Students are listening.
let us have an activity. I want you to draw and paint a
family portrait. I will give you 30 minutes to do it. Be Students starts answering the activity.
creative, students.

Time’s up…. Students submits their works.

Submit your work now.

e. Assignment Students are listening.

For your assignment:

Draw and paint something that you like that you can Students are listening.
found inside your house. Submit it next meeting. Students: Yes, Teacher.

Before we end, let us pray. Sign of the cross.

Students starts to pray.
In the name of the Father, of the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Dear God,

Thank you for the lesson today,

It's great to find out new things about your world.
It’s fun trying new skills and learning, to read and write.
Help us to remember all we have learned today in class.
We look forward for tomorrow
And all the wonderful things we will be taught. In the
name of Jesus

Amen. Students: Amen!

Goodbye class! Students: Goodbye Teacher Igirl.

Students: Goodbye Teacher Azineth.
See you again next time. Stay safe and healthy. Students: Goodbye Teacher Monica.
Students: See you next meeting. Stay safe
and healthy.



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