Steel Pipe-Unit Weight
Steel Pipe-Unit Weight
Steel Pipe-Unit Weight
Fiscal Year:- 2073/074
Rate per meter
6 kg/cm2 10 kg/cm2 Remarks
Without VAT With VAT Without VAT With VAT
23.92 27.03
35.10 39.66 ½"
52.52 59.35 ¾"
58.76 66.40 87.10 98.42 1"
91.00 102.83 133.64 151.01 1¼"
140.92 159.24 207.22 234.16 1½"
221.26 250.02 330.20 373.13 2"
309.66 349.92 463.58 523.85 2½"
446.42 504.45 667.94 754.77 3"
661.70 747.72 1011.66 1143.18 4"
856.18 967.48 1290.38 1458.13 4½"
1066.00 1204.58 1614.60 1824.50 5"
1392.30 1573.30 2100.80 2373.90 6"
1768.26 1998.13 2667.08 3013.80 7"
2181.92 2465.57 3281.98 3708.64 8"
2741.44 3097.83 4164.42 4705.79 9"
3390.66 3831.45 5137.86 5805.78 10"
4245.28 4797.17 6425.38 7260.68 11"
5380.70 6080.19 8122.14 9178.02 12"
6823.70 7710.78 10307.18 11647.11 14"
8660.86 9786.77 13091.78 14793.71
10937.42 12359.28 16538.34 18688.32
13494.78 15249.10 20474.74 23136.46