IT Services Management and ISO 20000: A Case Study in An IT Remote Support Company
IT Services Management and ISO 20000: A Case Study in An IT Remote Support Company
IT Services Management and ISO 20000: A Case Study in An IT Remote Support Company
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All content following this page was uploaded by Henrique Rego Monteiro da Hora on 27 March 2014.
Post graduation in Production and Systems, Fluminense Federal Institute (IFF), Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil
Abstract There is an increasing demand for quality on the market, especially when the approach is related to IT which is
a dynamic area and more important to companies each day. This paper was elaborated with the objective to describe relevant
information to the NBR ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification process based on the experience of the company CJHT in the area of
Remote Support to the user. The methodology used is classified as qualitative in which, through a documental research,
criticisms were made regarding the implementation process. At the end of the article, there is an analysis of the benefits
versus the employed effort coming to the conclusion that there are benefits for the organization and its collaborators.
Moreover, the main difficulties found in the certification process were reported.
Keywords Certification, IT services management, ISO 20000, ITIL
standards, because it defines requirements which assure the application to specific problems [8].
quality of the product/service focusing on customer’s The approach is classified as qualitative in the data
satisfaction. ISO 27001 is the standard for information collection, analysis and implementation, for being
security which has requirements which assure reliability, descriptive and both the process and its significance are the
availability and integrity of the client’s data. Neither is main focus of the approach [8].
mandatory, however they do facilitate the implementation of In relation to the procedure methods, this research uses
the IT management in the organization, as described on item action-research when conceived and performed in close
3.5 of this article. association with an action or with the solution of a collective
The justification of this research is based on the relevance problem. The researchers and participants that are
of a case study of the implementation of one of the main representative to the situation or the problem are involved in
international standard in information technology, namely a cooperative or participative way [8]. The documental
ISO 20000. Due to the importance of the certification, research is also used in the files of the object of study and the
numerous companies in the world have already achieved single case study [9].
such seal of quality and other ones are in the implementation
process. In 2008 there were 339 organizations with ISO 2.2. Methodological Research
20000, led by Japan with 48 certified companies, followed The researches with descriptions of the implementation of
by India with 40 and then China with 34. Since this is a the NBR ISO/IEC 20000 standard are scarce especially
recent subject, there is a lack of academic contributions in because there are few companies dedicated to such
the area which can contribute to the view of such integration certification. However, it is possible to verify descriptions
and the final results [3]. about the implementation of other standards, such as the
According to APM Group [5] few companies have the NBR ISO 9001.
ISO/IEC 20000 certificate in Brazil, among which we may Paes, Hora and Valdiviezo [10] reported the certification
mention: process of a basic sanitation company, comparing quantity of
• Asyst Sudamerica – Data Processing Specialized Work Instructions and managerial information systems used.
Service S/C Ltd; Walter [11] discusses the certification process of the same
• T-Systems do Brasil Ltda; standard, but unlike the above mentioned authors, he does
• HP Service Brasil; not directly report the benefits, but the process itself,
• CPM Braxis - Global Operating Center. indicating the paths taken, documents created and necessary
Still according to the APM Group [6], achieving ISO/IEC trainings.
20000 certification demonstrates to other organizations,
2.3. Technical Procedures
suppliers, customers, staff, partners and industry bodies that
the service provider company is a qualified, suitable supplier, In order to reach the research objective, a documental
once the company proofs they have shown they have research is performed in the company, seeking the
practices, procedures and management system controls in descriptions of the implementation. The use of
place to ensure services are provided effectively with action-research, where the researcher is part of the object of
customer satisfaction at the core. study, allows the authors to report their perceptions
Sixty to ninety percent of a total cost in IT ownership regarding the implementation process, because they played
comes from managing processes and developing disciplines an active role during the research.
for such [7], therefore it indicates its importance and the The results are analyzed both critically and qualitatively,
reason why researchers dedicate time and work investigating indicating the critical points of the process so to support
IT management. future implementations.
The objective of this article is to describe the NBR
ISO/IEC 20000-1 certification process in an information 2.4. Results Analysis
technology company, emphasizing the difficulties. The The reports obtained though action-research are critically
company name is omitted due to industrial secrecy, but there analyzed in order to evidence the imperfections in the
was entire collaboration to the research. The company is implementation and elaborate a directing text with the most
referred to by the pseudonym CJHT. critical points of the implementation process.
defined in 34 processes, divided in four domains, as According to ABNT [21], audits are used to determine in
described below [16]: which level the quality management system requirements are
• Plan and Organize (PO) – Approaches the strategies, met. The audit findings are used to evaluate the efficacy of
tactics and aspects for a better contribution of IT to reach the quality management system and to identify improvement
the business objectives; opportunities.
• Acquire and Implement (AI) – Approaches the IT First party audits are performed by the organization itself
strategies to identify solutions for IT, needs of or on its behalf, for internal purposes, and may compose the
development or technology acquisition, implementation basis for a self-declaration as for the conformity of the
and integration with the business processes; organization.
• Monitor and Evaluate (ME) – Approaches the Second party audits are performed by clients of the
performance management, internal controls monitoring organization, or by other people on behalf of the client.
and provides governance, aiming at evaluating the quality Third party audits are performed by independent external
of the processes and the compliance with the control organizations. Such organizations, usually accredited,
requirements. provide certifications or registration of compliance with
Acording to Lahti and Peterson [13], CobiT provides requirements such as those from ISO 9001 [22].
detailed information to manage processes based on business NBR ISO 19011 provides guidelines regarding audits.
objectives. CobiT is projected to aid three distinct audiences: Since the implementation of ISO 9001 in 2007 in the
• Managers who need the risk and control the company CJHT, there has been a team capacitated for
investments in IT in an organization; internal audits composed by representatives of the each area
• Users who need guaranties that the IT services which of the organization which executes this systematic every six
depend on their products and services to internal and months, alternating with the external audits. The Integrated
external clients are being managed; Management System (IMS) staff, in partnership with all the
• Auditors who can stand on the CobiT other areas, performs all the planning, execution control and
recommendations to evaluate the IT management level results treatment of the company standards.
and counsel the internal control of the organization.
3.5. ISO/IEC 20000
According to Neves [20], the business orientation tries to
unite the business objectives and the IT objectives, supplying According Polter, Verheijen and Selm [23], the ISO/IEC
metrics and maturity models to better the IT governance 20000 objective – inherited from BS 15000 – is to “provide a
evaluation, besides supporting the identification of common pattern of reference to any company which offer IT
responsibilities of the business and IT area. For that, it is services to internal or external clients”. Due to the
needed to manage and control the IT resources by means of importance of communication to the Services Management,
structured processes, such as audits, which enable delivering one of the most important objectives of the standard is to
the goods/services according to the planning. create a terminology common to services providers, their
suppliers and their clients. Figure 3 shows the coverage of
3.4. Management System Audits ISO/IEC 20000 certification and its structure.
The existence of Quality Management Systems ISO sure they are quick, easy, consistent and authorized. The
9001:2008 is a facilitator in the implementation of ISO/IEC objective of the Change Management is to successfully
20000-1 [6]. The activities of measurement and service complete all the adjustments and changes in the IT
management analysis include internal audits planned by the infrastructure in a systematic way. This way, the risks
Integrated Management System – IMS. Service associated to the service maintenance, and consequently
improvement actions are established based on analysis of their quality and impact, are maintained at the lowest
indicators, changes, quality and services levels which take possible levels;
place during the meetings for critical analysis and • Release Management: Manages the distributions
coordination [3]. and the release control of the software, hardware and
The NBR ISO/IEC 20000-1 has many aspects related to updates. The Release Management controls the all
the NBR ISO 9001, which can be worked on in an efficient softwares and hardwares existing in the IT infrastructure
way in order to reduce time and cost and increase quality in in production and it organizes the distribution in
its achievement and maintenance [3]. operational environments. Only softwares and hardwares
In order to implement the management of IT Services, which have been verified, tested and approved the Release
besides complying with the ISO 9001 (Quality Management Management are distributed, once assured that the original
System), it is also necessary to comply with the ISO 27002 versions can be resumed in case of flaws;
(Information Security). According to ISO/IEC [1], • Service Level Management (SLM): The objective
information security is the result of a system of policies and of the Service Level Management is to make the
procedures, elaborated to identify, control and protect agreements between the clients and the IT organization
information and any equipment used for its storage, clear concerning the type and quality of the services being
transmission and processing. The collaborators of the offered, taking the pertinent actions for its
services providers which are specialists in information implementations and seeking solutions which assure the
security should be familiarized with the NBR ISO/IEC compliance to the established levels;
27002 [14]. • Availability Management: Manages the present,
According MacFarlane and Rudd 2005 apud [24] For a optimizes the service supply chain and follow the business
company to implement the services management, it is up. The Availability Management identifies, defines and
important to establish the processes in accordance to the prepares the necessary measure to ensure the required
NBR ISO/IEC 20000-1 requirements: availability by the services, monitoring the reliability and
• Configuration Management: Manages, controls and availability in the failures and interruptions and
monitors the Configuration Items (CI) existing in the Data recommending changes so to prevent future losses in the
Base Configuration Management (DBCM). A CI is any services quality;
component or element existing in the infrastructure • Capacity Management: Manages the future,
necessary for a service supply;
monitoring and evaluating the services development, also
• Incident Management: Manages the deviations
planning new businesses. The Capacity Management
(incidents) in the infrastructure, seeking rapid
identifies and specifies the demand and the client’s needs,
reestablishment of the services. The Incidents
trying to translate them into constantly monitored
Management is devoted to resolving the incident and
reestablishing the service supply to the client as quickly as
• IT Service Continuity Management: Manages
possible, minimizing the impact of the incident on the
disaster, keeping plans for contingency and disasters
business. It should also assure that the service quality and
recovery, business survival, risks and vulnerabilities. The
availability both meet the ANS’s agreed upon. An
IT Service Continuity Management treats the unexpected
incident is classified as any event which is not part of the
interruptions in IT services, preparing and planning
standard functioning of a service and which causes, or
may cause, an interruption in the service or a reduction in recovery and restoration measures and of the IT services;
its quality, and which has a known solution (known error); • Financial Management: Manages the effective costs,
• Problem Management: Manages the problems, the financial resources allocation and the Return over
seeking to identify the root causes, proposing solutions to Investment – ROI. The Financial Management performs
the problems, eliminating repetitive problems, the correct budgetary provision of the IT services,
accelerating the solution time and generating a solutions considering involved costs and possible investments
bank. The objectives of the Problem Management include: benefits, especially in decision making regarding
increasing the IT infrastructure quality by investigating environment changes.
the causes of the incidents or potential incidents, removing The ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 20000-1 specifies a number of
them in a permanent way and proactively preventing new management processes of intimately connected services, as
incidents. Once the cause of the problem (a infrastructure shown by Figure 1.
flaw) is identified and a solution is established, a problem The authors of this article participated in the elaboration of
becomes known as a known error; internal documents (Appendix) according to the services
• Change Management: Manages changes, making management processes described above.
Management 2014, 4(2): 38-49 43
• Evaluate the current practices: comparison with tool for internal registration Qualitor Web was purchased.
the quality management system (ISO 9001) implemented The choice for such tool was due to the fact that it works
and consistent in the company since 2007; with the ITIL Service Management standard and it allows
• Compare practices with ISO 20000: a comparison changes according to client’s requirement;
between the requirements of ISO 20000 and ISO 9001 is • Implement ISO 20000 processes: Initiate the
performed; Elaboration of Service Level Agreement with application of the documents and adjust; formation of a
the client; External Support Agreement with suppliers and change committee, composed by the Senior Executive, the
Operational Level Agreement among internal areas. Thus Change Manager and the representatives from the units;
integrating a partnership in the implementation of a better • Train in management system processes: Carry out
provision of remote support services; awareness event for the whole organization in the
• Document and evaluate the differences (gap revised/new documents made available in the documents
analysis): an electronic spreadsheet with the analysis of management tool DocNix;
what the company which is already certified in the NBR • Perform Internal Audit: Between August 3rd and 5th,
ISO 9001 needs to achieve the NBR ISO/IEC 20000. The 2009, to check the implementation of the requirements of
requirements are found in the referred standards. the due standard. Such activity lasted 3 days and resulted
• Elaborate Action Plan: An action plan is elaborated in 32 non-conformities and 16 improvement opportunities,
for the carrying out of the committee; which were treated by the respective areas with the aid of
• Train teams in ITIL, ISO 9001 and 20000: the 20000 committee;
Training and certification in ITIL V.2 (2007) for the • Perform External Pre-Audit: Between September
managerial body, standard implementation committee and 26th and 27th, 2009, by the Certification organization. Such
the operational body of the organization; Training on activity lasted 2 days, and 17 nonconformities were
interpretation of the standards NBR ISO/IEC 20000 and generated, which were treated by the respective areas with
NBR ISO/27002 for the committee and the managerial the aid of the 20000 committee;
body; Recycling training on ISO 9001:2008; • Perform External Final Audit: Between October
• Define and implement the management system: 21st and 22nd, 2009, by the Certification organization.
Review the NBR ISO 9001 documents with the inclusion Such activity lasted 2 days and no nonconformities or
of IT Management and elaboration of new ones, taking observations were registered;
into account the structure of the internal processes of • Get a recommendation: The certifying organization
CJHT (Figure 5). The list of the current documents can be delivered the indication letter, once the certification could
consulted in Attachment I of this research; only be delivered within a one month. This way, there was
• In order to manage the incidents and problems, the aid no need for a follow-up audit, which consists of a
Management 2014, 4(2): 38-49 45
verification of the treatment of the inconsistencies found specific Contact Center (IT Remote Support) process of the
in the certification audit and its closure; Campos dos Goytacazes unit so the Operation area may
• Get the ISO 20000 certification: The certificate was perform the users’ support service and comply/surpass the
delivered to the company thirty days after the client’s satisfaction level.
recommendation, when the company was formally Continuous improvement process: the company CJHT
declared certified on ISO/IEC 20000. From that moment kept its 20000 committee reducing only its meetings
on, the news was made public to the press, clients and periodicity from weekly to twice a month. This way
suppliers, and so were the benefits resulting from such maintaining the management system of the IT services
achievement. implemented and searching for the continuous improvement
Figure 5 shows the internal processes structure of the of its result to the client’s view.
company CJHT, which consists of the relation between the Figure 6 presents the implementation timetable of the
corporate and commercial processes, integrated management, ISO/IEC 20000 in the company CJHT, composed by task,
integration aid which support the whole organization and the who is in charge, start date and end date.
by the organization. Such lessons may be either positive or obtained results, because the client did not consider it as a
negative. During a project, knowledge should be transferred, requirement, but as a bonus, in his next order, once the other
integrated, created and explored in order to create new competitors had not implemented such standard in the
organizational value. This way, to obtain a ISO/IEC 20000 organizations.
certification, collect information and meetings of the lessons In the case of the company being studies, the use of
learned were performed during all the project phases. The action-research was attempted due to the direct participation
main results obtained after the implementation of the IT of the authors in the project and academic studies. The
services management in the company CJHT were: objective of the action-research was to solve a problem and
• Benefits for the organization: contribute to the academic area with the research. The main
− Provide managed services to satisfy the business and relevance of this research was to establish a reference model
the client, at a reasonable cost; for the ISO/IEC 20000 implementation and certification. The
− Solve problems of continuity, availability, capacity of reference presented here has a prescriptive characteristic,
services supplied; being available to be used by any provider which wishes to
− Provide tools to comply with the level of hired initiate a project of this caliber. It was also attempted to
services; present the results and lessons learned in a clear way, serving
− Keep the Company competitive edge in the market; as base for future studies about the subject.
− Keep current and future contracts with the client.
• Benefits for the collaborators 6.3. Concerning Future Researches
− Work in a company which performs activities based This present research allows new analysis in various aspects
on orientations and standards for services provision to be implemented, such as:
accepted worldwide;
• Analyze qualitative and quantitative benefits in a mid
− Acquire professional growth practices in the
to long term from the implementation of the standard;
• Elaborate a market study evidencing the effect of the
• Difficulties encountered
certification on the companies which got certified;
− Interpretation of the NBR ISO 9001:2008 to
• Elaborate a management model to aid the certification
implement the requirements, even after the training given
on such standard;
• Analyze the requirements for implementing the ISO
− Physical distance of the consultant, being him in
9001, 20000 and 27002, evidencing the common grounds
Brasília, causing the meetings to be help through
and how to simplify the parallel maintenance of such
certifications, complying with all of their requirements.
− Conciliation of the ordinary activities and the
In general, it is suggested that the subject be researched
activities of standard implementation, by the 20000
upon after implementation so to open a quite vast range of
possibilities which shall serve as initial idea to numerous
− Need of customization of the bought tool, Qualitor
further researches.
Web, to adequate it to the company business;
− Focus on the infrastructure area, causing considerable
changes in the work routine and thus resistance. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Thusly, the organization understands that the IT services
management must be used to assure the service provision in The authors are grateful to the Fluminense Federal
the best possible way. Institute, for supporting the research, and to the Company,
The costs from the implementation of such standard and for allowing the employees sharing its cultural
its consequent certification are high in comparison to the knowledgement to the science progress.
48 Charlene da Silva Leite et al.: IT Services Management and ISO 20000:
A Case Study in an IT Remote Support Company
Internal documents of company CJHT:
Code Document Title
PR-0001 IT Services Management
PR-0002 Service Provision Management
PR-0003 Service Support Management
PR-0003 Management of Relationship with the Client
PR-0004 Management of Nonconforming Product
PR-0005 Information Security Management
PR-0006 Risk Management
PR-0007 Change and Release Management
PR-0008 Technological Infrastructure Management
PR-0009 Information Management
PR-0010 Action Management
PR-0011 IT Remote Support to Users Management
PR-0012 Corporate Systems Management
PR-0013 Acquisition Management
IS-0001 IT Remote Support Demobilization Control
IS-0002 IT Remote Support Implementation Control
IS-0003 Hiring and Recruiting Control
IS-0004 Execution of IT Remote Support Users’ Satisfaction and Manifestation Researches Treatment
IS-0005 Products and Services Acquisition Control
IS-0006 Managerial Report Elaboration Control
IS-0007 Budget Control
IS-0008 Records and Calls Quality Monitoration Control
IS-0009 Execution and Controlo f IT Remote Support Measurements
IS-0010 Calls Classification and Forwarding
IS-0011 Perform and Restore Backup
DF-0001 IT Strategy Definition
DF-0002 IT Glossary
NT-0001 IT Assets Use Policy
NT-0002 Security Policy
FR-0250 Changes and Release Management Plan
FR-0001 Availability, Capacity and Continuity Plan
FR-0002 Service Management Plan
FR-0003 External Support Agreement
FR-0004 Service Level Agreement
FR-0005 Operational Level Agreement
PR- Procedure;
IS – Service Instruction;
DF – Definition Document;
NT – Technical Standard;
FR – Form.
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