BYOD Security A New Business Challenge
BYOD Security A New Business Challenge
BYOD Security A New Business Challenge
Abstract— Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a rapidly whereas Technical challenges are ongoing concerns
growing trend in businesses concerned with information throughout the lifecycle of a BYOD strategy. Human resource
technology. BYOD presents a unique list of security concerns for challenges is divided into 'Policy and regulation challenges'
businesses implementing BYOD policies. Recent publications (laws and privacy rights) and 'Human aspect challenges'
indicate a definite awareness of risks involved in incorporating (issues directly concerning employees).
BYOD into business, however it is still an underrated issue
compared to other IT security concerns. This paper focuses on The paper is organised as follows: Section II categorises
two key BYOD security issues: security challenges and available BYOD security challenges using the above taxonomy, Section
frameworks. A taxonomy specifically classifying BYOD security III explores existing frameworks and Section IV exposes their
challenges is introduced alongside comprehensive frameworks limitations.
and solutions which are also analysed to gauge their limitations.
Keywords—BYOD, BYOD security, BYOD security framework
A. Deployment Challenge
I. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Determining exactly where and how BYOD is necessary is
BYOD is a relatively new initiative adopted by modern an initial challenge for companies when implementing security
businesses which allows employees to use personal mobile policies [2][7] (see Figure 1).This involves analysing all
devices to complete work in a convenient and flexible manner. departments and
Recent industry reports claim approximately 70% of employee responsibilities, then deciding which resources are
businesses already utilize BYOD and agree they experience accessible by mobile devices. Difficulty arises when
improvements including enhanced productivity, efficiency, determining how data is accessed and controlled when
morale and reduced hardware expenses [15][35][39]. Of these, employees job share or when an employee’s job encompasses
50% of employees actively use pre-installed security measures many roles. Mobile devices involved in job sharing are prone
on their device (eg. pass codes), yet less than 20% utilize extra to data duplication, as employees may modify data differently.
methods (eg. anti-malware) [5][26][27]. In contrast, the rate of
threats and attacks aimed towards mobile devices are B. Technical Challenge
increasing; especially software based attacks [19][29][39]. Access control for mobile devices coincides with the
This paper was inspired by inconsistencies in research previous challenge. Companies need to determine permission
specifically concerning BYOD security. Analysis of reviewed levels for each employee when accessing certain company
literature revealed that researchers direct their focus towards resources with personal devices and external network
security challenges and frameworks which counteract certain connections [2][7].Other factors that determine access control
threats (see Tables 1, 2 and 3). This information was collated specifications include: setting time limits, limiting how many
to provide a well-rounded view of the current state of BYOD people can access certain resources at one time and how
security. This paper introduces a new taxonomy for employees will gain access to company resources. Access
categorising BYOD security challenges inspired by those used control issues and considerations vary according to the
for classifying network security threats taught by Hansman business size, location, number of employees and industry.
[18]. The BYOD security challenge taxonomy is divided into
two dimensions: Incorporating security measures to cover a range of
portable devices against threats and attacks is complicated, as
Dimension 1. Security challenges are classified according employees will own an unpredictable range of devices with
to areas and resources of the organisation they affect most. differing operating systems, meaning the security needs of
There are two categories: Equipment (software and hardware) each need to be equally supported where possible. Clashes
based and Human resource challenges. between operating system such as requirements, behaviours,
Dimension 2. Further divides challenges by primary conditions and default security issues, will determine security
concerns, key characteristics, similarities and logical measures required [8][7]. Constantly adjusting security
relationships. Equipment based challenges are further divided measures to protect all devices is a heavy strain on resources
into 'deployment challenges' and 'technical challenges'. and personnel responsible for maintaining them.
Deployment challenges occur during pre-implementation,
Limitations Survey/Review
Research Focus
(S/R) /
Investigation (I)
Bradford Explains security challenges and Limited explanation about I
Networks, guidelines for forming BYOD how to enhance access
2012 policies. control solutions.
Disterer et
Opportunities and risks of BYO Only discusses desktop I
al, 2013 and comparison of desktop virtualisation models, with a
virtualisation models. mere mention of MDM.
Eslahi et Discusses MDM, MIM, MAM Limitations of MDM, MIM S/R
al, 2013 and Mobile bot nets. and MAM are not mentioned.
Hansman, Taxonomy theories for network Focus is only on categorising I
2004 security vulnerabilities. attacks and threats.
Hormazd, Explanation of access control Advice only revolves around I
2014 methods that protect data from access control initiatives.
some threats and attack types.
Leavitt, Explains mobile specific security Only acknowledges a few I
2013 frameworks, cloud storage and threats and MDM related end
vulnerabilities. point security methods.
Morrow, Mobile device vulnerabilities as Information is influenced by I
2012 challenges, supported by statistics, thus is biased by
statistical evidence. trends reported 3 years ago.
Scarfo, Presentation of trends and Biased towards desktop I
2012 security frameworks currently virtualisation, in comparison
favoured by businesses. to other solutions presented.
Tokoyosh Explores issues influencing Security frameworks are I
i, 2012 BYOD policies and ideas for mentioned, yet are not
mitigating risks. explained in detail.
Wang et Specific security frameworks Frameworks are limited to S/R
al, 2014 and challenges are discussed. VPNs and MDM variations.
Category Security Challenge
Determining how to implement BYOD security [2][7]
measures into existing networks.
Determining who in the organization needs BYOD. [2][7]
Determining where BYOD is useful. [2][7]
Technical Access Control. [2]
Challenges Implementing security measures to protect all device [8]
hardware and operating systems.
Providing ongoing support 24/7 [2]
Containing, controlling, monitoring data distribution. [22][32][13][28]
Maintaining secure and stable connections. [22][2]
Protecting cloud storage facilities. [32][34][25][3][
Policy & Regulation Local government regulations and laws. [1][4]
Challenges Ethical and privacy issues. [1][13]
Human Aspect Employee training and ongoing education of BYOD [7][17]
Challenges security.
Employee reactions, emotions and compliance of [8][37]
BYOD policies.
Providing ongoing support for BYOD security policies BYOD security policy [1]. Legislations may limit levels of
demands extra resources to maintain the desired level of control that companies can enforce on employee owned
security for all devices connected to the network. The devices. Companies spread globally need to adjust BYOD
responsibilities of security personnel will increase to meet policies for each country they are based, in order to align with
these needs. BYOD security solutions require commitment, local laws, which makes streamlining employee contracts and
time and money, especially during deployment [2]. monitoring changing laws more laborious. Legislations
influencing BYOD initiatives in Australia include the Privacy
Containing, monitoring and controlling the distribution
Act (1988) and the Freedom of Information Act (1982) [4].
of data is a primary concern for companies enabling BYOD
initiatives [22]. Maintaining confidentiality and integrity of Ethical and privacy issues coincide with aforementioned
data depends on whether it is stored or only accessed by legal implications. When employees provide devices for work
mobile devices. Monitoring data on devices is complicated as use, companies must consider how evasive security measures
the company loses sight of it once it is transferred from their are, and how they comply with data privacy rights and
network, which leads to the potential of data leakage [32]. regulations. Sensitive data needs to be under tight surveillance
in order to avoid data leaks which lead to lawsuits [1]. Most
Maintaining secure and stable connections between data privacy laws worldwide state that employees must
corporate network resources and devices connected via provide consent before companies install invasive security
external networks is a common concern for BYOD reliant measures or access data on personal devices, and in return, the
businesses. Wireless access points may contain threats such as company needs to provide adequate protection [1]. Ideally,
malware which installs itself on a device when a connection is security solutions are always active; however it can restrict
initiated [22][2]. Factors influencing connections include how employees interact with devices outside of work [13].
employees use of public, unprotected Wi-Fi hot spots, and
unknown security configurations of their home networks. D. Human Aspects Challenges
Protecting company data stored on a cloud facility is a Training and educating employees about BYOD
sensitive issue, as cloud applications enable data to be security, deployed solutions, and enforcement of security
accessed anytime, and may be used as an alternative or policies is critical. This challenge is enhanced when all staff
eliminates the need to store data on mobile devices need to have the same understanding of companywide BYOD
[3][33][36]. When cloud based storage is accessed from security policies, yet those handling more sensitive data have
mobile devices, it is also prone to the same security threats as extra procedures to follow [7]. Effectively teaching staff in a
the device [32], such as hacking, software based attacks, and way they will understand and follow BYOD policies is an
can also exacerbate other BYOD security challenges such as ongoing issue. The main aim of training is to convey
containing, controlling, monitoring distribution and expectations of acceptable device use, ensure awareness of
contamination of data. The inability for a company to control risks, and how to maintain good security practises [17].
the transfer of data creates security loop holes (cloud sprawl),
Employee reactions, emotions and observance of
which occurs when employees transfer company data to public
BYOD security policies is an ongoing challenge for
clouds for file sharing, then do not delete later. Cloud service
businesses to monitor, contain and maintain [8]. Policies need
providers also maintain backups of data for reliability reasons,
to include guidelines for handling situations where employees
thus data is never completely destroyed [34][20]. The
show resistance, utilize mobile devices for illegal activities, or
likelihood of threats against cloud storage and mobile devices
experience difficulty adjusting to them. Over time employees
is increased by enabling the "remember password" feature
have a tendency to forget guidelines set by policies, or are
(storing login credentials in the authentication cache) [34][25].
unaware of changes, which highlights the need for constant
reinforcement and training. Employees who strongly disagree
C. Policy and Regulation Challenges with limitations enforced by BYOD security policies, will
Local government regulations and laws regarding actively seek loopholes to exploit [37].
corporate data determines rules incorporated into a company's
Table 3. Literature review index based on security framework and solutions focus
Category Framework/ Solution Explored
Company's existing security measures [9][31][11][39]
Network Access Control (NAC) [9][12][24][30]
BYOD Security
MDM [23][21][35][11][25]
Frameworks MAM [35][25]
MIM [35][14]
Desktop virtualization models [35]
Single Purpose End user agreements, acceptable usage policies, [37][1][2][17][7]
BYOD Security liability agreements
Solutions Containerization [31][20][25][16]
Remote wiping [25][15]
Anti-malware, anti-virus, anti-spyware solutions [20]
B. Single Purpose BYOD Security Solutions activity [24]. Once infected applications enter the network,
End user agreements, acceptable usage policies and NAC holds little control over its activities [12]. Other down
liability agreements are formal contracts ensuring companies falls include limits on the number of connected devices that
and employees mutually agree upon BYOD security policies; can be supported simultaneously and increased strain on
this is vital to the success of BYOD [37]. Agreements support administrators who monitor network traffic. Application
all security controls in place, as they make certain employees Access Control is prone to being dismissed by employees as it
know what is expected whilst using personal devices for work, is an intrusive form of access control [30].
and protects the business on legal accounts in the case of a MDM is controversial as all applications and data on the
security breach [1]. BYOD policies contain information such device (work and personal) are subject to security protocols it
lists of permitted applications, installed security measures, enforces. It is an endpoint, access control solution whose
management access, levels of access control, back up security features are primarily reactive measures. Lack of
procedures, and rules concerning storage of data [2][17]. For preventative measures still leaves mobile devices prone to
example, employees may use VoIP applications, yet social inappropriate use if stolen or lost [20][25]. Employees are
websites are prohibited during work hours. Businesses are usually resistant of MDM, as they feel restricted, their privacy
advised to involve employees when devising BYOD security is invaded or that device ownership is surrendered [25][24].
policies in order to help them understand responsibilities [7]. MDM can be laborious to maintain, as connected devices
Containerization partitions mobile device storage space constantly vary and it requires regular updating [20].
into independent sections in order to divide personal and work MIM and MAM have similar limitations to MDM in
data. The section containing company data has its own regards to access control and heavy focus towards reactive
security policies applied and allows remote access for security measures. Neither offer control like MDM, which
company control, without affecting personal data [31][20].The limits the company's power to control devices. MAM only
company can also specify a browser within the container to protects applications, whilst MIM protects data stored in a
help secure online traffic [25]. Gessner et al. suggests using central location, and both provide minimum protection against
containerisation as perimeter defence, where its internal malware [14]. MAM does not explicitly protect data and the
applications utilise VPN connections to access resources in the placement of its boundaries around selected applications can
company's network, whilst allowing policy management to inhibit communication with personal applications [16].
direct control. Policy management includes rules controlling Businesses must consider management of data synchronisation
access rights of devices, and security procedures required to as employees overriding each others work is a potential
ensure the contents of the container are protected from threats consequence if MIM policies are not refined.
which may be present elsewhere on the device [16].
Desktop virtualisation models fundamentally depend on
Remote wiping is the final reactive solution that is stable and secure network connections, and the strength of
triggered when a device is lost, stolen or the owner separates these affect the safety of transmitted data. If too many
from the company. The technique involves logging into, then employees connect simultaneously to a particular virtual
removing all company applications and data residing on the desktop environment, bottlenecks can occur at it's entry points.
device [25][15]. Some commercially available MDM and Businesses still need to determine user access permissions and
MAM solutions already contain remote wiping procedures. apply monitoring techniques, such as session management.
Antivirus, anti-malware and spyware applications are Network security solutions offer little protection from data
essential for strengthening BYOD security frameworks [20]. It leakage and may increase hardware costs.
is imperative that companies enforce the use of these measures
and employees using mobile devices for work reasons have B. Limits of Single Purpose BYOD Security Solutions
some form of this software installed and actively scanning, in End user, liability agreements and acceptable usage
order to reduce the chances of infecting resources and other policies are limited by how strongly the administering
devices connected to the company's network. company enforces them. Human error, general negligence and
failure to comply with BYOD security agreements contribute
IV. LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING FRAMEWORKS to risks and damages incurred as a result of security breaches
and lost intellectual property [29][37][38][6][8]. Compliance,
A. Limits of Comprehensive BYOD Security Frameworks auditing and agreements that are not BYOD specific are prone
to being challenged by resistant employees who disagree or
VPNs, firewalls and email filtering are biased towards
have malicious intent [37].
protecting internal network resources. Mobile devices are not
fully protected and are still capable of transmitting malware Containerisation only places boundaries around selected
into the network and opening loop holes for other threats such applications and does not prevent employees from copying
as data leakage. Firewalls and antivirus software installed on data in the container to other storage spaces, which means
company networks may only recognize threats targeting PC there is no protection from suspicious activities [31]. Remote
operating systems, thus allowing mobile OS specific malware wiping is only a reactive measure which does not prevent data
to enter the network and infect other devices. Email filtering is from being stolen or used for malicious reasons. Remote
restricted by its dependency on commitment of end users wiping is obsolete if its execution is delayed; if not triggered
[31].The primary purpose of NAC is to protect network entry immediately after an event, data may already be compromised.
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