CCF 000003

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ay ag TRE ‘ep of be Pape Coat | Soe cae and TESINDLOOYUNVERSTY beeneeeit Cais Drama coor_| OF St ‘STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM REGISTRATION Rev. No: ry FORM Eecve Date: | November 30, 2024 pate: 03/26 122 ; NAME: u NAPALI (First) ‘Middle Name) pRoGRAM coURSE & mALOR: HAC HELM gf JclENNLE IN _iMFOe To Teme? ISAT U E-MAIL: tapi — Course ‘Sem. Year | ‘Code Date Enrolled Descriptive Title | Units | Hours Ning | gue py INTERN | Tex [|S | soo | | i sex: FEMALE civit satus: SINGLE CITIZENSHIP: FILIPINO _ RELIGION: ROMAN CATHOLIC DATE OF BIRTH: ee a PLACE OF BIRTH: MINGAQ \LOlLO CITY ADDRESS: Contact No: PROVINCIAL ADDRESS: MAMBATAD ,MiNGhO \LOLLD Contact No: O&3SA10S 015 _ FATHER'S NAME: JOWNQEY A. DEGOMA*DDRESS: BRGY. MAMBATAD LAINoNO LD 1L0 coccuration:_NONE Contact No: 09300923100 MOTHER'S NAME: JULIA N- DEGOMA appress: BRGY HAMBATAD MIAGAD LWILO OCCUPATION: HOUSE WIFE ___ Contact No: OUW4S4420S hereby certify that the above data are true and correct: sen” N. Deoowa Signature over Printed Name of Intern Reviewed by: SELYRR A. EUFUNAN SIP Supervisor pred Tatty Unkages ed Development] fie. arewe2 ‘STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM /GREEMENT | Econ: | Neate 20,2021 VI Vil vill The BRON. HALL DF BRGY. MAMBATAD MINGNM [LOI will permit (Name of SIP Center) 0 to enter its premises as a (Name of Student infer) student-intem for purposes of gaining experience in the field of PX INFD-TECK_q-B (Course Major) The training course requires 500 hours of work experience. The studentrainee will report in accordance with the approved work schedule of the training center (Feb-June, only 40% of required time) The SIP supervisor and/or ILDO coordinator shall, with the assistance of the SIP Center ‘Supervisor, prepare a training plan for the student-intern. The studentintem shall not be paid compensation; however, the SIP Center is not prohibited to provide allowance to the student-intem at its own discretion. There shall be no employer-employee relationship between the student-intern and the SIP Center. Neither shall the student-intern displace a regular worker, nor substitute for a worker needed by the SIP Center. ‘The student-intern while in the process of gaining occupational experience, will not be permitted to remain in any operation, job, or phase of the occupation beyond the period of time necessary for him to become p oficient. The parent/guardian shall be resp sible for the personal conduct of the student-intern while on training, which may result to damages or injury to the SIP Center, fellow interns ‘and company personnel, arising from the student-intem’s negligence and/or malicious acts. Al complaints relative to the student internship program either raised by the student-intern or the SIP Center, shall be channeled to the SIP Supervisor and/or ILDO Coordinator for proper disposition. ‘The SIP Supervisor and/or LOO Coordinator and the SIP Center Supervisor shall have the authority to transfer or withdraw the student-intem from the SIP Center for any valid reason. The Intemship Program of the student-intemn shall conform to the rules and regulations of the SIP Center, as well as policy guidelines and issuances of the University, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and other valid laws of the Republic of the Phil a finator Parent/Guardian JR.. Ph.D. ‘Campus Administrator Date eam 5 | a aap 1LOWLO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY LaPez, lo Cty Dooument Code: | OF SiP02 | STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAMA REEMENT | Sais ouw | hownber30,20 at lloilo Science and Technology University Miagao Campus, be permitted to participate in the Student Internship Program as agreed by your school and _BRGY-HALL OF BRGY. MMHBATAD subject (SIP Center) to the following conditions: 4. ie compensation shail be given to my son/daughter during the duration of his/her internship except any allowance which the SIP Center may desire to give hinvher at its own Georauon, 2, The University shall not be liable for any njury/sickness that my son/daughter may incur arising from his/her Internship training program; and 3. As the parent/guardian, | shall be responsible for the personal conduct of the my son/daughter as a student-intern while on training, which may result to damages or injury to the SIP Center, fellow inters and company personnel, arising from my son/daughter’s negligence and/or malicious acts. Very truly yours, JuLia_N:_ DUGOHA ‘Sante show Pile’ Nome of ParerfGuardan) ‘Accepted: EEMAR AL! FORUNAN ‘SIP Supervisor Riot Pepe Demat | ATR aa Dep ‘STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AGREEMENT | FeO | Bh ceersn 2001 BRey- HaaBATAD HIAGAO 1WILO ‘Faroe Aeros ARAN GR: 1 01 (ari ond across of Conan) SirfMadam: |, the undersigned parent/guardian of JERALDINE _N-_ DeGONA (ama of Shidert) hereby request that my son/daughter presently enrolled in__ HS “INFO-TECH 4-68 (Course, Yeer, Section and Major) at lloilo Science and Technology University Miagao Campus, be permitted to participate in the Student Internship Program as agreed by BRGY. WN OF BRoY. HAM BAT AD and the (SIP Canter} aforementioned university, subject to the following conditions: 1. 2 ‘The internship training shall not in any way give rise to employer-employee relationship. No compensation shail be given to my son/daughter during the duration of his/her intemnship training except any allowance which the SIP Center may desire to give him/her at its own discretion. The SIP Center reserves the right to ..rminate, at any given time for any valid reason, the ‘student under training. 4. The SIP Center is not obliged to hire the student-intern after the period of his/her training, Noted: or The parent/guardian shall be responsible for the personal conduct of the student-intem while contraining, which may result to damages or injury to the SIP Center, fellow intems and company personnel, arising from the student-intem's negligence and/or malicious acts. ‘The SIP Center shall provide First-Aid treatment to student-intems in the event of an injury or accident while on training and transport them to the nearest hospital or clinic for proper medical care. Provided however, that hospitalization and/or cost of confinement shall not be bome solely by the SIP Center unless proven that the cause of injurylaccident is attributed to the fault or negligence of the SIP Center's officials or employee/s, in which proper investigation by the University and the SIP Center shall be considered. Very truly yours, a GOH (Signalure above Printed Name of Parent/Guardian) Ty Unga an Deva ILOILO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNW. SITY Se UP Cy Coast Coin. | OF- 8-02 STUDENT INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AGREEMENT | fete Lay Efiocve Oe: _| Noverbe 20,2004, i ike ete —— ‘Parnes Aros) Sir/Madam: |, the undersigned parent/guardian of. ime of Studer) hereby request that my son/daughter presently enrolled in ‘ q-B (Course, Year. Socbon and Maja at lloilo Science and Technology University Miagao Campus, be permitted to participate in the Student Internship Program as agreed by BRGY. WAL OF BRGY -MAMBATAD and the (SiP Centon) aforementioned University, subject to the following conditions: Render overtime service to the SIP Center Serve the internship hours in a shifting schedule Very truly yours, piliyeny JULIA _N-_DeGOHA__ (Signature above Printed Name of ParenGuarden) oT Riedie a |LOILO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY Development Oc : paces [ts ranes SIP CENTER DATA SHEET aN: or an | ects Date: _| Novenber 30,2021 } (To be fled up by the Student ~ Intern and signed by the Owner / Proprietor / Manager) Name of the Company: : Th Address: BROY MAMPATAD MIAGAO [LOILO Tel. No: Nature and Business of the Company: Private Owned LA Government Owned Name of Owner / Proprietor / Manager: ROME 0 OCERNTILUAN Business Permit No: Contact Person: RONG G:RANTILLAN Position: BROY CHAIR MAN, (Sanatire f Owner /Propretor?Menege?) Republic of the Philippines ILOILO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY pee eee Miagso Campus Document Code: 2 Maga0, Toto [Revision Number [00 COPY OF GRADES etectve Date: august, 2017 ‘Name: DEGOMA, JERALDINE NAPALINGA Date: March 28, 2022 Date of Birth: January 0S, 2000 Place of Birth: ‘Address: MAMBATAD MIAGAO, ILOILO OTHER PREUMINARY Parent/Guardian: JULIA DEGOMA Address: MAMBATAD, MIAGAO 5023 LOILO Entrance Cred: ‘School Year: 2017-2018 Date of Admission: May 28, 2018 Date of Graduation: Degree/Curriculum: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Minor: NONE. Course No. Descriptive Tie Rating Comp. Great “First Semester 2018-2019 NSTP-CWTS 1. NSTP- CIC WELFARE TRAINING SERVICE 1 19 3 FLL KONTEKSTWALISADONG KOMUNIKASYON SA FILIPINO 23 3 ACT 102 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTING a7 3 GE4MATH MATHEMATICS IN THE MODERN WORLD 28 3 Pea EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICS 16 2 GE2Ss _READINGS IN PHILIPPINE HISTORY 20 3 GE1SS UNDERSTANDING THE SELF 24 3 csi PROGRAMMING LOGIC FORMULATION 2s 3 ‘Second Semester 2018-2019 MATH 122 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 30 3 Fiz FILIPINO SA IBAT IBANG DISIPUNA 24 3 PE2 INDIVIDUAL/DUAL SPORTS. 26 2 {cT141 PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING 30 3 1cri26__ MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS as 3 NNsTe-CWTS2_ NSTP-CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING SERVICEC 2 is 3 GESENG PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION 16 3 Geass ETHICS 24 3 GE6SS —_ARTAPPRECIATION 16 3 ICT303 FUNDAMENTALS OF PROGRAMMING 18 3 First Semester 2019-2020 ICT104._ INTERMEDIATE PROGRAMMING wv 3 {C1337 QUANTITATIVE METHODS 19 3 7102 COMPUTER ELECTRONICS AND DIGITAL CIRCUITS 16 3 Pea RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES 19 2 (20 __ FUNDAMENTALS OF BUSINESS ANALYTICS 25 3 ‘GE ELEC? GENDER AND SOCIETY 23 3 GE3SS THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD 20 3 GE7SCl__SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY aa 3 ‘Second Semester 2018-2020 1cT107_DATASTRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS as 3 1cT108 INFORMATION ASSURANCE AND SECURITY 1 2a 3 acT iit OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING a1 3 1CTA16 HUMAN COMPUTERINTERACTION 1 22 B {T7103 NETWORKING 1 17 3 (7104 PLATFORM TECHNOLOGIES: 29 3 RIZAL ——_UFE AND WORKS OF RIZAL 17 3 Pea ‘TEAM SPORTS/GAMES 17 2 T7121 _ FUNDAMENTALS OF ENTERPRISE OATA MANAGEMENT 25 3 -PAGE 1 OF 2PAGES- REMARKS : For Evaluation Purposes Only ~ x Repub of tre Piipanes ILOILO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY reste cal [anoemae Cy Magao carpus Document Gov [QPAEGME22 4 Mag2o, Tio Revision Nurber: [oo COPY OF GRADES Effective Date: [August 1, 2017 J Name: DEGOMA, JERALDINE NAPALINGA Date: March 28, 2022 Date of Birth: January 05, 2000 Place of Birth ‘Address: MAMBATAD MIAGAO, ILOILO “PAGE 2- Course No, Descriptive Title Rating Comp. credit First Semester 2000-2021 {cT.136 SOCIAL ISSUES AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 1 23 3 {C1138 —_SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 15 3 17105 WEB SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES 2 12 3 7107 NETWORKING 2 22 3 Wizz FUNDAMENTALS OF ANALYTICS MODELING 15 5 1cT109 INFORMATION MANAGMENT 24 3 ENG3 ‘TECHNICAL WRITING WITH ORAL COMMUNICATION 16 3 Second Semester 2020-2021 17306 COMPUTER SYSTEMS SERVICING 18 3 108 "ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS 14 3 17 109 INTEGRATIVE PROGRAMMING AND TECHNOLOGIES 2 20 3 ais HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION 2 47 3 123 [ANALYTICS TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS 16 3 Free Elective Seminar and Special Topies tne 19 3 ier 40 SOCIAL ISSUES AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 2 Ine. 15 3 17126 ‘CAPSTONE PROJECT 1 20 3 First Semester 2021-2022 ef ier 310 [APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 13 g ov’ 1T139_INFORMATION ASSURANCE AND SECURITY 2 47 3 220 SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATION AND MAINTENANCE 18 3 at SYSTEMS INTEGRATION AND ARCHITECTURE 1 22 3 riz [ANALYTICS APPLICATION 14 3 i277 CAPSTONE PROJECT 2 ry Bos] d2 {cT132 _ MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT a7 3 xok-1-H-HAISAT U RECORDS CLOSED-1-2-20" REMARKS: For Evaluation Purposes Only MANIL) TACAN jstrar 1 loam ] Repo cite Piles NOLO SCEENCE Al TEIMOCOGT UNVERSITY Orpen | WEIOALGCES DEPARTIEN = Danner Cate: | OF MEDC MEDICAL CERTIFICATE a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE KE ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ie Teese tient tatty Name: SURALOIWE. Couse: ne enemas) mamoadl et Address:_¢AMERTAD MIRCHO 10100 Age: 2a “tenes OVO Sex:'_Tennus Status: _

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