The document provides information about an online certification course on cyber security offered by the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT). Some key details:
- The 200-hour course consists of 10 modules covering topics such as cryptography, malware analysis, and vulnerability discovery.
- It is offered over 16 weeks and includes over 200 hours of course content as well as demonstrations.
- The course aims to train cyber security professionals and is open to graduates and IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in information assurance.
The document provides information about an online certification course on cyber security offered by the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT). Some key details:
- The 200-hour course consists of 10 modules covering topics such as cryptography, malware analysis, and vulnerability discovery.
- It is offered over 16 weeks and includes over 200 hours of course content as well as demonstrations.
- The course aims to train cyber security professionals and is open to graduates and IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in information assurance.
The document provides information about an online certification course on cyber security offered by the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT). Some key details:
- The 200-hour course consists of 10 modules covering topics such as cryptography, malware analysis, and vulnerability discovery.
- It is offered over 16 weeks and includes over 200 hours of course content as well as demonstrations.
- The course aims to train cyber security professionals and is open to graduates and IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in information assurance.
The document provides information about an online certification course on cyber security offered by the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT). Some key details:
- The 200-hour course consists of 10 modules covering topics such as cryptography, malware analysis, and vulnerability discovery.
- It is offered over 16 weeks and includes over 200 hours of course content as well as demonstrations.
- The course aims to train cyber security professionals and is open to graduates and IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills in information assurance.
Department of Defence Research & Development, Ministry of Defence, Government of India
THE COURSE INFORMATION ASSURANCE 10 Modules: PROFESSIONAL Fundamentals of Cyber Security 200 hours of training materials. The training sessions are offered by the Forensics and Incident Response leading academicians, experts from An Online Training & Cryptography DRDO, industry, and cyber security Think System/ Driver Programming and OS Certification Course (OTCC) Internals Tanks. Live interaction sessions with instructors. on Reverse Engineering Advanced Topics like Malware Analysis, Malware Analysis Cyber Security Vulnerability Discovery, BYOD Security, Vulnerability Discovery Module for Drone & Anti-Drone technology, etc. Windows, Linux, and iOS Practical demo on Kernel programming, 16 weeks online course Vulnerability Analysis & Penetration UEFI device driver programming, Reverse Testing Around 200 hours of course Tools and Techniques for Cyber Security Engineering, Exploit writing, Full-stack debugging of an android application, content plus demonstration Professionals Must-know Basics of Emerging Cyber VAPT, SQL Injection, etc.
Security Domain
PAGE 1 OF 4 GENESIS OF THE COURSE CERTIFICATE CANDIDATES ARE SUPPOSED TO Information Assurance is the need of the hour. The entrance test ensures the qualification for HAVE UNDERSTANDING OF There is a strong demand for the experts in the enrolling in the course. DIAT Certified Fundamentals of OS: memory management, fields of red teaming, cyber compliance and Information Assurance Professional will be kernel architecture, IPC, process resilience in the organizations, industry and awarded after successful completion, to claim management, device management, file business. The programme is launched with a your state-of-the-art skill set. management, practical knowledge of BSD goal of building the next gen cyber warriors’ based OS, shell programming, Windows force for the nation, to fulfil the immediate and ADVISORS 32/64 APIs. growing requirement for the trained Networking: OSI, TCP/IP, socket Dr. CP Ramanarayanan, VC, DIAT professionals competent in the state-of-the-art programming, win32 socket APIs, server Shri Amit Sharma, Director , O/o Advisor security tools and techniques. messaging block, application and ports, (Cyber), Ministry of Defence TLS/SSL including TLS1.3, Firewalls, UTM, IMPORTANT DATES Dr. Manisha J Nene, Director, SoCE&MS, routing protocols, core/edge routers, ASN, DIAT Last date of Registration : 25 May 2023 IPv4/v6. Shri Dinesh Bareja, CISA, CISM, ITIL, ISMS Last date of payment of fees: 05 June 2023 System Software: basic knowledge of (LA, LI) Commencement of course: 12 June 2023 assembly, x86 instruction set, addressing modes, registers, and main memory space. Data Structures: Knowledge of programming REGISTRATION LINK language C/C++/Java/any Object-Oriented language, any one scripting language – PHP/python/ruby/Perl.
Graduates from any discipline aiming for Fees for the Course: Rs. 35,400/- (including successful career in information security, IT GST @18%) professionals who wish to enhance their information assurance capabilities, Officers CONTACT US: from Tri-services, R&D professionals, or anyone who wants to develop the skill set for +91 2024604533 / +91 2024604538 information assurance. Students pursuing graduation may apply. "DREAM IS NOT THAT WHICH YOU SEE WHILE SLEEPING, IT IS SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT LET certificate-courses/ YOU SLEEP." CONTACT US AT REGISTER AT: PAGE 2 OF 4 FUNDAMENTALS OF CYBER SECURITY SYLLABUS DETAILS De-compilation; Anti-reversing techniques: Breaking protections, Confusing Disassemblers, Anti-Debugger Techniques, VM- detection Basics of computer, Evolution in computing SYSTEM/ DRIVER PROGRAMMING techniques environments; Basic constructs of cyber AND OS INTERNALS security; Computer networks; Network security: Firewall config, UTM, Wire-shark dump analysis, Basics of compiler, linker and build processes, MALWARE ANALYSIS PCAP analysis, IDS/IPS– SNORT, ASL, OSSEC Basics Kernel programming, user-kernel mode Static & Dynamic malware analysis techniques; (file system); Attacks- snooping, spoofing, DPI communication, Interrupt handling & input Packing, unpacking, Sandboxing executables, techniques; Traffic reconstruction; Intro to virtual subsystems, ring architecture; Windows OS Runtime analysis in VM; Advanced Static machines and hypervisors; Intro to cloud Internals- System Architecture; Linux Internals- Analysis- Analyzing malicious Windows computing; Intro to cyber-crime. Linux Kernel, File Descriptors; SSDT, IDT, IAT Programs; Advanced Dynamic Analysis– (hands-on hooking); Linux boot process; NDIS Debugging, Kernel Debugging with WinDbg; FORENSIC & INCIDENT RESPONSE Device driver programming– protocol, miniport; Dynamic data flow tracking (DFT); Process Windows boot process debugging, UEFI device injection, API hooking, DLL injection; Reflective Stages of forensics; Memory forensics– driver programming, MBR, programming; File DLL loading, Dynamic API loading, 64- bit evidence collection acquisition/imaging of system filter driver programming; Secure boot, Malware, File-less Malware; AV obfuscation onboard memory, Practical– FTK, Encase; measure boot, trust boot ;Introduction to ARMv7 techniques; Covert Malware Launching; Data Online and Live forensics, File system forensics, & V8 instructions; Introduction to ARM ABI Encoding; Malware Focused Network Network forensics– intrusion detection form convention, writing simple assembly files, its Signatures; Shellcode Analysis; Reversing Internet logs, monitoring and analysis, network calling & its functionality; Recovery partitions; firmware; Android, iOS architecture; Android traffic analysis, Incident response - Using WMI programming & power shell. Reverse Engineering: Android application Process Explorer, Windows sysinternals to look architecture understanding; Tools for reversing for malware, Cloud forensics, Database forensics – Metadata extraction & analysis. REVERSE ENGINEERING of application (jadax, apktool, backsmali, Reversing basics, Execution Environments, dextojar); Obfuscation Techniques of android applications, Deobfuscation Techniques; Smali CRYPTOGRAPHY Static & Dynamic reverse engineering; Assembly language primer; x86 & x86-64 architectures; code understanding, code injection techniques; Assembly language primer; Executable file iOS Application Security; iOS Security Data Security & Privacy; Modular Arithmetic, formats– PE & ELF; Reversing program binaries– Mechanisms & Security Architecture; Secure Mathematics of Cryptography; Symmetric Key offline code analysis; Reversing program Boot Chain, Data Encryption & Network Security; Cryptography, Stream Cipher A5, Asymmetric binaries; Reversing program binaries– live code iOS File System isolation, Application Sandbox, Key Cryptography, RSA; Elliptic Curve based analysis; Kernel Debugging (hands-on Windows iOS device Architecture; Automated Malware Cryptography; Hash Functions, Digital Signature. crash dump analysis); Reversing tools: Analysis using Cuckoo, Yara; Malware As A Disassemblers, Debuggers, System monitoring Service. tools; Reversing ‘.NET’,
PAGE 3 OF 4 VULNERABILITY DISCOVERY SYLLABUS DETAILS VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS AND MODULE FOR WINDOWS, LINUX PEN TESTING AND IOS Passive Information Gathering: OSINT/Search SQL Injection, Login Bypass using SQL Writing shell code for Arm and x86_64; Engines, DNS Enumeration,DNS Tools Injection; Advanced SQL Injection: WAF and Software vulnerabilities: buffer overflow, (dnsenum, dnsrecon, dnsdumpster); Active advanced queries; File Inclusion, File Upload integer overflow, heap overflow, Use after nformation Gathering: Intro to TCP/UDP, Port Bypass; Cross-Site Scripting and other free, double free, null pointer dereference, Scanning using NMAP, Nmap Scripting Engine, OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities; Post- race condition; Out-of-bounds and pool Service Detection and Banner Grabbing; Exploitation and Lateral Movement; File overflow, Vulnerability discovery and Exploit Service Enumeration: NetBIOS, SMTP, SNMP, Transfer: tftp, ftp, encoded, echo, download writing, hands on for both windows and Linux Other Services; Sniffing and MITM attacks: ARP clients; Hydra, NCrack, Medusa, John the (android); Return oriented programming; SEH Tools, MITM; Exploits: Searching for Exploits, Ripper; Maintaining access: web shells, exploit; heap splaying; stack overflow Customizing Exploits; Client Side Attacks: Spear reverse shells and payloads; Privilege prevention; ASLR, DEP bypass, canary bits, Phishing, Phishing, Social Engineering; escalation: password attacks, security egg hunting; Fuzzing with Metasploit: Simple Anonymity using TOR, VPNs and Proxies; misconfiguration, exploitable software, FTP fuzzer; Android Fuzzing (AFL for android, Common Web Services: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, escalation exploits; Windows Authentication SyzKaller for kernel); Full-stack debugging of WebSockets; Web Discovery: Fuzzing using Weaknesses; Port Redirection, Tunneling, an android application, with remote gdb, adb wfuzz, dirbuster, dirb and web crawling; Web Pivoting and Proxies; Escalation and Lateral and android studio; Advance kernel Exploitation Tools: Burpsuite, Firefox Add-ons. Movement in AD environments; Exploitation Exploitation Windows/Linux; KSLR bypass, Frameworks: Metasploit. SMEP bypass, token stealing shell code; TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES FOR Privilege escalation techniques; iOS Kernel CYBER SECURITY MUST-KNOW BASICS OF Debugging: Panic Dumps, Using the KDP Kernel Debugger (hands on tasks limited to PROFESSIONALS EMERGING CYBER SECURITY 30 pin devices); Extending the Kernel IEEE standards; Technical report writing; SOC DOMAINS Debugger (KDP++); Debugging with own maintenance; Overview of fail-safe and fault- Patches; Kernel Heap tolerant systems; Commercial grid security- Cloud Security, Drone & Anti-Drone Debugging/Visualization (new software BYOD security; Corporate security technologies, Concept of block-chain, cyber package); Patch Diffing, One-Day Exploits, implementation overview - threat analysis, risk terrorism, cyber warfare, virtual currency, & and Return-Oriented Shell-code;Advanced assessment; Indicators of Compromise(IoC), utilization in dark web, TOR, VPN, social media Persistent Threat (APT) life-cycle; Indicators of attack; Tactics, Techniques, and threats; Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Introduction to VAPT methodology; Procedures (TTP) - method of analyzing an Security in CPS. Introduction to Red Teaming, Mitre APT operation, analyzing the performance of Framework; Essential Tools for VAPT; APT; Disaster recovery- tier 1, 2; Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
Microsoft Security Operations Analyst Exam Ref SC-200 Certification Guide: Manage, monitor, and respond to threats using Microsoft Security Stack for securing IT systems