Pop Aran Knitting Pattern by Claire FitzGerald
Pop Aran Knitting Pattern by Claire FitzGerald
Pop Aran Knitting Pattern by Claire FitzGerald
Pop Aran is the perfect jumper; dream about summer all winter long and pair it with shorts for
those early sunny days! With sprinkles of colour, it’s a fun take on the classic Aran.
3 (4, 4, 4, 5) {5, 5, 6, 6} skeins in shade ‘Bad
Skills Used: Girl Ri Ri’
Yarn B: Studio Donegal - Darnie, 100%
Cast on, knit, purl, increase, decrease, cable, lambswool (410m/448y per 100g)
bobble stitch, German short rows, 3 needle 3 (4, 4, 4, 5) {5, 5, 6, 6} skeins in shade 8813
bind off, stretchy bind off. undyed
Yarn: Notions:
2 strands of 4 ply (fingering) weight Cable needle
lambswool held together: 5 stitch markers
1123 (1278, 1432, 1577, 1733) {1891, 2042, 2187, 4 locking stitch markers (or safety pins)
2356} m of each yarn Bodkin or tapestry needle
1227 (1396, 1564, 1723, 1893) {2066, 2231,
2389, 2575} yards of each yarn
Reading charts: When knitting in the round,
read all rows on charts from right to left.
When knitting back and forth, read RS rows
right to left and WS rows left to right.
Sleeves - make 2
Using the smaller size needles, cast on 36
(40, 40, 44, 48) {48, 48, 52, 52} sts and join
for working in the round. PM for start of
Using the smaller size needles, cast on 180 round.
(204, 224, 248, 272) {292, 316, 336, 360} sts
and join for working in the round. PM for Work in K2, P2 rib for 13 rounds (or until rib
start of round. measures 5 cm; 2 in from cast on edge).
Continue without shaping for 28 (28, 27, 26, Repeat this decrease every round for 0 (4, 3,
24) {24, 23, 22, 22} rounds. Length from CO 5, 6) {10, 15, 19, 23} more rounds. 256 (280,
edge should be 45 (44, 43, 41.5, 41) {40, 39, 308, 340, 336) {344, 356, 380, 388} sts.
37.5, 36.5} cm; 14.25 (17.75, 17.25, 17, 16.25)
{16.25, 15.75, 15.25, 14.75}” or until sleeve Remove marker for start of round, K1, pm for
measures desired length, ending on an even new start of round. Your round will now start
round’. immediately after the marked st.
Place 10 (10, 12, 12, 22) {24, 26, 26, 28} Decrease round (sleeve sts): Patt to
underarm sts at the inside of each sleeve on marked st, SSK, patt to 1 st before marked
waste yarn. st, K2tog, patt to SSK, patt to 1 st before
marked st, K2tog. 4 sts decreased. 252 (276,
Join Body & Sleeves For Yoke 304, 336, 332) {340, 352, 376, 384} sts.
Repeat this round 8 (12, 14, 18, 17) {19, 22, 26,
28} more times, ending on an odd round.
Note sizes XL-5XL: The centre of Chart B
220 (228, 248, 264, 264) {264, 264, 272, 272}
now marks the left and right sides. The
armholes will be placed directly above these
side cables.
Front Neck Shaping
Yoke shaping is worked first by decreasing You will continue decreasing 1 st either side
from the body sts, then decreasing from the of sleeve sts while working the front neck
sleeve sts. shaping.
Join all remaining sts on larger size needles Patt 33 (34, 37, 40, 40) {39, 39, 41, 41} sts,
as follows: front body (plm in first and last bind off 12 (14, 18, 20, 20) {22, 22, 22, 22} sts,
sts), right sleeve, back body (plm in first patt to marked st, SSK, patt to 1 st before
and last st), left sleeve; pm for beginning of marked st, K2tog, patt to SSK, patt to 1 st
round. before marked st, K2tog. Centre neck sts
260 (300, 324, 364, 364) {388, 420, 456, 484} bound off plus 4 sts decreased. 204 (210,
sts on needle. 226, 240, 240) {238, 238, 246, 246} sts.
Break yarn.
Keeping chart pattern correct as established
for both body and sleeves, starting with an You will now work back and forth for the
odd round, work 19 (13, 16, 14, 16) {14, 8, 5, 2} remainder. Be sure to read WS rows of the
rounds. Move lsms up every few rounds as chart from left to right. All cabling (crossed
required, being careful to keep the first and sts, blackberries) should be done on RS
last sts of front and back sections marked. rows.
Decrease round (body sts): SSK, patt to 1 st With WS facing you, rejoin yarn at left front
before marked st, K2tog, patt to marked st, neck edge.
SSK, patt to 1 st before marked st, K2tog, Dec 1 st at each edge of neck and 1 st either
patt to end. 4 sts decreased. 256 (296, 320, side of sleeve sts as follows:
360, 360) {384, 416, 452, 480} sts. Row 1 (WS): K1, P2tog, patt to marked st,
P2tog, patt to 1 st before marked st, SSP,
patt to marked st, P2tog, patt to 1 st before SR 4 (WS): DS, patt to 2 (3, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
marked st, SSP, patt to 2 sts before neck sts before DS, turn.
edge, SSP, K1. 6 sts decreased SR 7 (RS): DS, patt for 12 (14, 15, 15, 14) {14, 16,
Row 2 (RS): K1, SSK, patt to marked st, SSK, 16, 16} sts, bind off 40 (42, 46, 48, 48) {50, 50,
patt to 1 st before marked st, K2tog, patt to 50, 50} sts, patt to 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4} sts
marked st, SSK, patt to 1 st before marked before DS, turn.
st, K2tog, patt to 2 sts before neck edge, SR 8 (WS): DS, patt to 3 sts before neck
K2tog, K1. 6 sts decreased. edge, SSP, K1. 1 st decreased at neck edge.
Work Rows 1 and 2 6 times more, then work SR 9 (RS): K1, patt to 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) {4, 4, 5, 5}
Row 1 once more. 78 sts decreased. 118 (124, sts before DS, turn.
140, 154, 154) {152, 152, 160, 160} sts. SR 10 (WS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
Short Row Shoulder Shaping Left front shoulder short row shaping:
SR 1 (RS): K1, patt to 1 st before end, K1.
You have now decreased all sts on each
SR 2 (WS): K1, patt to 2 (2, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
sleeve. The shoulders are worked in Gernan
sts before marked st, turn.
short rows (see Special Techniques
SR 3 (RS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
Tutorials) and then front and back
SR 4 (WS): K1, patt to 3 (3, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
shoulders are bound off together using a 3
sts before DS, turn.
needle bind off (see Special Techniques
SR 5 (RS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
SR 6 (WS): K1, patt to 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
sts before DS, turn.
Right front shoulder short row shaping:
SR 7 (RS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
SR 1 (RS): K1, patt to 2 (2, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
SR 8 (WS): K1, patt to marked st (working
sts before marked st, turn.
DSs as 1 st).
SR 2 (WS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
Using 3 needle bind off, bind off left
SR 3 (RS): K1, patt to 2 (3, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
shoulder sts.
sts before DS, turn.
SR 4 (WS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
Right back shoulder finish:
SR 5 (RS): K1, patt to 3 (3, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
Rejoin yarn at back neck edge with WS
sts before DS, turn.
facing. You will now work the final short
SR 6 (WS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
rows on the back right shoulder sts only
SR 7 (RS): K1, patt to 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
(from back neck edge to marked st).
sts before DS, turn.
SR 1 (WS): K1, P2tog, patt to 3 (3, 4, 4, 4) {4, 4,
SR 8 (WS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
5, 5} sts before DS, turn. 1 st at neck edge
Back shoulders and neck short row
SR 2 (RS): DS, patt to last st, K1.
SR 3 (WS): K1, patt to marked st.
SR 1 (RS): K1, patt to 2 (2, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
Using 3 needle bind off, bind off left
sts before back left marked st (working DSs
shoulder sts.
as 1 st), turn.
SR 2 (WS): DS, patt to 2 (2, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
sts before marked st, turn.
SR 3 (RS): DS, patt to 2 (3, 3, 4, 4) {4, 4, 4, 4}
sts before DS, turn.
off loosely (see Special Techniques Tutorials
Neckband for stretchy bind-off).
Fold down the neckband to the inside and
Using the smaller sized needle, starting at
using whip stitch, sew to the picked up edge
the top of the left shoulder, pick up 92 (96,
of the neckband.
100, 104, 104) {108, 108, 108, 108} sts around
neck as follows:
23 sts down left front neck, 10 (12, 16, 17, 17) Return sts for right sleeve underarm onto
{19, 19, 19, 19} sts across front neck, 23 sts up one needle and sts for right body underarm
right front neck, 1 st down back right neck, to a second needle. Using Kitchener stitch
35 (36, 40, 41, 41) {43, 43, 43, 43} across back (see Special Techniques Tutorials), graft the
neck, 1 st up back left neck. Join for working underarm sts together.
in the round. Repeat for left underarm.
Work in 2 X 2 rib for 13 rounds, or until rib Sew in all ends. Wet block for best results.
measures 5 cm from picked up edge. Bind
Chart A - Body centre chart
Chart B - Body Side Chart