Hep 30251
Hep 30251
Hep 30251
Zobair Younossi, MD, MPH1,2, Frank Tacke MD PhD3, Marco Arrese MD4,5, Barjesh
Chander Sharma MD6, Ibrahim Mostafa MD7, Elisabetta Bugianesi MD8, Vincent Wai-Sun
Wong MD9, Yusuf Yilmaz MD10, Jacob George MD11, Jiangao Fan MD12, Miriam B. Vos
1. Center for Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, Inova Fairfax Hospital, USA
2. Betty and Guy Beatty Center for Integrated Research, Inova Health System, USA
3. Department of Medicine III, University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany
4. Departamento de Gastroenterolog´ıa, Escuela de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad
Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
5. Centro de Envejecimiento y Regeneración, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia
6. Department of Gastroenterology, GIPMER, New Delhi, India
7. Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt
8. Division of Gastroenterology, University of Torino, Torino, Italy
9. Institute of Digestive Disease, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
10. Department of Gastroenterology, Marmara University, School of Medicine, Istanbul,
11. Department of Gastroenterology &Hepatology, Westmead Hospital, University of
Sidney, Australia
12. Center for Fatty Liver, Department of Gastroenterology, Xin Hua Hospital Affiliated
to Shanghai Jiao Tong university School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
13. Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine and Nutrition Health Sciences, Emory
University, USA
Over the past 2 decades, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has grown from a
relatively unknown disease to the most common cause of CLD in the world. In fact, 25% of
(NASH) is the subtype of NAFLD that can progress to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma,
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doi: 10.1002/hep.30251
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and death. NAFLD and NASH are found in not only adults—there is a high prevalence in
children and adolescents. Due to NAFLD’s close association with type 2 diabetes (T2DM)
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and obesity, the latest models predict the prevalence of NAFLD and NASH will increase,
causing a tremendous clinical and economic burden and poor patient-reported outcomes.
limited to life style modifications. To examine the state of NAFLD among different regions
and understand the global trajectory of this disease, an international group of experts came
together during 2017 AASLD Global NAFLD Forum. We provide a summary of this forum
Over the past three decades, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH) have gone from obscure liver diseases with histologic features similar
to alcoholic liver disease to the most prominent cause of CLD worldwide (1,2). In fact, after
its first description, there was initial skepticism that NASH was a real liver disease (3). In the
1990s, it became evident that NASH was part of the NAFLD spectrum, but with specific
Over the next decade, it became increasingly clear that NASH is the hepatic manifestation of
metabolic syndrome and is highly prevalent in obese and diabetic subjects (5). Additionally,
the increasing number of components of metabolic syndrome appear to increase the risk of
progression to NASH (6,7). In contrast to NAFLD from Western countries, data from Asia
indicate that a proportion of patients with NASH, especially from the rural regions, do not
meet the criteria for obesity and have “lean NAFLD” (8).
Several studies investigated progression of NAFLD and its subtypes (4, 10-19). Although
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most studies have concluded that NASH is the progressive form, recent data indicate that a
small subset of NAFLD without histologic features of NASH can develop progressive liver
disease (11). NASH is already considered among the top etiologies for hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) and indications for liver transplantation (LT) in the United States (U.S.)
spontaneous progression and regression of liver disease over a long period of time (11).
promote progression (3, 6), factors independently associated with spontaneous regression of
NASH and NASH-related fibrosis are not fully described. However, the most current data
indicate a tight association between increasing prevalence of T2DM and progressive NASH.
In fact, given the increasing global epidemic of obesity and T2DM, a recent model has
In addition to liver-related mortality and morbidity, NAFLD and NASH are associated with
several extrahepatic manifestations, adding to the burden of disease (Figure 2) (16). As our
clinical and epidemiologic understanding increases, clinical burden of NAFLD and NASH
related to its prevalence, incidence, and progressiveness must be coupled with its tremendous
economic burden, and its negative effects on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) (14).
lack of treatment and the growing global epidemic of obesity, the prevalence of NAFLD is
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likely to increase, creating a serious health crisis in the next few decades. Given this global
burden, we summarize the data on NAFLD and NASH from different global regions.
The prevalence of NAFLD in the general population of North America has been estimated to
be approximately 24% (9, 18). In contrast, the prevalence of NAFLD in South America is
32% (9). The prevalence of NAFLD varies among countries in Central and South America,
depending on the prevalence of obesity. The lowest prevalence of NAFLD in this region has
been reported from Peru (12.5%) with only 15% of the population being obese, while the
highest prevalence is reported from Belize at 29% with 35% being obese (9).
In addition to obesity, other factors may contribute to the prevalence and outcomes of
NAFLD such as genetic factors, including those associated with Native American and
Hispanic heritage. (1-8) A study that compared NAFLD in Hispanics of Mexican origin vs
those of Caribbean origin (Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican) reported that Hispanics of
Mexican origin had a higher prevalence of NAFLD (33%) than Hispanics of Dominican
origin (16%) or Puerto Rican origin (18%), (P<.01). After controlling for age, sex, body mass
levels of triglyceride and C-reactive protein, and insulin resistance, Hispanics of Mexicans
remained more likely to have NAFLD than those of Dominican or Puerto Rican origin (23).
contribute to the high prevalence of NAFLD (1). Nonetheless, given the increasing trends of
NASH. In the general US population, the prevalence of NASH is estimated between 1.5% to
6.45% (9). Although there are substantial efforts in the U.S. to understand NASH, its
biomarkers and drug treatment, a great number of challenges remains. Some of the efforts are
undertaken by AASLD, FDA, NIH, Liver Forum and chronic liver disease foundations to
address end points and biomarkers in NASH. Nevertheless, the most important challenge in
the U.S. is developing a national policy to address the epidemic of obesity, the main culprit
Prevalence in Europe
The prevalence of NAFLD has been estimated at 20%–30% in the European Union, with
approximately 3% having NASH. (9) NAFLD prevalence rates varies from different
European countries. A population-based study from the North-Eastern rural part of Germany
patients had increased levels of serum alanine aminotransferase, supporting the concept that
prevalence of NAFLD can vary with diagnostic methods (22). Similar rates have been
described in the general population of Northern Italy with 25% having NAFLD by ultrasound
(23). Again, 5.9% to 54% of NAFLD had increased alanine aminotransferase (24). In
addition, similar rates have been reported from Spain (25.8%) (25) and UK (26.4%) (26).
In Eastern Europe, the prevalence of NAFLD by ultrasound was 22.6% in Hungary (27) and
20% in Romania (28). Similar to other regions, prevalence of NAFLD in Europe increases
Similarly, risk factors for NAFLD (obesity or T2DM) are increasing in Europe, fueling its
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complications of cirrhosis and HCC (30-36).
In Europe, the most urgent challenge is to establish a set of biomarkers that, singly or in
combination, can enable the detection and monitoring of disease progression or regression in
project has been funded and brings together clinicians and scientists from academic centers
across Europe and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations
(EFPIA) to deal with this challenge. The common goal of this group is to develop validate
and qualify biomarkers for NAFLD, NASH and related fibrosis. In this context, LITMUS
will specifically seek biomarkers that (i) separate cases with non-NASH NAFLD from
NASH; (ii) track disease progression and/or monitor response to treatment; and (iii) predict
those at greatest risk of future progression to NASH, advanced liver fibrosis or liver-related
morbidity. It is expected that the LITMUS project can make important contribution the field
Prevalence in Asia
The NAFLD prevalence in Asia ranges from 15% to 40%, while NASH ranges from 2% to
3% (37,38). In this context, prevalence of NAFLD in India increased from 28% in 2015 to
31% in 2016 and is estimated to be 30.7% in the rural region of Haryana (39). The reported
prevalence of fatty liver has also increased in many regions of China (40) increased from 3.87%
in 1995 to 14.04% in 2002, 17.3% in 2005, and 43.65% in 2015 among Shanghai adults (41-
45). Additionally, about 5.0% of 7229 school children from the Yangtze River delta region in
China had NAFLD (7.5% in boys, 2.5% in girls, 5.6% in subjects with peripheral obesity,
Furthermore, prevalence of NAFLD from Korea and Taiwan ranges from 24% to 40% and 15%
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to 27%, respectively (9). In contrast, lower prevalence rates of 9% to 18% have been reported
Similar to the other regions of the world, accurate data on the prevalence of NASH from Asia
It is interesting that lean NAFLD seems to be more common in Asian countries than in
Western countries (Figure 3). There are differences in the profiles of Western vs Asian
NAFLD (48), and a gradient of lean to obese NAFLD is observed in Asian countries. It
appears that the rural areas in Asian countries have a lower prevalence of NAFLD while the
profile is more consistent with lean NAFLD, whereas in urban areas of Asia NAFLD
prevalence and risk profiles are similar to Western countries. (49) Although patients with lean
NAFLD from Asia seem to have lower rates of NASH, liver fibrosis, or metabolic
abnormalities, after adjustment for severity of visceral obesity, the clinical events and rates of
advanced fibrosis are similar between lean and obese patients with NAFLD (49).
without metabolic syndrome [50]. Since Asians are more likely to harbor the GG genotype
than Caucasians, this may explain why the two populations have similar prevalence of
NAFLD even though Asians lower metabolic burden. Finally, similar to the West, the
economic status, it is important to study and compare the epidemiology and natural history of
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NAFLD across different Asian countries. To this end, The Gut and Obesity Asia (GO ASIA)
Workgroup has been established to serve as a platform for NAFLD researchers in Asia to
collaborate, expand the knowledge and understanding of NAFLD and NASH by collecting
The prevalence of adult NAFLD in Middle Eastern countries has not been systematically
investigated. A recent meta-analysis suggested that the prevalence of NAFLD in the Middle
East is 31.79% (9). Additionally, data from Iran suggest that 33.9% of population have
NAFLD (52).
(N=352) suggest a prevalence of 30% for NAFLD detected by ultrasound and several
components of the metabolic syndrome were the main risk factors (53). Another cross-
sectional study from the central part of Iran (n=483) reported 39.3% prevalence of NAFLD
(54). These rates are significantly higher than the 15.3% reported from the rural Fars province
of Iran (55).
In addition to data from Israel and Iran, there is also growing evidence about the increase of
NAFLD prevalence in Turkey. Until recently, the prevalence of NAFLD in Turkey has been
reported from single-center, small-sized studies (56-58), reporting prevalence rates of 19.8%
(56), 23.2% (57), and 10.6% (58). These low rates may be explained by the fact that these
studies were conducted either in rural parts of the country (56) or in young individuals
healthy subjects, the overall prevalence of NAFLD in Turkey was 48.3%. The prevalence
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was higher in those older than 50 (65.6%), males (64.0%), and in those with BMI>25 kg/m2
(63.5%). There are also geographical differences with the Central and Eastern Anatolia
regions showing the highest prevalence of NAFLD (57.1% and 55.7%). Importantly, the
prevalence of NAFLD in the region has increased by 22% from 43.5% (2007) to 53.1%
(2016) (YY 2018.) These findings indicate a rapidly increasing prevalence of NAFLD related
to the epidemic of obesity and T2DM in these regions. It is noteworthy that in a hospital-
based study, the prevalence of lean NAFLD in Turkey was 7.6% (59) while an autopsy-based
study of 330 children and adolescents suggested a prevalence of 6% with higher rates in
Despite these emerging data from Israel, Turkey and Iran, there is a significant paucity of
data from the rest of the Middle East. Nonetheless, it is important to note that the rates of
obesity and T2DM in the region are rapidly increasing which could certainly fuel the burden
of NAFLD. Similar to the other reports from Asia, it is highly likely that the differences in
the prevalence rates for this region can be explained by differences between urban and rural
areas, as well as by the increasing burden of obesity over the years. Therefore, it can be
hypothesized that a westernized diet and a sedentary lifestyle have led to an increase in the
The Middle East is expected to face major challenges with NAFLD, but there is no
systematic approach to deal with these challenges. Future large, multicenter, collaborative
epidemiological studies are needed to more thoroughly investigate the burden of NAFLD in
this region. A multi-prong approach leveraging social media to educate and spread awareness
the region implement strategies to deal with the serious disease burden.
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Prevalence in Africa
The burden of NAFLD in Africa appears to vary widely, although finding accurate data is
difficult. In contrast to North America, Europe and Asia, there are very few studies on the
in Africa to be 13.48% (9). Given the paucity of data and the need to collect additional
information about NAFLD, a member of the Global Forum sent surveys to 37 medical
providers in 21 African and Middle Eastern countries. Based on the survey results, the
prevalence of NAFLD appears to range from 5% (in Ethiopia) to 30% (in Saudi Arabia).
in Africa. Nevertheless, the issue of NAFLD in Africa may be important not only for its own
risk of progressive liver disease but also because NAFLD could potentially worsen the course
of viral hepatitis which is quite prevalent in Africa. Future research programs to be better
Consistent with data from other industrialized societies, a commissioned report noted that
NAFLD is the commonest liver disease in Australia, affecting a third of the population (5.5
million people; 40% of adults ≥ 50 years of age and 15% of school children) (61), and 13%
of the population of New Zealand (62). This is not surprising since Australia has one of the
commonest cause of abnormal liver tests. Further, 47% of the population had elevated ALT
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attributable to truncal obesity (64). Over the last decades, there has been an increasing
appreciation of NAFLD in Australia and New Zealand by primary care physicians, with
diagnosis and referral prompted by obesity, features of the metabolic syndrome, the detection
For much of the remainder of Oceania and the Pacific, including Micronesia, Melanesia and
Polynesia (roughly 22 nations and 10 million people), data on NAFLD/NASH prevalence are
lacking. However, if T2DM and obesity prevalence data are any indication, this region will
be a hotbed of NAFLD. For example, a global burden of disease study indicated that obesity
prevalence in men exceeded 50% in Tonga and in women from Kiribati, the Federated States
of Micronesia, Tonga, and Samoa (67). More worrisome, Pacific Island nations have the
highest global prevalence of diabetes, including 7 of the top 10 countries and all of the top six
[Tokelau (37.5%), Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Cook Islands
and Vanuatu) where, in 2013, diabetes prevalence ranged from 37.5% in Tokelau to 24% in
Vanuatu (68).
While there are no coordinated plans to deal specifically with the challenge of NAFLD in
Australia and New Zealand, the parallel rises in obesity and T2DM prevalence is viewed as a
national health priority. Frequent campaigns have been undertaken by Federal and State
agencies promoting healthy food intake and physical activity, while obesity and T2DM
research is targeted for research funding. Such efforts have borne some fruit as Australian
national nutrition surveys between 1995 and 2011 reported for 12,000 participants’ positive
brown and wholegrain cereals, as well as reduced intake of sugars (65). Consistently, shorter-
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and longer-term declines in the availability and intake of added sugars and sugar-sweetened
beverages has been reported (66). Major efforts are now underway to reduced sedentary
There are few accurate data on NAFLD incidence in the general population. Some rates have
been estimated to range from 28.01 per 1000 person-years to 52.34 per 1000 person- (9). For
Clinical Outcomes
lower in Asia compared to Western countries. In Hong Kong, 3.7% of NAFLD patients had
cirrhosis. (71-72) In India, 2% of NAFLD patients had cirrhosis, while in Japan, 2.1% had
In contrast, an estimated 10-15% of NAFLD patients from US and Europe have advanced
fibrosis (9). A study using NHANES (1999–2002 and 2009–2012 cycles) reported a 2.5-fold
increase in the prevalence of NASH-associated cirrhosis and 2-fold increase in the prevalence
NAFLD and >100% increase in advanced liver diseases over the next 15 years. (74)
Patients with NAFLD have an increased risk of liver-specific death—primarily those with
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histologically proven NASH. In a study of 289 NAFLD patients who were followed for 150
months, those with NASH had >6-fold higher risk of liver-related death than NAFLD without
NASH (75). Liver related mortality was increased 2-fold if T2DM and or histologic NASH
was present. (75) Other studies have independently associated insulin resistance and MS with
with increased liver-related mortality, it is the stage of fibrosis that increases the risk of death
Although cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in NAFLD, a recent multicenter
study suggests that this is true for non-cirrhotic cases [80]. Among 458 patients with biopsy-
proven NAFLD from Europe, Asia, Australia and America, 37 died during a mean follow-up
of 5.5 years. Liver complications accounted for 50% of the deaths in patients with F3 fibrosis,
73% in those with early cirrhosis, and 100% in those with advanced cirrhosis. This suggests
that in NAFLD patients with advanced fibrosis, liver mortality will dominate.
Cardiovascular disease
The cause of death for most patients with NAFLD is related to cardiovascular diseases. (81)
When patients with NAFLD and liver fibrosis (stages 3 or 4) were followed for an average of
26 years, they had a 1.55-fold increase in risk for cardiovascular disease compared to
individuals without NAFLD (81-85). Similarly, 117 NAFLD patients and 507 controls from
South China were followed for 4 years showing higher rates of cardiovascular mortality in
NAFLD is the third-most common cause of cancer-related death worldwide and seventh-most
common cause in the US (88). In a study of the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results
database, investigators found that among the 4949 patients with HCC, 701 patients had
incidence of HCC among patients with NAFLD and cirrhosis has been reported to range from
2.4% to 12.8% over a median follow-up period of 3.2 to 7.2 years (89, 90). For more details
Liver Transplantation
NASH is the most rapidly growing indication for LT in the US (20,94-99). Despite the
resurgence of ALD, NASH is the second-leading indication for LT. For more detail about LT
NAFLD in Diabetics
A recent systematic review of studies, comprising 88,978 persons with diabetes from 28
countries, found the overall global prevalence of NAFLD among persons with diabetes to be
57.80%. The highest rate was in Europe (66.19%) and the lowest was in Africa (13.20%)
biopsies were available was 65.26%. In addition, the prevalence of advanced fibrosis (≥ F3)
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was 15.05% (100). In addition, prevalence of NAFLD diabetics can range from 42.6% in UK
patients (30) to 60-70% in Italy (31). In the absence of biopsy, the prevalence of NAFLD and
study from Netherlands estimated that significant fibrosis by elastography was present in
8.4% of NAFLD subjects which was associated with T2DM (32). These and other studies
have confirmed the high prevalence of NAFLD, NASH and advanced in patients with T2DM
In addition to T2DM, patients with NAFLD have a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome
(MS) and patients with MS have a high prevalence of NAFLD. This phenomenon has led
some to consider NAFLD as the hepatic manifestation of MS. Findings from many studies
A study conducted in Asia reported that the incidence of fatty liver increased by 14% in
patients with at least 3 components of MS compared to patients with fewer than 3 features
(37). Prevalence of MS among lean NAFLD was 36.1% in Shanghai, China, and fatty liver
appears to be a better predictor than overall obesity and abdominal obesity for the clustering
of risk factors for MS (43). In east China, 358 NAFLD patients and 788 matched controls
were followed for 6 years. Incidence of obesity (47.6% vs 19.5%), hypertension (69.6% vs
MS in patients with NAFLD (9). In fact, similar rates are reported worldwide. Of patients
with NAFLD in Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, and South America, 34%,
62%, 31%, 33%, and 37% have been reported to have MS (9).
In addition to high reciprocal prevalence rates, patients with NAFLD with multiple features
of MS are also at higher risk for advanced fibrosis and death than patients with NAFLD
without MS (100-106). A multivariate analysis of biopsies from 432 patients with NAFLD
diabetes, male sex, and Caucasian ethnicity with the presence of moderate to severe
(T2DM, hypertension, and visceral obesity) increased the likelihood of advanced fibrosis in a
In addition to higher risk for advanced fibrosis in patients with NAFLD, the presence of MS
increases the risk for liver-related mortality and all-cause mortality (7). Other analysis of
NHANES III data determined MS independently increased liver-related mortality and overall
mortality (7, 75). These data indicate that not only the presence of metabolic derangement but
also its severity have negative effects on long-term outcomes of patients with NAFLD.
Although NAFLD is closely linked to obesity and MS, approximately 5%–8% of patients
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with NAFLD in Western countries are considered lean (8,107). These NAFLD patients still
have abnormal glucose tolerance, and about one-third have a diagnosis of diabetes (64).
Interestingly, a higher proportion of lean individuals with NAFLD have the PNPLA3
(107). These data indicate that lean patients with NAFLD have dysregulated glucose
metabolism and adipose tissue, as well as the PNPLA3 rs738409 GG genotype (107).
metabolic abnormalities in such a way that obese patients with NAFLD might have more
severe abnormalities whereas lean NAFLD patients have less severe metabolic defects. A
recent systematic review concluded that lean and obese patients with NAFLD have a
common altered metabolic profile but lean persons with NAFLD have excess abdominal
Lean NAFLD in Asia appears to differ from that of the West. Approximately 20% of the
Asian population has lean NAFLD (37). In China, patients with lean NAFLD had a lower
BMI and waist circumstance than obese NAFLD, but these were higher than individuals
without NAFLD (109). Furthermore, patients with lean NAFLD also had a significantly
higher visceral adiposity index and greater odds for having T2DM, hypertension, MS, and
central obesity than individuals without NAFLD (66). Similar findings have reported from
likely that other genetic and environmental factors affect risk. Studies are needed to
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investigate the role of gut microbiota and environmental factors, including exposures to
Pediatric NAFLD
Based on analyses of surrogate makers, the prevalence of NAFLD in children has been
estimated to range from 2.6% to 17.3%. (113) In an autopsy series study of children,
investigators determined the overall prevalence of NAFLD to be 9.6%, but rates increased
with age. NAFLD was more common in boys, but the highest rate was in Hispanic children
(11.8%), while the lowest rate was in African-American children (1.5%). (114)
all race/ethnic groups and both sexes. (115) Again, the prevalence of NAFLD increased with
age, BMI, Mexican-American ethnicity, and male sex. However, among obese adolescences,
the odds of NAFLD were higher with increased age, BMI, Mexican-American ethnicity, and
male sex. In 2007–2010, 48.1% of all obese male adolescents and 56.0% of obese Mexican-
Children seem to have a different presentation of advanced NAFLD than adults. In a cross-
sectional study of 813 children from the Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research
Network with biopsy-proven NAFLD, researchers found that children with zone 1 steatosis
(18%) had significantly more advanced fibrosis and were younger than children without zone
1 steatosis. In children with steatosis in zone 3 (32%), a higher proportion had steatohepatitis
that presence and progression of NASH in pediatric patients accelerates with T2DM (117-
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Since there are few data from long-term studies (> 2 years) or studies with liver biopsy data,
the current pediatric data may not represent real-world pediatric patients. Additionally, non-
invasive fibrosis scoring systems designed for adults do not adequately predict which
children will develop liver fibrosis. Thus, pediatric markers are needed to determine risk of
fibrosis in children.
In addition to clinical outcomes, PROs are important to consider for NAFLD patients (120).
NAFLD has been found to cause a significant decrease in quality of life as measured by
various tools (16,120-122). In addition, some PRO impairment may be associated with
Although NASH itself can reduce HRQL scores, treatment of NASH can also affect HRQL.
Preliminary data from selonsertib in NASH suggested that reductions in hepatic fibrosis and
the amount of collagen were associated with improvements in HRQL (124). Although
generic HRQL instruments have been used to study NAFLD and NASH, a disease-specific
HRQL instrument (CLDQ NAFLD-NASH) was recently developed and validated (122, 126).
interviews, focus groups, item reduction, factor analysis, and psychometric testing). As such,
the CLDQ-NAFLD-NASH is now being used in clinical trials of NASH to capture patients’
NAFLD is also associated with a significant economic burden. For details regarding the
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Economic burden of NAFLD, please see the supplementary material.
The prevalence of NAFLD as well as the genetic and environmental factors that determine its
associated risk varies worldwide. The progressive form of NAFLD or NASH is associated
with liver-related mortality, reduced HRQL, and substantial economic burdens. In the context
of growing burden of NASH worldwide, there is a lack effective treatment regimen and
validated non-invasive diagnostic, prognostic and dynamic biomarkers. For details about