PLM Screening Activity
PLM Screening Activity
PLM Screening Activity
PART 1. Identify the parts of the heart/blood vessels as presented in the drawing below: write your
answer above or below the marked lines.
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HEART VALVES. Determine the anatomical location and the action/s of the following heart valves:
Pulmonary Valve
Mitral Valve
Aortic Valve
BLOOD VESSELS. Determine the characteristics of each blood vessel wall and its action/s
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PART 3. Complete the following descriptions in relation the anatomical parts presented below:
MEDIASTINUM. The central part of the thorax between the two pleural cavities contains a group of
structures collectively termed the ________________________________. The mediastinum extends
from the ________________________________above to the ______________________________
below and from the _______________________ in front to the
________________________________ behind (see the figure above). By convention, the
mediastinum is divided into superior and inferior parts by an
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CONDUCTING SYSTEM. The conducting system of the heart is composed of modified cardiac muscle.
The sinoatrial node also known as the _____________________ initiates the first heartbeat. It is
situated at the ________________________________ close to the opening of the
___________________________. The atrioventricular node and bundles descend behind the
____________________________________ and divides into two branches at the level of the
________________________________. Terminal branches then become a continuous fiber called
the ________________________________
ECG readings are taken by placing electrodes on the body. What do these measure?
P wave: _____________________________________________________________________
T wave: _____________________________________________________________________
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