Sample Noli Me Tangere

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(New York) – The Communist New People’s Army (NPA) in

COLONIALISM the Philippines executed three people in August after

unfair trials before so-called People’s Courts, Human
Rights Watch said today. The executions of the men as
REBELLION “counter-revolutionaries,” in trials that violated
international humanitarian law, was the latest instance of
what the NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party
of the Philippines, calls “revolutionary justice” meted out
against “enemies of the people.”

The NPA sought to justify the executions, which

occurred in the central Philippines province of Negros
Occidental, by citing the men’s alleged offenses, including
spying for the Philippine military and common crimes such
as rape. The armed group also said that the allegations
against the men were “submitted before the people’s
court” and that it held an “in-depth investigation and
trial.” The group did not provide details about the trials,
raising concerns about whether the men were present,
were provided adequate representation, or had an
opportunity to present a defense.
Terrorism has taken place as a result of the
ongoing conflict between the government and
the communist people, in my perspective. Many
civilians are killed and traumatized for the rest
of their lives. We've all heard about what
happened in Marawi. Terrorists are responsible
for such acts. Hearing such news gave me
goosebumps and horrified me because of how
ruthlessly they killed civilians. The government
should take quick action and be more vigilant in
order to prevent terrorism and ensure that it
never happens again.
Terrorist activity continues to pose a threat from
groups such as the New People's Army (NPA). The NPA
is a non-state entity that can engage in warfare. They
are groups that fight for certain beliefs. Their desire
is to colonize and rule the Philippines. They create rules
that benefit only them. Truthfully speaking, their goal is
to turn our country into a communist state, similar to
what is happening in North Korea. And because our
country is democratic, they are opposed because they
want to lead. And some people have somehow turned a
blind eye to this growing rebellion, which we have to
address because they are killing many citizens merely
to gain the government's attention. Rebellion should
never be used to get what we want.
Pope Francis made news recently by voicing
RELIGION his support for same-sex civil unions – legal
arrangements that give gay and lesbian
LGBTQ couples many of the same rights as married
opposite-sex couples. The statement struck
many observers as a shift for the Vatican –
which in 2003 came out against any “legal
recognition of homosexual unions” – even as
Francis did not change his long-standing
opposition to gay marriage.

Around the world, Catholics vary in their

support for same-sex marriage and their
acceptance of homosexuality in general,
according to Pew Research Center surveys
HTTPS://WWW.PEWRESEARCH.ORG/FACT- conducted in recent years.
The marriage of two people of the same legal sex is known
as same-sex marriage or gay marriage. Love expresses
itself in a variety of ways. It would be incorrect to claim
that a person cannot marry someone simply because they
are not of the same gender. The world is changing faster
than ever before, and we must adjust. Same-sex marriage
occurs when a person decides to marry someone of the
same sex rather than someone of the opposite sex.

In perspective, we must make room for all humans,

regardless of gender. It is necessary to recognize that
there are more than two genders. All types of people need
to be more included in society. When everyone feels
accepted and respected, the world will be a happier place.
Everyone has the right to be respected, regardless of
gender identity. Nowadays, many LGBTQ people face
discrimination on a daily basis. It is only right to protect
and promote their rights because they are a part of our
community. I disagree that a third restroom for
transgender individuals should be built. I believe that if
you are transgender, you identify as that gender. So I
believe that we should embrace them and allow them to
use the restroom in which they identify with, which is
either the men's or the women's bathrooms. I also believe
that it fosters inclusivity and helps them understand
what they want as transgender individuals, which is to be
accepted by us rather than just tolerated.

CORRUPTION MANILA – President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. on

Tuesday called on career executive service
officers (CESOs) to be on the lookout for
corruption as the national government implements
measures to “reinvent” the bureaucracy.

“Let us be vigilant against temptation and

corruption and other acts that diminish the public
trust,” Marcos said during the 49th Founding
Anniversary of the Career Executive Service
Board (CESB) in Pasay City.
He reminded CESOs that his administration puts
“utmost importance” on the people’s welfare and
the improvement of their lives, adding that they
should do the same.
Lobbying is an integral part of democracy. It involves,
however, a risk of corruption. Although lobbying can be
a positive force in a democracy, it can also be a
mechanism for powerful groups to influence laws and
regulations at the expense of the public interest. This
may result in undue influence, unfair competition, and
policy capture to the detriment of effective
policymaking. In my opinion, to prevent corruption, we
should practice honesty, because corruption begins
with dishonesty in a person. Also, we should take an
active role in preventing corruption. An example of
what we can do is to report to the person who has the
authority if we find any corrupt practices around us.
The bestowal of patronage by public officials in
appointing people to positions based on blood or
marriage relationship is sometimes referred to as
nepotism. In the Philippines, nepotism is a pervasive
problem that is frequently associated with corruption.
When non-relative employees perceive unfair favoritism
and relatives are employed over more talented non-
relatives, nepotism becomes a problem. It is viewed as
a serious concern in my opinion, as it maintains
unfairness and inhibits the country from attaining its
full potential. To prevent nepotism, all stakeholders in
society must work together to promote transparency,
accountability, and fairness.
REVOLUTION MANILA — Philippine protesters vowed Wednesday
to "never forget" the human rights abuses under
former dictator Ferdinand Marcos as they held
PROTEST MOVEMENTS rallies to mark 50 years since his imposition of
martial law.

Amnesty International estimates thousands of

people were killed and tens of thousands tortured
and imprisoned after Marcos imposed martial law
on September 21, 1972, unleashing security forces
on rivals, critics and dissidents.

Marcos's son is now the president of the Philippines,

and campaigners have urged him to recognize his
family's role in the violence.

"The Marcoses need to at least acknowledge their

HTTPS://WWW.VOANEWS.COM/A/PHILIPPINE- role in those dark days," said Carlos Conde, a
researcher for Human Rights Watch, as activists
and victims marked the 50th anniversary.
In the middle of the pandemic's anxiety and terror, and
the necessary community quarantine, the government
has pushed a major media corporation off the air,
effectively shutting it down. ABS-CBN has been forced
to near-total darkness. The ABS-CBN shutdown
protest was held in response to the government's
intention to close ABS-CBN when its license expired.

The ABS-CBN shutdown protest, in my opinion, is an

important expression of support for press freedom
and independent media in the Philippines, as well as a
reminder of the necessity of preserving these core
democratic values.
In my perspective, and as a concerned citizen, the
federal government's initiative to modernized public
transportation should not come at the expense of fully
eradicating the iconic jeepney from our roadways. The
jeepney is more than just a form of transportation; it is
crucial part of our culture and heritage. It has been
serving the people of the Philippines for decades and is
regarded as the backbone of our public transportation
system. While upgrading is vital jeepneys should not be
completely removed from our roads. Instead, we can
work to modernized them by following to the basic
standards for a public transportation vehicle that
ensures the comfort of both drivers and commuters
while preserving their traditional appearance.
REFORM (Manila) – The Philippine government should end the
“red-tagging” of activists as rebels or supporters
of the communist insurgency, Human Rights Watch
WOMEN'S RIGHTS said today, releasing a video about the threatening
practice and its impact. The video features a human
rights activist, a workers’ rights advocate, and a
journalist whom the authorities have red-tagged.

Red-tagging, also known as red-baiting, has been

used for decades in the Philippines in the
government’s campaign against the communist New
People’s Army (NPA), which began in 1969. The
government’s counterinsurgency efforts include
publicly accusing activists, journalists, politicians,
and others and their organizations of being directly
involved in the fighting or supporting the NPA. The
Philippine military has long been responsible for
ACTIVISTS | HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH (HRW.ORG) large numbers of extrajudicial killings and torture
of alleged communists.
I believe combating prejudice and inequality requires a
multidimensional approach that includes legal and policy
reforms, education and awareness initiatives, and
encouraging women's leadership and empowerment. Civil
society organizations play an important role in
campaigning for women's rights and holding the
government accountable for progress toward gender
equality. In my own experience as a woman, I need to
speak out when something doesn’t feel right, and I
always speak my mind. Women should stop thinking that
their voice isn’t important. It took me much longer than
I would have liked to come out of my shell, but every
time I’ve spoken up, my contribution has made a


Women all across the world are subjected to
physical or sexual violence, most often by an intimate
partner. Violence against women and girls is a
violation of human rights, and the immediate and
long-term physical, sexual, and psychological effects
for women and girls, including death, can be
catastrophic. In my perspective, violence against
women is an important problem that must be
addressed. Governments, organizations, and
individuals must collaborate to prevent violence
against women, support victims in healing from
trauma, and give justice.
EDUCATION GENEVA (8 March 2023) – The UN women’s rights
committee has found that the Philippines violated the
rights of victims of sexual slavery perpetrated by the
Imperial Japanese Army during the Second World War
DISCRIMINATION by failing to provide reparation, social support and
recognition commensurate with the harm suffered.

The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination

against Women (CEDAW) today issued its Decision after
examining a complaint filed by 24 Filipina nationals,
members of the Malaya Lolas (“Free Grandmothers”), a
non-profit organisation established to provide support
to sexual slavery survivors. These victims, commonly
known as “comfort women”, had repeatedly raised their
demands in the Philippines, asking their Government to
support their claims against Japan for reparations for
their suffering from the sexual slavery system during
HTTPS://WWW.OHCHR.ORG/EN/PRESS- World War II. They asserted that the Philippines’
RELEASES/2023/03/PHILIPPINES-FAILED-REDRESS- failure to fight for their cause had essentially resulted
CONTINUOUS-DISCRIMINATION-AND-SUFFERING-SEXUAL in ongoing discrimination against them that continues to
this day.

Bullying is the repetitive verbal, physical, and/or social
abuse of power in relationships with the intent of causing
physical, social, and/or psychological harm. It can entail an
individual or a group abusing their power, or perceived
power, over one or more others who are unable to stop it.

Everyone should be aware of the reasons of bullying, and

bullies should be disciplined to correct their ill-mannered
behaviors. Bullying victims frequently appear weak and
silent, which is why bullies continue to bully them. One of the
most important things that any of us can do is fight, but in
the proper way. Learn to speak up and take a stand. We
must not allow their bullying powers to enslave us.
Lack of access to family planning limits women's
empowerment and contributes to high fertility rates,
which, in turn, puts many households at risk of poverty.
High fertility rates can contribute to high rates of
population increase, which limit a country's ability to grow
and prosper. I believe that educating males and females
about the benefits of family planning for their families'
health is important. Furthermore, I feel that family
planning can assist a family in avoiding financial problems. By
doing so, being educated enough about family planning will
also help parents' children study well and have a bright
future, allowing them to not be discriminated against by
others because of their status in life.

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