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International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

Artificial intelligence in the service of system

Université Blaise Pascal, 34, avenue Carnot - BP 185, 63006 CLERMONT-FERRAND
cedex, FR
European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN CH-1211, Genève 23, CH
E-mail: christophe.haen@cern.ch

Abstract. The LHCb online system relies on a large and heterogeneous IT infrastructure
made from thousands of servers on which many different applications are running. They run a
great variety of tasks : critical ones such as data taking and secondary ones like web servers.
The administration of such a system and making sure it is working properly represents a very
important workload for the small expert-operator team. Research has been performed to try
to automatize (some) system administration tasks, starting in 2001 when IBM defined the
so-called “self objectives” supposed to lead to “autonomic computing”. In this context, we
present a framework that makes use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to monitor
and diagnose at a low level and in a non intrusive way Linux-based systems and their interaction
with software. Moreover, the multi agent approach we use, coupled with an ”object oriented
paradigm” architecture should increase our learning speed a lot and highlight relations between

1. Introduction
LHCb [1] is one of the four large experiments at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The
infrastructure of networks and servers deployed in order to manage the data produced by LHCb
and control the experiment are critical for its success. The LHCb online system [2] relies on a
large and heterogeneous IT infrastructure, which consists of thousands of servers, representing a
multitude of different hardware configurations. The team responsible for the whole infrastructure
is composed by only three full time workers and part time helpers, mainly students. This results
in a huge workload per person, including night on-call duty and a potential loss of knowledge
every time a student leaves the team.
To address this problem, we are looking for a solution based on artificial intelligence (A.I.), which
would improve with experience and also act as a knowledge and problem history database. The
final goal is to ease the work of our system administrator team.

2. State of the art

The first attempts that were done were based on the so called ’rule based expert system’ [3],
which consists of a knowledge base and an inference engine. The knowledge base, defined as a
set of rules, is very modular and all the conclusions given by the engine can be explained to the
user. Nevertheless, it is very difficult and demanding to keep the base up to date. Moreover,
the diagnostics of the engine do not improve with experience.

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

In 2001, IBM introduced the concept of ’autonomic computing’ in a manifest [4] regarding
the coming problems of IT infrastructures. The major issue pointed out was the increasing
complexity of the installations. The solution IBM offers [5] [6] is to give ’self-managing’
capabilities to IT systems. It relies on two fundamental concepts, which are still nowadays
the bases of all autonomic systems [7] :
• The self-X : in order to be ’self-managing’, a system must verify four properties :
– self-configuration : auto configuration, following high level directives
– self-optimization : system should improve its performances
– self-healing : system detects, diagnoses, repairs
– self-protection : against attacks, or cascade failures
• MAPE-K loop :
– monitor
– analyze
– plan
– execute
– knowledge
This control loop is the reference model. It introduces the different working steps which
lead to autonomic computing.
In principle, every element of an autonomic system (e.g. web services, DB cluster) should
implement its own MAPE-K loop. This naturally leads to a multi-agent system : the autonomic
systems are supposed to dialogue and negotiate in order to keep the whole system running. Many
implementations of this loop have been done. Some aim at being generic and are distributed as
frameworks [8], [9], [10], [11], while other approaches are much more specific [12],[13]. In any
case, there are two situations : either we have access to the source code of the software, in which
case it is possible and better to adapt it to give it autonomic capabilities. Or the source code is
completely hermetic.
Most of the papers concern the first situation, which covers various cases :
• Writing new software following some principles [14], [15]
• Adapting the code by following principles of aspect oriented programming [16], [17]
Some papers offer a method that they call ’non intrusive’, which only works for Java programs,
since their solution consists in injecting code at runtime via the Java Virtual Machine [16].
Papers about the second case are very rare because the only grip we can have on software are
those offered either on purpose via API, or via security issues. It is thus very hard to have a
generic approach.
It is worth to mention one other approach, which consists of giving the users a new language in
order to describe their system [9],[18].

Another common point of the different approaches is that they are ’model based’ or ’archi-
tecture based’. This means that the autonomic mechanism has a simplified representation of
the system, which allows you to see whether the system behaves like expected (a monitoring
system) and eventually to test changes on the model before applying them. This methodology
is also used in systems based on the control theory and attempts have been made to mix control
theory and autonomic computing [14],[19],[20].

In conclusion, one can find several common points :

(i) In one way or another, there is a rule based system which makes the link between
measurements and actions

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

(ii) Need to describe what to monitor

(iii) Need to describe how to monitor
(iv) Need to specify the rules to trigger an action
(v) Need to specify what to do in case of problems

3. Architecture
3.1. Method
The good results obtained by the MAPE-K loop suggest to follow this principle. The last four
points quoted above can be improved and this is what we aim at.
First of all, we want to work in the most general context possible, by working with the OS
(Linux only) system calls in order to get status information about processes or files. Those
calls exist whatever the software is. Also their behaviors and the data possible to retrieve are
precisely defined and formated by standards. It is possible in Linux to see any application as a
set of elementary entities (e.g. processes, files) with well defined attributes. The flip-side is that
we have to work at low level and not use high level directives.
The second point concerns the MAPE-K loop itself. The existing solutions are using one loop
per system and multi agents theory to make them communicate. We believe that the MAPE-K
loop can be unique for all the systems and that the monitoring can be independent of the internal
behavior of a system and thus be taken out of the MAPE-K loop. The monitoring can then be
looked at in terms of working services rather than in terms of working components of a service.
It also offers the advantage that we can transparently use third-party software for monitoring
(like Icinga [21]). Regarding monitoring, ’Model based’ approaches to detect problems are very
efficient, but painful to put in place, especially in case of large and heterogeneous infrastructure
like in LHCb. Writing simulation models and describe all the interactions between the compo-
nents is an almost insurmountable task. In order to solve that problem, we offer to use artificial
intelligence and learning algorithms : systems like neural networks, once trained, can perfectly
substitute to a simulation model. One can thus associate an A.I. system to each system one
wants to diagnose.

The basic idea of our approach is that if at the low level, all the elementary entities
of an application are in an appropriate state, the application should also behave properly.
Nevertheless, for big applications, the amount of entities makes it difficult to check all of them.
We thus need to optimize the diagnostic and reinforcement learning seems to be an appropriate
way. This kind of technique will allow us to minimize the amount of checks before finding the
faulty entity.
Unfortunately, the reinforcement techniques require a big amount of training and replications to
be efficient and it is not possible in an environment like LHCb. Experience Sharing between the
various systems becomes a key point [22] - a basic web server works the same way, no matter
the content it serves. Our proposition is to copy the object model: defining an application as
a composition/aggregation of subsystems, using concepts like inheritance and instance in order
to share the experience and optimize the convergence speed when solving a problem. It thus
becomes possible to describe a general website only once and then, for every actual website,
simply refine parameters (like path to the configuration files), reducing the workload for the
users considerably.
On top of that, using a very generic but well defined interface (interaction point between OS
and software) allows us to use the principle of ’convention over configuration’, which encourages
the default behavior.

To summarize :

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

• ’Abstract profiles’ reduce the ’description’ workload a lot and they increase the learning
speed. Current work is ongoing to automatically generate actual profiles by observing
servers and matching the observations with abstract profiles.
• Having a more service oriented approach for monitoring and decoupling it from the
diagnostic allows to use existing or already in place solutions. Making use of artificial
intelligence techniques let you benefit from the advantages of the model based approach
and reduces the disadvantages.
• Following the principle of ’Convention over Configuration’ reduces the work and this leads
not only to diagnostics, but also to recovery solutions.
• A unique MAPE-K loop will help to point out relations between services that might have
been forgotten by the user in the profiles, highlight monitoring failures and warn of coming

3.2. Analysis of a problem

As each of the elementary entities is defined at the system level, we can develop a so called
’Agent’ for each of them. They are in charge of checking the proper behavior of the entity and
offering a default solution in case of problem. At a higher level, the analysis of a system is based
on its description (called ’Profile’) as a composition of other systems and Agents. Each profile
is managed by a so called ’Coordinator’, which contains reinforcement learning algorithms : it
essentially chooses the order in which the sub-Profiles and Agents should be checked to find the
responsible of a problem and optimize its choices with experience.

The general algorithm to analyze a problem list is described in Fig. 1

Figure 1. Principle of the Analyzer Core

(i) Ongoing problems are given as a list of Profile names to the Aggregator, which will keep
the exhaustive list of alarms during the diagnostic. It then performs a sort in the alarms
to keep only the lowest in the profile tree.
(ii) All the ’top’ problems are given to the Scheduler, which chooses in what order to solve

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

(iii) For this, it uses priority rules (e.g. the web site needs the database to work) either described
in the Profiles, or learned with the experience.
(iv) The scheduler then calls, in order, the Coordinators responsible for the given profiles.
(v) Coordinators can eventually ask Aggregator information about alarms. This functionality
is not yet used.
(vi) To establish a priority order, Coordinators also use the rules database, or use classical
reinforcement learning techniques based on probability.
(vii) Once a problem is solved by a Coordinator, it returns to the Aggregator
(viii) The Aggregator will update the alarms list.
(ix) The results of the previous operation will allow to find out new dependencies and add rules
in the database that need to be acknowledged by the user in order to become effective.

Values measured by Agents can be kept periodically and regularly. Basic techniques of data
mining (polynomial regression, Student tests on means) will then permit to warn the user about
potential problems to come (e.g. lack of disk space). More complex techniques can also be
applied in order to find dependencies more elaborate than direct rules.

4. Results
4.1. Monitoring
A light monitoring software has been developed. Its purpose is not to replace more complete
software like Icinga, but rather to use their results to feed A.I. algorithms. The monitoring
software relies on external dynamic libraries for the A.I. algorithms. Thus, any algorithm can
be added, as long as it respects the interface.

4.2. Analyze
At the time of this writing, a first version of the Analyzer Core has been developed. All the
efforts have been put into the diagnostic algorithms. This means that currently, the software is
able to diagnose a problem, but cannot offer a solution to it. This will be easy to implement,
because of the well defined behavior of the atomic entity. The data mining part is also planned
on a longer term road-map.

4.2.1. Test bench The aim of the test bench is to represent a situation that we actually have
in production and to see how the analyzer reacts to problems. The test bench is composed of
the following :

• One NFS server

• One MySql server
• One website (Site 1) getting its content from Mysql
• One website (Site 2) getting its content from NFS and Mysql

The information entered in the database is the following :

– nfs daemon
– files it serves
– exports file
• Mysql
– mysql daemon

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

• Site 1
– http daemon
– files it serves
• Site 2
– http daemon
– files it serves
– fstab entries
The tests aim at showing the advantage of Experience Sharing between similar entities (Site 1
and Site 2), of having priority rules and the ability of the software to discover those rules. Indeed,
for our tests the dependencies are not given in the start configuration. The test protocol consists
in creating up to four simultaneous random problems on the various systems and measure the
actions of the software under various circumstances :
• No rule used, no Experience Sharing.
• Rules effective after appearing 200 times. No Experience Sharing.
• Rules effective as soon as appearing. No Experience Sharing.
• Repeat previous three situations but with Experience Sharing between Site 1 and Site 2.
The first value of interest is the percentage of diagnosed problems in the various tests.
Fig. 2 makes clear that the situation improves a lot: from 90.8% to 99.8%. An analysis of
the simulations shows that the non spotted errors are actually found, but considered as false
positives. This situation appears when distinct problems happen at the same time and have
similar consequences on the alarms sent by the monitoring. For example, if the nfs or the http
daemons are down, Site 2 becomes unreachable for the monitoring. If both daemons are down
at the same time, the nfs daemon needs to be fixed first. If the software decides to fix httpd
first - because there is no priority rule - it will get the false positive situation.

Figure 2. Percentage of problems diagnosed

The second value of interest is how many time a users or a monitoring tool needs to interfere
with the software in order to solve a problem. In order to update probabilities and deduce
priority rules, the aggregator needs to update its alarm list after each attempt to solve one of
the problems. In case of n concurrent problems, at least n interactions are needed. Fig. 3 shows

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

the percentage of extra actions (i.e. more than the optimal) in different situations. The priority
rules clearly help to improve the situation. The 20% of the cases that required additional user
intervention, when no rules were used, are managed in an optimal way if we use the rules as
soon as they are deduced.

Figure 3. Additional user actions with respect to the optimal solution

To finish, it is interesting to compare the amount of involved agents when solving problems.
Less involved agents, means faster solving. Fig. 4, similar to Fig. 3, shows how many additional
agents are visited. In that case as well, the priority rules improve the percentage of optimal
resolutions from 60% to 89.6%. The percentage of situations requiring more than one additional
check decreases from 32% to 1%.

Figure 4. Additional visited agents with respect to the optimal solution

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

Finally, in all situations, the dependency rules were found by the software. The added value
of Experience Sharing is not really obvious on those plots. The biggest gain is about half a
percent compared to the replication without the Experience Sharing. This can be explained
by the amount of replications, which is in the order of thousands. The sharing is supposed to
minimize the consequences of the lack of replication. Another reason is the small amount of
children of the coordinator in our example. With only two children per site, we have a 50%
chance to take the faulty child.
In order to illustrate the benefits of Experience Sharing, we ran a trivial test : we declared 10
profiles, all composed of 10 files and we simulated problems on those files. In 50% of all cases a
selected file had a problem. The other 50% of failures are equally shared between the remaining
9 files. Only 20 problems were simulated, once with the Experience Sharing between all the
profiles, once without. Fig. 5 shows that the number of optimal resolutions goes from 16.25%
to 25.75% while there are 13.75% less of cases requiring more than five extra checks. Figs. 6
illustrates the learning speeds by comparing the number of optimal resolutions : while the shared
curve reaches the optimal value (50% ± 5%) after about 30 replications, the not shared curve
needs about 175 replications.

Figure 5. Additional visited agents on the second simulation

4.2.2. Real test The first version of the software has now been used for a few weeks against
our real web services. This setup is very similar to our test bench, including nfs file server and
database for the contents. Nevertheless, in that case, we refined the dependencies. At the time
of writing, all the causes of service interruption could be properly diagnosed by the software.

5. Outlook
In the coming weeks, the plans are to improve the code of the agents to cover also more exotic
cases and to add suggestions to fix the problems. Further improvements concern the data mining
functions. We also plan a non interactive mode of running where the software does not try to
improve its rules.
In parallel of this, efforts are put into tools in order to manipulate the software (CLI and GUI
interfaces) and the profiles (definition of advanced configuration, code generator, automatic
generation of profiles from meta-profiles).

International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics 2012 (CHEP2012) IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 396 (2012) 052038 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/396/5/052038

Figure 6. Optimal solving (in %) vs. replications

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