Nidiagcs Errors
Nidiagcs Errors
Nidiagcs Errors
Error codes delivered from the ECU in the NI Automotive Diagnostic Command Set.
<nierror code="8000">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The selected arbitration ID is already in the list of filtered arbitration IDs.
<nierror code="-8000">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The handle passed to the function is not valid.
<nierror code="-8001">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The selected CAN interface is already active using a different baud rate.
<nierror code="-8002">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Diagnostic protocol timeout. A response from the ECU was not received.
<nierror code="-8003">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The arbitration ID passed to the function is not valid.
<nierror code="-8004">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
An internal timeout occurred.
<nierror code="-8005">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
A DLL required for communication with the ECU could not be loaded. Probably this
library is not installed.
<nierror code="-8006">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The name of the interface is not valid.
<nierror code="-8007">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The function called is not supported.
<nierror code="-8008">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
A parameter passed to the function is not valid.
<nierror code="-8009">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The selected property is not defined.
<nierror code="-8010">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The selected property is read only.
<nierror code="-8011">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
A callback function has already been defined. To define another callback function,
clear the active callback first.
<nierror code="-8012">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The function called is not implemented in the nibci.dll. Please update the
nibci.dll to a newer version.
<nierror code="-8013">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The FPGA bitfile does not contain a valid and complete interface.
<nierror code="-8014">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The FPGA bitfile was not found.
<nierror code="-8017">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service is unknown to the ECU.
<nierror code="-8018">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The subfunction of the diagnostic service is unknown to the ECU (invalid format).
<nierror code="-8019">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The length of the request message or the format of the parameters does not match
the prescribed requirements for the requested service.
<nierror code="-8020">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The response message is too long to be transported via the network.
<nierror code="-8033">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service could temporarily not be executed due to other activities
(repeat request).
<nierror code="-8034">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service could not be executed due to incorrect conditions (request
sequence error).
<nierror code="-8035">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service could not be executed because another function is active
(routine not complete).
<nierror code="-8036">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The requested service is out-of-sequence. The ECU expects a different order of the
requests issued.
<nierror code="-8037">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
A gateway reports that a subnet component did not respond.
<nierror code="-8038">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
A DTC is preventing the service from being executed in the ECU.
<nierror code="-8049">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Parameter range error in diagnostic service request.
<nierror code="-8051">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service could not be executed due to insufficient security
privileges (security access denied).
<nierror code="-8053">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
An invalid security key was specified to the ECU.
<nierror code="-8054">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service was attempted too often (exceed number of attempts).
<nierror code="-8055">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service was attempted too quickly (required time delay not expired).
<nierror code="-8112">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Upload/download to the ECU is prevented by a fault condition in the ECU.
<nierror code="-8113">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The data transfer operation was aborted due to a fault condition in the ECU.
<nierror code="-8114">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU detected an error while erasing or programming its memory (general
programming failure).
<nierror code="-8115">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU detected an error in the sequence of block sequence counter values during
data transfer.
<nierror code="-8126">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The subfunction of the diagnostic service is not supported in the active diagnostic
<nierror code="-8127">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The diagnostic service is not supported in the active diagnostic session.
<nierror code="-8128">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 128.
<nierror code="-8129">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 129.
<nierror code="-8130">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 130.
<nierror code="-8131">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 131.
<nierror code="-8132">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 132.
<nierror code="-8133">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 133.
<nierror code="-8134">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 134.
<nierror code="-8135">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 135.
<nierror code="-8136">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 136.
<nierror code="-8137">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 137.
<nierror code="-8138">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 138.
<nierror code="-8139">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 139.
<nierror code="-8140">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 140.
<nierror code="-8141">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 141.
<nierror code="-8142">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 142.
<nierror code="-8143">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 143.
<nierror code="-8144">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 144.
<nierror code="-8145">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 145.
<nierror code="-8146">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 146.
<nierror code="-8147">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 147.
<nierror code="-8148">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 148.
<nierror code="-8149">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 149.
<nierror code="-8150">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
The ECU returned manufacturer specific error code 150.
<nierror code="-8256">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Invalid frame received by transport layer.
<nierror code="-8257">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Out-of-sequence frame received by transport layer.
<nierror code="-8258">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Transmit aborted by transport layer due to overflow in the receiver.
<nierror code="-8259">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Transmit aborted by transport layer (maximum wait frames received).
<nierror code="-8260">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Diagnostic command timeout. A response from the ECU was not received.
<nierror code="-8261">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
ISO TP: timeout receiving a Consecutive Frame.
<nierror code="-8262">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
ISO TP: timeout receiving a Flow Control Frame.
<nierror code="-8263">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Transport protocol read timeout. A response from the ECU was not received.
<nierror code="-8264">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
VW TP 2.0 Protocol error. The selected application type is not supported by the
<nierror code="-8265">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
VW TP 2.0 Protocol error. The selected application type is temporarily not
supported by the ECU.
<nierror code="-8266">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
VW TP 2.0 Protocol error. There are temporarily no resources available on the ECU.
<nierror code="-8267">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
VW TP 2.0 Protocol error. An invalid response was received from the ECU.
<nierror code="-8268">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
VW TP 2.0 not initialized. Call 'VWTP' before calling this VI.
<nierror code="-8269">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Receive aborted with OVERLOAD frame due to user settings.
<nierror code="-8270">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
Invalid response message received.
<nierror code="-8300">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Transmitted message truncated.
<nierror code="-8301">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Incorrect target address received.
<nierror code="-8302">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Incorrect source address received.
<nierror code="-8306">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Generic header error received.
<nierror code="-8344">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied due to unsupported routing activation type.
<nierror code="-8345">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied due to confirmation rejected.
<nierror code="-8346">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied due to missing authentication.
<nierror code="-8347">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied because the SA is already registered and active on a different
TCP_DATA socket.
<nierror code="-8348">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied because an SA different from the table connection entry was
received on the already activated TCP_DATA socket.
<nierror code="-8349">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied because all concurrently supported TCP_DATA sockets are
registered and active.
<nierror code="-8350">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: Routing
activation denied due to unknown source address.
<nierror code="-8352">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 254.
<nierror code="-8353">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 253.
<nierror code="-8354">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 252.
<nierror code="-8355">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 251.
<nierror code="-8356">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 250.
<nierror code="-8357">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 249.
<nierror code="-8358">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 248.
<nierror code="-8359">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 247.
<nierror code="-8360">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 246.
<nierror code="-8361">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 245.
<nierror code="-8362">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 244.
<nierror code="-8363">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 243.
<nierror code="-8364">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 242.
<nierror code="-8365">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 241.
<nierror code="-8366">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 240.
<nierror code="-8367">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 239.
<nierror code="-8368">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 238.
<nierror code="-8369">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 237.
<nierror code="-8370">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 236.
<nierror code="-8371">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 235.
<nierror code="-8372">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 234.
<nierror code="-8373">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 233.
<nierror code="-8374">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 232.
<nierror code="-8375">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 231.
<nierror code="-8376">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 230.
<nierror code="-8377">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 229.
<nierror code="-8378">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 228.
<nierror code="-8379">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 227.
<nierror code="-8380">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 226.
<nierror code="-8381">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 225.
<nierror code="-8382">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Routing activation response: OEM specific
message 224.
<nierror code="-8400">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Incorrect diagnostic message response
<nierror code="-8402">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Invalid
source address.
<nierror code="-8403">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Unknown
target address.
<nierror code="-8404">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Diagnostic
message too large.
<nierror code="-8405">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Out of
<nierror code="-8406">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Target
<nierror code="-8407">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Unknown
<nierror code="-8408">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
DoIP (Diagnostic on Internet Protocol): Diagnostic message negative ACK: Transport
protocol error.
<nierror code="-8409">
NI Automotive Diagnostics Command Set:
An internal error occurred.