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Great Britain and Ireland.

--- In 1616 a scheme for founding

phosphorus pentachloride. On heating piperidine with phosphorus

envoy in London, the tsar elaborated the motives of his policy

and July. Female students were first admitted in 1860.

Leipzig, 1881; De Pistoye et Duverdy, Traite des prises

time. At its maximum it reaches nearly 50,000. (D. G. H.)

Of the small family of the Tilopteridaceae our knowledge is

have a diet that is closely similar, and yet owls have a

canals intersect the district, affording ample means of

Spaniards, the Dutch and the French. The original authority

sensation has its specific affective quality, though by

Cluny, who forthwith set apart the 2nd of November as a day of

parent; provided, of course, that the albino is pure and

worse adapted to special climates. There is no positive

region. The proboscis bears rings of recurved hooks arranged

others, he opened the ways of liberalism, wherever they may

Plantations in America,'' which was so favourably received

ecclesiastical corruption was then at its height, his

sometimes only a garden, and no oxen. Free tenants and, after

the carbide is decomposed. The formation of nitrides and

Kilimanjaro--with its two peaks Kibo and Mawenzi, the former

in this part of the work, the following deserve notice:--

notice. In 1530 Prince Maurice of Saxony appointed him

king, he was regarded as a mere name by the unruly nobles to

governor-general of India, in 1861 recognizing the division

and in 1828 he was appointed director of the newly-founded

prices, declining rents and the shrinkage of land values.

to be the oldest mosque in Algiers. The pulpit (mimbar)

Great economic and social changes have resulted from this

Betty Balfour, Lord Litton's Indian Administration (1899);

below, They deal only with psychological ethics. In the

of the laws initiated in 1801 was never carried out during his

Trial by jury in civil causes seems to be declining in public

in the production of 54 parts of aluminium; practically the

Christianity as of Divine origin (Luke i. 1, 4; Acts i. 1 f.).

railways open before 1901. Both these items are borne by

admit the cooling sea breezes by cutting through the mountains

dethroned princess of the native dynasty, Ada, was restored to

Latin scolding matches which were then the fashion. Alphonso

in C. T. Dent and others, Mountaineering (1892, 3rd ed.,

gladness, that ever having of all things a sufficiency, we

South-East Africa was in one form or another under British

the Teubner series of Greek and Latin texts. A Fabularum

occurs in germlings from the oospore, and in adult stages of

June, the mowing of the meadows begins. Of this operation,

a filament in a sheath, either in consequence of growth in

future greatness. According to Bede, the whole of Britain as

geographical relation to the wider area of east Mediterranean

inconvenient common fields that were the first to be enclosed.

already been forced to surrender (December 10). But General

general, but the earliest authority for the story is Abulfaragius

poverty. The aristocracy of talent was almost as much

voyages within certain limits. A place is usually named

1524, and constructed with massive embattled walls and belfry

survived for ordinary purposes in Croatia and in the islands

channel, 25 m. long and from a quarter of a mile to a mile

her first husband's uncle, was elected in his place as Sixtus

employed in aesthetic perception and imagination and intellectual

lizards and salamanders, snakes and Caeciliae, tortoises

Abyssinia. While they failed in their efforts to convert the

of the alphabet to the Greeks by the Phoenicians at an early

so remodels his original as to produce an almost new work;

was but a fragment of their ancient native empire. It comprised

as usual, over the east walk; but, as a general rule, the arrangements

Arts. There he painted and etched in aquatint a variety of

appear that, whereas only 11% of British 520,000 agricultural

Shoa; Mansfield Parkyns, Life in Abyssinia; being notes

appears. The non-dealer then leads; the other must trump or

England. It is a tree of moderate size; the leaves are

ALEXANDER VIII. (Pietro Ottoboni), pope from 1689 to 1691,

himself. His ancestors in Spain had been content the the

pursuit of Mithradates the Great (65 B.C.), against which

according as they employ the forms of space or those of time.

Spencer, that it conceived the world as an aggregate of

points out the impossibility of proving the sensible by

term), which again combine to form sagis, of which there are

Lake Dweru, the shores of which are generally high, is fed by

in the Encyk. der Math. Wissenschaften, Band v. 13, 14;

The preceding summary shows the specialized nature which algebra

up with the troops; but a new and more mobile vehicle, to

Tacitus. Although the legation of Britain lasted as a rule

in 1768, and forty years later was appropriated as a royal

(1) in general, resemblance which falls short of absolute

are roughly three main kinds. (1) A later Biblical passage

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