DRRR-Q4-W1-Earthquake Hazard
DRRR-Q4-W1-Earthquake Hazard
DRRR-Q4-W1-Earthquake Hazard
Earthquake Hazard
Learning Target:
Secondary Hazard
1. fire
2. seiche
3. tsunamis
Most Commonly Used Methods of
Reducing Earthquake Risks
Natural Signs of an Approaching Tsunami
1 2 3
Interpret different
earthquake hazard maps
Hazard Map
• Is a map that highlights areas that are affected by or
are vulnerable to a particular hazard.
• It help prevent serious damage and deaths.
• It provides important information to help people
understand disaster and mitigate disasters.
• Hazard maps indicate the extent of expected risk
areas, and can be combined with disaster
management information such as evacuation sites,
evacuation routes, and so forth.
Map Interpretation
• It is the process of looking at
the map for us to be guided to
a direction or place where we
wanted to go using the
different symbols or elements
of the map.
Components of a Map
• Compass Rose
• Title
• Symbols
• Legend
• Color
• Scale
• Grid Reference
Seismic Design Categories