Recuperação Da Prova 1

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Profa. Maria Roseli Castilho Garbossa Disciplina: Inglês

Recuperação da Prova 1 (3,0) (0,2 cada acerto) - 1st trimester/2023 Date: March_____, 2023
Conteúdos estudados: Inglês Paraná - Nível 3 - Nível 1 (Reading and comprehension text; hobbies and
interests, adverbs of frequency)

Complete name: _____________________________________________ Number: _______Class: ______

1) Leia o texto para responder as questões 1 e 2:
[CARLOS] Hi, Joan.
[JOAN] Hi. Listen, Carlos, do you have any plans this weekend?
[CARLOS] Uhhh, no. Why?
[JOAN] Well, Henrique Gonzales is visiting us. He’s the manager of the Mexico City office. And I’m out of
town all weekend.
[CARLOS] Right ...
[JOAN] Carlos, it’s really important. Can you show him around?
[CARLOS] Of course, of course, I can show him around. Uhhh, what’s he interested in?
[JOAN] Well, I know he enjoys eating out.
[CARLOS] Well, I know a lot of good restaurants.
[JOAN] Oh, and he’s really into art.
[CARLOS] There’s probably a good exhibition at the art museum.
[JOAN] Great. Thank you. Look - you can have two extra days' vacation for this.
[CARLOS] Really? Thanks!
[JOAN] No, thank you.

1) Relacione cada palavra ao seu significado de acordo com o texto:

(A) thanks ( ) museu

(B) plans ( ) exibição
(C ) restaurants ( ) planos
(D )museum ( ) dias
(E ) exhibition ( ) obrigado
(F) days ( )férias
(G) two ( ) gerente
(H ) vacation ( ) restaurantes
( I) manager ( ) dois

2) Escolha a opção correta de acordo com o texto:

a) Does Carlos have any plans this weekend? ( ) of course ( ) no ( ) maybe

b) What are Joan's plans this weekend? ( ) She's going to an exhibit. ( ) She's out of town. ( ) She's
visiting Henrique.

c)What is Henrique interested in? ( ) going to restaurants ( ) cooking Mexican food ( ) going on

d)Is there a good exhibit at the museum? ( ) no ( ) of course ( ) probably

3) Transcreva do texto o fragmento que significa: “[...] É muito importante.”


4) Traduza para o português o fragmento destacado no texto:



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