Malinao M.alvarez Eng Petas
Malinao M.alvarez Eng Petas
Malinao M.alvarez Eng Petas
Performance tasks
Filipinos throw out 2 to 3 kilos of items per day. This is more than half a ton of garbage per
person each year. Imagining the amount, we might think of what do people who collects do with it if we
just throw them out? Well what we know is that it is being thrown out into a dumpsite where poor
people used it to get some leftovers and things which they can sell to earn money. But let us be more
focused on what’s the real issue, and that is plastics. This is more of a problem since we were raised
knowing that plastics has been a necessity to every products that we buy anywhere like it is used to put
the things that you bought at the supermarket, the pens that are made of plastic, plastic itself where we
put our garbage so it’s really a part of our everyday living. To strengthend this idea, Filipinos spend
about 100 million pesos each year on disposable plastic and paper plates. On the other hand, Filipinos
also spend nearly 29 million pesos each year on disposable diapers and lastly, the other disposable items
such as; pen, lighters and razors, they cost another 18 million pesos.8 But aside from knowing its
importance, what we don’t know is that it causes several problems on our country and also to our
environment. Why? Because plastics in disposable items remain in the environment for many years after
the items have been thrown away.
We are urged to spend money for a plastic yet because of our negligence, it causes not just
negative effects but rather it is the main reason why our ecosystem is being harmed. Aside from this
animals are also being threatened because of the danger of the plastics that we throw everywhere. With
this, each year there are 1 million dogs and cats that are put to sleep due to humane societies, also
animals underwater are also harmed because lately there is a photo on trend that shows that the fish
had plastics on its stomach.
These are just several effects that can be seen and observed from our environment, but I guess
we are not lacking with rules to protect our habitat, we are lacking with the discipline that is why there
are a lot of things that suffers because of this negligence, and that is something that Filipinos should be
practicing. People in the Philippines should learn to use thigs over and over instead of simply throwing
them away. With this, it could lessen the garbage. If we try to observe the other countries such as
Singapore and Japan, their streets are free of trash because people living there are well-disciplined, see
to it that if their country has done it, Philippines could also do it if laws, rules are properly implemented
to teach Filipinos well of that discipline, it must be taken an action because if not, the fairly thrown away
attitude or culture will always be the worst problem of our time.
Technology has advanced tremendously and social media became our daily basis on our life
that gives us happy dependency, satisfaction and an escape from reality. But it doesn’t ends
here, as we know that having social media nowadays is one of risk factors of why were being a
victim of a certain crime correlative of using social media. A lot of people believe that social
media is nothing do with doing harm but only good as it brings happiness and satisfaction, while
other say that it more brings harm than good as it contains also unappropriate contents that
usually children shouldn’t be seeing. Moreover, you can never turn your social media as a safe
place for your children nor to yourself.
Some people believe that social media is all positive because it brings joy and satisfaction to the
users. Almost every person has a profile on social media that they can share with other people.
They also use it as a type of connection with other people they know. It is also useful for a
teenager to use a social media specifically for they could use for their researches, academics
and exploring something new. In addition to that, it is to believe also that social media brings or
serves the knowledge wether academically or practical commonsense stuffs that we usually
doesn’t learn from our schools nor parents, it became their primary option whenever they need
something to look for. People claimed also that it gives them convenience of buying foods,
furnitures and other materials that fills their “satisfaction”
On the other hand, others believe that using social media could make a person commit criminal
acts, cyber-bullying and other similar crimes against themselves and others .Furthermore, It is
seen that children aren’t able to control their emotions that leads them to committing the
crime of cyber bullyings.Correlated to cyber-bullying, it affects one,s mental health causing
various mental illness that became more serious and prevalent as social media continues to
advance and expand. Based on the research, 13- 17 years olds, 45% are online almost
constantly and 97% use a social media platform such as Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or
Snapchat which shows the constant exposure of teenagers and children to social media causing
them to have severe mental illness due to different contents of social media serving.
It is known that social media has become prevalent place of different contents especially in this
generation where explicit contents are wildy spread in different platforms, an instance of this is
I was scrolling in my twitter account and shockingly a penis appeared in my feed posted by one
of my follower, stalking him makes my stomach go turn upside down as there are various of
explicit contents and caughting someone retweeting an explicit video involving a minor and an
adult is a toleration of phedophilia. To contrast that instance, twitter became also a safe ground
for me where I could rant stuffs and keeps me updated about news and entertainment. The
implication of the two ideas is it’s always depends on the person’s purpose of using, but it’s the
choice of people if they will let themselves influenced by the contents in social media. We just
need to be wise enough to know what is right and what is wrong along with discipline that
should be practice by many especially teenager of our times.
Does social media do more harm than good? The answer is it depends on the person. Social
media has a lot of benefits to us users, it makes our life easier as it serves different learnings
throughout researching in different platforms but the risks are still in there, the only thing that
we could and we should do is to be wise and smart in using different platforms, like what they
always say ‘think before you click’.
MOVIE REVIEW : Seven Sundays
The Bonifacio siblings reunite when they find out their father is diagnosed with cancer. In the process,
they have to deal with unresolved issues among themselves before it's too late.
The main characters are Ronaldo Valdez who plays the role as Manuel, a widower who says that he only
has seven weeks to live. His role as Captain Manuel was well-portrayed. Allan, played by Aga Muhlach, is
his eldest son. Allan seems to have developed an insecurity towards his own siblings who went on to
become relatively more successful than him, despite the fact that he is a father who is unable to provide
for his own family. His versatility was proven again with his role, he is indeed a versatile actor. Dingdong
Dantes as Bryan Bonifacio, Capt. Manuel’s second son. Dingdong Dantes acting abilities and charisma
never fail to impress the audience, and I'd say he did well in this film, portraying Bryan. Christine Reyes
as Cha Bonifacio, the only female child. She portrays the role of a martyr wife and a good mother for her
children. Christine Reyes showed her attention-catcher acting skills. Enrique Gil plays Dexter Bonifacio,
Capt. Manuel's youngest son. Dexter, unlike every other youngest brother, received little attention from
his father and siblings. Enrique Gil is doing an excellent work in his role, and his visuals make him more
suited to his role.
Seven Sundays took places wherein it perfectly fits in the genre of the film. From the place where
Manuel residing wherein also his children grew up, it affects in a way of longing for his children and the
house it was used to be before, also the fact how the distance from his children contributed to the
concept and story of the film, this became one of the reason why their children couldn't make it to visit
their father . Another instance is the beach scene where they got a simple family reunion and reminisce
with their younger lives. The beach place impacted a good ambiance and vibes to the scene of movie.
Technically, it shows nostalgic feels to us viewers as beach are good place to reflect.
“Seven Sundays” taught us that love could be unconditional and can be felt even without physical touch.
Death is an inevitable event in our life but one reason to let the family to be gathered and reminisce. We
don't have to stop missing and loving someone just because they're gone, our love will stay until the end
of time without the person's presence. Holding to a strong faith in our family would hold a great
foundation in tough times and lastly, even if we change, we could still get along and love each other.
I love how the movie ends, from the beginning till the end serves consistency of balanced emotions.
Specially the part where the siblings fought in their father's backyard which shows how inevitably
misunderstanding could occur out of sudden to siblings which shows a realism of the story, the lines
thrown in that scene were accurate in real life that made me love that scene. I like also the part where
they gather in circle at beach to reflect their days they were used to be kids and teen, which me as a
viewer made me wondering to do it also with my family. But I don't like how the director made Manuel
faked his illness when the director could just make it real in the story. But all in all, it was good beyond
my expectations.
This movie is highly recommended for every family as this film contains relatable scenario that strikes to
people's heart, thus, depicting an imperfectly perfect families which the aspect shown in the movie
bringing the family members together in times of need which is inspiring one to watch. This movie also
is perfect for drama lovers as this movie also serving a heart-melting values especially the movie was a
masterpiece of realisticity. The movie is beyond from what we're expecting to be.
4. LINES 7-8
He is not sure to his path taking, as he thinks that the path he gave up was better, but
he feels ‘perhaps’ better than the other as he describe that the road hasn’t been walked
upon. In life, in our decision making process, we have a lots of doubts that sometimes
made us to choose on the other decision and at the end we always end up onto
something we think better eventhough we don’t know the effect of it.
5. LINES 9-10
The speaker is still skeptical and unable to make up his mind and admitted that maybe
the two roads is just equal after all and he thinks that people passing on the other path
may have worn it down just as much as the path he had taken same, in reality, there
two choices in life that are equally good, it will be only different of how people will
handle the challenges, like me who’s struggling of what strand should I take? Stem or
humss? I think both strands are equally good but I’m choosing stem for this was the
“less traveled” strand of my known peers, maybe it was hard or perhaps it.s to good
that they can’t meet the standards.
6. LINES 11-12
He is probably among the first to travel on these paths on that day it was covered with
leaves which haven’t been trodded by anyone wherein the speaker again describe that
it was equal and same.
7. LINES 14-15
The speaker knows how ‘way leads’ to another until you end up very far from where you
started. He says that he will save the other road for another day but he is doubted if he
should come back after he take the path. This is the reality of life once we choose it,
there’s no turning back. It’s hard to retrace again our path back from where we started
8. LINES 16-17
This the future of the speaker, he’s old and will be still telling his decisions many years
later. A sigh could be happy, sad, disappointment, who knows? After we take decision
and it lead us to where we now, perhaps we’re happy, or sad, or disappointed for the
life decision we took.
9. LINE 19
The speaker sums up his story and tells that he took the road less traveled by,
The line might in triumphant or regretful tone, this would be base on our perspective.
10. LINE 20
In the end the decision he’d took made a difference, perhaps it imade him a better
person or maybe terrible one. Maybe the decision he had made lead him to successful
life or perhaps made him poor. But I think that’s what the matter most isn’t it? That
every decision we make will make a difference either good or bad, the important is we