01 - Smart-Home Scenario
01 - Smart-Home Scenario
01 - Smart-Home Scenario
Cisco Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulator that permits to investigate the
functioning of a computer network from different levels. As it is provided by Cisco, it
includes a series of original Cisco hardware such as switches or routers, which can be
managed from the console using the same Cisco commands as real devices. However,
this is not the objective of this lab; instead, we are going to explore the IoT features that
this simulator includes as well. You can download the installer for Windows x64, Linux
Ubuntu and MAC OS. Ask the instructor for the password.
The basic scenario is included in the .pkt file provided by the instructor:
Across the bottom of the Packet Tracer window, the Device-Specific Selection box
displays the many different Smart Home IoT devices available. Move the mouse pointer
over each device and notice that the descriptive name of the device is displayed at the
bottom of the Device-Specific Selection box. Take a moment to look at each device type.
Fig. 6. Home Gateway LAN settings.
In “Wireless” we can configure the WiFi network generated by this device. We can
change the name of the network (SSID), the network channel, the coverage range, and
the security options. For connecting new devices to the network is important to remember
the SSID and the password, as you do at your home :)
Fig. 9. Tablet’s desktop applications.
Observe and explore the different available desktop applications.
Let’s open the Web browser and type the Home Gateway IP in the address bar:
Now you are able to see our two smart devices connected to the IoT server. Manipulate
them from this menu and also by directly clicking (alt + left-click) on the device icon in
the scenario. You can see how the status of the device change in both places.
a. In the Device-Specific Selection box, click the Garage Door icon and then click
in the workspace where you would like to locate the Garage Door.
b. Cable the Garage Door to the Home Gateway. In the Device-Type Selection box,
click the [Connections] icon (this looks like a lightning bolt). Click the Copper
Straight Through connector type icon in the Device-Specific Selection box. Then
click the Garage Door icon and connect one end of the cable to the FastEthernet0
interface. Next, click the Switch icon and connect the other end of the cable to an
available Ethernet interface.
You can change the name of the new device by clicking in its name. Now, go to the tablet
device and open again the IoT server for checking if the Garage Door automatically
appears in the device list.
It seems that something is not going well. We have to configure the network setting of
the Garage Door to gain connectivity! To do so, click on the Garage Door icon and go to
the config tab.
First, we have to indicate where is the IoT Server. In Settings, mark the Home Gateway
option, in the IoT server menu.
Now, the Garage Door should appear in the device list of the Home Gateway Home IoT
server. Again, you can change its status from this menu and directly from the scenario.
Fig. 15. Garage Door added to the Smart home device list.
2. Experiment by adding other wired IoT devices to the Smart home scenario
b. Add a wireless interface to the Lawn sprinkler.
Click the Lawn sprinkler icon in the workspace to open the IoT device window. In the
bottom right corner of the IoT device window, click the Advanced button. Notice more
tabs become visible at the top of the window. Click the I/O Config tab.
Close the configuration window and check if the Lawn sprinkler if wirelessly connected
to the Home Gateway and if it appears in the device list of the IoT Server in the Home
You may use the Ethernet interface already included in the Water meter to connect it to
the Switch. If we consider the lack of wired connectivity in the garden, you should connect
this element to the WiFi network as we did previously with the Lawn sprinkler. Go ahead!
If you have configured well your Water meter connection, it should appear in the device
list of the IoT Server. Now, switch on and off the Lawn sprinkler and observe how the
reading of the Water meter continuously varies.
Fig. 22. Motion detector installed and connected to the WiFi network.
Now, we would like to create an automated action by which when the Motion detector
detects movement (alt + left-click on it) the lamp switches on. To do that, open the
IoTServer through the Tablet and go to the Conditions tab. Once there, the procedure is
quite simple. Click on Add and configure the options as in Fig. 23.
Fig. 23. Adding a IFTTT rule.
Press OK, and a new rule should be created. Now switch on/off the Motion detector. The
lamp only switches on, but not switches off! We should create a new rule for switching it
off, when the motion detector does not detect anything.
Now the lamp should switch on/off when the Motion detector changes its status.
Now you have the basic knowledge to deploy your own smart environment. Go to your
favorite web browser, download a picture of your basic scenario (city, building, farm,
agriculture field, harbor, factory….) and turn it smart!
To add a new picture as the layout background, just select the “Set background image”
option in the top right corner of the workspace.