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Important advice for matrics – the final stretch

Exam Papers
Paper 1 .......................................................................... 1
Paper 2 .......................................................................... 3

Memo 1 .......................................................................... 6
Memo 2 .......................................................................... 11

We trust that working through these

exam papers and following our suggested
answers and comments will help you prepare
thoroughly for your final exam.

The Answer Series Maths study guides

offer a key to exam success.
Take a deep breath ! EXAM PREPARATION
Don't focus on what you haven't done in the past. While working past papers is excellent preparation for any exam – and The Answer Series
Put that behind you and start today! Give it your all – it is well worth it! provides these – WORKING ON ONE TOPIC AT A TIME is most effective, particularly as you
build up your confidence. The Answer Series provides thorough topic treatment for all subjects.
– Draw up a timetable of study days and times. As soon as you receive your A GREAT STUDY TIP
actual exam timetable, revise your schedule to ensure focussed preparation Don't just read through work! Study a section and then, on your own, write down all you can
and awareness of time. remember. Knowing that you're going to do this makes you study in a logical, alert way.
You're then only left to learn the few things which you left out. This applies to all subjects.
— Routine is really important. Start early in the morning, at the same THE EXAMS
time every day, and don't work beyond 11 at night. Finally, for the exams themselves, make sure you have all you need, don't arrive too early and
Arrange some 1 hour and some 2 hour sessions. allow yourself to be upset by panicking friends. Plan your time in the exam well – allowing some
time to check at the end. Whatever you do, don't allow yourself to get stuck on any difficult
Schedule more difficult pieces of work for early in the day and issues in the exam. Move on, and rather come back to problem questions if you have time left.
easier bits for later when you're tired. If you're finding an exam difficult, just continue to do your absolute best right until the end!
Reward yourself with an early night now and again!
Allow some time for physical exercise – at least ½ hour a day.
Walking, jogging (or skipping when it rains) will improve your The most important thing of all is to remain positive throughout until the entire exam
concentration. session is over. Some times will be tough, some exams WILL BE TOUGH, but in the end,
your results will reflect all the effort that you have put in.
■ your phone (maximum ½ hour) – Try each problem on your own first – no matter how inadequately – before
■ the television (maximum ½ hour) consulting the solutions. It is only by encountering the difficulties which you
■ Facebook and any other social networks – NONE! personally have that you will be able, firstly, to pin-point them, and then, secondly,
■ the sun – NONE! to rectify them (and be receptive to learning) (i.e. "Make your mistakes, see what
they are and then make sure you don't make them again!!)
All these break down your commitment, focus and energy.
— Learn to keep asking yourself "why"?
PLANNING It is when you learn to REASON that you really start enjoying maths and,
™ Spend a day just planning the work for your subjects. quite coincidentally, start doing well at it!!
Take each one and write down what needs to be done for each. Answers are by no means the most important thing in mathematics.
When you've done a problem, don't be satisfied only to check the answer.
Allocate specific pieces of work to each session on your timetable. Check also on your layout and reasoning (logic). Systematic, to-the-point,
Motivation will not be a problem once you've done this, because you will see that you logical and neat presentation is very important.
need to use every minute! ˜ Despair can destroy your mathematics. Mathematics should be taken on as a continual
challenge (or not at all!). Teach your ego to suffer the "knocks" which it may receive – like
a poor test result. Instead of being negative about your mistakes (e.g. "I'll never be able to
š Tell your family about your timetable. Paste it on your door, so that no one disturbs you. do these sums"), learn from them and let them help you to understand.
Your parents won't nag you once they see you taking responsibility and doing your best.
™ Work with a friend occasionally. Discussing mathematics makes it alive and enjoyable.
WORK FOCUS We wish you the best of luck in the busy time which lies ahead and hope that
› Don't worry about marks. Just focus on the work and the marks will take care of this book will be the key to your success – enjoy it!!
themselves. Worrying is tiring and time-wasting and gets in the way of doing your
work! Your marks will be okay if you work hard. Anne Eadie and Gretel Lampe
Copyright © The Answer
National Exemplar Paper 1

 PATTERNS AND SEQUENCES [26] 4.1.3 Sketch the graph of f, showing clearly the
NATIONAL EXEMPLAR PAPER 1 asymptotes and the intercepts with the axes. (3)
QUESTION 2 4.1.4 One of the axes of symmetry of f is a
2.1 Given the arithmetic series : 18 + 24 + 30 + . . . + 300 decreasing function. Write down the
You may use an approved scientific calculator 2.1.1 Determine the number of terms in this series. (3) equation of this axis of symmetry. (2)
(non-programmable and non-graphical),
2.1.2 Calculate the sum of this series. (2) 4.2 The graph of an increasing exponential function with
unless stated otherwise.
2.1.3 Calculate the sum of all the whole numbers up to equation f (x) = a . b x + q has the following properties :
If necessary, round off answers to TWO decimal places,
and including 300 that are NOT divisible by 6. (4)
unless stated otherwise. • Range : y > -3
2.2 The first three terms of an infinite geometric sequence • The points (0; - 2) and (1; -1) lie on the graph of f.
 ALGEBRA AND EQUATIONS AND are 16, 8 and 4 respectively.
4.2.1 Determine the equation that defines f. (4)
2.2.1 Determine the n term of the sequence. (2) 4.2.2 Describe the transformation from
2.2.2 Determine all possible values of n for which f (x) to h(x) = 2 . 2 x + 1 (2) [15]
QUESTION 1 the sum of the first n terms of this sequence
1.1 Solve for x : is greater than 31. (3) QUESTION 5
2 2
1.1.1 3x - 4x = 0 (2) 2.2.3 Calculate the sum to infinity of this The sketch below shows the graphs of f (x) = - 2x - 5x + 3 and
sequence. (2) [16] g(x) = ax + q. The angle of inclination of graph g is 135º in the
1.1.2 x - 6 + = 0 ; x g 0. (Leave your answer direction of the positive x-axis. P is the point of intersection of f
and g such that g is a tangent to the graph of f at P.
correct to TWO decimal places.) (4) 2
3.1 A quadratic number pattern Tn = an + bn + c has
a first term equal to 1. The general term of the first P y
1.1.3 x3 = 4 (2) differences is given by 4n + 6.
1.1.4 3 x ( x - 5) < 0 (2) 3.1.1 Determine the value of a. (2)

3.1.2 Determine the formula for Tn . (4)

1.2 Solve for x and y simultaneously : 135º


3.2 Given the series : O
y = x - x - 6 and 2x - y = 2 (6) (1 % 2) + (5 % 6) + (9 % 10) + (13 % 14) + . . . + (81 % 82) f
1.3 Simplify, without the use of a calculator : Write the series in sigma notation. (It is not
necessary to calculate the value of the series.) (4) [10]
x +1
3 . 48 - 2x
1.4 Given: f (x) = 3(x - 1) + 5 and g(x) = 3 QUESTION 4 5.1 Calculate the coordinates of the turning point of
the graph of f. (3)
1.4.1 Is it possible for f (x) = g(x)? 4.1 Given : f (x) = 2 - 3
x+ 1 5.2 Calculate the coordinates of P, the point of contact
Give a reason for your answer. (2)
4.1.1 Calculate the coordinates of the y-intercept between f and g. (4)
1.4.2 Determine the value(s) of k for which of f. (2)
5.3 Hence or otherwise, determine the equation of g. (2)
f (x) = g(x) + k has TWO unequal
4.1.2 Calculate the coordinates of the x-intercept 5.4 Determine the values of d for which the line
real roots. (2) [23]
of f. (2) k(x) = - x + d will not intersect the graph of f. (1) [10]
1 Copyright © The Answer
National Exemplar Paper 1
Q The graph of g is defined by the equation g(x) = a x .
The point (8; 4) lies on g. QUESTION 8 QUESTION 11

1 6.1 Calculate the value of a. (2)

8.1 Determine f ′(x) from first principles if f (x) = 3x - 2 . (5) 11.1 Events A and B are mutually exclusive. It is given that :
• P(B) = 2P(A)
6.2 For what values of x will g be defined? (1) dy -4 x
8.2 Determine if y = 2 x - . (2) [7]
dx 5 • P(A or B) = 0,57
6.3 Determine the range of g. (1)
Calculate P(B). (3)
6.4 Write down the equation of g , the inverse of g, QUESTION 9
in the form y = . . . (2) 3 2 11.2 Two identical bags are filled with balls. Bag A
Given : f (x) = x - 4x - 11x + 30 contains 3 pink and 2 yellow balls. Bag B contains
6.5 If h(x) = x - 4 is drawn, determine ALGEBRAICALLY 9.1 Use the fact that f (2) = 0 to write down a factor 5 pink and 4 yellow balls. It is equally likely that
the point(s) of intersection of h and g. (4) of f (x). (1) Bag A or Bag B is chosen. Each ball has an equal
chance of being chosen from the bag. A bag is
6.6 Hence, or otherwise, determine the values of x 9.2 Calculate the coordinates of the x-intercepts of f. (4) chosen at random and a ball is then chosen at
for which g(x) > h(x). (2) [12] random from the bag.
9.3 Calculate the coordinates of the stationary points
of f. (5)
11.2.1 Represent the information by means of a
9.4 Sketch the curve of f. Show all intercepts with tree diagram. Clearly indicate the probability
the axes and turning points clearly. (3) associated with each branch of the tree
QUESTION 7 diagram and write down all the outcomes. (4)
Siphokazi bought a house. She paid a deposit of R102 000, 9.5 For which value(s) of x will f ′(x) < 0? (2) [15]
11.2.2 What is the probability that a yellow ball
which is equivalent to 12% of the selling price of the house.
QUESTION 10 will be chosen from Bag A? (1)
She obtained a loan from the bank to pay the balance of the
selling price. The bank charges her interest of 9% per annum, Two cyclists start to cycle at the same time. One starts at 11.2.3 What is the probability that a pink ball
compounded monthly. point B and is heading due north towards point A, whilst the will be chosen? (3) [11]
other starts at point D and is heading due west towards point B.
7.1 Determine the selling price of the house. (1)
The cyclist starting from B cycles at 30 km/h while the cyclist QUESTION 12
7.2 The period of the loan is 20 years and she starts starting from D cycles at 40 km/h. The distance between B Consider the word M A T H S.
repaying the loan one month after it was granted. and D is 100 km. After time t (measured in hours), they
Calculate her monthly instalment. (4) reach points F and C respectively. 12.1 How many different 5-letter arrangements can
be made using all the above letters? (2)
7.3 How much interest will she pay over the period
of 20 years? Round your answer correct to the A 12.2 Determine the probability that the letters S
nearest rand. (2) and T will always be the first two letters of

the arrangements in Question 12.1. (3) [5]

7.4 Calculate the balance of her loan immediately F
after her 85 instalment. (3) TOTAL: 150
7.5 She experienced financial difficulties after the
th We trust that working through these
85 instalment and did not pay any instalments
for 4 months (that is months 86 to 89). exam papers and following our detailed
B C D answers and comments will help you
Calculate how much Siphokazi owes on her
th prepare thoroughly for your final exam.
bond at the end of the 89 month. (2)
10.1 Determine the distance between F and C in terms
7.6 She decides to increase her payments to R8 500 of t. (4) The Answer Series study guides offer a key
per month from the end of the 90 month. to exam success in several major subjects.
10.2 After how long will the two cyclists be closest to
How many months will it take to repay her bond In particular, Gr 12 Maths 2 in 1 offers
each other? (4)
after the new payment of R8 500 per month? (4) [16]
'spot-on' exam practice in separate topics and
10.3 What will the distance between the cyclists be on CAPS-constructed Maths exam papers.
at the time determined in Question 10.2? (2) [10]
Copyright © The Answer 2
National Exemplar Paper 2
QUESTION 2 2.4 Estimate the mean time (in hours) that learners
NATIONAL EXEMPLAR PAPER 2 The table below shows the amount of time (in hours) that
spent watching television during 3 weeks of
the holiday. (4) [10]
learners aged between 14 and 18 spent watching television
You may use an approved scientific calculator
(non-programmable and non-graphical),
during 3 weeks of the holiday.
unless stated otherwise. Time (hours) Cumulative frequency
If necessary, round off answers to TWO decimal places, 0 ≤ t < 20 25 QUESTION 3
unless stated otherwise.
20 ≤ t < 40 69 In the diagram below, M, T (-1; 5), N(x ; y) and P(7 ; 3)
 STATISTICS [21] are vertices of trapezium MTNP having TN | | MP. Q(1 ; 1)
40 ≤ t < 60 129 ˆ = θ.
is the midpoint of MP. PK is a vertical line and SPK
QUESTION 1 60 ≤ t < 80 157 The equation of NP is y = - 2x + 17.
Twelve athletes trained to run the 100 m sprint event at the
local athletics club trials. Some of them took their training 80 ≤ t < 100 166 y
more seriously than others. The following table and scatter 100 ≤ t < 120 172 N(x; y)
plot shows the number of days that an athlete trained and
the time taken to run the event. The time taken, in seconds, T(-1; 5)
2.1 Draw an ogive (cumulative frequency curve) on the
is rounded to one decimal place.
grid provided below to represent the given data. (3) P(7; 3)
Number of
days of 50 70 10 60 60 20 50 90 100 60 30 30 Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve)
Q(1; 1)
O x
170 S K
Time taken
12,9 13,1 17,0 11,3 18,1 16,5 14,3 11,7 10,2 12,7 17,2 14,3
(in seconds) 160 M
Scatter plot
20 140 3.1 Write down the coordinates of K. (1)
130 3.2 Determine the coordinates of M. (2)
Time taken (in seconds)

Cumulative Frequency

3.3 Determine the gradient of PM. (2)
16 110
100 3.4 Calculate the size of θ. (3)
14 90 3.5 Hence, or otherwise, determine the length of PS. (3)
12 80 3.6 Determine the coordinates of N. (5)
3.7 If A(a ; 5) lies in the Cartesian plane:


10 60
50 3.7.1 Write down the equation of the straight line
8 representing the possible positions of A. (1)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 40
30 3.7.2 Hence, or otherwise, calculate the value(s)
Number of days of training
ˆ = 45º.
of a for which TAQ (5) [22]
1.1 Discuss the trend of the data collected. (1) 20
1.2 Identify any outlier(s) in the data. (1)
1.3 Calculate the equation of the least squares 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
regression line. (4) Maths is easier than you thought !
Time (in hours)
1.4 Predict the time taken to run the 100 m sprint for The Answer Series offers excellent material
an athlete training for 45 days. (2) 2.2 Write down the modal class of the data. (1) for Maths (Gr 10 - 12).
1.5 Calculate the correlation coefficient. (2) 2.3 Use the ogive (cumulative frequency curve) to Visit our website www.theanswer.co.za
estimate the number of learners who watched
1.6 Comment on the strength of the relationship
television more than 80% of the time. (2)
between the variables. (1) [11]
3 Copyright © The Answer
National Exemplar Paper 2
QUESTION 4 5.2 Consider the identity: QUESTION 7
Q In the diagram below, the equation of the circle having centre 8 sin (180º - x) cos ( x - 360º )
= - 4 tan 2x 7.1 Prove that in any acute-angled ΔABC,
sin A sinB
= . (5)
2 2 2 2
M is (x + 1) + (y + 1) = 9. R is a point on chord AB such sin x - sin (90º + x) a b

2 that MR bisects AB. ABT is a tangent to the circle having

centre N(3 ; 2) at point T(4 ; 1). 5.2.1 Prove the identity. (6) 7.2 The framework for a construction consists of a cyclic
quadrilateral PQRS in the horizontal plane and a
5.2.2 For which value(s) of x in the interval vertical post TP as shown in the figure.
0º < x < 180º will the identity be undefined? (2) From Q the angle of elevation of T is yº.
5.3 Determine the general solution of PQ = PS = k units, TP = 3 units and SRQ ˆ = 2x º.
N(3; 2) cos 2θ + 4 sin θ - 5 sin θ - 4 = 0. (7) [22]
T(4; 1)
M B In the diagram below, the graphs of f (x) = tan bx and
g(x) = cos(x - 30º) are drawn on the same system of
axes for -180º [ x [ 180º. The point P(90º ; 1) lies on f. 3
A Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

f y
4.1 Write down the coordinates of M. (1) P Q

4.2 Determine the equation of AT in the form

y = mx + c. (5) P(90º; 1) k

4.3 If it is further given that MR = 10 units, calculate the g

2 x
length of AB. Leave your answer in simplest surd form. (4) - 180º O 180º 2x
4.4 Calculate the length of MN. (2)
7.2.1 ˆ = x.
Show, giving reasons, that PSQ (2)
4.5 Another circle having centre N touches the circle
having centre M at point K. Determine the equation 7.2.2 Prove that SQ = 2k cos x. (4)
of the new circle. Write your answer in the form
6 cos x
x 2 + y 2 + C x + Dy + E = 0 (3) [15] 7.2.3 Hence, prove that SQ =
tan y
. (2) [13]

6.1 Determine the value of b. (1)

6.2 Write down the coordinates of A, a turning point of g. (2)

6.3 Write down the equation of the asymptote(s) of
QUESTION 5 y = tan b(x + 20º) for x ∈ [-180º ; 180º]. (1)
5.1 Given that sin α = - and 90º < α < 270º. 6.4 Determine the range of h if h(x) = 2g(x) + 1. (2) [6]
WITHOUT using a calculator, determine the value
of each of the following in its simplest form :

5.1.1 sin (- α) (2)

5.1.2 cos α (2)

5.1.3 sin (α - 45º) (3)

Copyright © The Answer 4

National Exemplar Paper 2
 EUCLIDEAN GEOMETRY AND QUESTION 9 10.2 In the diagram, ADE is a triangle having BC | | ED

MEASUREMENT [51] In the diagram, M is the centre of the circle and diameter and AE | | GF. It is also given that AB : BE = 1 : 3, Q
AB is produced to C. ME is drawn perpendicular to AC AC = 3 units, EF = 6 units, FD = 3 units and

such that CDE is a tangent to the circle at D. ME and CG = x units.
Give reasons for your statements chord AD intersect at F. MB = 2BC.
in QUESTIONS 8, 9 and 10.
8.1 Complete the following statement :
The angle between the tangent and the chord at x
the point of contact is equal to . . . (1)
8.2 In the diagram, A, B, C, D and E are points on the 3 1 2 1
circumference of the circle such that AE | | BC. E
1 6 D
BE and CD produced meet in F. GBH is a 2 x F 3
tangent to the circle at B. Bˆ = 68º and F̂ = 20º.
F 3
2 4
D Calculate, giving reasons:
10.2.1 the length of CD (3)
A 10.2.2 the value of x (4)
F ˆ = x, write down, with reasons, TWO other
9.1 If D 4
20º 10.2.3 the length of BC (5)
1 angles each equal to x. (3)
3 area ΔABC
2 10.2.4 the value of (5) [23]
68º area ΔGFD
9.2 Prove that CM is a tangent at M to the circle
1 2
passing through M, E and D. (4)
B 3 1 TOTAL: 150
4 2 D 9.3 Prove that FMBD is a cyclic quadrilateral. (3)
2 2
9.4 Prove that DC = 5BC . (3)

9.5 Prove that ΔDBC | | | ΔDFM. (4)



C 9.6 Hence, determine the value of (2) [19]

Determine the size of each of the following: QUESTION 10

8.2.1 Eˆ 1 (2) 10.1 In the diagram, points D A
and E lie on sides AB
8.2.2 Bˆ 3 (1) and AC respectively of
ˆ ΔABC such that DE | | BC. D E
8.2.3 D 1 (2)
Use Euclidean Geometry
8.2.4 Eˆ 2 (1) methods to prove the
theorem which states
8.2.5 Ĉ (2) [9]
that = .
DB EC (6)
5 Copyright © The Answer

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