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Modern Times Philippine Inventions

• Compound Microscope - A Dutch

• Gregoria Zara- He invented the
maker, Zacharias Jansen invented the
first videophone. A native of Lipa,
first compound microscope in 1590. Up Batangas and enrolled at the
to ten times when extended to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
maximum. (MIT) in the United States, and
• Telescope - important invention in the graduated with a degree in BS in
study of astronomy invented by Galileo Mechanical Engineering in 1926.
Galilei. This invention could magnify The two-way televisions or
objects 20 times larger. videophones 1955 were patented as a
• Jacquard Loom - Built by French "photophone signal separator
weaver Joseph Maxie Jacquard. It network."
simplifies textile manufacturing. • Agapito Flores - He invented
the fluorescent lamp, which is the most
• Engine-Powered Airplane - Orville
widely used source of lighting in the
Wright and Wilbur Wright are credited
world today. The fluorescent lamp
for designing and successfully reportedly got its name from Flores. The
operating the first engine-powered fluorescent lamp, however, was not
aircraft. invented in a particular year. it was
• Television – by the Scottish engineer the product of 79 years of the
John Logie Baird. It was successfully development of the lighting method
televised objects in outline in 1924, that began with the invention of the
recognizable human faces in 1925, electric bulb by Thomas Edison.
and moving objects in 1926, and • Daniel Dingel- He invented the water-
projected colored images in 1928. powered car. Daniel Dingel started
• Pasteurization - Louis Pasteur, a French working on a water-powered car and
prototype in 1969. However, Dingel's
biologist, invented the process of
car has never been patented and
heating dairy products to kill the
commercialized because of what he
harmful bacteria that allow them to
suspects is an anti-Dngel car
spoil faster. conspiracy by multinational
• Petroleum Refinery - means of companies.
powering homes and transportation. • Eduardo San Juan- He invented Lunar
Samuel M. Kier was able to invent Rover also known as the Moon Buggy.
kerosene by refining petroleum. It was the car used by Neil Armstrong
Kerosene referred to as the and other astronauts when they first
“illuminating oil” it was used at first to explored the moon in 1969. He worked
provide lighting to homes. for Lockheed Corporation and
• Telephone – invented by Alexander conceptualized the design of the
Graham Bell. Moon Buggy that the Apollo astronauts
used while on the moon. However, he
• Calculator - a faster way to compute
was not listed as the inventor of the
more equations.
Moon Buggy in American Scientific
journals, instead, it was attributed to a
Polish inventor.
• Diosdado Banatao- He invented
the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Banatao is known for introducing the
first single-chip graphical user interface
accelerator that made computers
work a lot faster and for helping

develop the Ethernet controller chip Intellectual revolution
that made the internet possible. In
1989, he pioneered the local bus ▪ changed the way people perceive
concept for personal computers and in the influence of science on society in
the following year developed the first general.
Windows accelerator chip. Intel is now
using the chips and technologies Copernican Revolution
developed by Banatao. ▪ in the16th-century paradigm shift
• Angel Alcala- He invented the artificial
named after the Polish mathematician
coral reefs. This was used for fisheries in
and astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus.
Southeast Asia.
He formulated the heliocentric model
• Roberto del Rosario- He
invented karaoke in 1975. He of the universe, the belief that the
developed a sing-along system in 1975 earth was the center of the solar
and was patented in the 1980s called system based on the geocentric
his sing-along system "Minus-One," now model of Ptolemy.
holds the patent for the device now ▪ Copernicus introduced the
commonly known as the" karaoke heliocentric model in a 40-page
machine." outline entitled Commentariolus.
• Juan Salcedo Jr. -He developed ▪ The Revolution of Celestial Spheres in
the" Enriched Rice," a variety of rice 1543. The idea that the sun is at the
fortified with vitamins B1, which helps center of the universe.
prevent beriberi.
▪ It was soon accepted by other
• Electronic Jeepney (e-jeepney)- were
scientists of the time, most profoundly
designed and improvised from scratch
out of military jeeps that the Americans by Galileo Galilei.
left in the country after WW II. Darwinian Revolution
• Erythromycin- The Ilonggo
scientist Abelardo Aguilar invented the ▪ Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution,
antibiotic out of the strain of bacterium which posited that populations pass
called Streptomyces erythreus, from through a process of natural selection
which this drug derived its name. in which only the fittest would survive.
• Medical Incubator- World-renowned ▪ He published his book The Origin of
Filipino pediatrician and national
Species in 1589. His book presented
scientist, Fe del Mundo, the invention
evidence of how species evolved over
of the incubator and jaundice relieving
device. The first woman pediatrician to time and presented traits and
be admitted to the prestigious Harvard adaptations that differentiate species.
University School of Medicine. Helps ▪ In his book The Descent of Man, he
Philippine rural communities that had introduced the idea of all organic life,
no electricity to aid the regulation of including human beings, under the
body temperatures of newborn babies. realm of evolutionary thinking.
• Mole Remover- In 2000, a local
invention by Rolando Dela Cruz is Freudian Revolution
credited for the invention of a local
▪ Psychoanalysis - is a scientific method
mole remover that made use of
of understanding inner and
extracts of cashew nuts.
• Banana Ketchup- Filipino food unconscious conflicts embedded
technologist, Maria Orosa. within one's personality, springing from
free associations, dreams, and
fantasies of the individual.

▪ Freud suggested that humans are mountain tops to achieve an
inherently pleasure-seeking individuals. elaborate fishing system.
▪ He also argued that personality is a
Colonial Period
product of three conflicting elements:
• id – driven by the pleasure principle ▪ Colonization by the Spaniards
• superego – driven by a desire to provided the Philippines with modern
follow the rules and do the right thing means of construction. Walls, roads,
according to society. bridges, and other large infrastructures
• ego – mix of both were built using some of the
▪ The stages of psychosexual engineering skills and tools brought by
development of individuals. the Spaniards.
1. Oral stage - where the child ▪ The Spanish government developed
gets its satisfaction from the health and education systems that
mouth. were enjoyed by the principalia class.
2. Anal stage - the child ▪ The American occupation, they
undergoes toilet training. established a government agency
3. Phallic stage - where the child ▪ the Bureau of Science, for the sole
develops complexes, the purpose of nurturing development in
Electra complex (the girl is the field of science and technology.
attracted to the father) and
the Oedipal complex ( the Post-Colonial Period
young boy is attracted to the
Pres. Ferdinand Marcos
4. Latency stage - where the
• He mandated the Department of
child's focus is on education or
Education and Culture (DECS) to
learning promote science and technology
5. Genital stage - where there is a courses in public schools.
recurrence of the sex organs as • He established the National
the source of satisfaction. Academy of Science and
Technology (NAST)
Role of Science and Technology in Nation • Philippine Atmospheric
Building Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA)
Pre-Colonial Period
in place of the abolished Weather
▪ early Filipino settlers were already using Bureau;
certain plants and herbs as medicines. • Agencies and organizations
Systems of farming and animal raising o Philippines Coconut
were also implemented. Moreover, Research Institute
early Filipinos had also developed
o Philippine Textile
different modes of transportation,
Research Institute (PTRI),
whether terrestrial or maritime. o Philippines Atomic
▪ A complicated engineering feat was Energy Commission
achieved by the natives of the (PAEC)/Philippine
Cordilleras when they built rice Nuclear Institute (PNI),
terraces by hand. The people were o National Grain
able to cultivate crops on the Authority(PGA)
mountainsides in cold temperatures. /National Food
▪ They incorporated an irrigation system Authority (NFA),
that uses water from the forests and

o Philippine Council for o RA7459 - Inventors and
Agricultural Research Inventions Incentives
(PCAR) /Philippine Act
Council for Agriculture, o RA 8293 - The
Aquatic, and Natural Intellectual Property
Resources and Code of the Philippines.
(PCAANRD) Pres. Joseph Estrada
o Philippine National Oil
Company (PNOC), • He implemented cost-effective
o Plant Breeding Institute irrigation technologies and
(PBI), provided basic health care
o International Rice services.
Research Institute (IRRI), o RA 8749 - The Philippine
o Bureau of Plant Industry Clean Air Act of 1999
(BPI), o RA 8792 - Electronic
o Bureau of Forest Commerce Act of
Products (BFP), and 2000
o National Committee on
Geological Sciences
Pres. Gloria M. Arroyo
• Filipinovation - the Philippines as an
Pres. Corazon Aquino
innovation hub in Asia
• National Science and Technology o RA 9367 - Biofuel Act
Authority (NSTA) was renamed to o RA 10601 - Agriculture
Department of Science and and Fisheries
Technology (DOST) Mechanization
o DOST aimed to update
the production sector, Pres. Benigno Aquino III
improve research
activities, and develop • Philippine Space Technology
infrastructures. Program launched Diwata-1 in
Pres. Fidel Ramos
• New scientists were acknowledge
o Gavino C. Trono
• Competent scientists and o Angel C. Alcala
engineers increased to approx. o Ramon C. Barba
3,000. o Edgardo D. Gomez
• Doctors to barrio program
• National program for gifted Filipino
Pres. Rodrigo Duterte
children in science and
• Budget research and development
o RA 8439 -Magna Carta
(R&D) increased six times over the
for Scientist Engineers,
same period.
Researchers, and other
• Give importance to agriculture
personnel in
and disaster preparedness.
• Philippine Space Technology
o RA 7687 - Science and
Program launched Diwata-2 in
Technology Scholarship
Act of 1994
• Build, Build, Build Project

Philippine Government Policies on Science the Engineering and Science
and Technology Education Program (ESEP) to
produce more Ph.D. graduates in
The National Research Council of the science and engineering
Philippines (NCRP) policies into four: • Establishment of regional centers to
support specific industries;
1. Social Sciences, Humanities, • Establishment of science and
Education, International Policies technology business centers to
and Governance assist, advise, and incubate
2. Physics, Engineering and Industrial technopreneurship ventures; and
Research, Earth and Space • Strengthen science education at
Sciences, and Mathematics an early stage through the
3. Medical, Chemical, and Philippine Science High School
Pharmaceutical Sciences system.
4. Biological Sciences, Agriculture,
and Forestry Philippine-California Advanced Research
Institutes (PCARI)
Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) Projects
1. The Institute for Information
• Providing funds for basic research
Infrastructure Development
and patents related to science
- technology, energy, e-
and technology
government, and e-education.
• Providing scholarships for
2. The Institute for Health Innovation
undergraduate and graduate
and Translational Medicine
studies of students in the field of
- health care through strategic
science and technology
technology, delivery, and training,
• Establishing more branches of the
to improve diagnosis, treatment,
Philippine Science High School
and health services delivery in the
ten major causes of morbidity and
• Balik Scientist Program to
mortality in the Philippines.
encourage Filipino scientists
abroad to come home and work in
The PCARI Project:
the Philippines.
• Developing science and
technology parks on academic • Involves scholarship, training, and
campuses to encourage research.
academe and industry • Addresses important problems of
partnerships. society using the best
• The establishment of the National technologies, the development of
Science Complex and National technologies close to
Engineering Complex within the commercialization.
University of the Philippines campus
in Diliman. Science Schools in the Philippines

The Philippine-American Academy of Science Science Education in Basic and Tertiary

and Engineering (PAASE, 2008) Education

• Establishment of national centers of • In basic education, learn important

excellence. concepts and facts that are
• Manpower and institutional related to everyday life including
development programs, such as

process skills, critical thinking skills, Central Visayan Institute Foundation
and life skills.
• In tertiary education, in developing • It is the home and pioneer of the
students’science ideas and prominent school-based innovation
scientific works. Also, the known as the Dynamic Learning
preparation science-related fields. Program (DLP).

Philippine Science High School System (PSHSS) o DLP is a synthesis of classical and
modern pedagogical theories
• A government program for gifted adapted to foster the highest level
students in the Philippines of learning, creativity, and
• A service institute of the Department productivity.
of Science and Technology (DOST)
• Offers free scholarship basis for the • The school takes pride in its Research
secondary courses with special Center for Theoretical Physics (RCTP).
related to sciences.
Famous Filipinos in the Field of Science
Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES)
Project 1. Ramon Cabanos Barba – research on
tissue culture in Philippine mangoes.
• This project started in June 2007 with 2. Josefino Cacas Comiso – observing the
57 (or 60) science elementary schools characteristics of Antarctica by using
in the country. satellite images
3. Jose Bejar Cruz Jr. – elected as officer
The SSES Project aims to: of the famous Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering
1. Provide a learning environment to 4. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz –notable for her
science-inclined children through a research on sea snail venom.
special curriculum that recognizes 5. Fabian Millar Dayrit –for his research on
the multiple intelligences of the herbal medicine ILO: Evaluate
learners; government policies pertaining to
2. Promote the development of science and technology in terms of
lifelong learning skills; and Philippine contributions to nation
3. Foster the holistic development of building. Government Policies on
the learners. Science and Technology Famous
Filipinos in the Field of Science
Quezon City Regional Science High School 6. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III –for his
research on tilapia culture
• The school envisions to serve as a 7. Enrique Mapua Ostrea Jr. –for invention
venue for providing maximum of the meconium drugs testing
opportunities for science-gifted 8. Lilian Formalejo Patena –for doing
students to develop a spirit of inquiry research on plant biotechnology.
and creativity. 9. Mari-Jo Panganiban Ruiz – an
• The focus of its curriculum is on outstanding educator and graph
science and technology. theorist
• It is well-supported by the local 10. Gregory Ligot Tangonan – research in
government unit and by the Parents the field of communications
and Teachers Association (PTA). technology.

Manila Science High School

• It is the first science high school in the


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