Rule of Law
Rule of Law
Rule of Law
• Law may influence certain aspects of our society, but most people
in the UK and Wales have very little knowledge of the judicial
system is used in those nations. For many, their key recognition
arises from newspaper articles featuring titles like' Murderer
sentenced to life;" Young rapist goes free" 'Burglar arrested.' That
sort of headline happens so often that it is not shocking that many
people only think of the criminal law and the courts grappling with
this type of case when the statute is stated.
Very important as you will have to distinguish and know the details for all these types of laws and in what cou
for your analysis in the
Although the law includes such a wide range of issues, splitting it
into various categories can be useful. The very first differentiation
is that between international and domestic (municipal) law,
domestic law can then be categorized into public and private law;
both categories can eventually be broken down into several various
categories. The following are examples of these categories.
Public law
• It does not seem that some areas of law fit into either public or
private law. Employment law, for example, fits into both — the
employment contract is a matter of private law, while workplace
health and safety is a matter of public law.
There are three main types of law in this category. These are:
Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
Criminal Law
• This specifies the types of traits that are prohibited at the risk of
punishment. It is said that a person committing a crime has violated
the state, and therefore the state has the right to charge them. This is
so even though an actual survivor of a crime is often implicated as
However, the state still has the power to intervene and take over the
matter even if there is a private prosecution. If the defendant is
found guilty at the end of the case, the judge will prosecute the
defendant for the crime because he or she has violated the state's
criminal law. Any reimbursement would automatically be offered to
the survivor, as the situation is not deemed to be a conflict between
the Burglar and the householder. The criminal courts, furthermore,
have the authority to order the defendant to pay compensation to the
individual and to render such a decision, as well as to fine the
Private law
- A family claims that their package trip was not in accordance with
the tour operator's commitment and that they were located in a
lower-grade hotel than they had arranged for.
- A woman purchased a new automobile and found that the motor
was unreliable.
- A family argues that the vibration and pollution from a plant that
has just been built near their house (the annoyance torture) impact
their safety.
- A tort occurs where civil law continues to hold that, although there
is no agreement between them, one person owes another person a
certain kind of legal responsibility known as the duty of care, and
that duty of care has been infringed.
- There are a lot of various kinds of a tort, and only some of them
are illustrated by the definitions mentioned. Most incidents are
induced by road traffic accidents because motorists owe a duty of
care to anyone who could be hurt by their negligent driving.
• Many private (civil) law sections are focused on specific subjects.
Family law includes topics such as whether a marriage is legitimate,
what the criteria are for divorce, and who should have the daily care
of any family members.
• Sir John Salmond described the law as' the set of values that the
state recognizes and extends to the administration of justice.'
- It is procedural because the laws laid down in the legislation can
be applied through the judiciary and the legal system, although it
could be said that the regulation is concerned in some sphere of
social control in a broad sense.
- For example, as per the law, street fights against one another are
considered to be unlawful, even if there is consent. Some might say
that it was consensual, but it still will be unlawful. To extend the
law, even if after a consent, the fight is taking place in a boxing
ring, it will be named as a street fight, and the people involved in it
will be guilty.
Codes of Law
In the way, the two evolve and the sanctions placed, there are also
discrepancies between law and morality.
• The idea of what justice is might not be the same in some cases
for everyone. Equality can be seen as applying the rules to all
people in the same way, but even this will contribute to perceived
injustices–however, the arbitrary implementation of the law can, in
effect, result in injustice.
- The law recognizes that people have the right to enjoy the use of
their own lands, but the freedom of other landowners to enjoy the
use of their assets supports that privilege.
• The notion of rights and duties can be seen even in criminal law.
Criminal law imposes an obligation on all citizens to obey the law
or face punishment. To defend other people or culture as a whole,
this obligation is enforced. In this way, the statute upholds people's
rights not to be violated or robbed their belongings or anything else
that affects the particular crime.
• It implies that no matter who is facing the trial, the law should be
the same for all and should be given equal fines and sentences.
• The power of the state must be regulated by the law. The statute
will set boundaries on what should or shouldn't be performed by the
state. Actions and judgments of government ministers can be
contested by judicial review in our legal system.
• One of the rule of law's main aims is to prohibit the state from
having wide discretionary powers. Dicey recognized that power
could be used unfairly in order to comply with the rule of law, and
this should be discouraged.
• This is especially true for England and Wales law during Dicey's
tenure, as many of the key changes up to that time were generated
by the government instead of by judicial decisions. Today, most
laws are passed by statute, i.e., statutory actions and approved
statutes, while judicial decisions also create law.
• To enable the poorest people in society to enforce their rights and
thus be equal under the law, some form of state assistance is needed
to fund their case
Dicey played a very important role in English law and especially for the rule of
Von Hayek
• FA von Hayek shared the idea by Dicey that lack of any arbitrary
power on the part of the state is the key element of the rule of law.
Writing in 1971, he looks at it this way:' The rule of law removed of
all specifics means that the government in all its behavior is bound
by the same rules fixed and planned well in advance.'
Important for the analysis. Give good detail but less than that of dicey, use this in analysi
Joseph Raz
You must know all these points, however, give only one-liner details. Use all this in analysis about similaritie
view become applicable in th
• Joseph Raz, who also wrote in the 1970s, recognized that the rule
of law was a way to control power rather than completely prevent
• He felt the key point that arose from the rule of law was that the
rules had to be able to guide the actions of the person.
He laid out a variety of concepts that are drawn from this broader
• There have been changes in our legal system in the 21st century
that support these principles. A major example is the 2005
Constitutional Reform Act, which acknowledged the rule of law and
the importance of judicial independence.
Writing sections, acts and cases are what will get you the marks. Stand
Section 1 of that Act states:
'This Act does not adversely affect –
• Under the 1998 Human Rights Act, our law accepted the European
Convention on Human Rights. This has impacted the English legal
system in many places. That section provides a brief overview of
some of the key findings.
• Section 2(1)(a) of the Human Rights Act specifies that any ruling
or recommendation of the European Court of Human Rights must
be taken into account by our courts. It ensures that judges will look
into cases of human rights as well as our own English rule before
determining a lawsuit.
Statutory Interpretation
• Section 3 of the Act states that, to the extent possible, all laws
(i.e., parliamentary acts and other laws made in this country) must
be enforced in order to be compatible with the European
Convention. For instance, if the wording of a Parliament Act has
two alternate meanings, then the meaning that fits with the
European Convention is the one that needs to be used.
• Where an inmate is sentenced to life imprisonment, a mandatory
term to be completed is usually set before the individual can be
eligible for release.
Judicial Appointment
• In this region, part-time judges had been named for a term of three
years. They could then be assigned for a further three-year period
after this time. Furthermore, the nomination was rendered by the
Lord Chancellor (a member of the government).
• The length of the term was extended to five years, as the shorter
span was assumed to mean that there was a possibility that the
judges would not be fully independent of the government. This
would have been a European Convention violation.
Know all these parts and give these chunks in your paper
The law revolving the rule of law can be very complex, and there is
a constant dispute between equality and parliamentary supremacy.
To date, this has not been resolved; however, given the other parts
of the law, for example, trials, precedent, sentencing, etc., this gap
can be efficiently covered by the judiciary and the government if
they go for fairness and not the rigidity of the law.