HTH668 Chp.6 - Hospitality Strategic Management
HTH668 Chp.6 - Hospitality Strategic Management
HTH668 Chp.6 - Hospitality Strategic Management
Experts say… It is incorrect to say that fats are bad. We do need fats and oils as they are
important sources of energy. They also provide essential fatty acids that the body is not able to
produce, and help the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. However, fats and oils
should be consumed in small amounts.
HE•AL 17
High Fat Foods
High fat foods include fried food, food cooked with
coconut milk, and fatty meat.
% of recommended
Fat Content in 1 serving of some popular foods daily fat intake
10 sticks of satay +
sauce 38 g 60
1 medium
packet of 16 g 25
= 5g of oil/fat
HE•AL 19
Malaysian Dietary
recommendation for FAT intake
Key message 8
Expert says…
Mr Ahmad suspected something was amiss as he
had frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the blood
vision, pain and numbness in his hands and feet, sugar level in the body stays consistently above normal.
and extreme fatigue. In fact, he has a wound on Early detection and treatment of diabetes can decrease the
his foot that didn’t seem to recover after many risk of developing diabetes-related complications. Possible
weeks. He was also obviously overweight. complications include cardiovascular diseases (heart
disease and stroke), nerve damage, kidney damage, eye
After much persuasion by his family, he went for damage, and foot damage (which may lead to amputation
his first health screening at the age of 40. Mr if not treated).
Ahmad was shocked when the doctor told him
that he has diabetes! Having learnt this dreadful Mr Ahmad was able to take timely action as he did a health
reality, apart from taking his diabetes medicines, screening. Do you know that in Malaysia, 50% of patients
he also started to practise healthy eating, exercise with diabetes are unaware that they have the disease!
regularly and reducing his body weight. He Health screening is important for early detection and
managed to control his blood sugar and the wound timely treatment, which may slow disease progression
on his foot gradually recovered. and save lives.
Start health screening annually if you are ≥ 40 years old. However, screening
should be done earlier and more often, if you have one or more of the following risk factors:
HE•AL 22
Keeping tab on your health risk
Do-it-yourself at home
Check once a month or as advised by your healthcare professional.
Waist Circumference
• An indicator of the
amount of fat stored at
the abdomen area.
• Measure using a non- Body Mass Index (BMI)
stretchable measuring • Quick indicator to determine weight status.
tape, just at the level of
• Calculate using the formula:
the belly button.
weight (kg)
• Aim for:
height (m) x height (m)
< 90 cm for men
• Aim for: 18.5 kg/m2 to < 25.0 kg/m2
< 80 cm for women
Blood Pressure
• A blood pressure test Blood Glucose
using the blood pressure
• A blood glucose test helps to determine if
monitor is the only way to
you are at risk of getting diabetes.
know if you are at risk of
getting hypertension. • You can check at home using glucometer.
• Aim for below • Aim for:
140/90 mmHg o Fasting blood glucose < 5.6 mmol/L or
o Non-fasting blood glucose < 11.1 mmol/L
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