G7 LEAP - Week 6 SMAW

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Republic of the Philippines


Division of Quezon
Candelaria, Quezon



Learning Area TLE-Shielded Metal Arc Welding Grade Level 7

W6 Quarter Third Date
I. LESSON TITLE Store Tools and Equipment
LO 3. Store tools and equipment TLE_IAAW7/8MT-0i-3
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT 1.1 Tools are stored safely in appropriate locations in accordance with manufacturer
specifications or standard operating procedure.
Reference: K-12 Basic Education Curriculum TLE Learning Module in
Shielded Metal Arc Work (SMAW) Grade 7 and 8, 2016, page 38

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
A. Introduction Storing tools and equipment safely in appropriate locations in accordance
Panimula with manufactures specifications or standard operating procedure is one of the simplest
ways to have good weld output but most welders neglected. You should be equipped with
the skill for you to avoid damage of tools and equipment. In doing so, your tools and
equipment will last longer.

B. Development Read following information:

Pagpapaunlad Maintaining the tools and equipment would go together with storing tools and equipment
in welding job. There are several terms to know:
Store is to place or leave in a location (such as a warehouse, library, or computer
memory) for preservation or later use or disposal).
Tools such as pliers, C-clamps or pull-push rule are handheld devices that are used to
perform a specific function.
While equipment, such as welding machine and welding helmet are things needed for a
specific purpose. Storing tools and equipment properly would not only give you safety but
would also extend the lifespan of your welding tools and equipment.
Tools can be hung on pegboards or place in toolboxes, bags or in drawers.
Pegboard is the most convenient place to keep your tools. It can help you locate easily
the tools needed at one look. Toolbox is another way of storing your tools. It is more
portable especially for transporting or carrying out your tools during work.


1. Welding Machine. It should be elevated from the floor and must be away from potential
accidents. Cover it with small blanket or tarpaulin to prevent the entry of dust. Make sure to
unplug all connections and all switches are turned off during storage.

2. Cables / Wires. Cables need to be stored in a designated area, away from anything that
could potentially damage them. Do not wind them too tightly, and do not leave them loose
in a vulnerable area. In both instances, there are high chances of being damaged.

3. Electrodes/ Welding rod. Separate the different types, keep them dry in a room
temperature not exceeding 450 degrees Fahrenheit, and make sure you handle them with
care. As for keeping them away, keep them stored in a clearly labelled cupboard or
container, and keep that storage area locked in an upright position.

4. Welding helmet. It should be hung on the wall. Make sure the lens is properly protected
or covered to prevent scratches.

5. C-clamps. Place in a storage box or a rack. Keep it always dry.

6. Pull-push rule. Place the tools in storage rack and always keep away from water.

7. Pliers. Hang and arrange them properly on pegboards or place them in toolboxes. Store
in a dry place.
C. Engagement Learning task 1: WRITE IT DOWN
Pakikipagpalihan Direction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on a separate sheet.
1. What is the difference between tools and equipment?
2. When do you use pegboards?
3. How do you store electrodes / welding rods?
4. Why do you need to store welding tools and equipment properly?
D. Assimilation Learning task 2: LET’S IMPROVE MORE
Direction: Identify 5 tools that are not properly stored.

V. ASSESSMENT Learning task 3

(Learning Activity Sheets for Directions: Write A if you agree with the statement or D if you disagree. Write your answer
Enrichment, Remediation or on your answer sheet.
Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 1. ____1.Tools are handheld devices.
and 6) 2. ____2. Storing and maintaining welding tools and equipment would always go together.
3. ____3. Pliers and pull-push rule are examples of equipment.
4. ____4. Every welding area, tools and equipment are arranged properly.
5. ____5. Pegboards are used for storing welding machines.
VI. REFLECTION Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that .
I realize that .
I need to learn more about .

Prepared by : Checked by:

Sherelyn Y. Rodriguez - TI Rosemarie L. Manalo
Jennifer M. Martinez - TII Master Teacher I
Lydia C. Landicho - TIII

Email Address: stacatalinanationalhighschool@gmail.com

Telephone No. 042-585-345

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