Thiazolidinediones On PPARg The Roles in Bone Remo

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

PPAR Research
Volume 2011, Article ID 867180, 9 pages

Review Article
Thiazolidinediones on PPARγ: The Roles in Bone Remodeling

Wei Wei and Yihong Wan

Department of Pharmacology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Yihong Wan,

Received 27 August 2011; Revised 4 October 2011; Accepted 5 October 2011

Academic Editor: Beata Lecka-Czernik

Copyright © 2011 W. Wei and Y. Wan. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are synthetic PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) agonists and a class of drugs
for diabetes mellitus type 2 that can decrease blood sugar efficiently by enhancing insulin sensitivity. However, increased bone
fracture risk in diabetic individuals treated with TZDs is one of the reported side effects. Recent studies show that TZDs such as
rosiglitazone simultaneously inhibit osteoblast differentiation and activate osteoclast differentiation, leading to bone loss due to
decreased bone formation and increased bone resorption. Furthermore, TZDs may activate PPARγ in tissues other than bone,
such as the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (HPG) axis to indirectly regulate bone mass. This paper will focus on current new
developments that implicate potential mechanisms for how PPARγ modulates skeletal homeostasis and how TZDs exert bone-loss
side effects.

1. Introduction age, it accounts for more days spent in hospital than many
other diseases including diabetes, myocardial infarction, or
Rather than a rigid and dormant organ that merely serves an breast cancer [6]. However, the great majority (>80%) of
inert support for the vertebrates, bone is a highly dynamic high-risk individuals are neither identified nor treated [7].
tissue that undergoes constant remodeling, adaptation, Therefore, enhanced understanding of bone biology and
repair, and regeneration. Evolution has crafted the structure development of effective diagnosis, prevention, and treat-
of the skeletal system in such an elegant way that it is light ment for osteoporosis are of paramount medical urgency
weighted so birds can fly, yet strong so cheetah can run and and clinical significance.
hunt. The quantity and quality of bone are influenced by Bone harnesses an enormous ability to repair and re-
both genetic traits and environmental factors such as nutri- generate—both quantity and quality of the bone are main-
tion, exercise, and hormone. Bone loss or osteoporosis occurs tained by an intricate cellular network composed mainly
in physiological and pathological conditions such as aging, of three cell types: osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and osteocytes.
postmenopause, sedentary lifestyle, weightlessness during Osteoclasts are bone-resorbing cells responsible for remov-
spaceflight, diabetes, and bone metastasis of cancers. With ing old bones, which are differentiated from hematopoietic
the extension of lifespan and changes in life style, osteoporo- progenitors of the monocyte/macrophage lineages upon
sis and bone fractures are becoming a leading cause of mor- activation by cytokines such as RANKL (receptor activa-
bidity and mortality in the modern society. It is estimated tor of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand) [8–12]. Osteoblasts
that an osteoporotic fracture occurs every 3 seconds world- are bone-forming cells responsible for generating and min-
wide [1]; one out of three women and one out of five men eralizing new bone, which are differentiated from mesenchy-
over 50 years of age will experience osteoporotic fractures [2– mal progenitors upon activation of several transcription
4]. Between 1990 and 2000, there was nearly a 25% increase factors such as runx2 and osterix [13–15]. Osteocytes are
in hip fractures worldwide [1]; by 2050, the worldwide inci- the most abundant cells in the bone matrix that are thought
dence of hip fracture is projected to increase by 310% in men to derive from osteoblasts, and regulate numerous func-
and 240% in women [5]. Osteoporosis takes a huge personal tions including mechanical sensing, bone remodeling, and
and economic toll, for example, in women over 45 years of mineral metabolism, by both physical interaction and
2 PPAR Research

paracrine/endocrine signaling [16, 17]. The balance between PPARγ + TZDs

bone resorption by osteoclasts and bone formation by os- Direct Indirect ?
teoblasts is critical for skeletal homeostasis, and bone loss
occurs when resorption outpaces formation. ↑ Osteoclastogenesis ↓ Systemic OPG
↓ Osteoblastogenesis Modulate HPG axis
↑ Adipogenesis Estrogen
2. TZDs Cause Bone Loss and Higher Fracture ↑ Osteocyte apoptosis Progesterone
Rates in Diabetic Patients Activin/inhibin
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs—troglitazone, rosiglitazone, pio- Oxytocin/prolactin
glitazone, and netoglitazone) are widely used for the man-
agement of diabetes mellitus type 2. On the one hand, TZDs
can enhance glucose uptake, by increasing insulin-sensitivity
of adipocytes, muscle, liver, macrophages, and so forth; on ↓ Bone formation
↑ Bone resorption
the other hand, TZDs can also inhibit gluconeogenesis in the
liver, both resulting in decreased insulin resistance and lower
blood sugar levels [18, 19]. However, as a common sense,
drugs are often accompanied with side effects and TZDs is Bone loss
not an exception. In addition to side effects such as weight
gain and fluid retention, increasing reports indicate that both Figure 1: Potential mechanisms for TZD-induced bone loss. In vivo
rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are associated with a higher studies in both clinical trials and using animal models demonstrate
fracture risk. With 4 years of rosiglitazone treatment, type 2 that TZDs, a class of diabetic drugs that functions as PPARγ
diabetic patients in ADOPT (A Diabetes Outcome Progres- agonists, cause bone loss and increased fracture risk, especially
sion Trial) showed increased incidence of fractures in women in postmenopausal women, by simultaneously inhibiting bone
[20]. Similarly, pioglitazone is also reported to have the same formation and stimulating bone resorption. In addition to the well-
documented direct effects of TZDs on bone cell differentiation
side effect [21]. Moreover, by taking paired stored baseline and function, emerging evidence indicate that TZD may also
and 12-month serum samples from 1605 participants (689 exert its detrimental skeletal effects via several potential indirect
women, 916 men) in ADOPT, a recent study showed that effects, which provokes further investigation in future preclinical
CTX-1 (C-terminal telopeptide for type 1 collagen), a marker and clinical studies.
for osteoclast activity and bone resorption, was increased
by 6.1% in the rosiglitazone-treated group in women but
not men; P1NP (procollagen type 1 N-propeptide) and bone 3. PPARγ Regulates Osteoblastogenesis and
alkaline phosphatase, two markers for osteoblast activity and
bone formation, were decreased in both women and men
treated with rosiglitazone [22]. This indicates that elevated PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma)
bone resorption and suppressed bone formation are two is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily of transcrip-
important mechanisms that contribute to the bone loss side tion factors that can be activated by lipophilic ligands [29].
effects and the higher fracture risk in women taking TZDs Upon ligand activation, PPARγ typically induces target gene
[22]. expression by binding to PPAR response elements (PPREs)
Importantly, emerging evidence indicates that metabolic in the promoter regions as a heterodimer with the retinoid
state may influence the effects of TZDs on bone [23]. X receptor (RXR) and recruiting transcription coactivators
For example, epidemiological studies suggest that skeletal [29]. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that PPARγ func-
fragility is already increased in type 2 diabetes mellitus [24, tions as a key regulator of skeletal homeostasis by directly
25], potentially due to the inhibition of osteoblast differentia- regulating the differentiation of bone cells.
tion and function by hyperglycemia-associated ROS (reactive It has been first reported that PPARγ exerts negative
oxygen species) accumulation and/or glucose toxicity [26– effects on osteoblast differentiation and bone formation.
28]. Thus, rosiglitazone-induced bone loss may be exacer- Homozygous PPARγ-deficient embryonic stem cells failed to
bated in diabetic patients compared with healthy individuals. differentiate into adipocytes, but spontaneously differenti-
An important question for future study is whether and ated into osteoblasts; heterozygous PPARγ-deficient mice
how different metabolic states such as obesity, diabetes, exhibited high bone mass, resulting from enhanced osteo-
insulin resistance, and aging modulate the relative effects of blastogenesis from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells but
TZDs on bone resorption versus formation. The purpose reduced adipogenesis [30]. Consistently, PPARγ activation
of this review is to survey in vivo and in vitro evidence by TZD treatment inhibits osteoblast differentiation but pro-
supporting direct and indirect effects of TZDs on osteoclasts motes adipocyte differentiation [31–33]. Moreover, recent
and osteoblasts, thus proposing hypotheses for future inves- evidence has revealed that TZDs may also negatively impact
tigations (Figure 1). bone by inducing osteocyte apoptosis and the expression
PPAR Research 3

of sclerostin, a Wnt antagonist and an inhibitor of bone In addition to PPARγ expressed endogenously in the
formation [34, 35]. osteoclasts, PPARγ in other cell types have also been shown
Subsequently, PPARγ has been found to also enhance to indirectly influence osteoclastogenesis. It has been impli-
RANKL-mediated osteoclast differentiation from hemato- cated that PPARγ activation in osteoblast or adipocytes may
poietic stem cells [36]. PPARγ deletion in mouse hemato- promote osteoclast differentiation by inducing the expres-
poietic lineages caused osteoclast deficiency, leading to osteo- sion of RANKL [23, 52]. Another recent study reported
petrosis manifested as high bone mass and extramedullary that osteoblast-specific overexpression of PPARγ led to lower
hematopoiesis in the spleen, as well as resistance to ros- bone mass in male mice and accelerated ovariectomy-
iglitazone-stimulated bone resorption [36]. At molecular induced bone loss in female mice, associated with not only
levels, PPARγ activation by rosiglitazone suppresses β- decreased bone formation but also increased RANKL/OPG
catenin protein levels and function [37, 38], induces the ratio [53]. These studies further support the notion that
expression of PGC1β (peroxisome proliferator-activated re- TZDs-induced skeletal fragility is mediated by multifaceted
ceptor gamma coactivator 1-beta), and potentiates RANKL- actions of PPARγ on both osteoblast and osteoclast, via both
induced transcription of c-fos, an essential mediator of cell-autonomous and paracrine regulations.
osteoclastogenesis [36, 37]. Interestingly, growing evidence Interestingly, recent studies have reported that TZDs can
suggest that osteoclastogenesis can occur via noncanonical also affect systemic OPG levels. After 24 weeks of treatment
pathways in which RANKL can be substituted by other of pioglitazone or metformin in 67 type 2 diabetic patients,
growth factors such as TNFα, LIGHT (TNFSF14), IL-6, it was found that plasma levels of OPG decreased in the
TGFβ, APRIL, BAFF, NGF, IGF-I, or IGF-II [39–46]. In pioglitazone group, but were unchanged in the metformin
future studies, it would be important to determine the effects group [54]. A similar study showed that comparing 46 type 2
of TZD treatment on the osteoclastogenesis mediated by diabetic patients treated with TZDs with 152 type 2 dia-
these RANKL-independent pathways. betic patients receiving other oral antidiabetes drugs, TZDs
Pharmacologically, recent clinical trials report that long- treatment is associated with a decrease in plasma OPG
term use of TZDs, such as rosiglitazone, increases fracture levels [55]. Besides in vivo, PPARγ agonists have also been
rates among diabetic patients [20, 22, 24, 47, 48]. Using shown to downregulate OPG levels in vitro. Troglitazone can
animal models such as mice and rats, numerous studies show decrease OPG concentration in a dose-dependent manner in
that TZDs cause bone loss by simultaneously decreasing 8-day-cultured human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs); on
bone formation and increasing bone resorption, thus the the contrary, PPARγ inhibitor GW9662 can enhance early
uncoupling of bone remodeling [23, 31, 36, 37, 49, 50]. OPG protein levels by hMSCs [56]. Together, these studies
Together, these findings indicate that TZD-induced skeletal have identified RANKL and OPG as potential contributing
fragility is mainly achieved by bone cell-autonomous PPARγ factors for the enhanced osteoclastogenesis and bone resorp-
activation, which inhibits osteoblastogenesis and enhances tion associated with TZDs, suggesting that pharmacological
osteoclastogenesis. reduction of the RANKL/OPG ratio may be novel strategies
to combat TZD-induced bone loss.

4. OPG/RANKL in Osteoclastogenesis
5. Sex Hormone Receptors and
The cytokines RANKL (receptor activator of nuclear factor
NF-κB ligand) and MCSF (macrophage colony stimulating
Osteoclast Survival
factor) are required for the differentiation from osteo- Estrogen is osteoprotective, and estrogen decline plays an
clasts progenitors into mature osteoclasts. MCSF func- important role in postmenopausal osteoporosis. First, estro-
tions through its receptor MCSFR (c-fms) to promote gen is implied to decrease the osteoclastic resorption pit in
macrophage/osteoclast precursor proliferation and survival. bone by regulating several transcription factors (c-fos, c-jun,
Upon binding to its receptor RANK, RANKL activates e.g.) and inflammatory cytokines (IL-1RI, IL-1RII, e.g.) [57].
several key transcription factors such as c-fos, c-jun, NFATc1
Second, our recent study reveals that estrogen loss in mice by
(nuclear factor of activated T cells, cytoplasmic 1), and NF-
ovariectomy stimulates osteoclast progenitors to proliferate
κB, as well as osteoclastic enzymes such as TRAP (tartrate-
and differentiate; suggesting estrogen also inhibits osteoclas-
resistant acid phosphatase) and CTSK (cathepsin K), which
concertedly trigger the differentiation, multinucleation, mat- togenesis in vivo [58]. Third, estrogen has been shown to
uration, and activation of osteoclasts [12, 51]. As a counter promote osteoclast apoptosis [59, 60]. This suggests that
balance, osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a naturally occurring estrogen antagonizes osteoclast differentiation and function,
decoy receptor for RANKL, thereby inhibiting osteoclastoge- and potentially suppresses PPARγ-stimulated osteoclastoge-
nesis and bone resorption [51]. Selectively blocking OPG will nesis. Consistently, estrogen has been shown to be protective
increase RANKL activity and osteoclastogenesis, leading to against TZD-induced bone loss, for example, TZD-induced
osteoporosis eventually. Both RANKL and OPG are secreted bone loss is more significant in postmenopausal women
from osteoblasts to regulate osteoclast differentiation; there- [22, 61, 62]; estrogen significantly reduces TZD-induced
fore, RANKL/OPG ratio is a critical factor that regulates the adipogenesis [63], osteocyte apoptosis, and sclerostin upreg-
balance between osteoblasts and osteoclasts, thus the cou- ulation [34]. Interestingly, a recent study shows that TZDs
pling between bone formation and resorption. (rosiglitazone or pioglitazone) also inhibit estrogen synthesis
4 PPAR Research

in human granulosa cells by interfering with androgen bind- of ERRα in osteoblastogenesis are being actively investigated,
ing to aromatase, thus directly affecting estrogen production and conflicting results have been reported that ERRα can
in human ovarian cells [64]. Together, these findings suggest either activate or inhibit osteoblast differentiation [70].
another potential contributing mechanism for TZD-induced Furthermore, our recent study reveals another novel function
osteoclast activation and bone loss, which may involve the for ERRα in enhancing osteoclastogenesis by inducing the
suppression of estrogen function and/or production. In expression of mitochondrial genes via a PGC1β-dependent
future investigations, it would be important to further ex- pathway [37]. Induced by PPARγ and coactivated by PGC1β,
amine the in vivo effects of TZDs on estrogen synthesis and ERRα not only promotes mitochondrial activation but also
activity in animal models and in clinical trials. increase osteoclast differentiation [12, 37]. On the one hand,
Among the two estrogen receptor isoforms (ERα and reactive oxygen species (ROS), released from mitochondria,
ERβ), ERα is mainly responsible for estrogen regulation of can stimulate osteoclast differentiation by promoting Ca2+
osteoclast survival [60]. ERα diminishes mature osteoclast oscillations and NFATc1 activation; on the other hand, sev-
lifespan through the induction of the proapoptotic Fas eral transcription factors induced during osteoclastogenesis
ligand (FasL) [60]. Selective deletion of ERα in differentiated can activate the expression of target genes required for
osteoclasts in the ERαΔOc/ΔOc female mice led to a lower mitochondrial biogenesis [12, 37, 71]. Consequently, ERRα
bone mass, mimicking the postmenopausal osteoporosis in knockout mice exhibit decreased osteoclasts number, bone
women [60]. In contrast, in the functional FasL knockout resorption, and higher bone mass [37]. Because of the crucial
mice (FasLgld/gld), neither enhanced bone resorption nor role of estrogen deficiency in postmenopausal osteoporosis,
bone loss was induced by osteoclastic ERα deficiency [60]. it will be interesting in future studies to determine whether
Thus, in differentiated osteoclast, FasL expression appears and how the PPARγ/PGC1β/ERRα pathway interacts with
to be positively controlled by activated ERα. In addition to the ER signaling in bone remodeling.
the role for FasL in estrogen-induced osteoclast apoptosis
by an autocrine mechanism involving osteoclasts alone [60],
another study has proposed a paracrine mechanism in which 6. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) Axis
estrogen affects osteoclast survival through the upregulation and Bone Remodeling
of FasL in osteoblasts (and not osteoclasts) leading to the
apoptosis of preosteoclasts [59]. Although TZDs have been shown to modulate skeletal
A recent study has shown that in two hormone-de- homeostasis by directly activating PPARγ in bone cells and
pendent breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 and ZR-75-1), regulating osteoblast/osteoclast differentiation, new evidence
PPARγ activation could lead to ERα downregulation through implies that TZDs may also function indirectly through
the proteasome-dependent degradation pathway [65]; yet PPARγ in other tissues such as the hypothalamus. A recent
different PPARγ agonists exerted differential effects on study has unveiled an unknown role for central nervous sys-
ERα stability: troglitazone, ciglitazone, and natural PPARγ tem (CNS) PPARγ in the regulation of energy balance [72]:
ligand 15d-PGJ(2) induced ERα degradation efficiently both acute and chronic activation of CNS PPARγ, by either
while rosiglitazone did not alter ERα protein levels [65]. TZDs or hypothalamic overexpression of a fusion protein
Interestingly, another recent study has shown that in MCF7 consisting of PPARγ and the viral transcriptional activator
cells, rosiglitazone could increase the transactivation of FasL VP16 (VP16-PPARγ), led to positive energy balance in rats,
promoter through Sp1 site in a dose-related and PPARγ- including cumulative food intake and body fat gain. Blocking
dependent manner, which could be abrogated by PPARγ the endogenous activation of CNS PPARγ with pharmaco-
antagonist GW9662 [66]. It concludes that PPARγ triggers logical antagonists or reducing its expression with shRNA
apoptotic events in breast cancer cells via Fas/FasL signaling led to negative energy balance, restored leptin sensitivity in
pathway [66]. In osteoclasts, the effects of PPARγ activation high-fat-diet-fed rats and blocked the hyperphagic response
on ERα degradation and FasL expression are underexplored, to oral TZD treatment [72]. These findings implicate a
thus begging the question whether TZDs promote osteoclast provocative hypothesis to be tested in future studies that CNS
survival by reducing ERα protein, or promote osteoclast PPARγ may also contribute to the regulation of bone mass
apoptosis by inducing FasL mRNA. Therefore, to determine by TZDs, potentially via the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal
how PPARγ regulates osteoclast activity, it would be impor- (HPG) relay.
tant to investigate both cell-autonomous effects of TZDs on The classic theory predicts that sex steroid (estrogen
ERα/FasL pathway and osteoclast survival; as well as systemic and androgen) deficiency is the main cause of osteoporo-
effects of TZDs on estrogen production and its induction of sis; however, emerging evidence indicate that other hor-
osteoclast apoptosis. mones in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis
In addition to ERα, there are other transcription factors also participate in the maintenance of bone homeostasis
that potentially regulate the functions of estrogen. For exam- [73]. Progesterone, normally modulated by estrogens, is a
ple, the orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor female hormone important for the regulation of ovulation,
α (ERRα) has been shown to regulate many of the same pregnancy, and menstruation. It has been shown that pro-
genes as ERα [67, 68], and modulate the activity of ERα in gesterone increases osteoblasts numbers and promotes
various tissues including breast, uterus, and bone [69]. ERRα osteoblasts differentiation and maturation, which is indepen-
has been shown to be involved in the control of not only dence of estrogen [74]. Another recent study has reported
energy metabolism but also skeletal homeostasis. The roles that the osteoclast differentiation factor RANKL functions as
PPAR Research 5

an important in vivo molecular link between progesterone nonbone-cell-autonomous mechanism [86]. PPARγ is highly
and epithelial carcinogenesis by controlling the incidence expressed in the pituitary [87]. It has been reported that
and onset of progesterone-driven mammary cancer [75]. PPARγ and TZDs can alter the secretion and function of
This suggests that progesterone may also regulate RANKL- pituitary hormones. For examples, pituitary-specific deletion
induced osteoclastogenesis. Concerning PPARγ, its agonist, of PPARγ increases luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in
rosiglitazone, can generally antagonize progesterone activity female mice and decreases FSH levels in male mice [88];
by stimulating progesterone receptor (PR) B degradation and TZD activation of PPARγ inhibits LH secretion [89] and
blocking progesterone-induced PRB phosphorylation [76]. gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) signaling [88].
Together, these findings suggest that PPARγ regulation of Together, these reports warrant future investigations on the
bone homeostasis may be also partially mediated by mod- hypothesis that TZDs may partially exert its effects on bone
ulating progesterone function, which remains to be further by regulating hormones in the HPG axis such as GnRH, LH,
investigated in future studies. and FSH.
Activin and inhibin, two closely related protein com- Oxytocin is another pituitary hormone related to the
plexes secreted from the gonad, are members of the trans- bone homeostasis. Oxytocin has been shown to regulate
forming growth factor beta (TGFβ) family, which controls the differentiation outcome of mesenchymal stem cells by
cell proliferation and differentiation in many organs. Activin trending toward osteoblasts but inhibiting adipocytes [90].
is either a homodimer composed of two identical βA (activin As oxytocin receptor is expressed and functional in human
A) or βB (activin B) subunits or a heterodimer of βA and osteoclasts [91], the possibility exists that oxytocin modu-
βB (activin AB); inhibin is a heterodimer comprised of αβA lates bone mass by also regulating osteoclastogenesis. Clin-
(inhibin A) and αβB (inhibin B) subunits, and α subunit is ically, it is shown that plasma oxytocin levels are significantly
unique to inhibin. Activin and inhibin exert opposite bio- lower in postmenopausal women developing osteoporosis
logical effects in a variety of cell types. For examples, activin than in their healthy counterparts [90]. Mechanistically,
enhances whereas inhibin suppresses follicle-stimulating oxytocin increases bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)
hormone (FSH) biosynthesis and secretion from the anterior expression, consequently upregulates the functions of
pituitary [77]. Cellular and physiological evidence show Schnurri-2 and 3, Osterix, and ATF-4, all of which are known
that both activins and inhibins regulate osteoblastogenesis activators of osteoblastogenesis [92]. Interestingly, PPARγ
and osteoclastogenesis, thus modulating bone mass in vivo has been shown to also crosstalk with oxytocin signaling:
[78]. Interestingly, PPARγ has been reported to crosstalk in contrast to the aforementioned report [90], oxytocin was
with activin A: on the one hand, activin A treatment can reported to stimulate adipocytes differentiation by increasing
inhibit PPARγ expression in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, leading expression of PPARγ, fatty acid binding protein (FABP),
to reduced adipocytes differentiation [79]; on the other hand, insulin-sensitive glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4), leptin, and
PPARγ activation by rosiglitazone can decrease follistatin CD31 in the epididymal and/or retroperitoneal fat tissue of
(activin A antagonist) mRNA levels in rat intestinal epithelial oxytocin-treated rats [93]. Similar to oxytocin, as another
cells, leading to the gain-of-function of activin A, which pituitary hormone, prolactin also regulates bone remodeling.
mediates the effects of TZDs on cell proliferation [80]. In osteoblast-like cells, MG-63, prolactin inhibits osteoblas-
These results suggest that PPARγ may also interact with the togenesis and promotes osteoclastogenesis by increasing the
activin/inhibin pathways to regulate bone remodeling, which ratio of RANKL/OPG [94]. Prolactin signaling has also been
represents another important future direction for investiga- shown to interact with PPARγ pathway. On the one hand,
tion. prolactin enhances PPARγ and C/EBPβ mRNA production
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), derived from pitu- and augments adipocytes differentiation in NIH-3T3 cells
itary, has been proposed to regulate bone mass via sev- [95]; on the other hand, TZDs activation of PPARγ inhibits
eral controversial and contradictory mechanisms. In peri- prolactin function in pituitary tumor cells [96]. These
menopausal women, increase of serum FSH, but not loss observations suggest that the effects of TZD and PPARγ
of estrogen, has been reported to better correlate with bone on bone remodeling may be also modulated by pituitary
turnover and/or BMD across the menopause transition [81– hormones such as oxytocin and prolactin, which needs to be
83]. It has been shown that FSH enhances osteoclastogenesis further examined in both animal models and clinical investi-
by activating MEK/Erk, NF-κB, and Akt; furthermore, FSHβ gations in the future.
KO mice and FSH receptor (FSHR) KO mice are resistant
to bone loss despite severe hypogonadism; FSHβ+/− mice
exhibit increased bone mass and decreased osteoclastic 7. Concluding Remarks
resorption with normal ovarian function, suggesting that the
skeletal action of FSH is estrogen independent [84]. In In light of the vast array of potential target tissues, phar-
contrast, two recent reports have provided opposite evidence. macological and mechanistic understanding of cell type-
First, in a prospective clinical study, it has been found that specific gene regulation by PPARγ and TZDs will help to
suppression of FSH secretion by a GnRH agonist failed to design improved diabetic drugs, such as selective PPARγ
reduce bone resorption markers in postmenopausal women modulators, which retain high potency to treat diabetes with
[85]. Second, using FSH transgenic mice, it has been minimal bone loss side effects [12, 97]. By using ligands with
shown that FSH has dose-dependent anabolic (rather than distinct chemical structures, it has been shown that different
catabolic) effects on bone, via an ovary-dependent and PPARγ functions could be separated. Unlike other TZDs,
6 PPAR Research

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