MAR18 Shortwave Listeners Guide
MAR18 Shortwave Listeners Guide
MAR18 Shortwave Listeners Guide
About Shortwave Radio
The mechanism that allows radio stations from around the world is called the
The ionosphere is the region above the Earth’s atmosphere located between
100 to 1000 Km above the surface of the Earth, and contains atomic particles
that become ionised when exposed to X-ray and UV radiation from the Sun.
It has the capability of influencing radio propagation around the world, by
allowing signals to bounce off it and back to earth. The ionosphere is separated
into several layers, depending on the altitude above earth.
The most significant for shortwave listeners is the F2 layer, which occurs
between 100 and 500Km above earth and is the densest part of the ionosphere.
It is the layer responsible for most radio wave reflection. Reception via the
ionosphere is called “skywave”, in contrast to “groundwave” propagation
which follows the surface of the earth.
Most shortwave receivers cover some or all of these bands. Between these
bands are frequency allocations for “utility” stations.
Utility Stations
Apart from shortwave broadcasters, other organisations use the HF spectrum.
Generally these will be radio networks established for communications
purposes rather than providing entertainment signals. Organisations such as
4WD clubs, the Royal Flying Doctor Service, international aircraft, amateur
radio operators, outback communications, ships at sea, Navy operations, and
the Bureau of Meteorology
MW Stations
Long distance reception of domestic AM broadcast stations also falls under
the umbrella of shortwave listening. During the night, when the radio wave
absorbing E layer is thinnest, MW and lower frequency SW signals propagate
long distances. This is why it is possible to pick up strong interstate AM
stations at night.
LW Stations
Many airports have a continuous non directional beacon (NDB) for pilot
navigation. Normally identified by several letters in Morse Code referring to
the airport location, these beacons often broadcast weather information for
pilots. This is the most up to date weather information for the local area that is
available. There are over one hundred NDB stations in Australia.
One of the great advantages of shortwave listening is that it allows you to listen
to world events from a different perspective other than the local media. The
Russian or Chinese interpretation of world events can be surprisingly different
to that of the US and other Western countries. News items are normally
broadcast in real time to give listeners the most up to date information.
Not all shortwave stations use English as their primary language, but almost
all do have some English programming. If you are trying to learn a foreign
language, shortwave broadcasts can be an ideal source of foreign language
material. For immigrants, shortwave may be the only way to keep in touch
with events from their mother country.
Travellers can stay in touch and obtain accurate road condition, bush fire, and
flooding reports, by listening to the VKS 737 4WD radio network. News and
entertainment services are regularly received in our region by shortwave radio
broadcasters including the BBC, Radio New Zealand International (RNZI),
and Voice of America (VOA), particularly useful when you are out of range of
regular AM and FM stations.
Each transmitter carries just a single program with some transmitting Radio
Data Service (RDS) for the display of a line of text.
In addition, DAB+ radios include a visual display which can show news and
weather information as well as current programming information.
Now DAB+ Digital Radio is available in many countries and this has set a new
standard in broadcasting. The next stage is to improve the transmissions on
the medium and short wave bands. As a result a totally new system has been
developed. Known as DRM, the system offers near-FM sound quality plus the
ease-of-use that comes from digital transmissions. The improvement over
AM is immediately noticeable. DRM can be used for a range of audio content,
and has the capacity to integrate text and data. This additional content can be
displayed on DRM receivers to enhance the listening experience.
When to Listen:
VMC operates on 4426, 8176, 12365 and 16546 kHz during the day (7am to 6
pm) and 2201, 6507, 8176 and 12365 kHz at night (6 pm to 7 am).
VMW operates on 4149, 8113, 12362, and 16528 kHz during the day from 7
am to 6 pm, and at night on 2056, 6230, 8113 and 12362 kHz.
Both services broadcast bulletins or warnings on the hour. Weather forecasts for
Coastal Waters and High Seas followed by Coastal Observations are broadcast
using a program that is repeated every four hours. Special Announcements are
made five minutes before every hour.
The RFDS operate from a number of locations across outback Australia and
can be heard on the following frequencies:
Derby 6945, 5300, 2792kHz
Port Hedland 6960, 4030, 2280, 5300 k Hz
Carnarvon 6890, 4045, 2280, 5360 k Hz
Meekatharra 6880, 4010, 2280, 5360 k Hz
Kalgoorlie 6825, 5360, 2656 k Hz
Common Australia Wide VHF Airband frequencies:
119.100 Aero Club Operations, Flying Schools
119.200 Parachute operations
120.850 Sports aviation air to ground
121.500 Distress world wide
122.500, 122.700, 122.900 Glider operations
123.100 and 123.200 Search and rescue Australia wide
123.450 Air-to-air chat below 20,000’
127.900 Air Show Frequency
129.600 Crop Dusting
VOLMET broadcasts originate from the location on which they are reporting
and can provide shortwave enthusiasts with a good indication of propagation
Typically, East coast broadcasts can be heard at 14.30, 17.30, 18.30, and 20:00
AEST and West coast broadcast can be heard at two hours prior to the Eastern
broadcasts in winter and three hours prior in summer.
The VKS-737 4WD shortwave radio network comprises base stations located
at Perth, Derby, Darwin, Alice Springs, Charters Towers, St Marys (Tasmania),
Newcastle, and Swan Hill.
For more information about the VKS-737 4WD shortwave radio network:
Bankstown 416, Richmond 347 ,Camden 281 ,Nowra 359 ,Brisbane 302
Archerfield 419, Mt Isa 338, Ballarat 239 ,Avalon 404 , Moorabbin 398,
Adelaide 362, Parafield 416, Perth 272, Darwin 344, Tindal 356, Alice Springs
335, Hobart 362, Launceston 242, King Island 332, Lord Howe Island 272,
Broken Hill 332, Mildura 272, Nowra 359. (All frequencies are in kHz and
use AM modulation)
Vast areas of the world lack the necessary local VHF radio communication
systems needed to provide reliable radio coverage between aircrews and air
traffic controllers. The lack of VHF coverage within most of these areas is
due to the very remote location of these regions, for example much of the
airspace over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans lacks VHF communications as
it is impossible to install transmitters on a reliable platform within these
regions. As a result a network of shortwave (HF) frequencies have been
allocated to provide long range voice communications between aircrews and
ATC facilities.
The introduction of switch mode power supplies, light dimmers, flat screen
TV sets, computers and their monitors, printers, modems, USB hubs etc and
energy saving light bulbs has bought with it a range of interference problems
for users of AM and HF shortwave bands.
A primary source of these interfering harmonics, are such switch mode power
supplies. Commonly known as “AC adaptors” or “plugpacks”, these are the
little power supplies used as battery charges for smartphones, radio receivers
themselves, battery chargers etc. Although these devices operate at 200KHz,
the internal oscillator or more accurately the “chopper” circuit can generate
harmonics well into the HF bands.
Normally built into a plastic case, the device is free to radiate, save for a few
internal components designed to minimise interference. Assuming you are
experiencing such interference, the first step is to locate the source.
First, ensure the receiver is being operated off its internal batteries, and tune to
part of the AM or HF band where you can hear the interference but no radio
signal is present. Turn off all room lights and see if there is any reduction in
interference. Energy saving light bulbs contain electronic circuitry in the base
of the light globe, which can cause interference, just as the electronic ballast
can do in a fluorescent light. Dimmers are also a source of interference as well
as fan controllers. All these need to be turned off.
It is prudent to only try one thing at a time, so turn the lights back on, and
then systematically unplug every smart-phone battery charger in your house.
A smart-phone charger generating interference on the AM band can be heard
several rooms away, either by being radiated back down the house wiring, or
by being radiated in free space.
The next potential culprits to eliminate are TV sets. Unplug each one from
the wall (turning the power point off is OK) and see if there is any change in
Some stations send out stickers, decals, and pennants made of paper, plastic,
or cloth to regular reporters. A reception report to a station will typically get
you on their mailing list for program schedules for years to come.
Always send your reports via air mail; the extra cost over surface mail is a
small price to pay for the extra speed and reliability of air mail service. Some
non-broadcast stations especially time signal stations, maritime stations, and
hams will also reply to listener reports, especially if the listener prepares a
QSL card and sends it along with their report.
Solar Panel
USB or mini USB
Dynamo hand crack charger
3.5mm mono socket to RCA male and RCA female to BNC male
adaptors. This combination is used to convert the output of the
Tecsun Shortwave Outdoor Antenna to a suitable antenna plug
for both S-8800 and S-2000 receivers. Available individually.