Internship Report

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Name of the Learner: Randhir Kumar Yadav Name of the Programme: MAPC (Second year, July
2019) Enrolment Number: 188178309 Year: 2018-2020 Regional Centre: IGNOU Regional Centre,
Delhi-2 Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002 Name of the Organization: Brain
Behaviour Research Foundation of India Discipline of psychology School of social sciences Indira
Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068

DECLARATION I Mr. Randhir Kumar Yadav hereby declare that I am a Learner of M.A. Psychology
(Part II), July 2019 year, at the Study Centre Code 29046D, Regional Centre Delhi-2, Gandhi
Smriti & Darshan Samiti Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002 and I want to do my Internship (MPCE-025) at
Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India (BBRFI), New Delhi on my own free will. I will
adhere to the standards of the organization and display professionalism during my internship.
Signature of the Learner: Name of the Learner: Randhir Kumar Yadav Date:
27/7/2020 Enrolment No: 188178309
Place: New Delhi


Date: 16th June 2020 Brain Behavior Research Foundation of India Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002
Dear Sir/ Madam, This is state that Mr. Randhir Kumar Yadav, Enrollment No. 188178309 is a
student of IGNOU and is presently pursuing MA in Psychology from IGNOU Regional, Delhi-2 Gandhi
Smriti & Darshan Samiti Rajghat, New Delhi- 110002 and Vision Institute of Advanced Studies. Study
Centre. As a part of MA Psychology programme he has to carry out internship (MPCE-025) for 240
hours. You are requested to kindly provide him with permission to undergo internship at your
esteemed organization. You are also requested to assign one supervisor under whom the learner
will carry out his internship. The supervisor will also have to evaluate the learner as per the given
criteria. Yours faithfully, Study-Centre Coordinator

CONSENT LETTER (Agency Supervisor) This is to certify that the internship in MPCE-025 for the
partial fulfilment of MAPC Programme of IGNOU will be carried out by Randhir Kumar Yadav,
Enrolment No. 188178309, under my supervision. (Signature) Name of the Agency
Supervisor: Priyanka Pandey Designation: Clinical Psychologist (RCI Regd., CRR NO. A62932)
Address: Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India (BBRFI) 1, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Rajghat,
New Delhi - 110002 Date: 20th June, 2020

Nature of Work Name and Signature of Concerned Authority Remarks From To 20 June 2020 12:00
Online Introduction 21 June 2020 12:00 Online Explanation of Format Formatting of case
History Taking 22 June 2020 04:00 Online Genogram and Family Tree 23 June 2020 04:00
Online Session Guest Lecture 24 June 2020 N/A Online Assignment Comp letion on Case
History 25 June 2020 04:30 Online Personal History &Premorbid Personality 26 June 2020
N/A Online Assignment: Diff B/N sign & Symptom, Counselling and Psychotherapy, Maternal
Deprivation, Diff B/N Decease & Illness 27 June 2020 12:00 Online Mental status Exam
mination Explanation 28 June 2020 N/A Online Self-Study 29 June 2020 04:00 Online
Imaging In Psychology 30 June 2020 04:30 Online Mental status Examination (Continued) 1
July 2020 05:00 Online Guest Lecture on Intelligence and Personality 2 July 2020 04:00
Online Discussion of Case History 3 July 2020 05:00 Online Guest Lecture on Intelligence and
Personality (Continued)

4 July 2020 04:00 Online Case History and Mental status Discussion 5 July 2020 04:00
04:30 Online Interviewing Patient: Discussion 6 July 2020 N/A Online Self-Study on
Interviewing Skill 7 July 2020 04:30 Online Discussion: Working with interdisciplinary team 8
July 2020 04:30 Online Scoring and interpretation of Screening test : BDI & BAI 9 July 2020
N/A Online Case History Writing Work and Preparing for Role Play 10 July 2020 05: 00 Online
Role Play (Group 1,2,3) 11 July 2020 05:00 Online Role Play (Group 4,5,6) 12 July 2020 N/A
Online Discussion with Group for Presentation 13 July 2020 N/A Online Discussion with
Group for Presentation 14 July 2020 05:00 Online Psychotherapy 15 July 2020 05:00 Online
Psychotherapy (Continued) 16 July 2020 05:00 Online Working on group Case presentation
with Group 17 July 2020 05:00 Online Case Presentation Group (1,2,3) 18 July 2020 05:00
Online Case Presentation Group (4,5,6) 19 July 2020 12:00 Online Guest Lecture on Health
Psychology 20 July 2020 02:00 Online Discussion on Role play and case history with Group
(1,2,3) 21 July 2020 11:30 Online Discussion on Report Writing 22 July 2020 02:00 Online
Discussion on Role play and case history with Group (4,5,6)

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100% (40)


Internship Report for clinical psychology

Internship Report for clinical psychology

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98% (65)

23 July 2020 04:30 Online Mental and Physical well-Being 24 July to 29 July 2020 N/A
Online Report Writing and Discussion Faculty for Doubts 31 July 2020 N/A Online Farewell and
thought Sharing Signature of the Learner Signature of Academic

EVALUATION SCHEME FOR INTERNSHIP-(Agency Supervisor) Name of the Programme: MAPC

Course Code: MPCE-025 Study Centre: Vision Institute of Advanced Studies Name of the Learner:
Randhir Kumar Yadav Enrolment No: 188178309 Internal Marks by Agency Supervisor: Comments,
if any: ……………………………… (Signature) Name of the Agency Supervisor: Priyanka Pandey
Designation: Clinical Psychologist (RCI Regd., CRR NO. A62932) Address: Brain Behaviour Research
Foundation of India (BBRFI) 1, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Rajghat, New Delhi -110002 Date: 27th July,
2020 Regional Centre: RC Delhi-2, Rajghat Details Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Sincerity and
professional competence 10 09 Assessment (Case history, Mental Status Examination, Interview,
Psychological Testing etc.) 15 13 Overall interaction with patients, clients & employees and handling
of cases 5 5 Total Marks 30 27

EVALUATION SCHEME FOR INTERNSHIP-(Academic Counselor) Name of the Programme: MAPC

Course Code: MPCE-025 Study Centre: Vision Institute of Advanced Studies Name of the Learner:
Randhir Kumar Yadav Enrolment No: 188178309 Internal Marks by Academic Counselor:
Comments, if any:
………… Signature_________________________ Name of the Academic Counselor:
___________________________ ___________________________ Date: 27th July, 2020 Regional
Centre: RC Delhi-2, Rajghat Details Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Report 20 Provisional
Diagnosis and planning of Intervention 5 Overall understanding of cases 5 Total Marks 30

EVALUATION SCHEME FOR INTERNSHIP-(External Examiner) Name of the Programme: MAPC

Course Code: MPCE-025 Study Centre: Vision Institute of Advanced Studies Name of the Learner:
Randhir Kumar Yadav Enrolment No: 188178309 External Marks: (Viva Voce): Comments, if any:
………………………………………………………………… (Signature) Name & Address of External Examiner
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ Date: Regional Centre: RC Delhi-2, Rajghat Details Maximum
Marks Marks Obtained Viva 40 Total Marks

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Randhir Kumar Yadav of MA Psychology Second Year (MAPC
Programme) has conducted and successfully completed the Internship in MPCE-025 in the place
Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India (BBRFI). Name: Randhir Kumar Yadav
Name: Enrolment No: 188178309 Designation: Name of Study Centre: Vision
Institute of Advance Studies Place: Delhi Regional Centre: Rajghat, RC DELHI-2
Date: 28/7/2020 Place: Delhi Date: 27/7/2020 Signature of Agency Supervisor Name : Priyanka
Pandey Designation: Clinical Psychologist (RCI Regd., CRR NO. A62932) Address : Brain Behaviour
Research Foundation of India (BBRFI) 1, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Rajghat, New Delhi – 110002
Place : New Delhi Date : 27th July, 2020

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT At the outset, I would like to show my gratitude for my internship

opportunity at Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India, which has been a great chance for
learning and professional development. I consider myself to be a blessed and lucky individual to
be provided with this opportunity. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for having an amazing
opportunity to meet so many wonderful professionals in the field of Mental Health and Clinical
Psychology; all who have led me to this have a very comprehensive internship experience. It
is with my radiant respect that I owe my deepest sense of gratitude to Dr. Meena Mishra
(Chairperson), to let me work under her department with her team of clinical psychologists; And to
Ms. Priyanka Pandey (Clinical Psychologist). It is for her careful and precious guidance, monitoring
and constant encouragement which have been extremely valuable for my educational
understanding; both theoretical and practical. The blessing, help and guidance given by her from
time to time shall always stay with me and help me move forward to a long way in the journey of life
on which I am about to embark. I will always remain grateful for her natural affection and able
guidance. Name: Randhir Kumar Yadav Enrolment Number: 188178309 MAPC (Counseling
Psychology), IGNOU
Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India is a
National level research trust registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882. It is working to develop
new techniques, tools & methods to solve the Mental Health problems in India. BBRFI is the
only charitable organization in India that is working towards scientific and evidence-based guidance
and counseling in career, interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. The Trust is an
amalgamation of diverse professionals with the common aim of ‗Promoting Positive Mental Health
& Well-being for All‘ by guiding the children and youth towards careers matching their talent using
4-Dimensional Brain Analysis, a unique diagnostic tool innovated by BBRFI. There is a large ‗gap‘
between the needs of the society and delivery of mental health services. Team members at
BBRFI are striving to bridge this gap by targeting children and youth- helping them realize their true
potential in studies, career and relationships which is the core to an individual‘s happiness along
with addressing common problems of depression, suicidal tendency amongst others. Specialized
services:  Psychoanalysis & Counseling  De-addiction  Brain Mapping  Psychological Disorder
Testing  Attention Deficit disorders  Emotional and Behavioral issues  Relationship Problem 
Adjustment Problem  Depression  Stress and anxiety management  Career counseling  IQ
Testing  Marriage Counseling Ms. Priyanka Pandey, M.Phil. In Clinical Psychology (RCI
registered) and MA in Clinical Psychology, is associated with Brain Behaviour Research
Foundation of India as Consultant Clinical Psychologist. She has 9 years of experience in
clinical psychology and is expert in full range of de-addiction which includes Clinical Evaluations,
Psychotherapies, Group Therapies, and 12 Step Programs, Projective Test, Memory Test, personality
and aptitude tests along with career guidance.


1:______________________________________________________________15 2. CASE STUDY
2:______________________________________________________________23 3. CASE STUDY
3:______________________________________________________________32 4. CASE STUDY
4:______________________________________________________________42 5. CASE STUDY
5:______________________________________________________________53 6. CASE STUDY
6:______________________________________________________________61 7. CASE STUDY
7:______________________________________________________________67 8. CASE STUDY
8:______________________________________________________________75 9. CASE STUDY
9:______________________________________________________________83 10. CASE STDUY


02/02/2020 Socio-demographic Data: Name : Client-2 Age : 37 years Gender :
Male Marital Status: Unmarried Occupation : Employed (Labourer) Education : 08th Std. Religion
: Hindu Residence : Rural Language : Hindi Informant : Elder Brother of Client-2  40 years old 
Formally educated up to B.A & is doing marketing business  Not living with the Client-2  Well-
wisher of the Client-2  No h/o past psychiatric illness  Appears to be of sound mind Reliability &
Adequacy: Poor Course: Continuous and Progressive Chief Complaints: According to the
Informant:  Developed over familiarity with unknown persons  Keeps talking to unknown persons
even if they ignore him 1 month  Started talking excessively - 15 days

According to the Patient (Client-2): 

Decreased need for sleep  Over familiarity 1 month  Excessive talking  Making big talks 
Abusive behaviour  Hyper sexuality 15 days  Hyper religiosity  Increase in activity 
Spending money recklessly Precipitating Factors:  Relationship break-up with girlfriend  Quarrel
with neighbours Mode of onset: Acute History of present illness: Client-2 was
apparently asymptomatic about 1 month back when he developed disturbance in his sleep.
Previously he used to take sound & uninterrupted sleep of 06-07 hours during night time but
now it is reduced to less than 2 hours and when he is awake, he usually pace at home and go to
temple and take ganja (Cannabis/ marijuana). He would stay fresh and energetic the next day
despite his reduced sleep and had no daytime somnolence. He also developed over familiarity with
unknown persons as informed by his brother, he keeps talking to unknown persons even if they
ignore him. The Client-2 has started talking excessively for the past 15 days and becomes
uninterruptable at times. Most of the content of his talks are big like – “main baba hoon, mujhe
bhagwan ne shakti di hai,main kareena kapoor se shadi karunga,main 1000 logo ki bhi lashen bicha
sakta hoon”. There is h/o abusive assaultive behaviour towards family members and outsiders on
mild provocation like when someone stops him from talking or doing work, or teases him he gets
aggressive and abusive with them. He beats his father and younger brother when they try to stop
him. There is h/o hypersexual behaviour. Client-2 says meri shaadi karado, smiles and teases girls
in village and try to talk to them. Earlier he was not doing such activities.There is increased
religiosity.Client-2 prays these days for 06 to 08 times, he reads geeta and ramayan and does
agarbatti even during night. Earlier he used to pray once or twice a day. Client-2‘s activities have
increased these days. He does household works for hours together like washing clothes, cooking
and even do work of neighbours. He gets up at 4 A.M. and start brooming the house when
he is stopped by his father he becomes aggressive. There is h/o of spending money recklessly on
unnecessary clothing and household items in more than required quantity.

Negative History: Psychiatric History:  No h/o projectile vomiting/ prolonged headache/ LOC/
significant head injury/ seizures/ fever with neck rigidity.  No h/o suspicion/ hearing of abnormal
voices/disorganized behavior/ remaining mute and rigidity.  No h/o suggestive of episodic/
generalized shortness of breath, choking sensation, sweating, palpitations, fear of doom.  No h/o
persistent low mood/decreased energy/suicidal ideation or attempts/ self-harm.  No h/o repetitive
acts/ ideas/ images/ impulse.  No h/o any chronic medical/ surgical illness or hospitalization for
non-psychiatric cause. Functioning:  Self-care: Maintained  Occupational: Impaired  Relations
with family and friends: Impaired History of Substance use:  Started drinking bhang and ganja more
than 15 years back.  Earlier he drinks 5 to 10 chillam with friends, and then he increased it in
amount from last 4 years and drinks 20 to 25 chillam almost daily.  His last intake was 1 month
back.  Client-2 takes tobacco 1 to 2 pouches per day Treatment History:  Client-2 was diagnosed &
treated as a case of mixed episode in 2017 by a private psychiatrist. He was prescribed:  Tab
olanzapine 10 mg 1-0-1  Tab sod valproate 500mg 1-0-1  Tab lorazepam 2 mg 1-1-1 Client-2 took
the treatment for 15 days and then stopped the treatment due to social and financial constraints.
Past Illness: Onset of illness was sudden 25 years back. The symptoms were decreased need for
sleep, exceesive talks, big talks, hyper sexuality, hyper religiosity which remains for 1 to 1.5 month.
No treatment was taken and all symptoms got relieved by themselves in 6 months. Second episode
was 20 years back with similar symptoms. No treatment was taken and it got resolved in 6 months.

Third episode was 14 years back after the death of his mother and the symptoms were decreased
need for sleep, aggressive behaviour, excessive talks, big talks. No treatment was taken and
symptoms got resolved in 7 to 8 months. Since then, there is an episode of illness every year. The
episode last for 1 to 1.5 month and is resolved completely in 5 to 6 months without any treatment.
In 2017Client-2 had taken medication for 15 days for the illness as his hypersexual behaviour
towards his sister in law had led to dissolution of his brother‘s marriage so the family members
took him to a psychiatrist. He took medication for 15 days and then left medication due to social and
financial constraints. Family History:  Extended Nuclear family  Family size : 6 members  Birth
order : 2nd  Interpersonal relationship : strained  Home atmosphere : poorly supportive 
Consanguinity : Nil Mother of the Client-2had similar illness (episodic) and died 14 years back due to
snake bite Personal History: Prenatal and Natal: No reliable informant present. Early Childhood: No
reliable informant present. Middle Childhood:  Client-2 was an average student and passed all
classes in first attempt.  Had a good friend circle and was sincere in his studies. Late Childhood:
Client-2 performed well in his studies and get educated up to 8th std. Psychosexual History: He
acquired sexual knowledge from friends and media. Religious Background:  He is a believer of God
and spends most of his time in praying.  He is a follower of religious norms and beliefs of the
family. Occupational and Marital History:  He is a labourer by occupation.  For last 1 month Client-
2 was working as a guard but he was expelled due to his abusive behaviour and frequent quarrel
with the employer 10 days back.  Client-2 is unmarried.

Socio-Economic Status:  Lives with family of 6 members in a 4 room pucca house with inadequate
sanitation.  Head of the family is Client-2‘s father & he is retired 4th class.  Monthly income is
about Rs.10, 000 per month (pension of father).  Lower middle SE status according to modified
Kuppuswamy SES scale (revised in 2012) Premorbid Personality:  Client-2 was a friendly and
extrovert person with a large friend circle.  He used to remain cheerful most of the time and was
helpful to everyone.  He was responsible towards family. He gave part of his earning to his father
for household expenses.  Good initiative in work and energy levels.  Regular bowel habits.
Impression: Well-adjusted status Mental Status Examination Movement and Behaviour: Client-2 is
a young male, appearing of stated age, tall and thin built, clad in a pant shirt and chappals, entering
the room with normal gait, unaccompanied.  He greets the interviewer with a smile and takes a
seat comfortably when offered.  He is conscious, cooperative and oriented to time, place and
person.  His eye contact is established and sustained.  His psychomotor activity is raised (no
tics/ mannerisms/ stereotypies/ abnormal gestures/postures/ rigidity) Rapport was easily
established with Client-2. Mood/ Affect: Ekdum bdiya rehta hai Affect is elated, appropriate and
non-labile. Speech/ Language: a. Volume: Increased. b. The speed and tone: Rapid speech with
minimal pauses. The tone was high. c. The length of the answers to the questions: Elaborate answers
were given, even to simple questions. d. Appropriateness of the answers: Non-spontaneous later
on spontaneous Comprehensible, Coherent and initially relevant later on irrelevant e. Reaction
time : decreased f. Productivity : increased Thought and perception: Stream: Increased rate & flow
of ideas Form: No disorder present Content: Delusion of grandiosity

Possession: No disorder present No perceptual disorder present Cognition: a. Orientation: Intact

with respect to time, date, place and person. b. Attention/ Concentration: Intact and sustained (digit
span test : 5 fwd and 3 backward) c. Memory: Immediate : Intact Recent/Recent past: Intact
Remote: Intact d. Intelligence: Adequate (as per educational background /intact with respect to GK,
abstraction and reasoning. Judgement: Social: Impaired On test: Intact Insight:1/6 (complete denial
of illness) Verbatim: Interviewer: apko hospital me kyu laya gya hai? Client -2: Mera sar dukhta
rehta hai shayd isliye laye hain; mujhe gaadi me dal kr le aye. Interviewer: Kya sar dukhna koi mansik
bimari ho skti hai? Client -2: Nhi mujhe koi bimari nhi; bimar to ye log hain. Impression-insight 1/6
complete denial of illness Interviewer: Aapke sharir me takat kitni hai? Client -2: Khoob hai.
Interviewer: Agar 10 aadmi ladne aa jaye to kya aap sambhal loge? Client -2: Vaise to main kisi se
ladta nhi, Han par apni jaan bachane k liye main sabke jhund meghus kr sabki lashein bicha doonga.
Interviewer: Aisa kaise ho skta hai aap akele itne logo se kaise lad loge? Client -2: Main to aur jyada
se bhi lad skta hoon chahe to bula lo. Interviewer: aap kis bhagwan ko mante ho? Client -2: Main
sare bhagwan ko manta hoon; mere aur mere pariwar ke pas bhagwan ki aisi shakti hai jo kisi k pass
nhi hai. Interviewer: Aisi kausi shakti hai? Client -2: Vo main aapko bta nhi skta.

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