Hibbbiii PPPT

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Plantation and adoption of a tree

Introduction to
Hibiscus Hibiscus
Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family,
Malvaceae. It is native to warm temperate, subtropical and
tropical regions throughout the world.
The flowers of hibiscus are large, colorful and showy, with five
or more petals. They come in a variety of colors including red,
Presentation By pink, white, yellow, and orange.

“ Types of Hibiscus Plants

There are over 200 species of hibiscus, each with their own
unique characteristics. Some of the most popular types of
hibiscus include the Chinese hibiscus, the rose of Sharon,
and the swamp hibiscus.
In addition to these traditional varieties, there are also hybrid
Health Benefits

It lowers Cholesterol.
It helps in Manages Blood pressure.
Prevents Liver Damage.
It helps in preventing Cancer.

hibiscus plants that have been bred for specific traits such as • It helps to lose Weight.
larger flowers or more vibrant colors. • Helps in improving digestion.

Photo Blog Conclusion

By these activity we have learnt many things such that plants are
same as humans. But only one thing is different from plants and
humans that is they can sustain without humans but we humans
cannot sustain without plants . By these we would like to conclude
that "A plant can leave without humans but we humans cannot
leave without a plant "


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