Architectural Guidelines

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Architectural Guidelines 09

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman

Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

9.0 Architectural Guidelines

9.1 Introduction
Brief Purpose How to use the Guidelines
The Guidelines for Desired Architectural Character as set The goal of the Architectural Guidelines is to assist in These Guidelines have been created to define the
out within this Chapter are to be read in conjunction with creation of a built environment which is attractive for architectural language for each “Architectural Character
the Urban Planning Guidelines and the Urban Design its residents, visitors and investors thus resulting in an Zone” across the master plan districts in the following
Guidelines. Together, these guidelines provide direction enduring and valuable City. order:
regarding land use, form and design of development in These Guidelines organise the City into five different • Introduction of the various Architectural Character
Duqm within the framework provided by the Detailed architectural zones across the eight (8) urban districts to Zones and General Principles
Master Plan. add richness, variety and interest to Al Duqm City. • Description of individual Architectural Zone with
The vision and flexibility embedded within the Furthermore, thess Guidelines should be read within the detailed guidance on the following:
development standards outlined in these Guidelines context of the overall Detailed Master Plan (DMP) set out oo Geographical boundary of the Architectural
facilitate a wide variety of development opportunities to in Volume 1 of this Report with particular reference to the Character Zone
come forward, that will ensure the creation of a diverse City Form and Urban Design in Chapter 3. The Guidelines
and vibrant City that meets the needs of its current and oo Guidelines for the desired Architectural
for Desired Architectural Character will provide guidance to
future residents. Character
home owners, developers, designers, and project managers
who are taking part in the Development of Al Duqm City.
Design consultants and developers will be expected to refer The Architectural Guidelines must not be seen as a
these Guidelines to justify their building designs within the prescriptive set of rules, but rather as catalysts for creating
various districts as detailed in the Master Plan. context sensitive built environment that allow for some
flexibility and individuality in designs coming forward to
ensure a lasting design legacy, quality and success of Al
Duqm City.

9.2 Sustainability Design

Climate & Building Orientation Materials & Shading The courtyards provide an environmental balance for the
The use of shading devices is an important aspect in building, by ventilating the inner spaces, and assists in
The building orientation should be done according to the
providing an energy efficient building. Shading can be the escape of hot air through court. Creating an energy
climatic zone in which buildings will be positioned. The
provided using natural landscaping, or by introducing efficient building can also be achieved by minimising
main aim of correctly orientating the building is to provide
architectural elements such as overhangs, trellises, recessed artificial light due to the well-lighted conditions courtyards
comfortable living/working spaces throughout the year, in
windows, under crofts, shaded walkways, and traditional can provide during the daytime.
any conditions.
Omani shading techniques.
In the case of Duqm’s hot and humid climate, it would be
preferable if the buildings minimise solar radiation during Interior techniques such as blinds or adjustable louvers can Colour
the summer season. Non-habitat rooms may be located on also be used to control glare. External use of light colored render will also help the heat
the outer faces in order to act as thermal barrier, whereas The use of such elements is mainly dependable on the reduction process due to its reflective quality and minimal
longer walls of buildings should face North & South to building orientation and climate, as they interconnect absorption of heat. Shades of white are mainly used
obtain minimum solar exposure. together to provide an overall efficient and sustainable in Oman and specifically Muscat due to the properties
Large openings or windows are advised to be on the building design. mentioned, while also being linked to the Omani culture.
northern and western faces of the façade to offer diffused To maintain a relationship between the context and the
and indirect natural light. Also, to bring in the west breeze architecture, Omani architecture also looks at light shades
into the buildings. The traditional window area of 15 to 20 Courtyard Design
of brown which resemble the Omani landscape and colors.
percent of the floor area is advised for the designs. The introduction of courtyards can be an integral
component in maximising light and ventilation into the The same color palette will be used within the area, due to
The wall thickness is a vital aspect which helps in their sustainable properties and to relate back to the local
minimizing heat radiating into the building. Thicker inner spaces. The use of courtyards can also be a socio-
cultural piece of space which provides ground space for context.
outer walls are preferred to act as an insulating barrier.
Walls constructed with blockwork and cavity walls can families while also offering open-to-sky privacy away from Strong accent colours should be reserved to building
be provided due to their very good thermal insulation. the public eye. details, such as windows or entrances, or to special
Vegetation such as large trees and planting is also a simple buildings such as minarets, domes or other landmark
solution which can be used near external walls to provide buildings.
DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.3 Architectural Character and General Principles
The Architectural Character Zones for Al Duqm City have The following five (5) Architectural Character Zones have
been identified to add richness, variety and interest to the been identified in the Master Plan as shown in Figure 9-1:
urban districts included in the master plan.
This will ensure the development of a vibrant and Contemporary Traditional
interesting City, which simultaneously respects it’s unique
climate and local culture. • Applies to Rock Garden and Defense Districts
The “Architectural” Character refer to the language of
design that encompasses elements of building form and Contemporary
design including fenestration design, materials, finishes, • Applies to Boulevard and Civic Districts and the
colour schemes, etc. Western part of the Airport District
The purpose of these guidelines with regards to
architectural character is to describe a clear design intent
for the proposed architectural styles in relation to the Futuristic
function and location of the proposed development, • Applies to the Commercial District and the Commercial
to encourage locally relevant design and to discourage Frontage of the Airport District fronting Road 2 and
pastiche of architectural styles that have no local relevance. the Eastern part of the Airport District, including the
The focus is to create a diverse and vibrant city. Block 61 area
Inspirations from regional or international architecture are
allowed as long as it is locally relevant and not detrimental High-End
to the local context.
• Applies to Duqm Heights
In general an innovative use of local building materials
is encouraged with a minimum requirement of 30%
applied to all buildings. However, these must conform to Omani Maritime Architecture
international standards and building codes in terms of • Applies to the Coastal District
strength, performance, durability, erosion resistance, pest/
insect infestation, etc. The innovative use of local building
materials and proven construction technologies and
practices are to be applied in such a way that the resulting
buildings are:
• Aligned with the objectives of applicable Architectural
Character zones where they are placed
• Appropriate to local climatic conditions
• Relevant to the modern building standards, to meet
occupants’ aspiration for better quality and comfort
• Meet International building standards, especially
requirements related to thermal comfort, safety and
environmental health

Figure 9-17: Architectural Character Zones

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.3.1 Materials & Facades

Respond to Local Omani Culture • Long lasting materials that require little maintenance
The design character of the Pilot Project should reflect should be used; and
a balance between traditional Omani and current • Buildings should minimize the use or large glass
contemporary design influences. This helps define a facades in place of the more energy-efficient sand-
contemporary vision that is rooted in its local context. stone cladding (or equivalent locally sourced stone or
The functional, historical and modern influences should contemporary equivalent applied finishes).
be reinterpreted to create an expression that responds
• Buildings should incorporate traditional features or
to current lifestyles and aspirations of the people whilst
contemporary equivalents such as Mashrabiya, Louvers
embracing local culture and heritage.
and screens to add traditional geometric patterns and
textures to the buildings; and
Fenestration • Louver, screens and other shade features should be
The size, placement and style of facade openings have used in conjunction with facade openings where
a large role in creating the architectural character of appropriate to enhance the building character and
buildings. Facade openings should be carefully considered thermal performance.
to create rhythm, harmony and variety in the overall • Landscape
elevational composition whilst relating closely to the
• Private landscape areas should contribute positively to
functional requirements of the internal spaces including
the streetscape and the pedestrian environment;
privacy, shading and ventilation.
• Private landscape design should consider the
Curtain wall windows and reflective glazing should be
minimised. In order to optimise thermal performance
of the buildings the window areas should be minimised • Incorporate plant species for environmental benefit by
throughout the development which is also in keeping means of:
with traditional Omani and Arabic architecture. Wherever • Shade providing plants;
possible, the placement of facade openings should been
carefully considered to ensure year round solar behaviour. • Drought-tolerant and low-water usage species;

The key materials and finishes that are recommended for • Plants with low fertiliser requirements;
the external elements of buildings within the community • Coordinate private landscaping with public landscape
include the following: designs;
• Concrete block with rendered and painted texture • Planting layout and plant selection should be designed
finish; to achieve:
• Stone or pre-finished materials which have a natural • Privacy whilst not impeding visual contact with the
look; street;
• Colours should reflect traditional Omani custom • Plants should be positioned to allow access for
of providing earthy colours with wood and stone maintenance; and
accent features. Colours should be sympathetic to • Sufficient space should be allowed at the time of
neighbouring buildings; planting to accommodate the spread of branches
• The use of strong colours is not desirable; and roots likely to occur as a plant matures. This
• Glazing should not be a dominant element of external will safeguard the plant against felling or excessive
finishes; cutting-back as well as preventing any overpowering
or damaging effects on nearby buildings or other
• External finishes such sand/cement render, applied structures.
texture coatings and paint should be used to create
a traditional yet contemporary character for the

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.4 Frontages & Elevation Control

To achieve a stimulating and exciting highway experience Glazing Building Elevation Checklist
in the neighbourhoods of Duqm, the streets should
be aligned with active retail frontages to create public
• Glazing percentages which can also be referred to  % of opening (Ground + Above ground)
as window area or window-to-wall ratio plays an  Provide shelter at ground floor from direct heat gain
engagement and density. important role in determining the energy performance (Canopy / Colonade)
of a building.
 Orientation treatment (Opening setback, extrusion,
Commercial Buildings Elevation Control: • this relates to the lighting, cooling, and heating of the Vertical or Horizontal louver)
internal spaces, including daylight factors, ventilation
• Retail on the ground floor is advised for the primary
and the external views.
 Materials and Colour
streets and boulevards.  Services location and screening (down water pipe / air
• Glazing percentage relies on the performance and conditioning / water tower)
• To allow pedestrians to see the retail shops, all ground
quality of the glazing used for the building where the
floor shops should be transparent and visible to the
performance can influence the percentage of glazing
 Signage and lighting allocation.
public street by having display windows, signs, and
while also improving the building’s external and
main entrances.
internal aesthetics.
• Retail shops should have an elevation control to allow
• These design specifications reduce solar gains through
the public to engage with the indoor shops. atleast
large glazing percentages while still creating a naturally
80% of ground floor is to be transparent, in order to
lit space that reduces the use of artificial lighting.
maximise the engagement and create a vibrant link
between the outdoor and indoor spaces. Doors are • The window-to-wall ratio is calculated by dividing the
strongly encouraged to be transparent as well. total glazing area by the total wall area of a building.
This calculation provides the users with a percentage
• Inset doors will be an option to consider for retail
which indicates the amount of glazing used.
shops, although with a depth limit to control the
facade and create consistency for the street. • A maximum 40% window to wall ratio is permitted, as
over 40% promotes excessive daylighting and effects
thermal comfort.

Commercial Building
80% Transparency

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.5 Contemporary Traditional APPLICATION:

The desired architectural character in the Contemporary Fenestration Design

Traditional zone is contemporary yet influenced by the The placement and proportion of windows in
architectural principles that underlies the essence of the Contemporary Traditional zone must be aligned with the
indigenous architectural styles of Al Duqm city and the objectives of the zone. Extensive use of glass, use of full
wider region. glass facades and curtain walling is generally discouraged.

The Contemporary Traditional Architecture Zone applies Innovative architectural expression that make abstract
to Rock Garden and Defense Districts. This character reference to regional wooden window and external door
is considered well suited to the Rock Garden district as designs will be encouraged. Windows and doors may be
it is adjacent to existing Saay Village to the West and emphasized with traditional arch forms where necessary
the Rock Garden site to the North. The Defense district however it is up to the discretion of the Designer how to
predominantly houses ROP, Defense and Government relate the building envelope to the Indigenous architecture.
offices and facilities. These are traditionally inclined Percentage of glass – generally not more than 10% of
organisations with similar traditional urban fabric individual room area.
throughout the country, hence the Contemporary
Traditional Architectural style is considered well suited with
the Defense District. Architectural Elements
Innovative use of traditional geometric patterns is
encouraged on facades as screens, mashrabiya, etc. This
OBJECTIVES: also includes use of decorative elements such as corner
details, drainage spouts and parapet motifs mainly to add
• To apply principles of traditional architectural character local character to the architectural form.
to contemporary built forms to reinforce identity and
Traditional elements that are not indigenous to
context sensitive architectural expression.
the area and have no functional relevance such as
• To encourage innovation while maintaining an abstract wind-towers, non-local arch forms are generally not
reference to the indigenous and deep-rooted and encouraged. Sloping, pitched and gable-end roof forms
traditional architectural form are discouraged. Structures with huge overhangs and
• To encourage innovative interpretation of traditional cantilevers are also discouraged.
decorative details while discouraging inept repetition
of decorative details and pastiche architectural
aesthetics Materials & Finishes
• To form a visual identity for Contemporary Traditional External material and finishes in the Contemporary
architectural zone which is distinct and can be easily Traditional zone are encouraged to have a strong relevance
differentiated from other Architectural Character to the local context. Use of local natural building materials
Zones of the Al Duqm city. and stone cladding is encouraged. Use of traditional sun
shading devices, pergolas and mushrabiya are encouraged.
Use of Aluminium Composite Panel (ACP) cladding and
Industrial aesthetics are generally discouraged. Use of
pneumatic forms, steel sheds, sail structures, spaceframes,
etc. are also generally discouraged.

Materials & Finishes

Earthy and neutral external colour schemes are

Subdued and subtle lighting to building exteriors is

Figure 9-18: Contemporary traditional architectural character zone

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.6 Contemporary APPLICATION:

The Contemporary architectural character refers to an Fenestration Design

innovative and forward-looking approach to design which Larger and plentiful windows are encouraged to take
embodies current approaches to building forms and advantage of natural light and to capture views in and
materiality aiming to achieve timeless architectural designs. around the site. However, privacy for the residents and
Design of Contemporary Architectural Character should neighbours must be respected. Ribbon or strip windows
consider the following: are generally discouraged.

• Simplicity in architectural form An innovative and contemporary treatment to solids

and voids of the building form, that remains legible and
• Simplicity in detailing devoid of decoration coherent with the architectural character of the building.
• Innovative use of materials for visual interest, texture,
and architectural expression Percentage of glass – higher percentage of glazing is
allowed; however, thermal performance should not be
compromised. Suitable shading devices to be provided
The Contemporary Architecture zone applies to Boulevard over glazing where there is direct sunlight.
District, Civic District and the Western part of the Airport
District. Since these districts comprise the core of the city,
the architectural style here defines the identity of the Architectural Elements
whole city, therefore, a contemporary and forward-looking A well composed façade with vertical and horizontal
style is in line with the development vision of Al Duqm. modulation of windows, designed in accordance with the
functional requirements of the building, is encouraged.
Boulevard district - main concentration on the mixed use A combination of overhangs and facade treatments are
commercial buildings facing the boulevard. encouraged to create variety and richness.
Civic district – includes the main public facilities such as Arch forms are generally not encouraged; if used they
the University, Hospital, Grand Mosque, Stadium, City must not compromise on the contemporary aesthetics of
Park, however the Grand Mosque is to have a unique the building. Sloping, pitched and gable-end roof forms
architectural character, which is akin to the Grand Mosques are also discouraged.
for the individual cities in Oman.
Rainscreen cladding systems are encouraged, if relevant to
Western part of the Airport District – Most of the land the building design and form.
belongs to Ministry of Housing and the MoH guidelines are
to comply with the Contemporary Architectural character.
Materials & Finishes
Contemporary materials such as steel, glass, polished
OBJECTIVES: concrete are encouraged.

• The architectural forms to represent contemporary

architecture character yet flexible to accommodate the Lighting
varying uses of the buildings. Sophisticated and subtle building lighting to building
• To provide variety in the architectural form, yet keeping exteriors is encouraged, which accentuate the simplicity of
a consistent contemporary architectural theme. forms.
• To form a visual identity for the Contemporary
architectural zone which is distinct and can be easily
differentiated from other Architectural Character
Zones of the Al Duqm city.

Figure 9-19: Contemporary architectural character zone

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.7 Futuristic APPLICATION:

The buildings within the futuristic architectural character Fenestration Design

zone are encouraged to use the most current and Facades are encouraged to be more interactive, innovative
forward-looking technologies in their architectural forms and environmentally responsive. Building envelope are
and expression. These technologies include the use of encouraged to integrate multiple materials and systems
parametric design, 3D prefabricated building elements and into a singularly performing skin.
similar high-tech methods. Well-designed façade with increased aesthetic appeal will
This architectural zone covers the Commercial District in be encouraged to control heat, light and sound to improve
addition to the Commercial Stretch of the Airport District the comfort of the occupants.
fronting road 2. The futuristic style was specifically selected Larger performance glazing components are encouraged
for these districts on the basis that mentioned districts to take advantage of natural light and to capture views in
since showrooms and commercial buildings (especially and around the site. However, privacy for the occupants
retail) are generally associated with the latest trends and and neighbours must be respected.
technologies to promote their forward-looking vision and
Percentage of glass – higher percentage of glazing is
futuristic thinking. This character is also complementary to
allowed; however, thermal and acoustics performance
a number of compelted and planned structures within this
should not be compromised. Suitable shading devices to
area, most notablly the SEZAD HQ and other mixed use
be provided over glazing where there is direct sunlight.
buildings fronting Road 2.

Architectural Elements
OBJECTIVES: The buildings within the futuristic architectural character
zone are encouraged to use bold architectural expression,
• The architectural forms to express new materials and where appropriate, using unique angles, hanging slopes,
technologies while accommodating the varying uses of sharp edges, triangles, ovals and domes, etc. However,
the buildings. the buildings must be designed to accommodate the
• The architectural forms of the buildings to be clear/ functional requirements and must cater for the comfort of
explicit the occupants. A combination of overhangs and facade
treatments are encouraged to create variety and richness.
• To form a visual identity for the Futuristic architectural
zone which is distinct and can be easily differentiated Arch forms are generally not allowed; if used they must
from other Architectural Character Zones of the Al not compromise on the futuristic aesthetics of the building.
Duqm city. Sloping, pitched and gable-end roof forms are also
Innovative cladding systems and composite facades are
encouraged, if relevant to the building design and form.

Materials & Finishes

Use of technologically advanced materials such as
substitutes of wood, stone, and brick allowing maximum
flexibility and lightness are encouraged. Innovative use of
the raw material as final finishes is also encouraged.

Sophisticated building lighting to building exteriors
that emphasise the forms and accentuate the details is
encouraged. Interactive lighting projections on façades are
also encouraged.

Figure 9-20: Futuristic architectural character zone

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.8 High End Architectural Elements

Well composed façades are encouraged with simplicity
The high end style is intended to be implemented mainly of form, space, materiality, detail, and colour. Arch forms
on residential buildings, using a minimalistic and light are generally not encouraged; if used they must not
architectural style, with special emphasis on capturing the compromise on the high-end and minimalistic aesthetics
views. This architectural style zone covers Duqm Heights of the building. Sloping, pitched and gable-end roof forms
and the Eastern part of the Airport District. are also discouraged.
The two districts are set on high ground, which is ideal for Simple, uncomplicated cladding & wall finishes are
capturing views towards the sea and the rest of the city. encouraged which are devoid of decoration.
Moreover, the majority of the buildings within this zone are Architectural forms are encouraged to use basic shapes,
low to medium density residential buildings. flat surfaces, neat and straight components, clean
and crisp finishes to create high-end and minimalistic
Materials & Finishes
• The architectural forms to create minimalistic, Contemporary materials such as steel, glass, polished
contemporary high-end architectural style
concrete are encouraged, however keeping the focus
• To promote a luxurious lifestyle for the residents of this on simplicity of form, surfaces, pure shapes, colour and
zone texture of the materials and spaces.

Sophisticated and subtle building lighting to building
Fenestration Design exteriors is encouraged, which accentuate the simplicity of
Larger and plentiful windows are encouraged to allow forms.
light-filled interiors while taking advantage of sea views.
However, privacy for the residents and neighbours must be
Clean, crisp window details and well-designed facades are
encouraged that are devoid of any decoration.
Percentage of glass – higher percentage of glazing is
allowed; however, thermal performance should not be
compromised. Suitable shading devices to be provided
over glazing where there is direct sunlight.

Figure 9-21: High-end architectural character zone

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.9 Omani Maritime Architecture APPLICATION:

The Omani Maritime architectural style is designated Fenestration Design

for the coastal district. The buildings that are within this Larger and plentiful windows are encouraged to allow
district are touristic. Therefore, the intention is to showcase light-filled interiors while taking advantage of sea views.
a wide variety of architectural forms and materials which However, privacy for the residents and neighbours must be
suit to tourism and hospitality related uses, however a respected.
strong connection to Oman’s maritime context must be Clean, crisp window details and well-designed facades are
maintained within the buildings’ external and internal encouraged that are devoid of any decoration.
Percentage of glass – higher percentage of glazing is
Omani Maritime Architecture takes inspiration from allowed; however, thermal performance should not be
traditional ship construction, traditional fishing village compromised. Suitable shading devices are to be provided
architecture, as well as connection to the natural elements over glazing where there is direct sunlight.
found near or within the sea such as mountains, coral
reefs, shells etc. However, only abstract and well though-
out architectural references to these elements are Architectural Elements
encouraged – Literal copying of maritime elements and Well composed façades are encouraged with simplicity
forms are very much discouraged. of form, space, materiality, detail, and colour. Arch forms
are generally not encouraged; if used they must not
compromise on the high-end and minimalistic aesthetics
OBJECTIVES: of the building. Sloping, pitched and gable-end roof forms
are also discouraged.
• Create tourist destinations along the coastal strip with Simple, uncomplicated cladding & wall finishes are
distinct Omani Maritime Architecture encouraged which are devoid of decoration.
• Relate to the natural and cultural wealth related to
Architectural forms are encouraged to use basic shapes,
Omani maritime zones
flat surfaces, neat and straight components, clean
• Provide tourists and visitors with a richer maritime and crisp finishes to create high-end and minimalistic
experience. aesthetics.

Materials & Finishes

Contemporary materials such as steel, glass, polished
concrete are encouraged, however keeping the focus
on simplicity of form, surfaces, pure shapes, colour, and
texture of the materials and spaces.

Sophisticated and subtle building lighting to building
exteriors is encouraged, which accentuate the simplicity of

Figure 9-22: Omani Maritime architectural character zone

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.10 Supplementary Architectural Guidelines - Development Standards

9.10.1 Waste Management and Bin Stores
Apartment Buildings Design
The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that the
arrangements for storing, collecting and managing waste • For apartment buildings, Communal bin storage • Bin storage areas should be contained within a suitable b. The internal surfaces of the chutes should be
are appropriate. These guidelines do not cover the areas must be located within the footprint of the enclosure to prevent nuisance from the spread of completely smooth to minimise snagging of
requirements for managing construction and industrial development, and ideally be at ground level. However, waste, odour or noise. waste sacks and subsequent blockages.
waste. if an underground storage solution is planned for • The walls should be constructed of materials that are c. Chute systems will only be permitted if there
standard wheeled bins (such as in a basement car non-combustible, impervious, easy to keep clean, and are two separate chutes provided at each
park) then an appropriate collection point for the able to withstand impacts from fully-loaded bins being installation point, to enable the segregation of
Villas and Townhouses containers at ground level must be provided and moved. refuse and dry recycling.
clearly shown on the plans.
• The design of the front garden or yard shall enable • Where necessary, the installation of a suitable buffer d. The receptacles on each floor into which tenants
the bins to be stored in a shaded position away from • An appropriate external storage area shall be can prevent contact between the bins and the inside deposit their waste must be clearly labelled to
windows. provided for refuse and recycling containers. These faces of the walls. It is also recommended that any encourage recycling and minimise the risk of
must be an integral part of any new development, switches, plugs or other similar installations are placed
• Bins should not intrude on the street scene and should contamination.
with appropriate design, capacity, layout, access and above or well below the height of the rim of the bins.
be contained within an appropriate front boundary
signage. Communal bin storage areas should be e. It will be the responsibility of the site
wall, fence or hedge or within a dedicated and suitably • The external faces of the enclosure walls should be
management to cleanse and maintain chute
clearly identified on plans, and the space allocated to
designed bin store. constructed or clad in material that is in keeping with
them must be guaranteed for the purposes of waste systems, and clear any blockages which may
• Bin stores should be located to minimise nuisance to the visual style of the surroundings. It is recommended
storage. arise. SEZAD will expect to see details of how
adjoining properties. that the use of appropriate screening or soft
• For larger developments it may be necessary to provide this will be managed.
landscaping is considered to make bin storage areas
• A clearance of 150mm around and between all bins several bin storage areas to ensure an adequate f. A fully enclosed and secured bin storage area
more aesthetically pleasing.
should be provided to ensure that occupants can easily distribution across the site. must be provided at the base of each chute,
access their refuse and recycling bins and all lids can • The enclosures must be suitably designed to prevent
• The size and layout of each bin storage area must be designed in accordance with the requirements
be fully opened. entry by vermin.
designed to accommodate a sufficient quantity of set out above.
• New developments shall take steps to encourage a • Where a roof is being placed over the bin storage area
refuse and recycling bins for the number of dwellings
reduction in the amount of waste that is presented or it is located indoors, the enclosed space must be
that the storage area is likely to serve. Furthermore,
for collection and implement strategies for maximising well ventilated. The roof must be constructed of non- Commercial and Mixed-Use Development
developers shall give consideration to the flexibility
recycling, such as making internal and external space combustible, robust, secure and impervious material.
of the storage capacity required so that the facilities • Commercial and mixed use developments shall provide
available for segregation of recyclable items from other manager can respond effectively to rising levels of • There should be adequate lighting in the bin storage sufficient storage for all waste arising, whether
waste. resident participation in recycling schemes and/or the area. commercial or residential in origin.
• To enable and encourage occupants of new residential increased range of materials becoming accepted in • The use of doors or gates can help to reduce the • The design and layout of waste storage areas or
units to recycle their waste, developers are encouraged Duqm for recycling. potentially detrimental visual impact of a bin storage chambers will be consistent with that for apartment
to provide adequate internal storage, usually within • The location of communal bin storage areas should area, and can also enable site manager to reduce the buildings therefore the guidance set out above should
the kitchen, for the segregation of recyclable materials have regard to the impact of noise and smell on the risk of bin theft or vandalism. Such doors must not be followed in the first instance.
from other waste. Providing separate space for occupants of neighbouring properties, both existing open outward over a public footway or road, and
• External storage areas for waste on mixed-use
recyclable waste is also encouraged with waste stores/ and proposed. should not cause an obstruction to other access when
developments must be segregated, so that domestic
bin stores. in an open position. They should be able to remain
• A clearance of 150mm around and between all bins
or be secured in the open position so that access for
and commercial waste bins are in separate secured
should be provided to ensure that occupants can easily areas.
collection staff is unimpeded when the bins are being
access their refuse and recycling bins and all lids can • Access to the domestic bins should only be possible for
be fully opened. Where there is more than one bin residents of the development and site management.
within a storage area, there should be a 2m clearance • Designers of larger residential developments may
It is also good practice to secure the commercial bin
in from of each bin to ensure it can be accessed and consider the installation of chute systems to make it
storage area to prevent residents from misusing these
moved safely without needing to move any of the easier for tenants to deposit their waste:
for disposing of household waste.
other containers. a. Waste chutes must be designed to fit in with the
• All storage areas must be easily identifiable using clear
architectural aesthetics of the buildings.
and appropriate signage.

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.10.2 Permitted Projections above Height Limits

All elements of all buildings and structures shall comply The maximum building height limits do not apply to the Arcades will be encouraged as an architectural solution to • Balconies shall extend to not more than 50% of any
with the building height limitations as outlined in the structures listed below or to any other similar structures providing shelter from the sun and an identified pedestrian street setback of the building, at any level;
zoning guidelines. that may require a height in excess of maximum height footway. They can extend through the entire street • Balconies shall not to result in adverse implications
The following items are conditionally permitted to project limits to serve their intended purpose, unless otherwise frontage of a block, or for pedestrian amenity where they upon the amenity of an adjoining property. It shall be
above the specified maximum building height limitations, specified in subsequent by-laws and provided these provide an accessible area for active pedestrian use. ensured that balcony design (i.e. cantilevered, semi-
unless otherwise permitted by SEZAD: structures are erected only to such height or area as is • Arcades can be the shelter below cantilevered floors; cantilevered or recessed) responds to acoustic/visual
necessary to accomplish the purpose they are to serve: privacy, lighting and climatic considerations;
• Railings Parapets up to 1.1 meters; • Large openings shall maintain visual access to the
• Clock tower, or mosque minaret; active store-front; • Balconies shall not be less than 6 meters above the
• Elevator bulkheads;
• Ornamental dome, skylight, cupola, or parapet; • Arcades may be climatically controlled with retractable pedestrian way;
• Stair bulkheads;

• Flag pole; and glass panels; Balconies shall not be less than 1.5m from the face of
• Chimney stack; the curb line;
• Hydro transmission tower; • 3-meter minimum depth from face of active store-
• Solar panel; front to exterior face of arcade shall be maintained; • Balconies and front verandas shall comprise sufficient
• Solar panels or solar collectors, television, radio, or
• Window washing equipment; telecommunication antenna, excluding a satellite dish • Signage for tenants may not be located on face of area to be usable by the dwelling occupants (i.e. for
• Mechanical equipment; or amateur radio antenna accessory to a permitted use arcade (Refer to signage guidelines); however, signage dining/leisure);
• Heating/ventilation equipment; and in a residential zone; may be located within the arcade opening at the face • Balconies and verandas shall be integrated with
• of the exterior wall. the building by using complementary construction
• Screen enclosures and structures. Water tower; and/or
materials and design; and
• Wind turbine and tower on a plot greater than 0.8
hectares in area. • Must be constructed of approved non-combustible
The following conditions must be met, for the above items Overhangs
to be permitted: Overhangs provide both building facade articulation and
• Roof-top structures, as defined above, shall be protection from the sun. These projections include, but
9.10.3 Building Projections are not limited to, such architectural elements as cornices, Canopies and Awnings
concealed from public view;
eaves, sills, mullions and architraves. They may project Canopies and Awnings are generally horizontal
• All external equipment, including air conditioning, Any south facing façades of new or existing buildings
beyond the plot line, if the projections:
within Duqm will be subject to excessive and direct architectural elements, of a light weight construction, that
water tanks, and ducts, shall be screened from view;
sunlight. Architectural elements will therefore be regulated • Do not extend more than 0.3 meters beyond the plot project over a pedestrian way from a building, to provide
• The maximum height of the top of such elements does weather protection from the sun or other elements.
to enhance the pedestrian friendly principles set out within line;
not exceed the maximum height permitted on the plot
by more than six (6) meters; the Detailed Master Plan. • Are not less than 3 meters above the pedestrian way; Awnings and canopies shall adhere to the following
The following design elements and building projections • Not less than 1.5m from the inside face of the curb requirements:
• The aggregate floor area of all elements, including
the area contained within an enclosure, measured at help to provide a weather protection system along line; and • They may project beyond the plot line if the projections
the maximum height level, does not exceed twenty- pedestrian ways and sidewalks. As such, these building • Are constructed of approved non-combustible are cantilevered;
five (25) percent of the total area of the roof of the components are encouraged to be integrated into the material. • They shall be temporary in terms of construction and
building; design of new buildings: may be dismantled if required;
• The width of such elements, including the width of • Arcades and Colonnades; • They shall project a maximum of 1.25 meters beyond
Balconies and Verandas
any enclosure, located within six (6) meters of the front • Overhangs; the Plot line;
plot line, does not exceed twenty (20) percent of the Balconies should allow for casual overlooking and
• Awnings; and • They shall extend to a minimum of 3.0 meters
width of the main wall of the building facing that plot connection with the street. They should be provided above
• Canopies. although always being one meter away from the
line, measured parallel to the plot line; and the ground floor of dwellings to incorporate a functional
plot boundary whether it is front, back or side; and
outdoor living space, whilst integrating and enhancing the
• For rooftop equipment, screens or parapet walls shall a maximum of 4.5 meters above sidewalk level at
architectural articulation of buildings.
be of sufficient height to conceal the equipment from These elements, if appropriately designed, each create building edge;
public view. attractive and distinctive pedestrian environments with Balconies may be provided for residential and office • They shall have regard to the height and location of
continuous sun protection. buildings in accordance with the following guidelines: any adjoining awnings;
• Balconies should be encouraged and maximised where • Continuous awnings are not permitted;
• They shall be a minimum of 2 meters in width;
• Developers and designers shall integrate primary
• Only 25% of the ground floor façade is permitted
balcony areas and verandas with main internal living
to receive awnings; however, retail locations may
have awnings and do not need to be included in the
• Balconies and projections should be contained within summation of this restriction;
the building envelope, extending no more than 1.5
• They shall be not less than 0.5 meters from the face of
meters from the primary building face;
the curb line.
DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.10.4 Basements
Windows Commercial Developments
Basement development within plots shall comply with the • All windows and openings shall have air seals. • Lighting proposals that are within or adjoining 1. All lighting should have a clear purpose – avoid use of
following: • Shading devices over windows to reduce glare yet still residential or commercial areas will only be permitted lights simply to create a ‘presence’ at night;
• The basement shall only be utilised for parking allow sufficient air circulation is encouraged. if the applicant can demonstrate that the scheme 2. Concentrate lights where they are needed and
services, water tanks, mechanical, electrical room, and proposed is the minimum needed for security and /or establish a clear hierarchy, with minimum lighting
• Shuttering on windows receiving direct light to reduce
storage. No habitable places mechanically ventilated working purposes and that it minimises the potential around the outer, more rural, perimeter of the
heat transfer is encouraged.
or otherwise shall be allowed. obtrusive light from glare or light trespass to an complex;
• The placement of windows and appropriate area acceptable level. Obtrusive light can have a significant
• The basement shall not extend beyond the plot limit of window openings will be provided to ensure 3. Reduce the scale of street/road lighting (from usual
impact on amenity of residential areas in towns and
line and shall not encroach into easements. compliance with ventilation requirements. standards for roads) and consider height and spacing
• Driveways providing access for emergency and service of lights in relation to buildings, if other requirements
• Use of high performance, low reflectivity E glazing on • For all lighting proposals, the applicant will identify
vehicles shall have a minimum clearance height of 5.5 like visibility, glare, etc. permit it.
exposed windows to reduce heat gain/loss and noise the purpose and use of lights, the potential users of
meters. transmission. 4. Position promotional lighting/signs so that they are
the lighting scheme (e.g. for recreation facilities) and
• A staircase to the main building shall connect with the not visible from open countryside i.e. Concentrate at
• All external glazing shall be double glazed and use low the hours the lights will be in operation. All lighting
basement and a secondary exit shall be provided for public entrance to buildings;
thermally conducive window materials. schemes hours of operation will be expected to be
emergency exit. kept to a minimum. Keeping the use of the lighting 5. Direct all floodlights carefully to where they are most
The use of operable windows in residential building is
to a minimum will reduce the impact the lighting may needed and design equipment to minimise light
required for cleaning and ventilation purposes. Refer to
have on the environment. pollution;
Sustainability Guidelines for opening areas and percentage
9.10.5 Openings and Fenestration requirements. Buildings with all development plots are • Lighting shall be directed downwards wherever 6. Encourage a `rural’ image, with low key lighting in
prohibited from using: possible to illuminate its target. If there is no small developments and on the edges of larger sites
All developments will incorporate fenestration in their and design lighting to be in harmony with the building
• Highly reflective mirrored glazing; alternative to up lighting, then the use of shields and
properties for sunlight, ventilation, and views. These styles;
baffles will help reduce light spill to a minimum. Up
regulations are developed to assist in the control of these • Windows with unreasonable overlook into adjacent lighting is a particularly bad form of obtrusive light and 7. Use a unified lighting scheme, so that the different
features. A major concern is privacy which will be ensured properties.
contributes to sky glow. types of lighting are not intrusive in daytime;
by minimum requirements for window to wall distances.
• Lighting shall be designed so as to minimise the spread 8. Consider timing of lights - avoid any lights being left
of light near to, or above the horizontal. Again any on during daytime and turn off all lights after working
Minimum Setback Distances Required 9.10.6 Lighting light that shines above the horizontal line of the light hours; and
The minimum horizontal distance between a legally The presence of external artificial lighting can very adds to the sky glow effect. 9. Consider design of overall site to minimise use of
required window and any wall opposite such a window beneficial. For example, it enhances public safety of the • Lighting should be designed to the correct standard lighting e.g. segregate pedestrian and vehicular traffic
on the same zoning plot shall not be less than 15 meters. streets and properties, as lighting improves security, and for the task and should not over light. ‘Over’ lighting is and introduce traffic calming measures.
Nor shall any such wall be nearer to such window than so encourages movement, contributes towards safer roads a cause of obtrusive light and also represents a waste
a distance equal to one half the total height of such therefore influencing a reduction in accidents, encourages of money and energy.
people to participate in outdoor working and sports Decorative Building Lighting
wall above the sill level of such window. Such minimum • The main beam angle of all proposed lights directed
distance need not exceed 20 meters. activities in the evening and is actively used to advertise towards any potential observer should be kept below 1. Keep lighting understated and aim to enhance rather
commercial enterprises. Essentially, lighting improves our 70 degrees. It should be noted that the higher the than swamp architectural character.
Minimum distance shall be measure in a horizontal plane
at the sill level of, and perpendicular to, the legally required opportunities giving us a higher quality standard of life. mounting height, the lower the main beam angle 2. Consider timing of lighting - only on special occasions?
window, between window and opposite wall. A legally Despite this, proposals for external artificial lighting - often could be. This will help reduce the effect of glare 3. Direct light carefully, minimising up lighting where
required window is any window or portion thereof that: in sensitive locations - has potentially negative impacts on and light spill on neighbouring dwellings, passing it distorts architectural detailing and design lighting
the environment, for example light pollution or obtrusive motorists, pedestrians, etc. Lighting should be directed scheme to prevent light pollution.
• Opens into any room used for living or sleeping to minimise and preferably avoid light spillage onto
purposes; light. Therefore the following guidelines should be
followed. neighbouring properties. Wherever possible use
• Is required to provide adequate light or ventilation to floodlights with asymmetric beams that permit the Petrol Filling Stations
such room. • Lighting proposals that are near to areas of nature front glazing to be kept at or near parallel to the
conservation importance, e.g. Sites of Special Scientific 1. Canopy lights should be positioned to avoid light spill
surface being lit.
Interest, Nature Reserves and other Wildlife Sites from the sides of the canopy;
will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. • The lights used should be the most efficient required
2. The use of dish diffusers causes some additional glare
External artificial lighting can have severer implications taking into account cost, energy use, colour rendering,
and should be avoided in undeveloped areas;
for the natural diurnal rhythms in a range of animals and the purpose of the lighting scheme required.
3. Reduce lighting or avoid it during daylight hours;
and plants and therefore sites, which are deemed • All lighting schemes should meet British Standards.
4. Integrate design for promotional signage with that of
important in terms of their provision of wildlife, should
the canopy, but ensure signs on canopies do not cause
not be in anyway affected.
additional light spill;

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

9.10.7 Retail Storefronts General Requirements

5. Avoid lighting internal fascia around canopy; It is assumed that the landlord of the retail developer 1. Seating areas of cafés and restaurants should be 5. Adequate lighting shall be provided at field of camera
6. Design and position signs so that they are visible only would design and construct the exterior store-fronts located within the boundary of the plot. Use of so that people/picture is identifiable at any time of the
from the carriageway and not from the surrounding systems. Therefore: the public footpath for seating areas for cafés and day.
landscape; A. The architecture of the base building and the retail restaurants may be permitted, subject to a special use 6. Developers of commercial or residential buildings
7. Co-ordinate security lighting to minimise accumulation façade components shall be maintained; and permit from SEZAD. shall provide their own CCTV management system or
of daytime structures; and B. Tenants will not be allowed to modify or adjust the 2. Outdoor seating areas should be enclosed along sides provide only IP CCTV Cameras.
8. Direct lighting to where it is needed and design storefront construction systems or alter the spacing of facing public footpaths plazas, or along any edges
apparatus to control levels of light spill and glare. the mullions and/or structural members. elevated more than 150mm above the surrounding
surfaces, other than the access points to the area. 9.10.10 Signage
Such enclosure should be in the form of a low fence or
Residential Development There shall be emphasis on individual cutting-edge barrier in keeping with the overall theme and design Purpose
storefront design as an architectural statement: language of the development. The purpose of regulating existing and proposed signs is to
1. Consider whether lighting is required at all, and where
it will be most effective; A. Structural piers and columns shall be minimized as an 3. Access to all such elevated areas should be in promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience
2. Keep lighting in new residential areas in balance with expression; accordance within the Disabled Access guidelines and general welfare by assuring that signs:
that of the District as a whole and lighting on adjacent B. Theme or historicist architecture will be prohibited – provided in earlier sections of this document. • Do not reduce the value or amenity of their
road junctions; unless otherwise required by SEZAD; and 4. Shading of café areas should be provided in surroundings;
3. Consider views from surrounding areas and avoid a C. Ninety (90%) percent of the storefront shall be accordance with the guidelines relating to shading. • Are appropriate to the type of activity to which they
line of lights, defining the edge of a District. transparent vision glass; translucent elements within 5. Café areas should be located to avoid areas likely relate; and
this zone will be allowed as accents or shading to experience heavy pedestrian congestion, such as • Are placed in a safe manner and do not create any
elements. subway entrances or pedestrian crossings. hazardous conditions.
Road Junctions and Access
6. Café areas should be located to avoid areas adjacent
1. Keep number of columns to a minimum - a single to vehicle access points or nearby transit stops.
Consistency within the storefront zone for signage and Types of Sign
column may be sufficient on many small roundabouts; 7. Outdoor seating areas are encouraged to be elevated
lighting will be strongly encouraged;
2. Consider colour of lighting columns in relation to above any adjacent public footpath area 300-600mm There are numerous types of advertising signs. Common
surrounding landscape, i.e. use a dark colour if the A. Primary Signage will be limited to a band of 1.5 meters classification systems based on location, duration, and
to ensure adequate separation of the uses and imbue
columns are set against backdrop of vegetation; in height measured 3.5 meters from the finish floor of content are as follows:
such areas with a sense of privacy and separation.
each floor;
3. ive priority to the use of high pressure sodium lights Location
which give some degree of colour rendition, and to the B. Store designs by tenants shall use the interior display
of merchandise and display fixtures/backdrops as a • Freestanding: these are signs that are not attached to
use of luminaires with full horizontal cut-off, wherever 9.10.9 Security a building or structure other than their own support.
a lit junction is necessary; and storefront image; and
C. Opaque storefront designs shall be prohibited. 1. Every building in the Commercial Zone shall comply to Large advertising billboards are the main freestanding
4. Carry out a visual appraisal and design lighting scheme signs as well as pole signs along highways which are
regulations adopted by the Royal Oman Police and/or
to minimise visual intrusion of light at night and of another common freestanding sign.
additional security regulations by SEZAD.
structures by day.
9.10.8 Outdoor Seating (cafes and 2. Every building in a resident zoning district shall be • Attached: any sign that is attached to a building or
restaurants) provided with CCTV cameras to monitor the following structure. Most signs fall into this category.
Security Lighting areas to comply with prevailing security requirements:
1. Lighting should be controlled by photoelectric switches Outdoor seating areas are provided within the plot oo Car park entry and exit; Duration
and should be on the minimum time setting - avoid boundary for use by patrons of cafés, restaurants and
sensors, which can be tripped by road or footway other such establishments. The following objectives apply oo Car park lift lobby to identify the people • Permanent: Permanent signs are fixed in location to
to outdoor seating: entering; and either the ground or to a building, and are intended to
oo All external entrances to the building to identify remain for an extended period of time. Signs painted
2. Lighting should be directed down and mounted below 1. To provide semi-public seating areas for use by patrons
the people entering the building. on buildings are also considered to be permanent.
the property boundary height. of food and drink establishments.
• Temporary: Temporary signs may include posters,
3. Develop an integrated approach to security lighting, 2. Separation of the semi-public outdoor seating areas
banners, stickers on windows and inflatable balloons.
balancing levels of light with other lighting in and from the public space along footpaths and walkways 3. All mixed-use buildings shall have CCTV recording Many have time-sensitive content. Construction
around the site to avoid glare and light spill as well as to reduce potential disruption to passers-by, and to features as specified by the Royal Oman Police and/or signage is also temporary signage.
dark spots. provide a measure of security and enjoyment for the additional security regulations by SEZAD
café patrons and operators.
4. Consider the use of alternative security measures, such 4. All residential buildings shall have CCTV recording for
as an inside light that is on a time switch, or CCTV. 3. Provide a pleasant environment within semi-public a minimum of 31 days at minimum of 7 frames per
areas for the quiet enjoyment of the boulevard second and CIF resolution.
DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

Content Design Guidance

• Commercial/Advertising: Commercial signs generally Advertisements can be visually good or bad irrespective of • Advertisements fixed above the ground floor will not • Within residential areas, illuminated signs will only
contain messages that are either logos or lettering that how much they cost and regardless of whether the firm normally be allowed, unless they cannot reasonably be be permitted where their design is well related to the
directly or indirectly advertise a commercial activity. or product they advertise is big, small, long established, fixed at a lower level, or if it can be demonstrated that buildings on which they are to be fixed.
most signs in this category are typically advertisements new, traditional, modern, expensive or cheap. A particular they make a positive contribution to the character of • Rotary signs are another type of signage which have
for a business, service or product. design may be appropriate in one location, on a particular an area or a building. interchangeable sign faces and digital video display
• Non-commercial: Non-commercial signs include building, but the same design may appear discordant on • Attention will be paid to the potential impact of the signs that have a digital face (similar to a television
address and historical markers, government flags, and a different building or in a different place. Excessive and advertisement upon pedestrian and vehicular safety. screen) that can change messages or images. Images
political signs, among many others. Regulatory signs, un-coordinated advertising creates visual disorder and can • Advertisements will not normally be allowed to be can be static or moving, or even a video. These types
such as a speed limit or a no parking sign, warning easily defeat its own purpose, which is to attract attention fixed to street furniture. of sign that move, flash, blink and play videos will be
signs informing of hazards like a rail crossing or falling to a particular product, service or place. prohibited in the residential communities and in all
rocks, and guide or wayfinding signs that illustrate In general terms, the quality of advertisements depends other areas except along the Boulevard at key nodes,
distances, places, and destinations, are all examples of primarily on whether they show concern for the buildings Number of Advertisements on a Building or in a subject to the approval of SEZAD.
non-commercial signs. and the areas which they affect and, through this, respect Street • Internally illuminated signs should preferably take the
• On-site: Specific type of sign content portraying for the public to whom they are directed. Therefore, • The number of advertisements should be kept to the form of individually mounted and lit letters or symbols
information found at that location, such as the following these fundamental principles of good design will minimum necessary to convey essential information, on a background made of appropriate materials.
businesses name or logo. lead to visual and commercial success: even in commercial areas. • External illumination is generally preferable; it should
• Off-site: Content advertises information that is not Respecting the Character and Appearance of the Building • Only one advertisement, or one projecting and one be discreetly fixed and the minimum to allow the sign
found at another location or venue. Traditional and Area fascia sign on each principal frontage will normally to be seen at night.
billboards with advertising campaigns fall into this be permitted. The appearance of a large number of • Harsh and gaudy fluorescent colours, unsympathetic to
• Advertisements should respect the character or advertisements on a building or in a street is often
category, as do some wall wraps and street furniture. appearance of the District in which they are located. the host building, should be avoided.
counter-productive because it becomes difficult to
In predominantly residential areas, advertisements will • The colour and brightness of the illumination and its
pick out one individual advertisement and can be
principally be restricted to business premises, and the ability to distract or confuse passing drivers will be
very disruptive to the appearance and architectural
minimum amount of advertising should be used. taken into account.
character of an area.
• In commercial areas of the City, SEZAD will use is • The size of lettering and logos should be in proportion
• When preparing designs for new advertisements, the
to the detailing of the building.
powers flexibly, taking into account the principles
opportunity should be taken to reduce the number of
listed in these guidelines and seeking to ensure that
signs on the building or structure and remove those
advertisements, either individually or cumulatively, are
which are redundant. Fascia Signs
not damaging to the character and appearance of
individual buildings, streets or areas of the City. • In the Civic Boulevard, the retail shopfronts should
• Fixed advertisements should be designed to suit the Materials, Illumination and Detailed Design incorporate the retailers name/the nature of the
scale, proportions, architectural detailing and use of business within the fascia, in a uniform manner and in
• Signage may only be illuminated in the following accordance with the architecture of the host building.
the building (Figure X). Advertisements shall not harm manner:
the character of the building or obscure architectural
i. Internally lit: made of translucent material with
features. Projecting or Hanging Signs
internal lights.
ii. Back lit: Lit in such a way that the external • Signs on hanging boards of modest size and good
Positioning within the Façade or within the Street
source of light illuminates the background of the proportions are a traditional feature of commercial
• Advertisements should be confined to the ground floor sign. streets.
or basement area of buildings. • Projecting signs should normally be located at fascia
iii. Front lit: Lit by spotlights specifically directed at
• Projecting signs should be fixed to the pilasters or the front of the signage. height and preferably on the pilaster, unless this would
columns between buildings, or the fascia above the damage important architectural features.
ground floor window, if one exists. This will ensure • In considering applications for illuminated
advertisements SEZAD will also be concerned to • The minimum height from the pavement and distance
that there is minimal visual clutter and the signage can from the kerb line are shown in Figure -9-7.
be easily read and understood. control any unreasonable intensity of light and its
dazzling effect on drivers. Similarly, any illumination or • It is suggested that hanging signs may be illuminated
signage lighting shall be directed in such a way that by a ‘picture’ strip-light fixed above or below the sign,
it does not impact negatively on the living or working covered by a metal cowl or by a light fixed to the sign.
Figure 9-23: Recommended positioning of projecting signs in relation to the
ascia, pavement and kerb lines conditions of the surrounding building occupants.

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019
09 Architectural Character Guidelines

Signs Unrelated to the Host Building Temporary and Construction Signage Approval Required Maintenance and Removal
• Permanent advertisements or structures fixed to a The guidelines in Table 9-1 set out the regulations for A temporary or permanent sign may be erected, altered, Signage shall be maintained in a secure and safe condition,
building for the display of advertisements unrelated temporary signage. displayed or relocated only after first obtaining an approval be kept clean and tidy, and shall be subject to the
to the business being carried on in the building, are from SEZAD as part of the development approval process following:
discouraged. under these Regulations. Approval is required for all 1. If SEZAD considers that a signage is not secure, safe
Permanent Signage advertising signs, directional and identification signs visible or in a good state of repair or maintenance, written
The guidelines in Table 9-2 set out the regulations for from outside the plot. notice shall be given to the person or entity responsible
Advertisements on the Pavement and Forecourts
permanent signage. The following signs are exempted from this requirement: for the signage setting out a given period within which
• Free-standing signs, such as ‘A’ boards on the public this should be rectified;
highway (which includes the pavement) will be 1. Signs displayed on enclosed land. These would
discouraged, because of the obstruction they cause to Prohibited Signage include those signs which are wholly within individual 2. If the defect is not corrected within the time specified,
pedestrians. building enclosures and which are able to be viewed the approval for the signage may be revoked and the
It is prohibited to erect, alter, display or relocate any of the necessary action taken for it to be removed.
only by the occupants and visitors to that building. For
• Non-illuminated signs on private forecourts are following signage which:
example, within a sports stadium or shopping mall. 3. The cost of removal, storage and disposal shall be
normally allowed, subject to their size and positioning. 1. Does not confirm to the provisions of these 2. Advertisements displayed on or in any vehicle or vessel recovered from the owner by SEZAD.
Regulations. which is normally moving. For example, a bus. 4. Signs pertaining to activities or occupants that are no
Signs on Blinds and Awnings 2. Constitutes a traffic hazard, by reasons of its size, 3. Signs in the form of price tickets or markets, or those longer using a property shall be removed from the
• Blinds and awnings are not the best means for location, projection, content, colour or level of displayed on petrol pumps or vending machines. premises within 30 days after the activity has ceased or
permanent display of advertisements, because they illumination. These signs must not be illuminated and must not the premises have been vacated.
require permanent maintenance and tend to obscure 3. Is fixed to utility poles, trees, stones, bushes, other exceed 0.1sqm in area.
the front of the building and other signs beneath natural features, or to other signs. 4. Traffic, parking, warning, danger, street/road name, Non-Conforming Signs
them. A traditional fascia sign or hanging board, is 4. Obstructs light, air, access or egress from a required utility marker, official signs and legal notices issued or
generally a more effective advertisement than one door, window, or other opening. erected by SEZAD. A non-conforming sign may not be expanded or
appearing on a blind or awning. structurally altered or improved so as to extend its useful
5. Is structurally unsafe or not kept in good repair or 5. A national flag of Oman.
• Blinds and awnings containing signage will only be life, unless it is brought into conformity with these
allowed at ground floor level. Regulations.
6. Advertises a business or product no longer operated or
Hoardings and Posters Required Drawings and Specifications
• Regulations for temporary hoardings and posters is 7. Projects over a public right-of-way more than 1 meter, As part of the Final Design Submission described in
covered within the guidelines set out below. is closer to the curb line than 2.5 meters or closer than Chapter 3 – Planning and Permitting, if signage is required
one meter to any side property line, as measured from as part of the development, a site plan shall be submitted
• Permanent hoardings or posters must relate to the showing the location of the proposed signage, along with
land or its development. Where they do not relate to the farthest projection of the sign.
details of the dimensions, proposed colour, materials, copy,
the land or its development, they are not likely to be 8. Obstructs neighbouring signs or pedestrian traffic, and method of illumination and lux levels (if any).
approved by SEZAD. either physically or visually.
The following drawings and specifications shall be
9. Is mounted on a roof, except with clear SEZAD
submitted for approval.
Language approval.
1. A dimensioned, to scale, drawing of the proposed
• All signs shall be displayed in both Arabic and English, sign(s).
with equivalent translations of all signage content. 2. In the case of a building wall sign(s) (attached
signage), dimensioned elevations drawn to scale, of
the building showing the location of the proposed
sign(s), including details of any projection.

Three copies of drawings will be required to be submitted

unless otherwise indicated by SEZAD.

DUQM CITY - Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework, Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy
February 2019

09 Architectural Character Guidelines

Highest Highest
Maximum Point Maximum Point
Class Type Maximum Size Other Requirements Illumination Class Type Maximum Size Other Requirements Illumination
Number Above Number Above
Ground Ground
Advertising Ground, Wall, 1 per street Plots up to 2.5m Must relate to the None Identification Wall / 1 per street 1.0sqm in open 3.0m Shall be permanently Front
Real Estate Window frontage 2,000sqm - 1.0sqm property on which it is permitted Address boundary wall address space and displayed above internally lit
0.5% of the plot for located. Nameplate community facilities or adjacent to the individual
plots <2,000sqm Must be removed zones main entrance of the letters
on or before sale is 0.5sqm in residential 1.5m building.
Up to a maximum of
4.0sqm completed. zones Shall be permanently Front lit / back
displayed above or lit / internal
Advertising Ground, Wall, 1 per plot Plots up to 3.5m Must advertise only Internally adjacent to the main
Construction or Window 2,000sqm - 1.0sqm the name, address illuminated driveway or pedestrian
Contractor 0.5% of the plot for and other similar gateway.
plots <2,000sqm data concerning the
architect, builder or Identification Ground 1 per plot 2.0sqm for plots up 2.5m Shall not be located Front lit / back
Up to a maximum of owner, the job, facility Free standing pedestal to 2,000sqm within any driveway or lit / internal
10.0sqm or project. 3.0sqm for multi- roadway. illumination
Single tenant
Must be removed no tenant sign Shall be sited at a
(non-residential minimum of 3 meters
later than 10 days uses only) 0.1% of the plot
after construction area for plots in behind the property
ends. excess of 2,000sqm line.

Temporary Displayed to 1 per 2sqm or if two signs N/A Must not project No Not to exceed
Advert advertise a building are joined together, further than 1m from 10sqm
forthcoming a total area of the building’s façade
event or to 2.3sqm
Directional Ground As 0.2% of plot area 3.5m Shall bear no Front lit/back
approved advertising message lit/internal
advertise a by SEZAD
use of the
subject site.
Advertisements Balloon 1 per As approved by As Must not be displayed As approved
building SEZAD approved for more than 10 days by SEZAD Advertisements On premises As TBD TBD TBD
by SEZAD in any one calendar approved
year by SEZAD
Table 9-1: Temporary signage Advertisements Off-site / 20sqm 6m As approved
– billboards freestanding by SEZAD
Table 9-2: Permanent signage

Duqm City, Sultanate of Oman
Stage 4 Report: Final Master Plan and Development Framework,
Schematic Engineering Design and Governance Strategy

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