Importer Terms and Agreement Form Rev01
Importer Terms and Agreement Form Rev01
Importer Terms and Agreement Form Rev01
This document outlines the Terms applicable to an Electric Vehicle Importer (the“Importer”) wishing
to participate in SEAI’s Electric Vehicle Grant Scheme (the “Scheme”). The term Electric Vehicle is
used to imply both Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles.
Importers wishing to participate in the Scheme must read each of the Terms included in this
document then complete, sign and return the form to the following address:
A scanned copy of this document together with electronic copies of the supplementary
documentation may be emailed to:
End of Life Vehicle Regulations - for Importers with a turnover < €1m and Y/N?
not already registered nationwide with local authorities, please provide a
copy of the Agreement with Partner to manage End of Life Vehicles as
per Articles 9(12) and 11(8) of the End-of-Life Vehicle Regulations
Current List of Authorised Dealer(s) (with names, addresses and contact Y/N?
details for SEAI communication)
The Vehicle Registration Form must be submitted in full with copies of all supplementary Vehicle
Certificates and Reports. In addition all requests for additional information or clarifications related
to the submitted details must be facilitated.
It is recognised that the EuroNCAP Ratings are provided independently for the benefit of consumers
and at the discretion of EuroNCAP. These are non-mandatory tests which are performed following
entry into service of any particular model. The EuroNCAP Star Rating is based on a series of crash
tests (front, side, pole) which asses the vehicle on its abilities in four areas namely: Adult Protection,
Child Protection, Pedestrian Protection and Safety Assist.
In the mandatory EU Whole Vehicle Type Approval (WVTA) process, Passenger Vehicles (M1) are
required to pass Frontal, Side, and Pedestrian impact assessments which mirror some of the
EuroNCAP tests. Light Commercial Vehicles (N1) up to 2,500kg Gross Vehicle Weight is required to
pass Side and Pedestrian impacts only.
For the above reasons, M1 vehicles complying with the requirements of the WVTA process will be
deemed eligible for this scheme until it has been shown otherwise that a EuroNCAP Star Rating of
less than 3 is achieved for the vehicle. Similarly, for the case of N1 vehicles only those which are
derived from an M1 vehicle and have achieved EU WVTA certification will be deemed eligible for this
scheme unless a Star Rating of less than 3 is achieved for the vehicle.
It is recognised that EV Connection Standards are still in a developmental stage within the EU. In lieu
of these standards being agreed internationally and in order to facilitate entry into service of EVs in
Ireland within the preferred timescales, the table below provides a summary of the electrical
connection standards which are required for EVs to operate with Ireland’s EV Infrastructure1.
230 32 1 7.4 3 2 1
230 16 3 11 3 2 2
230 32 3 22 3 2 2
230 16 3 11 3 2 2
230 32 3 22 3 2 2
1. As specified by the infrastructure provider
2. Modes as defined in IEC 61851-1
3. Defined in JEVS (Japan Electric Vehicle Standard) G105-1993
4. Types as defined in IEC 61851, IEC 62196 and the type used for Ireland’s infrastructure
5. See and JEVS G105-1993
6. For Domestic/On-Street charging, there is some flexibility on Vehicles plug/sockets type, however, the
Grid plug/socket type will be a mandatory requirement for vehicle acceptance to the EV Grant Scheme