PAD 120 Assignment 1 - 4 (FOUR) FUNCTION OF THE STATE
PAD 120 Assignment 1 - 4 (FOUR) FUNCTION OF THE STATE
PAD 120 Assignment 1 - 4 (FOUR) FUNCTION OF THE STATE
AM110 (QAMP 2)
PAD120 (QAMP2)
The central concern of political science is the State. It is a natural institution because it
is rooted in the reality of human nature. The state also a necessary institution because it
is the means through which people can meet their necessities of life and can strive for
good life.
According to Greek Philosophers Plato and Aristotle the state existed for the purpose of
seeking common good and moral perfection. To them the state is not a merely a
Max Weber (1864 – 1920) defines the state is the product of class contradictions and
class struggle and is controlled by the economically dominant class. To Max Weber, the
state is a “human community that claims the monopoly of legitimate use of physical
Robert Alan Dahl (1915- 2014) influenced by Weber, viewed the state as a collection of
individuals occupying role positions (those of governing authority) and acting as a group
to govern.
ordered and which is able to mobilize the means of violence to sustain that rule.
There are four functions of the state. First, the aspect of the (I) Agent of Modernization.
and belief concerned with the making and authoritative policy and the pursuit and
However, agent of modernization also plays the roles which it planned with the
introducing the new ways and technologies to use in the administrative system of the
state. In the case of Malaysia, there are few agencies able to make changes in the
modernizations. For example, in economic aspect they are under The Economic
Planning (EPU) is to formulate public policies with regard of economic planning of the
strategic and sustainable manner. The EPU main function is to examine the annual
economic development programs and projects of state and the economic policy.
The modernization also happened when we have agencies like The Malaysian
public policy are implemented and executed according by the operational agency and
the smooth running of development programs and projects which their mission
of organizational management.
although modernization generally results in the increase of wealth and prosperity but it
also can create tension and disorganization among the citizens of different classes.
Second, the function of state (II) Legislate Laws. The laws enacted by the legislature
and by the bodies and by persons authorized by the legislature to be observed by the
people. It has the legal power to for the people to abide by these laws.
Enforcing the laws are very important in-order to for the public to develop well and to be
successful. These laws will guide the public to establish acceptable act of behaviors.
Without the laws, there will be disorder, violence, corruption, fraud and chaos as the
people would do whatever they want to do. That’s why enforcing the laws is very crucial.
Enforcing laws is to prevent the state from becoming lawless country where only the
strongest of the society would thrive. It also to prevent the public from becoming
The State provided national security and common defense in-order to preserve unity,
integrity and peace for example in Malaysia, The Royal Malaysia Police and Malaysian
Armed Forces. Those who dare to against or disobey the laws will be punished by the
state. In this case, the public need laws to live in group without conflict and according to
Philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1600) “without an authority to protect the people from one
and another, life was nasty, brutish and short” (Leviathan Ch. VI).
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In Malaysia, we have the law that protect each and everyone in the state of Malaysia.
For example, law to protect children or The Child Act 2001 (611) / Akta Kanak-Kanak
2001 (611). The Child Act is the country's legislation for the protection, care and
best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development as well as respect
for the views of the child.[11]. Other child-related legislation in Malaysia include the
Adoption Act 1952, Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act 2007, Child Care Centres Act 1984,
Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966; Domestic Violence Act 1994,
Education Act 1996 and the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territory) Act 1984 (“IFLA”)
[Act 303].[10] . These laws are public regulation and it is used to control human
Third function of state is to provide a (III) Framework for Social Conduct. The State
need to come up with framework for social conduct in order to maintain peace and
harmony among people from various background, religion, races or culture and
understanding can stay together peace and harmoniously through the state’s own
traditions, culture and heritage that will be inherited from present generation to future
To achieve harmonious environment, all conduct must conform to the law prescribed
where the public must obey the rules and laws of the state of the country. Laws is a
By abiding the law, racism can be avoided and prevent so that stability and prosperity
country which the people of Malaysia practice various religions. The fact that Malaysia
practices mixed religion makes it have a unique Malaysia culture. Even though Malaysia
is a multi-racial and multi-cultural country, there are still a few issues related to racism
and religion that had happened in the past, as well as in the present.
The purpose of people live together peacefully cannot be realized unless they are
properly organized and accept certain rules of conduct. Leaders ruling multi-racial and
The chances to maintaining democracy is hard to achieve due to the problem created
by the political leaders. For example in Malaysia, political leaders have used ethnic
identity as a political theme in their agenda for more than half a century, even more so
by and among Malay politicians (Noor,2009). It was a way for them to hold on to power.
During the Malaysian general election in 2018, a better inter-ethnic relationship is seen,
as evident to and resulting in the change of government. However, it was also due to
this that the ruling party at that time tried to use religious politics, fearing the masses
who were warming up to candidates of a different ethnicity than their own (J. C. H.
Lee, 2018)
The interplay between race and religion in Malaysian society has been ongoing for
decades, discrimination based on race and religion are normal occurrences. It is difficult
important to provide framework to the people from various background, races, culture
and understanding to accept the cultures and belief of the others and also through the
doctrine of social conduct and the democracy practice in the state. At the same time,
the citizens are free to practice their own religion, tradition, culture and native language
The fourth and last function of the State is (IV) Sense of Togetherness. The people stay
togetherness makes them believe need one another. A state is formed to provide sense
humans need other people in order to live’. The forming of the state makes people safe,
secured and strong to be together. For example, Malaysia will be stronger nation if there
is greater sense of togetherness among the people, said Malaysia’s former Prime
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak during national-level Malaysia Day 2016 celebration at
the Bintulu Old Airport. - Bernama (2016, September 16) Najib: Greater sense of
Sense of togetherness is very important to enhance the people well fare, safety and
social unity among the people in the state. It was very crucial for the people from
various background to work together to preserve unity of the nation to ensure prosperity
for all. It is impossible to develop the country if the people did not cooperate to work
together as a citizen of the country. The people need to work together through mutual
respect and understanding for the progress of the country. This sense of togetherness
gives the people the feeling of pride, loyalty and love to the state in terms of other words
the state function. It is state that are authoritarian or democratic and it is state function
that exhibit the institutional features. These features aim to influenced and control and
that social movements and revolution aim to transform. These 4 (Four) function of the
state are the keys factors in economic and social development, and they shaped the
experiences of the people, resident, and still other individuals. The state function is the
However, the state function has limits to what it can do. The state function, as stated
above, though it universal and easy to implement yet it has limited agency. It limited by
the means at its disposal. It limited by the custom of the citizens in the state.
The function also limited by the fear of resistance and it is limited by the existence of
Robert Morrison MacIver (1882-1970) “It is needless and futile to concentrate in one
agency all the activities of life. Certain tasks the instrument can perform, but badly and
clumsily - we do not sharpen our pencils with an axe. Other task it cannot perform at all
To Robert Morrison MacIver (1882-1970) there are certain functions which only state
can perform; others, which it is wholly incapable of performing and those which it can
As we refer back to the functions which the State should not undertake, Robert Morrison
MacIver (1882-1970) says, “The State should not seek to control public opinion, no
matter what the opinion may be,” provided there is “no incitement to break its laws or
defy its authority.” “The desire of law breaking is to attack the fundamental order, the
establishment of which is the first business of the state, and for preservation of which it
Lastly, in order to have peaceful and harmonious country the state should not interfere
with the culture and tradition. The state should not interfere with the culture and tradition
directly to prevent racial issues and chaos within the country. The state has no right to
and little power to interfere with the people culture and tradition or to destroy it, although
indirectly it influences culture and tradition by changing the conditions out of which
spring. If the culture and tradition being discriminate, this action will attack the law in
turn. The attacks not only the particular law which opposes it but what is more vital
The state has even less much control over that minor and changeful form of culture and
people will follow eagerly the dictates of fashion proclaimed by some unknown coterie in
PAD120 (QAMP2)
Paris or London or New York, but were the state to decree changes in themselves so
However, the state also cannot create new culture because culture is the expression of
the spirit of a people or of an age. The culture is the work of the people from various
religion and background substained by inner forces far more potent than the political
laws. Art, literature and native music do not come directly within the purview of the
state. In these activities a civilization goes it own way, responsive to the influences and
conditions for the most uncomprehended and uncontrolled by the state itself.
The conclusion is the function of the state plays important role in-order to maintain
peace and harmony. It also fulfils the security and welfare needs of the people. The
state must control the external conditions of social living which are universal concern in
view of acknowledged objects of human desire. The people must abide the law in-order
to prevent social disorder, violence, corruption, fraud, chaos and racial issues. The
people also need to work together regardless of their background so that the country
economics and development grow smoothly in line with other developed countries.
Max Weber, “Politics as a Vocation,” in H.H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills, eds., From Max
Robert Dahl, Who Governs? Democracy and Power in An American City (New Haven,
Abdul Rashid Moten, Syed Serajul Islam. 2011. Introduction to Political Science,
Robert Morrison MacIver, 1926. The Modern State, United Kingdom: Read Books Ltd.