Emerging Food

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1. What is the meaning of the title of this course?

The title emerging food not only means a food that is in vogue recently but
also why these foods were created for what needs. The creation of an
emerging food product is based on changes in food demand with age,
weather, and other factors. The created dish must also be suitable for each
person's health status. At the same time, in order to build successful products,
it is necessary to observe the situation and needs of the people, just like after
the time of covid 19, people gradually changed their perception of food and
made careful food choices to secure their needs. safe products for health.
From there, foods with higher nutritional value were born. And also in the last
few years, consumers gradually accept and expand the market for plant-
based products, and with the increasing demand, food engineers like us have
created many products of plant origin.
Post-harvest is about technology to make post-harvest products such as
vegetables and fruits achieve the highest yield and minimize losses in the
post-harvest process.
2. What is plant-based food?
Plant-based or plant-forward eating patterns focus on foods primarily from
plants. This includes not only fruits and vegetables, but also nuts, seeds, oils,
whole grains, legumes, and beans. It also comes from fungi, yeast mold, and
bacteria like fermentation food. Protein is based on the fermentation of food.

Many protein alternative types are used in plant-based food such as soy
protein, pea protein, vegetable protein, potato protein, bean protein, and
sunflower protein,… But the most widely used alternative protein is soy
protein. In comparison to other plant-based proteins, soy protein provides the
most complete nutrients in terms of amino acids, compared to animal
sources. Soy contains almost every amino acid, with only one minor
exception, methionine, which is an essential amino acid, and what we call a
limiting amino acid. Other plant-based proteins may miss two, three, or even
four different essential amino acids. You can easily get all essential amino
acids in a meal by mixing plant-based proteins or by pairing soy-based
proteins with grains.
Upon extrusion process, soy-based proteins undergo a series of
physicochemical changes to form fibrous anisotropic structure, the texture of
which becomes very similar to meat products. When modified chemically or
enzymatically, soy protein can further develop sensory characteristics that
can mimic real meat. This is very easy to do for soy protein, but more
challenging for many other plant proteins. A lot of food companies nowadays
are trying to develop meat alternatives, and soy-based protein is just the top
choice for the food industries.
3. How does plant-based food develop in Vietnam? Talk a little about some
names of companies in VN or the world.
A surprising statistic for me is that the growth rate and market expansion of
plant-based food in Vietnam is extremely fast from 2020-2025, the product
value is 249 million USD, but just after only 5 years to 2025, this number has
gone up to 550 million $. Here is a table of figures for 2021 showing that
Vietnamese people are very interested and enthusiastic about plant-based
food products: ( in one survey about plant-based food in VN more than 86%
of people like plant-based food alternatives)

To meet that demand of consumers, a series of vegetarian food production

companies were born as follows are the top 5 leading vegetarian food companies in
 Au Lac Vegetarian Food
 Saigon Food Joint Stock Company
 Dung Dai Company
 Dai Binh Duong Food Company
 Bong Mai Food Company
4. What is cell-based food?
Cell-based food production, also known as cellular agriculture, involves culturing
cells isolated from animals followed by processing to produce food products that
are comparable to the corresponding animal versions, such as meat, poultry,
aquatic products, daily products and eggs. Cell-based food products may be
called with a modifier such as "cultured" or "cultivated" followed by the name of
the commodity, such as meat, chicken, fish and so forth.

As the global demand for proteins grows, many in the food sector are looking into
opportunities to expand the scope of diverse sources of proteins that can be both
environmentally sustainable and nutritionally sound. The commercial landscape
for cell-based food is fast expanding with various companies developing assorted
products around the world, with the first cell-based chicken nuggets approved in
Singapore since December 2020.
5. Why does food engineering also consider the population?
The change in population and distribution of population in urban cities or
countries also affects the food trend because in each living place, people also
have different food behavior. Flow one research that in 2050 we’ll have
denser poulation live in urban cities ( more than 70% of people to live in
megacities). And follow the data sheet about the Vietnamese customer trend
2020, the demand for food increases 5 times compared to the population.
This urban food market is always in rapid growth momentum. At the same
time, along with this outstanding development, customers have more and
more changes in food needs. Unlike before, food only needs to meet the
demand for fullness, now customers are also interested in other issues such
as food safety, good taste, and clear product information,... Customers know
what they need to pay for, so they are willing to spend more money to buy
quality products. For example, the same tomato, but the customer agrees to
spend twice as much to buy the same products with labeling organic product.
Understanding those needs, we should improve food production technologies
and make breakthroughs in creating new products.

6. Why do people want to eat plant-based food? Why do we need to create

plant-based food?
This strong development of plant-based food from many reasons such as health
protection, religious beliefs, meal renewal, helping to reduce animal damage,
helping to lose weight, self-meditation… But the biggest cause probably comes
from the love of animals and the desire to minimize the number of animals killed,
because 89% for the key reason for animal welfare and then 64% for the
environment. People's worldviews and thinking are increasingly renewed, they
not only need to eat well but also eat deliciously and cleanly, and also have the
need to love animals and preserve their nature. These numbers suggest that
more plant-based products should be created and expanded in the food market
to meet the increased demand for this product line by customers.

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