Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
1. Time Complexity
2. Space Complexity
(ii) Does it work correctly according to the original specifications of the task?
(iii) Is there documentation which describes how to use it and how it works?
(iv) Are subroutines created in such a way that they perform logical sub-functions?
The above criteria are all vitally important when it comes to writing software, most
especially for large systems. Though we will not be discussing how to reach these goals,
one has to try to achieve them while, writing a program.. Hopefully this more subtle
approach will gradually infect your own program writing habits so that you will
automatically strive to achieve these goals.
The analysis of running time generally has received more attention than memory and we
will follow the same practice here. This is justified by the fact that many programs of
interest have relatively modest memory requirements. Also any program that uses
extremely large amounts of memory automatically requires a lot of time.
Some of algorithms discussed in data structure book are straightforward while others are
complicated and tricky but virtually all have complexity of 0(n 3 ) where ii defines the
size of input data. There is another class oil problems, called NP complete whose
complexity may be described by exponential time.
• Define time and space complexity
• How to analyse small programs
• Define what is NP-Complete problem
• List NP-Complete Problems
for 1 = 1 to ii do for 1 = 1 to n do
x=x+1 for j = 1 to n do
x=x+1 end x = x +1
(a) (b) (c)
In program (a) we assume that the statement x = x+1 is not contained within any loop either
explicit or implicit. Then its frequency count is one. In program (b) the same statement will be
executed n times and in program (c) n2 are said to be different and increasing orders of magnitude
just like 1, 10, 100 would be if we let n = 10. In our analysis of execution we will be concerned
chiefly with determining the order of magnitude of an algorithm. This means determining those
statements which may have the greatest frequency count.
The following formulas are useful in counting the steps executed by an algorithm:
To clarify some of these ideas, let us look at a simple program for computing the n-th Fibonacci
number. The Fibonacc sequence starts as
Each new term is obtained by taking the sum of the two previous terms. If we call the first term of
the sequence Fo then Fo = 0, F1, = 1 and in general
The program on the following page takes any non-negative integer n and prints the value F..
The first problem in beginning an analysis is to determine some reasonable values of n. A
complete set would include four cases: n < 0, n = 0, n = 1 and n > 1. Below is a table which
summarises the frequency counts for the first three cases.
These three cases are not very interesting. None of them exercises the program very
much. Notice, though, how each if statement has two parts: the if condition and the then
clause. These may have different execution counts. The most interesting case for analysis
comes when n > 1. At this point the for loop will actually be entered. Steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 7
and 9 will be executed once, but steps 4, 6 and 8 not at all. Both commands in step 9 are
executed once. Bow, for n > = 2 how often is step 10 executed: not n - 1 but n times.
Though 2 to n is only n - 1 executions, remember that there will be a last return to step 10
where i is incremented to n + 1, the test 1 > n made and the branch taken to step 15. Thus,
steps 11, 12, 13 and 14 will be executed n - 1 times but step 10 will be done n times. We
can summarise all of this with a table.
Each statement is counted once, so step 9 has 2 statements and is executed once for a
total of 2, Clearly, the actual time taken. by each statement will vary. The for statement is
really a combination of several statements, but we will count it as one. The total count
then is 5n + 5. We will often write this as 0(n), ignoring the two constants 5. This notation
means that the order of magnitude is proportional to n.
Definition: f(n) = 0(g(n)) iff there exist two constants c and no such that f(n)≤
cg(n)for all n ≥ n0.
f(n) will normally represent the computing time of some algorithm. When we say that the
computing time of an algorithm is 0(g(n)), we mean that its execution takes no more than
a constant time g(n). n is a parameter which characterises the inputs and / or outputs. For
example n might be the number of inputs or the number of outputs or their sum or the
magnitude of one of them. For the Fibonacci program n represents the magnitude of the
input and the time for this program is written as T(FIBONACCI) = 0(n).
We write 0(1) to mean a computing time which is a constant. 0(n) is called linear, 0(n2) is
called quadratic, 0(n3) is called cubic and 0(2n) is called exponential. If an algorithm
takes time 0(log n) it is faster, for sufficiently large n, than if it had taken 0(n). Similarly,
0(n log n) is better than 0(n2) but not as good as 0(n). These seven computing times, 0(1),
0(log n), 0(n), 0(n log n), 0(n2), 0(n3) and 0(2n ) are the ones which are usually referred in
data structure book.
If we have two algorithms which perform the same task, and the first has a computing
time which is 0(n) and the second O (n2)then we will usually take the first as superior.
The reason for this is that as n increases the time for the second algorithm will get far
worse than the time for the first. For example, if the constant for algorithms one and two are
10 and 1/2 respectively, then we get the following table of computing times:
n 10n n2/2
1 10 1/2
5 50 12-1/2
10 100 50
15 150 112-
20 200 200
25 250 312-11
30 300 450
for n ≤ 20, algorithm two had a smaller computing time but once past that point algorithm one
became better. This shows why we choose the algorithm with the smaller order of magnitude, but
we emphasise that this is not the whole story. For small data sets, the respective constants must be
carefully determined. In practice these constants depend on many factors, such as the language
and the machine one is using. Thus, we will usually postpone the establishment of the constant
until after the program has been written Then a performance profile can be gathered using real
time calculation.
Figures 3 and 4 show how the computing times (counts) grow with a constant equal to one.
how the times O(n) and O(n log n) grow much more slowly than the others For large data sets,
algorithms with a complexity greater than O(n log n) are often impractical. An algorithm which is
exponential will work only for very small inputs. For exponential algorithms, even if we improve
the constant, say by 1/2 or 1/3), we will not improve the amount of data we can handle by very
Given an algorithm, we analyse the frequency count of each statement and total the sum.
This may give a polynomial
where the cj are constants. ck ≠ 0 and n is a parameter. Using bio-ch notation, P(n) =
0(n2). On the other hand, if any step is executed 2n times or more the expression
Another valid performance measure of an algorithm is the space it requires. Often one
can trade space for time, getting a faster algorithm but using more space. In the next
section we will discuss it in detail.
II. Variable space requirements: This component consists of the s pace needed by
structured variables whose size depends on the particular instance 1, of the problem
being solved. It also includes the additional space required when a function uses
The term NP-Complete is often used but not always well understood. In practical terms,
an NP- problem is one that can be solved by computer only by waiting all
extra-ordinarily long time for its solution. Some-of the algorithms discussed in the data
structure book are straightforward while others are complicated and tricky, but virtually
all have complexity is 0(n3), where ii is the appropriately defined input size.
NP-Complete problems are concerned with problems whose complexity may be
described by exponential functions, problems for which the best known algorithms would
require many years for moderately large inputs.
In reality NP contains an infinite number of problems. Some of them are well known
travelling salesperson problem and the graph colouring problem; and like them there are
many other problems. Let us understand a bit about a graph colouring problem.
Here N stands for nondeterministic and P stands for Polynomial time. The class NP may be
defined as the set of all decision problems that can be solved by non deterministic computer in
polynomical time.
In this unit, we discussed issues related to analysis of algorithms. We took a simple example and
analysed its time complexity. We also discussed in brief about problems of type P-Completeness.