Chemistry Report - Water Purification
Chemistry Report - Water Purification
Chemistry Report - Water Purification
Table of Contents
- Water is all over the planet, but not always accessible for human use
- Methods of Water Treatment Commonly in Use
- Antigua and Barbuda, a Very Dry Twin Island State
Water is all over the planet, but not always accessible for human
Water is abundant on and under the Earth’s surface, but the vast majority of it
(99%) is solid frozen in ice caps and glaciers, or present as salt water in oceans and
lagoons. Ocean water contains about 35 grams per litre (4.5 ounces per gallon) of
dissolved minerals or salts, making it unfit for drinking and for most industrial or
agricultural uses (Britannica, 2023).
Although the quantity of available fresh water (defined as water containing less
than 3 grams of salt per litre) is enough to satisfy the needs of all humans on the
planet, this water is unequally distributed and is not always available to those in
need in suitable quanta, which can result in water scarcity in drier areas on the
globe. Water is needed to meet the domestic, public, commercial and industrial
needs of a population. There is not always enough fresh water available to meet
these needs, thus water must be treated or purified to achieve a quality that
meets specified goals.
Antigua and Barbuda experiences a dry, tropical maritime climate with one of the
lowest annual rainfalls in the Caribbean at a range from 890 to 1400 mm and an
average annual rainfall of 1040 mm. Barbuda is even drier and has an annual
average rainfall between 750 and 950 mm (United Nations Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2007). Currently, the nation
requires 7 million imperial gallons a day (APUA, 2023).
Historically, the people of Antigua and Barbuda obtained their drinking water
from rainwater and from natural springs. Rainwater was collected in large
catchment systems, which consisted of sloping roofs and gutters that funnelled
the rainwater into large storage tanks. The water was then treated with lime or
bleach to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms.
In addition to collecting rainwater, the people of Antigua and Barbuda also used
natural springs as a source of drinking water. The water from these springs was
naturally filtered by the surrounding rock and soil, making it relatively clean and
safe to drink.
Today, the sources used for water supply are surface water, groundwater,
harvested rainwater and desalinated water. The Antigua Public Utilities Authority
estimates that its five RO plants and two water treatment plants have a total
installed capacity of 8.83 million imperial gallons a day, however this number is
greatly affected by factors such as sea conditions and the age of the plants. There
are no perennial rivers in Antigua and all major streams are intermittent and yield
very small quantities of fresh water for a few months after heavy rainfalls (United
Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2007). As a
drought-prone nation, there is a heavy reliance on desalinated water because of a
shortage of freshwater for domestic water supply. In Barbuda, water is supplied
from a single well that serves the most populous area of the island, Codington
(Pure Aqua, n.d.). Ground water is generally saline with the notable exception of
the shallow aquifers of Palmetto Sands, a 600 ha area of beach sands on the
southwestern shore (Cooper, Brian and Bowen, Vincent, 2001).
In Antigua and Barbuda pure water for drinking or industry can is obtained from
seawater by desalination. Desalination refers to the process by which dissolved
salts are removed from seawater and in some cases from the brackish (slightly
salty) waters to produce potable water (Britannica, 2019). Various wide-scale
methods of desalination include ion exchange, electrodialysis, and distillation
which is very energy intensive. In the Caribbean, reverse osmosis is the most
common technique for the purification of saline water.
Description of process
Figure 1: The Sir Ivan Rodrigues Reverse Osmosis Plant. Photo Credits: Razonique Looby
The RO process involves several steps, but the process begins at the intake
pipelines. In the Antiguan Ivan Rodriguez RO Plant these intake pipes are 30-25
feet deep, 100 yards out with a filter on the end. They are black pipes made out of
specialised material to manage weight. The material most often used globally for
these pipelines is high density polyethylene (HDPE or PE). The end of the pipe
lays approximately six feet off the bottom of the ocean on a concrete slab. Every
three months, a scuba diver comes to the RO plant to clear the stainless screen
filter at the end of the pipeline. Water for desalination is taken from wells on the
coast, therefore the wells are monitored for saltwater intrusion by the APUA.
The feed pumps below ground level pull water in. There are four such pumps,
each goes to a different unit. After intake, the water must be prefiltered to
remove larger impurities before it is put through the membrane.
Stages of Filtration
Figure 2: Diagram showing different methods of filtration and the particle sizes they are
used to separate. Credits: Freshwater Systems
Now purified, water is stored in large tanks (at a pressure of 125 PSI) which hold
about 20 ft of water minimum and are never full, as water is always continuously
leaving. Chlorine is added to the water which leaves the tanks to ensure that
pipes are kept clean and to disinfect the water, reducing residuals. Product
pumps, aided by booster pumps take product water from the tank and send it to
the valves, then to houses.
Brine is removed via outtake pipes which are quite similar to the intake pipes
described previously and are installed at the same depth and distance. The
further out you carry the outtake, the better.
The process is continuous; no delays possible because all pumps must be running
to disallow capacitation. The entire procedure from intake to outtake will be
three/four minutes.
Surface and Groundwater
Surface Water
Surface water reservoirs are built by blocking the flow of water by a dam, creating
an artificial lake. Conservation reservoirs in Antigua such as Potworks Dam and
Wallings Reservoir store water from periods of heavy rainfall for use during times
of drought. A water intake structure is built within the reservoir, with inlet ports
and valves at several depths. Surface water usually needs more extensive
treatment than does groundwater, because it does not undergo the natural
filtration that groundwater does and reservoirs in Antigua are often quite
polluted. Common pollutants include suspended silt, organic material, decaying
vegetation, and microbes from animal wastes. The clearer the water is, the less
turbid; the less clear it is, the more turbid. The very small particles of water
contaminants are negatively charged and the repulsive forces between them
help to keep them in suspension. The coagulant aluminium sulphate (alum) is
added which forms highly positively charged ions in water which destabilise the
charge on the surface of the particles (Manning, 2003). Then, attractive forces
between the alum ions and particles cause the particles to agglomerate and
replace the repulsive forces creating larger particles called floc. This process is
called flocculation. The water is then sent to a sedimentation tank where the
dense floc particles readily settle in water due to gravity. Potassium
permanganate and chlorine are added to adjust taste and colour as desired. The
water is then filtered to remove the flocs, after which it is stored in underground
storage tanks called clearwells where it is disinfected with chlorine before
Figure 8: Maps of Antigua and Barbuda showing the location of water bodies
The quality of an aquifer for the sourcing of groundwater is dependent on the
porosity of the geologic stratum, or layer, of which it is formed (Britannica, 2023).
Water is withdrawn from an aquifer by pumping it out of a well. In Antigua,
groundwater is obtained from a number of wells drilled to depths between 24
and 30 m in depth. A submersible pump driven by an electric motor can be used
to raise the water to the surface. Sometimes a deep well may penetrate an
artesian aquifer, in which case natural hydrostatic pressure raises the water to the
surface. Groundwater is usually free of microbes and suspended solids because of
the natural filtration which occurs as water moves through soil, though it often
contains relatively high concentrations of dissolved minerals from its direct
contact with soil and rock. It may also absorb gases such as hydrogen sulphide
and methane. In populated areas the quality of surface water as well as
groundwater is directly influenced by land use and by human activities.
In Antigua, wells are pumped to get rain water but a problem may arise when a
well is overdrawn and the water becomes salty. By the time water enters the
water table, it is clear. All that is left to do to the water is to chlorinate it. Chlorine
kills microbes via a series of steps where the cell wall barrier is first disrupted by
reactions of chlorine which break down chemical bonds in their molecules. This
results in the release of vital cellular constituents from the cell and the
subsequent death of the microorganism.
Pros Cons and Recommendations
Reverse Osmosis
1. Can remove almost all types of contaminants including minerals, bacteria,
viruses, and chemicals.
2. Has a high-rate rejection rate of up to 99%.
3. Uses a simple and convenient process that ensures water quality.
1. High initial and ongoing operational costs.
2. Produces a lot of wastewater by-products.
3. Requires specialised maintenance and cleaning.
4. There are some limitations to its effectiveness, such as its inability to remove
certain volatile organic compounds and some heavy metals.
1. Does not remove all types of contaminants
2. Can cause by-product formation in water
3. Has difficulty in removing dissolved organic matter
Groundwater Treatment
1. Can be used for public water systems and small-scale residential systems.
2. Usually has a lower need for chemical use since the groundwater quality is
relatively cleaner.
3. Groundwater is usually available throughout the year and is reliable.
1. Can have high levels of naturally occurring contaminants which require
additional treatment.
2. Requires well drilling which can be expensive.
3. Contamination can occur due to groundwater movement and extraction.
Water purification is a complex process which involves taking water from a
source and removing impurities, improving taste, colour, smell, appearance and
finally disinfection. In Antigua and Barbuda, water is sourced for the usage of the
population from the sea via desalination by reverse osmosis and the treatment of
ground and surface water. As a drought prone maritime country, most of our
water supply comes from desalination, with a lesser percentage being supplied
by groundwater wells. Reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane to
remove impurities from water. The process works by applying pressure to the
feed water, forcing it through the membrane, and leaving behind a concentrated
salt solution and purified water. This process requires large amounts of energy.
Surface and groundwater treatment in Antigua are much simpler processes.
Surface water treatment involves the addition of a coagulant to water which
destabilises suspended particles and causes them to clump together as larger
flocs, which can then be easily removed through sedimentation and filtration
processes. Groundwater treatment simply involves the addition of chemicals such
as potassium permanganate and chlorine to adjust taste and appearance, then
disinfection. These processes are not without their downfalls. Less toxic modes of
disinfection may be employed (such as UV, ozone etc) in place of chlorine. RO is
immensely expensive and energy intensive, well-drilling is expensive, and organic
contaminants and other impurities may remain in water after treating surface
water. Water purification in Antigua is far from perfect, but there is room for
improvement. As it stands, Antiguan purification processes are heavily reliant on
energy from fossil fuels and this can be improved by a greater utilisation of
renewable energy sources. Hydroelectric energy is of especial interest due to the
possibility of its being generated at multipurpose surface reservoirs, and from the
brine effluent produced in the RO process. Finally, greater cooperation in the
realm of water purification could be a means of improving the systems of all, and
encouraging regional integration.
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