01 U5 Word Bank

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2020-2021 MENG121 Word Bank

Unit 5: Jobs

1. get ahead 37. appropriate 73. résumé

2. career 38. communication skills 74. specialise/specialize
3. job adverts 39. qualification 75. assistant
4. employ 40. qualify 76. adventure
5. succeed 41. secure 77. enthusiastic
6. media 42. compete 78. instructor
7. customer 43. competitive 79. achieve sb’s goals
8. graduate 44. challenging 80. interpersonal skills
9. identify 45. responsibility 81. inspire
10. strengths 46. ideal 82. domestic
11. weaknesses 47. confused 83. appliance
12. constantly 48. retrain 84. secretary
13. guru 49. settle down 85. work placement
14. make a fortune 50. make up sb’s mind 86. mother tongue
15. failure 51. lack of 87. volunteer
16. profitable 52. nasty 88. driving licence
17. demand 53. optimistic 89. fluent
18. strategy 54. fulfill 90. conversational
19. distraction 55. hire or fire 91. reference
20. profile 56. executive 92. available
21. remark 57. reality 93. apply for
22. moral 58. contestant 94. obvious
23. talent 59. remain 95. section
24. imagination 60. review 96. requirement
25. contact 61. progress 97. interview
26. various 62. ruthless 98. receptionist
27. ambitious 63. determined 99. connection
28. ambition 64. wealthy 100. researcher
29. accurate 65. disciplined 101. increase
30. enroll 66. marathon 102. globe
31. jealous 67. divorce 103. option
32. upset 68. potential 104. consult
33. maternity leave 69. clear-thinking 105. privacy
34. attitude 70. assertive 106. worldwide
35. interfere 71. candidate 107. uncertain
36. beV due to 72. eventual 108. revolutionize

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