Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert Generating System
Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert Generating System
Driver Drowsiness Detection and Alert Generating System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Suhana Nafais A
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Master of Computer Application
Sona College of Technology
Tamil Nadu, India
Abstract:- Driver drowsiness detection and alert and an alert system to inform the accident area to ambulance
generating system is a form of artificial intelligence that driver. The system works by monitoring the driver's
practices machine learning algorithms to detect signs of behaviours and expressions, such as eye blinking frequency
drowsiness in drivers. This technology typically involves and yawning, and comparing it to a predetermined baseline.
sensors such as cameras, microphones, and If the driver's behaviours deviate from the baseline, the
accelerometers that track the driver’s behaviours, such system will alert the driver of their fatigue and suggest that
as head position, eye movement, and yawning, and then they take a break. For this process, we use machine learning
use machine learning algorithms to detect patterns of algorithm. We used the haar cascade algorithm The Haar
drowsiness. The technology can then alert the driver if Cascade technique is used to recognise objects in pictures. It
they are at risk of dozing off, helping to reduce the risk is a machine learning approach in which a cascade function
of accidents or dangerous driving behaviour. A machine- is taught using a large number of positive and negative
learning approach to detect drowsiness in drivers using images. Then it's used in other photos to detect things. The
facial landmarks. The planned system uses a Haar Cascade algorithm is commonly used for face
convolutional neural network (CNN) to observe the detection and recognition. It is also used for driver
facial features of a driver in real-time and then compares drowsiness detection. In driver drowsiness detection, the
them with a set of predefined features associated with Haar Cascade algorithm is used to observe the face of the
drowsiness. The system can then alert the driver of their driver and then analyze the facial expressions. If the facial
drowsiness by sounding an alarm or displaying a expressions indicate that the driver is drowsy or sleepy, an
warning message. The planned method can be used in alarm is triggered. This alarm alerts the driver and prevents
various applications, such as driver assistance systems, him/her from falling asleep while driving, thus avoiding
autonomous vehicle systems, and public safety systems. accidents. Drowsiness detection and alert -generating
Lastly, we outline the issues that current systems systems can be beneficial in reducing the number of
confront and discuss the associated research prospects. accidents caused by fatigued drivers, as well as improving
driver safety. The process for a drowsiness detection and
Keywords:- Machine Learning, Autonomous Vehicle alert system typically involves the system capturing pictures
Technology, Yawn Detection, Driver Drowsiness Detection, of the driver’s face using a camera, Computer vision
Image-Based Measures. algorithms process the images to detect and track facial
features such as the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth. The system
I. INTRODUCTION computes a baseline of the driver’s behaviours from the
facial features. The system observe the driver’s behaviours
Drowsiness detection and Alert Generating systems over time and compares it to the baseline. If the driver’s
are designed to observe signs of exhaustion and drowsiness behaviours deviates from the baseline, the system will alert
in drivers, alerting them to the fact that they need to rest or the driver of their fatigue and suggest that they take a break.
take a break from driving. A drowsiness detection system If unfortunately accident is occurred than the system also
typically consists of a camera, machine learning algorithms, can alert emergency services like ambulance if the driver got
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