2.english Grammar and Composition 1 BS ACT

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University of Management and Technology

School of Commerce and Accountancy

Quaid e Azam Campus

Course Outline

Course Title: English Grammar and Composition 1



Credits Hours 3

Duration 15 Weeks / 30 Sessions

Resource Person


Course Description:
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This course is intended to be an interesting and stimulating content for upper-intermediate students. It
provides the practical reading, speaking, listening and writing skills necessary for learners who need
English for working in Business. It also contains a wide range of essential business vocabulary and grammar
activities. All four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) will be focused by using a
variety of resources (online material, contemporary newspaper and magazine articles, films, documentaries)
with a particular emphasis on grammar and vocabulary. Starting with word/sentence formation and
paragraph development, the course will progressively move on to the activities and exercises illustrating
the concepts of narration, description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect and audio/visual
comprehension. Moreover, the primary purpose of the course is to develop confidence in the participants
to write and speak in the target language independently. By the end of the course, students will be able to
exhibit the improvement in language skills within appropriate contexts (academic, social, personal & work

Learning Objectives:

After studying this course the students will be able to:

1. The course has twin aims: improving communication technique and developing and consolidating
the target language appropriate to the above communication contexts.
2. A range of reading and writing activities will be provided so that students will present and write
personal, expository and persuasive/argumentative essays effectively in both written and oral
3. Demonstrate excellent comprehension skills in presentations and written work
4. Give good formal and informal presentations
5. Demonstrate proficiency in English grammar and composition

Teaching-Learning Methodology:

▪ Lectures
▪ Recommended Text/Supplementary Texts, Handouts
▪ Skill Development Exercises
▪ Discussions
▪ Audio Visual Aids
▪ Project Report/Term Paper
Recommended Text Books:

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1. Collins English for Business: Intermediate Business grammar and Practice
Harper Collins Publishers
By: Larson, Wild, Chiappetta
2. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language
Person Publishers, Pakistan Edition
By: Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik

Supplementary Text Books:

1. English for Business Communication Edition: 2003

By: Sweeny, S. Gripping IFRS, Pakistan Edition

2. Basics of English Grammar Edition: Fourth

By: Azar, B., & Hagen, S.

Assessment & Evaluation:

Quizzes 15%
Assignments 10%
Final Project 20%
Project Presentation/Presentations 10%
Mid Term 25%
End Term Exam 40%
Total: 100

Assignments and Quizzes Policy:

• Assignment submission after the two days of due date would not be accepted. The
submission will be allowed for the very next two days after submission deadline with a
penalty of 0.5 deduction each day. No re-take of assignment.

• There will not be any re-take of the quizzes.

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Week 1 Contents/Topics to be Taught Tasks/Activities

Ice breaker (Speaking Skills), Pair activity to introduce partners to the

1.1 class
Introduction of Course Outline

1.2 General discussion on Parts of speech Elicitation from students

Week 2
Types of nouns including genitive and possessive forms Reading handouts/exercises
Lecture and Gap fill exercises and open
2.2 Types of Adjectives class discussion

Week 3 Quiz 1
3.1 Reading Comprehension: Story Classroom Activity

3.2 Reading Comprehension: Story Classroom Activity

Use of tenses through contextual

Week 4 Tenses formation including Simple tense, Progressive tense activities
and Perfect tense. Assignment 1
Parts of Speech Identification
Classroom Activity
4.2 Common errors in punctuation and COMMA Coordination;
Repair Mixed Construction

Week 5 Sentence Structure and Building (SVO) Lecture


5.2 Independent and Dependent clause Lecture and Class Activity

Lecture and Practice worksheet

Week 6 Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences

Assignment 2
Informal Letter
Lecture on Informal Letter & template of informal letter.
6.2 Common expressions used in letter

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Week7 Exercise in class & Reading of articles
7.1 How to write a paragraph? Basic paragraph patterns, writing at home for discussion in class
the controlling idea as a topic sentence
Practice of Paragraph Writing
7.2 Building paragraph through the use of linkers in English
Quiz 2
Week 8
Revision for mid term Address Students’ Queries


Usage of Figurative Language including irony, metaphor,

Week 9 hyperbole, personification and simile
9.1 Lecture

Identification and Practice Exercise,

Poem (TBA) Poetic Analysis

Quiz 3
Week 10
Introduction to Articles (a, an and the) In class Practice Exercise

Assignment 3
Explanation of the stanzas of the given
10.2 poem and identification of figurative
Continuation of Articles language

Week 11 Types of Adverbs Lecture and Worksheet


Types of Essays:
Quiz 4
11.2 Descriptive Writing (Techniques)
Lecture and Sample

Week 12
Writing Descriptive Essay Classroom Activity

12.2 Narrative Writing (Techniques) Lecture and Sample

Week 13 Writing Narrative Essay Classroom Activity


Practice on answering the questions in Reading

Comprehension Practice of Reading Comprehension in

Week 14 Assignment 4
Final Presentations on already given topics Poster Display

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Assignment 4
14.2 Final presentations on already given topics
Poster Display
Week 15 Assignment 4
Final presentations on already given topics
15.1 Poster Display

15.2 Address Students’ Queries

Revision of the basic concepts


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