English 7 Detailed Lesson Plan Day 2

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CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: contemporary

Philippine literature as a means of responding to the demands of the Global village;
various extended text types; lexical and contextual cues; appropriate and polite oral
language, stance, and behavior; and use of imperatives, prepositions, verbs, and wh-

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: explaining the

need to be cooperative and responsible in today’s global village; using appropriate
strategies to comprehend extended text types; using lexical and contextual clues to
understand unfamiliar words and expressions; using imperatives, prepositions, and
appropriate and polite oral language, stance and behavior in various information-sharing

LEARNING COMPETENCIES: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected
to discover through Philippine literature the need to work cooperatively and responsibly
in today’s global village EN7LT-IV-a-6: Quarter: 4 Week 1 Day 2

II. CONTENT: Relating Past to Present

Subject Matter: POETRY ELEMENTS- God Said, “I Made a
Integration: Values Integration-(Biblical) God made a man
and a woman with his own image.
Science &Ara.PanIntegration- Charls Darwin said that “Human
being is come from an ape.
Strategies: Powerpoint presentation, brainstorming


A. References:
1. Teacher’s Guide pages-
2. Learner’s Material pages-p.423-425
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from L.R. Portal
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Preliminaries
-Mood Setting
-Checking of Attendance
-Presentation of Objective
B. Motivation:showing of videos about People Looking for Freedom.
C. During the Lesson
Task 6: Poetry Elements. Before moving on the literary text, let us first review the
elements of the poem during the Contemporary Period of Philippine Literature. Group
yourselves into five. Using the semantic web, list the poetry elements you already knew.
Show and explain your work with the class
Discuss with the students the following Basic Elements of a Poem

Task 7: Vocabulary Check. Use the dictionary to defined the underlined words which will be
found in the poem to be read. (Tell them that these words will be found in the literary text to be

1. He spun Himself to brightest day

(Ans: to turn around; past tense of

2. Who am thy Fountainhead

(Ans: the origin of source)
3. Of this so regal
head (Ans: suitable
for a king)

Task 8: Literary Exploration

How would you react if instead of appreciating the gifts of the past you received
nothing but ingratitude? Whatever the past has brought to you, you must be thankful and
consider them as lessons which you can bring with you until new encounters come.

Note: The poem shows man’s ingratitude to his creator----the God who made all things in the
past, in the present, and even in the future.
Q & A: On your notebook, answer the following questions:
What is the poem all about?
How is the relationship of the past and present relevant in the
text? What attribute of God is being described in the poem?
How did God react to the ingratitude of His creations?
How are the actions of the men in the past significant to your situation right now?

NOTE: The teacher must be ready for the variety of responses from the learners.

Read to the class the biblical explanation of the literary text. Allow the learners to
reflect on how important looking back to the past is and how present events
prepare us to the near future.
Once the learners have already understood the message of the text, proceed to the
next task.

To check students’ understanding of the lesson, allow them to individually
answer the following:
Task 9: Poetry Whiz. Identify the word or phrase described in each statement.
____________1. It is a literary form simply defined as a patterned expression of
ideas or imaginative terms usually containing rhymes and meters.
____________2. It is the recurrence or the repetition of similar sounds in poetry.
____________3. It is the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed sounds.
____________4. It is a vivid description of things seen, heard, smelled, touched, or
____________5. It is a series of lines grouped together.
____________6. It is a stanza of a poem which has two (2) lines.
____________7. It is an object of the poem that symbolizes a significant idea.
____________8. It is the underlying message of a poetry.
____________9. “Sally sells sea shells by the sea shore” is an example of
what poetic device.
____________10. What do you call a comparison that uses the words “as” and

ANSWERS: 1. Poetry/poem 2. Rhyme 3. Rhythm 4.Imagery 5. Stanza

6.couplet 7. Symbolism 8.Theme 9.Alliteration 10.Simile

ASSIGNMENT: Look for a copy of the movie “2012”.


1. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation


5. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?


6. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me

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