University of Mumbai Ma History Semester Iv (CBCS) Project Based Courses

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Dr Manjiri Kamat

Professor and Head, Department of History, University of Mumbai

1. Urban History, Culture and Heritage

Adarkar, Neera (ed.), The Chawls of Mumbai: Galleries of Life, Imprintone,

David, M.D; Mumbai: The City of Dreams, Himalaya Publishing House,
Third Revised Edition, Mumbai, 2011.
Dossal, Mariam, Theatre of Conflict, City of Hope: Mumbai, 1660 to
Present Times, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
Dutta, Partha, Planning the City: Urbanisation and Reform in Calcutta,
c.1800-c.1940, Tulika Books, Delhi, 2012.
Dwivedi, Sharada and Mehrotra, Rahul, Bombay: The Cities Within,
Eminence Designs Private Limited, Bombay, 1995.
Gupta Narayani, Delhi between Two Empires:1803-1931 Society,
Government and Urban Growth, Oxford, Delhi, 1997.
Kamat Manjiri, (ed) Mumbai Past and Present: Historical Perspectives and
Contemporary Challenges, Indus Source Books, Mumbai, 2013.
Lambah Abha Narain, Shekhavati: Havelis of the Merchant Princes, Marg
Publications, Mumbai, 2013.
Masselos, Jim, Narayani Gupta, Beato„s Delhi, Ravi Dayal, New Delhi,
Patel, Sujata and Thorner, Alice, Bombay: Mosaic of Modern Culture,
Oxford University Press, Bombay, 1995.

2. Labour, lifestyle and livelihoods

Chakrabarty Dipesh, Rethinking Working Class History: Bengal, 1890-1940,

Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1989.

Chandavarkar Rajnarayan, The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India:
Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay, 1900-1940,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.
Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan, Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class,
Resistance and the State in India, c. 1850-1950, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Karnik, V.B; Indian Trade Unions: A Survey, Popular Prakashan, Bombay,
Kumar, Dharma (ed); The Cambridge Economic History of India, Volume II,
c.1757-c.1970, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1982.
Menon, Meena and Adarkar, Neera, One Hundred Years, One Hundred
Voices - The Millworkers of Girangaon: An Oral History, Seagull Books,
Calcutta, 2004.
Morris, M.D; The Emergence of an Industrial Labour Force in India: A
Study of the Bombay Cotton Mills, 1854-1947, University of California
Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1965.
Roy, Tirthankar, Traditional Industry in the Economy of Colonial India,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.
Roy, Tirthankar, The Economic History of India, 1857-1947, Oxford
University Press, Third Edition, New Delhi, 2011.
Sen, Samita, Women and Labour in Late Colonial India: The Bengal Jute
Industry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

3. Healthcare in Modern India

Arnold D., Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in
Nineteenth Century India, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1993.
Arnold D. The New Cambridge History of India, III 5: Science, Technology
and Medicine in Colonial India, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
Bala P., Imperialism and Medicine in Bengal: A Socio-Historical Study,
Sage Publications, New Delhi, 1991.
Harrison M., Public Health in British India: Anglo Indian Preventive
Medicine, 1859-1914, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994.

Kumar A., Medicine and the Raj: British Medical Policy, 1835-1911, Sage
Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
Kumar D. (ed.), Science and The Raj, 1857-1905, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 1995.
Pati B and Harrison M (eds.), Health, Medicine and Empire: Perspectives on
Colonial India, New Perspectives in South Asian History, Orient Longman,
New Delhi, 2001.
Ramanna M. Western Medicine and Public Health in Colonial Bombay,
1845-1895. New Perspectives in South Asian History 4, Orient Longman,
New Delhi, 2002.
Ramanna M. Healthcare in the Bombay Presidency 1895-1930 Primus Book
New Delhi, 2012.
Ray K., History of Public Health: Colonial Bengal, 1921-1947, K. P. Bagchi
& sons, Calcutta, 1998.

4. Institutional and Business History

Bagchi A.K., The Evolution of the State Bank of India, vols. I and II, Oxford
University Press, 1987.
Dobbins Christine, Urban Leadership in Western India: Politics and
Communities in Bombay City, Oxford University Press, 1972.
Gordon, A.D.D; Businessmen and Politics: Rising Nationalism and a
Modernising Economy, 1918- 1933, Manohar Publishers, New Delhi, 1979.
Karanjia B.K., Godrej: A Hundred Years, 1897-1997, Viking, New Delhi,
Kudaisya M., The Oxford India Anthology of Business History, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, 2011.
Piramal Geeta, Business Maharajas, Penguin, Delhi, 1996.
Sen S.K., The House of Tatas, 1839-1939, Progressive Publishers, Calcutta,
Tripathi D., Business Communities in India: A Historical Perspective,
Manohar, New Delhi, 1991.
Tripathi D., The Oxford History of Indian Business, New Delhi, 2004.
Tripathi D. and Mehta M., Business Houses in Western India, 1850-1956,
Manohar, New Delhi, 1990.

Dr Sandesh Wagh,

Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

I. Social Issues in India

Ambedkar B.R., Annihilation of Caste With Reply to Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.

Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Source Material Publication Committee Higher Education Department,

Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, 2013.

Gautam., Ashwani Kant, Human rights and Justice system, APH Publishing
Corporation ,New Delhi,2013.

Vadackumchery James., Human rights friendly police: A myth or reality, APH

Publishing corporation, New Delhi,2015.

Meshram N G., Tragedy of masses, The Buddhist International Center, Mumbai,


Pandye P.K..Human rights, APH publishing corporation, New Delhi, 2012.

Ramashray Roy., Dalits Development and Democracy, Shipra publications, Delhi,


Krishna Sangeeta , Women , Social Exclusion and inclusion,Kalpaz publications,

New Delhi, 2015.

Kumar Vivek, Caste and Democracy in India, Gyan Publishing House, New

Wagh Sandesh M., Socio-Political Conditions in the Nineteenth Century India,

Sandesh Publications, Mumbai, 2012.

Wankhede Deepak M., Socio Economic Development of Scheduled Caste, Gautam

Book Centre, New edelhi, 2008.

II. Dimensions of Ambedkarism in Present Scenario

Abraham P., Ambedkar‟s Contribution for Economic Planning and Development-

Its Relevance, Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
Aglave Pradeep, Dr. Ambedkar on Nation and Nationalism, Dr. Ambedkar Chair,
Nagpur, First Edition, 2014.

Ahir D.C., Dr. Ambedkar„s Vision of DhammaAn Assessment, B.R. Publishing

Corporation, Delhi, 1997.

Ambedkar B.R., Annihilation of Caste With Reply to Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.

Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Source Material Publication Committee Higher Education Department,

Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, 2013.

Ambedkar B.R., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol.1-21,

Education Department Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, First Edition, 1992.

Biswas Oneil, A Phenomenon named Ambedkar, Blumoon Book, New Delhi, First
Edition, 1998.

Dongre M.K.,Dimensions of Ambedkarism, Vinay Publications, Nagpur, 2005.

Kumar Kesava P., Political Philosophy of Ambedkar An Inquiry into the

Theoretical Foundations of the Dalit Movement, Kalpaz Publication, Delhi, 2014.

Kumar Raj, Economic Thought of B.R. Ambedkar, Commonwealth Publishers,

New Delhi, 2011.

Mane Suresh, Dynamism And Relevance of Ambedkarism, Paras Professional

Publication, Mumbai, 2010.

Moon Vasant, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings And Speeches Vol. 1, Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar Source Material Publication Committee Education
Department Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, Third Edition, 2016.

Moon Vasant, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 14 Part Two
(Section IV), Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, 1995.

Moon Vasant, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 15 (Sections
I to VIII), Education Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, First
Edition, 1997.

Moon Vasant, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 3, Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar, Mahatma Phule, RajarshiShahu Source Material Publication
Committee, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai, Second Edition, 2008.

Narake Hari, Dr. Kasare M.L., Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and His Egalitarian Revolution
Part One Struggle Human Rights, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Source Material
Publication Committee Higher Education Department Government of Maharashtra,
Mumbai, First Edition, 2003.

Rodrigues Valerian, The Essential Writings of B.R. Ambedkar, Oxford University

Press, New York, 2002. Tomar J.P.S., Dr. Ambedkar„sThought on Education,
A.P.H Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, 2010.

Wagh Sandesh M., Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Sugawa Prakashan, Pune, 2011.

Wagh Sandesh M., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar: Architect of the Labour Policy of
India, Sandesh Publications, Mumbai, 2016.

Wagh Sandesh M., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar„s Conversion to Buddhism, Sandesh

Publications, Mumbai, 2012.

Wagh Sandesh M., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar„s Social Movement, Sandesh

Publication, Mumbai, 2012.

Wagh Sandesh M., Socio-Political Conditions in the Nineteenth Century India,

Sandesh Publications, Mumbai, 2012.

Wagh Sandesh M., Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar„s Political Movement, Sandesh

Publication, Mumbai, 2012.

Marathi Language :

vaaGa saMdoSa, Da^. baabaasaahoba AaMbaoDkraMcaI rajakIya caLvaL,, AxarlaoNaM p`kaSana, saaolaapUr, p`qamaavaR<aI
vaaGa saMdoSa, Da^. baabaasaahoba AaMbaoDkr : jaIvanacair~,, AxarlaoNaM p`kaSana, saaolaapUr, p`qamaavaR<aI 2011.
iSaMdo tukarama, Da^.vaaGa saMdoSa, Da^. jamaalao hrI, BaartIya raYT/Iya caLvaLIcaa [ithasa ([.sa. 1885
to [.sa. 1947), AxarlaoNaM p`kaSana, saaolaapUr, AavaR<aI 2013.
kIr QanaMjaya, Da^. baabaasaahoba AaMbaoDkr, pa^Pyaular p`kaSana, mauMba[-, AazvaI AavaR<aI 1913.
paTIla manaaohr, fulao AaMbaoDkrI caLvaLIcao ØaMitSaas~, saugaavaa p`kaSana, puNao, p`qamaavaR<aI 2010.
AcalaKaMba $stma, Da^. baabaasaahoba AaMbaoDkraMcao ga`MqalaoKna ekAaklana, sva$p p`kaSana AaOrMgaabaad,
p`qamaavaR<aI 2011.
KaMDokr taracand` AaMbaoDkr t%va&ana : p`caItI AaiNa AaivaYkar, saMkot p`kaSana, naagapUr, p`qamaavaR<aI

III. Buddhism Across the World

Narasu P. Lakshami, What is Buddhism?,SamyakPrakashan, New Delhi, Second

Edition, 2009.

Ram Nandu, Ambedkar Dalits and Buddhism Collection of Dr. Ambedkar

Memorial Annual Lectures, Manak Publications, New Delhi, First Edition, 2008.

Narain A.K., Ahir D.C., Dr. Ambedkar, Buddhism And Social Change, B.R.
Publishing Corporation, Delhi.

Sangharakshita, Ambedkar And Buddhism, MotilalBanarsidass Publishers, Delhi,

First Edition, 2006.

ThichThien Tam, Buddhism of Wisdom And Faith, The Corporate Body of the
Buddha Educational Foundation, Taiwan, Fifth Edition, 1994.

Ambedkar B.R., The Buddha and His Dhamma, Siddharth Publication, Bombay,
Third Edition, 1984.

Gaikwad K.D., Reflections for Buddha„s Dhamma Doctrines, Kalawati

Publications, Aurangabad, First Edition, 2006.

Bhadant Kosalyayana Anand, The Buddha And His Followers (With Illustrations),
SamamyakPrakashan, New Delhi, First Edition, 2003.

Wagh Sandesh M.,Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar„s Conversion to Buddhism,

AksharlenaPrakashan, Solapur, 2010.

Sogen Yamakami, Systems of Buddhistic Thought, Eastern Book Linkers, Delhi,
Revised Edition, 2009.

Subbarao M., Historical Buddhism, Rationalist Voice Publications, Hyderabad,


Bhosale Jalinder, Dr. Vaidya Monika, Dr. Vidyasagar Amol, Buddhism Past and
Present, Department of History AbasahebGarware College, Pune, Edition, 2012.

Naik C.D., Ambedkar„s Perspective on Buddhism and Other Religions, Kalpaz

Publications, Delhi, 2009.

T W Rhys Davids, Buddhist India, Low Price Publications, Delhi, 2010.

IV. Case studies of Atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Awasthi S.K., The Scheduled Castes and The Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of
Atrocities) Act, 1989.

With Rules & Allied Laws, Premier Publishing Company, Allahabad, Fourth
Edition, 2015.

Choudhry R.N., Naqvi S.K.A., Commentary on the Schedules Castes and

Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989, Orient Publishing Company,
New Delhi, Second Edition, 2013.

Das Gupta Ram Prasad, Crime and Punishment In Ancient India, Bharatiya Kala
Prakashan,Delhi(Indi(a), Revised Edition, 2007.

Dhiman O.P., Understanding Human Rights An Overview, Kalpaz Publications,

Delhi, 2011.

Dr. Kunte B.G., Source Material on Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and The Movement
of Untouchables Vol. 1, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Source Material Publication
Committee, Bombay, First Edition, 1982.

Dr. Singh Buta, TheDalits and Dalit Awakening in India, Gyan Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2004.

GonsalvesLina, Women and Human Rights, A.P.H. Publishing Corporation, New

Delhi, 2011.
Jogdand P G., Dalit Women Issues And Perspectives, Gyan Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2013.

Majumdar R., Commentary on the Scheduled Castes and The Scheduled Tribes
(Prevention of Atrodcites) Act, 1989, Dwivedi Law Agency, Allahabad,Edition,

Meena Anand, Dalit Women Fear and Discrimination, Isha Books, Delhi, 2011.

Mishra Jyotsna, Women and Human Rights, Kalpaz Publications, Delhi, 2000.

Mishra Narayan, Exploitation and Atrocities on the DalitsIn India, Kalpaz

Publications, Delhi, 2014.

Narayana P.S. (Justice), Commentary on The Scheduled Castes And The

Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 & Rules 1995,Gogia Law
Agency, Hyderabad, Edition, 2016.

Naval T.R., Law of Prevention of Atrocities on the Scheduled Castes and the
Scheduled Tribes, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2001.

Naval T.R., Legally Combating Atrocities on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled

Tribes, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2004.

Pal Malik Krishna, Raval Kauskhi C., Law And Social Transformation In India,
Allahabad Law Agency, Haryana, Fourth Edition, 2014.

Purane K.D., Untouchability and the Law The Ground Reality, Gyan Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2000.

Saksena H.S., Atrocities on Scheduled Castes the Law and the Realities, Serials
Publications, New Delhi, 2010.

Shinde K. Prem., DalitsAnd Human Rights (In 3 Volumes) Volume 1 (Dalits and
Racial Justice), Isha Books, Delhi, 2005.

Shinde K. Prem., DalitsAnd Human Rights (In 3 Volumes) Volume 2 (Dalits:

Security and Rights Implications), Isha Books, Delhi, 2005. Thiagaraj Henry,
Human Rights form the Dalit Perspective, Gyan Publishing House, New Delhi,

Marathi Language:

vaaGa saMdoSa, AnausaUuicat jaatI va AnausaUicat jamaatI (A%yaacaarasa p`itbaMQa) AiQainayama 1989, inayama
1995 va saMSaaoQana inayama 2016: maaga-diSa-ka, saugaavaa p`kaSana, puNao, p`qamaavaR<aI, 2016.

Dr Neeta Khandpekar

Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

MA Part II (Semester IV) – Neeta Khandpekar
Choice Based Credit System - Broad Project Based Course Topics
1) Indian Ocean Trade Networks
 Malekandathil Pius, Maritime India: Trade, Religion and Polity in the Indian
Ocean, Rev Edition, Primus Books, 2013.
 Hall Richard, Empires of Monsoon, A History of the Indian Ocean and Its
Invaders, London, 1996.
 Mathew K.S, Indian Ocean and Cultural Interaction (A.D.14001800)
Pondicherry, 1996.
 Mookherji R.K, A History of Indian Shipping and Maritime activities Calcutta,
 Shipping in the Seventies ,Report by UNCTAD Secretariat of UN, 1972.
2) Merchant Communities responding to the call of the Sea- A Case Study
 Jeejeebhoy J.R.B., The Parsis in Bombay, Bombay, 1940.
 Malekandathil Pius, The Mughals, The Portuguese and the Indian Ocean:
Changing Imageries of Maritime India.
 Pearson M.N, Merchants and Rulers in Gujarat, New Delhi 1976.
3) Port Towns as centers of Economic Stimulus
 Douglas James, Glimpses of Old Bombay and Western India, London, 1900.
 Rao B.P., Visakhapatnam A Study in Geography of Port Town, Varanasi 1971.
 Development of Paradeep Port (National Council of Applied Economic
Research) New Delhi, October 1963.
 Sara Keller and Michael Pearson( ed), Port Towns of Gujarat, Primus Books
New Delhi, 2014
 Furtado Joseph, Golden Goa, Bombay, 1938.
4) The Journey from Hog Island to Nhava Island (1883- till date)
 Campbell J.M, Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency, Kolaba and Janjira, Reprint
Bombay 1986.
 George Campbell Library at Nhava Island.
5) Different Coastal regions of India
 Brown H.S A Handbook of the Ports on the West Coast of India, Mangalore,
 Sharma Yogesh (ed) Coastal Histories: Society and Ecology in pre-Modern
India, Primus Books, New Delhi, 2010.
 Desai M A, Chittakula Karwar-A History, Bombay, 1969.
 Father Hull, A short Guide to Bassein , Bombay, 1931.
 Khandpekar Neeta, Konkan Coast A Socio-Economic Study(16th and 17th
Centuries, Power Publishers, Kolkata, 2013.
6) Newspaper Coverage on Indo- US Relations 1951-1984.
 The Statesman
 Bombay Sentinel

 Free Press Journal
 Blitz
 The Hindu
(All the above and below Newspapers available in Mumbai Archives)
7) Cinema issues as covered by Indian Press (English and Non-English)
 The Times of India
 Daily
 Illustrated Weekly
 Navakaal
 Navashakti
 Loksatta
 Kesari etc
8) Study of Global Pagoda (Educational Tourism)
 Based in Field Visits and Oral Interviews

Dr Anagha Kamble

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

1. Heritage and Tourism

Banerjee Utpal K., Millennium Glimpses of Indian Performing Arts, Shubhi

Publications, India, 2006.
Chawla Romila, Heritage Tourism and Development, Sonali Publications, New
Chawla Romila, Tourism the Cultural Heritage, Arise Publishers, New Delhi,
Davies, Philip, Monuments of India, Vol. II.,Penguin Books, London,1990.
Dutt N. ,Mridula , Ecology and Tourism , Universal Publishers, New Delhi 1991.

2. Films and History

Baskaran Theodore S, History through the lens - Perspectives on South Indian

Cinema, Orient BlackSwan, 2009.
Chakravarty Sumita, National Identity in Indian Popular Cinema,: University of
Texas Press, Austin, Texas ,1993.
Deshpande Aniruddha, Class, Power & Consciousness in Indian Cinema &
Television, Primus Books, 2013.
Gokulsing K, Wimal Dissanayake, Indian Popular Cinema: A Narrative of
Cultural Change, Trentham Books, 2004.
Jaikumar Priya, Cinema at the End of Empire: A Politics of Transition in Britain
and India, Duke University, Press, 2006.

3. Challenges to Human Rights in India

Baxi Upendra , The Future of Human Rights, Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Das Asish Kumar, Mohanty Prasant Kumar, Human Rights in India, Sarup & Sons,
New Delhi, 2007.
G.S. Bhargava, Human Rights of Dalits: Social Violation, Gyan, New Delhi,2001.
Gurusamy, S, Human Rights and Gender Justice, APH, New Delhi, 2009.
Jhon K. Thomas, Human Rights of Tribals, Isha Books, Delhi, 2005.

4. India and International Relations

David Scott, Handbook of India's International Relations, 2011.

Verinder Grover, International Relations and Foreign Policy of India: West Asia
and India's foreign policy.
Kedar S. Arya, Perspectives on India's international relations, Akansha
Publishing House, 2006.
Vivekanandan Jayashree, Interrogating International Relations: India's Strategic
Practice and the Return of History, Routledge, 2012.
K. Jacques, Bangladesh, India & Pakistan: International Relations and
Regional Tensions in South Asia, Springer, 1999.

5. Migration – Issues and Prospects

Khalid Koser, International Migration: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford

University Press, 2016.
Caroline B. Brettell, James F. Hollifield, Migration Theory: Talking across
Disciplines, Routledge, 2014.
Deepak K. Mishra, Internal Migration in Contemporary India, SAGE Publications
India, 2016.
Dharma Kumar, The Cambridge Economic History of India, Orient Blackswan,
Bimal J. Deb, Population and Development in North East India, Concept
Publishing Company, 2010.

Dr Prakash Masram

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

1. Tribal Folk Art

1. Bokare, N. 1995. Tribal Arts. Change and Continuity in Jain.N.S.
AndTribhuvan Robin (eds). An Overview of Tribal Research Studies. TRS.
2. Datta, B. N. 2002. Folklore and Historiography. National Folklore Support
3. GareGovind, SonwaneUttamrao, AdiwasiKalavishv, Tribal Research and
Training Institute, Govt. of Maharashtra, Pune.
4. Gupta, C. S. 2008. Indian Folk and Tribal Paintings, Roli Books, New
5. Jain, J. 1998. Other Masters: Five Contemporary Folk and Tribal Artists of
India. New Delhi: Crafts Museum and the Handicrafts and Handloom
Exports Corporation of India Ltd.
6. Mookerjee, A., Folk Art of India, Clarion Books.New Delhi,1986.

2. Tribal Wall Painting: Warli, Gond, Bhil


1. Bharadwaj K. Colours in Gond Tribal Art: An interpretation and critical

evaluation of colours in Gond Paintings of Madhya Pradesh. International
Journal of Research-Granthaalayah. 2014.
2. Mahse, J. S. The Warlis Tribal Paintings and Legends, Chemould
publications and Arts,Bombay.
3. Prakash, K. 2004. Warli Paintings Traditional Folk Art from India, English
Edition Publishers & Distribution India Pvt. Ltd.New Delhi.
4. Mahapal, Y. (1984). Prehistoric Rock Painting of Bhimbetka, Central India,
Abhinav Publication,New Delhi:
5. Tribhuwan, R. D., &Finkenauer, M. 2003. Threads Together A Comparative
Study of Tribal and Pre-historic Rock Paintings,Discovery Publishing
House,New Delhi, 2003.

3. Tribal Folklore

1. Archer, W.G., the Hill of Flutes: Life, Love and Poetry in Tribal India. A
Potraits of the Santhals, London: George Allen & Unwin, 1974.
2. JadhavKishor, Folklore and Its Motifs in Tribal Literature, Manas
Publications, Delhi, 2000.
3. Mishra, U. C. (1999). Tribal Painting and Sculpture, R. Publishing
Company. Delhi.
4. Roy-Chaudhury,P.C. Folklore of Bihar, National Book Trust, New
Delhi, 1976.
5. Vidyarthi, L.P. and Rai, B.K.,The Tribal Culture of India, New Delhi:
Concept Publishing Company,1976.
4. Tribal Languages and Education


1. AlkaSaxena, (2002). “Dynamic of Tribal Education”, Rajat Publication,

New Delhi.
2. Ambasht N. K, (1970): “A Critical Study of Tribal Education”, S. Chand and
Company, New Delhi.
3. Ananda, G. (2000): “Educating Tribals: An Ashram School Approach‟, New
Delhi, Commonwealth,
4. Pattanayak, D.P. Language and Tribal Planning in Planning for Tribal
Development, Ed. Ranjit Gupta, Ankur Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. Sedwal, M. &Sangeeta, K.(2008) Education and Social Equity with special
focus on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Elementary
Education,NUEPA, New Delhi.
6. Sujatha, K. (2002) Education among Scheduled Tribes. In Govinda, R. (ed.),
India Education Report: A Profile of Basic Education. New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
5. Tribal Revolts and resistance in colonial period.


1. Ghurye,G. S. ,The Scheduled Tribes , Popular Prakashan, Bombay,1963.

2. Jha, J.C.,The Kol Insurrection of Chotanagpur (1933),Thacker, Spinkand
3. Jha, J.C., The Bhumji Revolt of 1832-33, Patna, 1965.
4. Jha, J.C., The Revolt of Chhota Nagpur 1831-32.
5. Saxena, Sudhir, Madhya Pradesh Mein Azadi ki Ladai Aur Adivasi, MP
Hindi Granth Academy, Bhopal, 1985.
6. Suresh Singh (Editor), Birsa Munda and His Movement, Delhi, 1903.
7. Sharma, B. K., Tribal Revolt, Pointer, Jaipur, 1996.

6. Traditions, Customs, and Cultural Values of Tribes in India


1. Archer, W. G., Tribal Law and Justice:A Repor ton the Santhal ,Concept
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1984.
2. Burman, Roy B.K., "Emerging Humanity and the Tribal women in India," in
Tribal Women in India, Calcutta: Indian Anthropological Society, 1978.
3. Furer-Haimendorf, The Afterlife in Indian Tribal Belief, Royal
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1952, vol. 83, no.
4. Khubchandani Lachman, M., Tribal Identity, Shimla: Indian Institute of
Advanced Study, 1992.
5. Mann Rann Singh, Culture and Integration of Indian Tribes, M.D.
Publication New Delhi, 1993.
6. V. Elwin, A New deal for Tribal India, London: Ministry of Home Affairs,
Government of India, 1963.

7. Gandhian Basic Education ( Wardha Scheme)


1. Gandhi M.K., An Autobiography or the Story of My Experiments with Truth,

Navajivan Publishing House, Ahemdabad.
2. Gandhi M.K., Constructive Programme, Navajivan Publishing House,
3. Hindustani Talim Sangh, Educational Reconstruction (2nd Ed.), Sevagram
4. ------- Basic National Education.
5. Patel M.S., The Educational Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Navajivan
Publishing House, Ahemdabad, 1953.
6. Verkey C.J., The Wardha Schemes of Education, OUP, Bombay, 1940.

8. Gandhian Constructive Programs and its Relevancy

1. Gandhi M.K., Constructive Programme, Navajivan Publishing House,
2. Gandhi, M. K., Constructive Programme- Its Meaning and Place,
Navajivan, Ahmedabad, 2003 edn.
3. Parekh, Bhikhu., „Gandhi‟, Oxford, 1997.
4. Pyarelal., „Mahatma Gandhi-The Last Phase‟, Vol.1, Navajivan,
Ahmedabad, 1956.
5.„The Constructive Programme –Its perspectives and dynamics‟, compiled
by Gopalrao Kulkarni, C.K.Narayanswami, Neksat Khan, Congress House,
6. Verma, M.M., „Gandhi‟s Technique of Mass Mobilization‟,
R.K.Gupta&Co, New Delhi, 1990.

Ms Grishma Rana

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

1. Art, Artists and History in Modern India


Guha-Thakurta, Tapati. 1992. “Artists and Aesthetics: Abanindranath

Tagore and the „New School of Indian Painting‟.” In her The Making of a
New “Indian” Art: Artists, Aesthetics, and Nationalism in Bengal, c1850–
1920, pp. 226–312. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sheikh, Nilima. 1997. “On Amrita Sher-Gil: Claiming a Radiant Legacy.” In

Gayatri Sinha, ed. Expressions and Evocations: Contemporary Women
Artists of India, pp. 18–29. Mumbai: Marg Publications.

Sinha, Gayatri. 2009. “The 1930s: A Decade of Modernism.” In Gayatri

Sinha, ed. Art and Visual Culture in India, 1857–2007, pp. 118–35.
Mumbai: Marg Publications.

Guha-Thakurta, Tapati. 2005. “Lineages of the Modern in Indian Art: The

Making of a National History.” In Kamala Ganesh and Usha Thakkar, eds.,
Culture and the Making of Identity in Contemporary India, pp. 71–108. New
Delhi: Sage Publications.

Mallik, Sanjoy. 2009. “Social Realism in the Visual Arts: „Man-Made‟

Famine and Political Ferment, Bengal 1943–46.” In Gayatri Sinha, ed. Art
and Visual Culture in India, 1857–2007, pp. 150–161. Mumbai: Marg

Mitter, Partha. 2007. “Jamini Roy and Art for the Community.” In his The
Triumph of Modernism: India‟s Artists and the Avant-Garde, 1922–1947,
pp. 100– 22, 242–9 (notes).
London: Reaktion Books.

Brown, Rebecca M. 2012a. “The Group 1890 and the 1960s.” In Partha
Mitter and Parul Dave Mukherji, eds. Twentieth Century Indian Art. New
Delhi: Arts Alive Gallery. Haque, Enamul. 2003. “Contemporary Art of
Bangladesh.” In Frederick M. Asher, ed., Art of India, Prehistory to the
Present, pp. 154–9. New York: Encyclopedia Britannica.

Kapur, Geeta, et. al. 1981. Place for People: An Exhibition of Paintings by
Jogen Chowdhury, Bhupen Khakhar, Nalini Malani, Sudhir Patwardhan,
Gulam Mohammed Sheikh, Vivan Sundaram. Bombay: Jehangir Art

2. Environment and Society


Arnold, David and Ramachandra Guha, eds., Nature, Culture and

Imperialism: Essays on the Environmental History of South Asia (New
Delhi: OUP, 1995)

Arun Agrawal and Kalyanakrishnan Sivaramakrishnan eds., Social Nature,

Resources, Representations and Rule in India, (Delhi: OUP, 2000)

Grove, Richard, Green Imperialism, (Delhi: OUP, 1998)

Grove, Richard, Vinita Damodaran and Satpal Sangwan, eds. Nature and the
Orient: The Environmental History of South and Southeast Asia. (Delhi:
OUP, 1998)

Guha, Ramachandra, The Unquiet Woods, (Delhi: OUP, 1989, 2000, revised

Guha, Ramachandra and Madhav Gadgil, The Fissured Land: An Ecological

History of India (Delhi: OUP, 1992)

Guha, Sumit, Environment and Ethnicity in India, 1200- 1991 (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1999)

Mahesh Rangarajan, India‟s Wildlife History, An Introduction (Delhi:

Permanent Black, in association with Ranthambhore Foundation, 2001)

Saberwal, V. K. et al ed., Battles over Nature, (Delhi: Permanent Black,


M. Rangarajan and K. Sivaramkrishan, India‟s Environmental History:
Volumes 1 and 2, Permanent Black, Delhi, 2011.

S Ravi Rajan, Modernizing Nature (Delhi: Orient Black Swan, 2008).

3. Colonial Cities : A History of Modern Architecture


Burgin, Victor. In/Different Spaces: Place and Memory in Visual

Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.

Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities. London: Pan Books, 1979.

Ghurye, G. S. Cities and Civilization. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1962.

Girouard, Mark. Cities and People: A Social and Architectural

History. New Haven: Yale UP, 1985.

Lefebvre, Henri. The Production of Space. Oxford: Blackwell, 1991.

_____. The Urban Revolution, trans. Robert

Bononno. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003.

Mumford, Lewis. The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and
Its Prospects. New York: Harcourt, Brace &amp; World, 1961.

Rodwin, Lloyd and Robert Hollister, eds. Cities of the Mind: Images and
Themes of the City in Social Sciences. New York: Plenum Press, 1984.

Ross, Robert and Gerard J. Telcamp eds. Colonial Cities: Essays on

Urbanism in a Colonial Context. Leiden, 1985.

Appadurai, Arjun. “Spectral Housing and Urban Cleaning: Notes on

Millennial Mumbai.” Public Culture 12, no. 3 (2000), pp. 627-651.

Attwood, D.W., M. Israel and N.K. Wagle, eds. City, Countryside and
Society in Maharashtra. Center for South Asian Studies, University
of Toronto, Toronto, 1988.

Da Cunha Gerson J. Origin of Bombay. Bombay, 1900.

Dossal, Mariam. Imperial Designs and Indian Realities: The Planning

of Bombay City, 1845-1875. Bombay: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Edwardes, S.M. The Gazetteer of Bombay City and Island, 3 vols. Bombay:
Times of India Press, 1909-1910.

_____. The Rise of Bombay: A Retrospect. Bombay: Times of India Press,


Edwardes, S. M. By-Ways of Bombay. Illustrations by M. V.

Dhurandhar. Bombay: D. B. Taraporevala Sons &amp; Co., 1912.

Furber, Holden. Bombay Presidency in the mid-eighteenth century. Bombay,


Hansen, Thomas Blom. Wages of Violence: Naming and Identity in

Postcolonial Bombay.

Princeton: Princeton UP, 2001.

Karkaria, R.P, ed. Charm of Bombay: An Anthology of writings in praise of

the First City in India. Foreword by H. E. Lord Willingdon, Governor
of Bombay. Bombay: D. B. Taraporevala, 1915.

Khan, Shafaat Ahmad, Anglo Portuguese negotiations relating

to Bombay,1660-1677. London [etc.] H. Milford, Oxford University Press,

Klein, Ira. “Urban Development and Death: Bombay City, 1870-

1914. Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 21, Pt. 4 (Oct. 1986), pp. 725-755.

Kosambi, Meera. Bombay in Transition: The Growth and Social Ecology of

a Colonial City. Stockholm: Almqvist &amp; Wiksell International, 1986.

Manshardt, Clifford. Bombay Today and Tomorrow. Bombay: Taraporevala,


Masselos, J.C. Bombay in the 1870s: A Study of Changing Patterns in
Urban Politics. South Asia, no. 1 (1971). pp. 145-167.

4. Understanding Frontiers and Borders


Schendel, Willem van, The Bengal Borderland, London, 2005.

Anderson, Benedict, Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in

Indonesia, Cornell, 1990.

Duara, Prasenjit, Rescuing History from the Nation: Questioning Narratives

of Modern China, Chicago, 1995.

Wilson, Thomas M. and Hastings Donnan (eds.), Border Identities,

Cambridge, 1998.

Sahlins, Peter, Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the

Pyrenees, Berkeley, 1989.

Scott, James, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of

Upland Southeast Asia, Yale University Press, 2009.

Nugent, Paul and A. I. Asiwaju (eds), African Boundaries, Barriers,

Conduits and Opportunities, London, 1996.

Winichakul, Thongchai, Siam Mapped: A History of the Geo Body of a

Nation, University of Hawaii, 1994.

Rao, A. (ed.), The Other Nomads: Peripatetic Minorities in Cross Cultural

Perspective, Cologne, 1986.

Bryant, Raymond, The Political Ecology of Forestry in Burma, 1824-1994,

London, 1997.

M. Baud and Willem van Schendel, “Toward a Comparative History of

Borderlands”, Journal of World History 8:2 (Fall 1997): 211-242

Charles Maier, “Consigning the Twentieth Century to History: Alternative
Narratives for the Modern Era,” American Historical Review 105, no. 3
(June 2000): 807-31

Jeremy Adelman and Stephen Aron, “From Borderlands to Borders:

Empires,Nation-States, and the Peoples in Between in North American
History,” American Historical Review 104, no. 3 (June 1999)

Pekka Hämäläinen and Samuel Truett, “On Borderlands,” Journal of

American History (2011)

5. Travel Writing In Modern India: Texts, Theories, and Frameworks for


Roy Bridges. “Exploration and Travel Outside Europe. (1720-1914)” The

Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim
Youngs. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)

A. N. P. Ummarkutty. Sanchara Sahithyam Malayalathil.(Travel Literature

in Malayalam) (Trivandrum: Chaithanya Printers, 1989)

Homi. K. Bhabha. Nation and Narration. (New York: Routledge, 1994)

Mary Baine Campbell. “Travel Writing and its Theory.” The Cambridge
Companion to Travel Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim Youngs.
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)

Roger Fowler. Ed. A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms. (London:

Routledge, 1990)

Susan Bassnett. “Travel Writing and Gender.” The Cambridge Companion

to Travel Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim Youngs. (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2002)

Edward Said. Culture and Imperialism. (Manchester: Vintage, 1993)

William H. Sherman. “Stirrings and Searchings. (1500-1720)” The
Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim
Youngs. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002)

Peter Hulme and Tim Youngs. The Cambridge Companion to Travel

Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim Youngs. (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002)

Susan Bassnett. “Travel Writing and Gender.” The Cambridge Companion

to Travel Writing. Ed. Hulme, Peter and Tim Youngs. (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2002)

Dr Narayan Bhosale

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

1. Painting in Early India

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. (2003). History of Indian and Indonesian Art.

Kessinger Publishing.
Havell, E. B. (1920). A Handbook of Indian Art. John Murray, London.
Percy Brown, (1960) Indian Painting, Published by Y. M. C. A. publishing house,
Philip S. Rawson, (1961) Indian Painting, Published P.Tisné,
Rajesh Sing, (2012) An Introduction to the Ajanta Caves with examples of six
caves,Hari Sena Press Pvt Ltd, Vadodara, India.
Walter Spring and Nomichy Yagochi, (2014) Ajanta: History and
Development, Volume 6 Defining Features.

2. Temple Architecture in Early India

S.K. Ramachandara Rao, Vastu-Silpa Kosha, Encyclopedia of Hindu Temple

architecture and Vastu/ Delhi, Devine Books, (Lala Murari Lal Chharia Oriental
Dehejia, V. (1997). Indian Art. Phaidon: London.
Acharya, Prasanna Kumar (1946). An encyclopaedia of Hindu architecture.
Oxford University Press.
Hardy, Adam (2007). The Temple Architecture of India, Wiley: Chichester.
Mitchell, George (1988). The Hindu Temple, University of Chicago Press:
Chicago, IL
Rajan, K.V. Soundara (1998). Rock-Cut Temple Styles. Somaiya Publications:

3. Nomads and their Culture, Customs, Laws and Caste Panchayat

Bhat Chandrashekhar, Ethincity and Mobiliy, Concept PublishingCompany, New

Bhosale Narayan, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Pitrusattak Jatpanchayat: Parampara
Ani Sangharsh, The Taichi Prakashan, Pune, 2008.
Bhosale Narayan, Vimukti Prabodhan, Atharv Publication, Jalgaon, 2012.
Chavan Ramanath, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Jatpanchayat, (Six volume)
Deshamukh and Company Publisharsh Pvt Ltd, Pune, , 2002.
D‟souza Dilip , Bonded by Law, Penguin Books India (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
Simhadri, Y. C., The De-notified Tribes, A Sociological Analysis, Classical
Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1991.
W.V. Grigson, “The Aboriginal in the Future India” (1944) 74 J. Royal
Anthropological Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ir. 33.

4. Archaeological and British Government Records on Itinerant Communities

in India

Booth Tucker F, Areport of the Work of the Salvetion Army among the Criminal
Tribes, Habitual and releted Prisoners in India, London.
Simhadri Y.C. Changing Criminal Behaviour of an ex-criminal Tribe in an Indian
Village, Indian Journal of Criminology, 1876.
Simhadri Y.C., Ex-Criminal Tribes of India, National Publication House, New
Delhi, 1979.
Radhakrishna Meena, Dishonored by History: Criminal tribes and British Colonial
Policy, Orient Longman, Hydrabad, 2001.
Various State and National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-
Nomadic Tribes, (1930 to 2008).
India Office Records(The India Office Records comprise archives created and
accumulated by the India Office (1858-1947) and its offshoot the Burma Office
(1937-48), or inherited or otherwise acquired by the India Office from its
predecessor bodies mainly the East India Company 1600-1858 and the Board of
Commissioners for the Affairs of India (1784-1858); also archives created or
acquired by the India Office Records acting as the successor to the India and
Burma Offices in respect of their archives.)

5. Nomads: the food gathering, Pastoral, Traders and Beggar Nomads

V.Raghavian, Nomads, Bharatiy Adim Jati Sevak Sangh, Madras, 1968.

Bhosale Narayan, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Pitrusattak Jatpanchayat: Parampara
Ani Sangharsh, The Taichi Prakashan, Pune, 2008.
Bhosale Narayan, Vimukti Prabodhan, Atharv Publication, Jalgaon, 2012.

Chavan Ramanath, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Jatpanchayat, Deshamukh and
Company Publisharsh Pvt Ltd, Pune, , 2002.
Chavan Ramanath, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Jatpanchayat, Vol. 2,Deshamukh and
Company Publisharsh Pvt Ltd, Pune, 2010.
Chavan Ramanath, Bhatakya-Vimuktanchi Jatpanchayat, Vol. 5,Deshamukh and
Company Publisharsh Pvt Ltd, Pune, 2013.

6. Itinerant Communities, language and Linguistic Science

Aitchison, J. Language Change: Progress or Decay? 2nd edn. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge, 1991.
Benedict Anderson, Language and Power: Exploring Political Cultures in
Indonesia, Cornell, 1990.
Benjamins Abbi, A. India as a Linguistic Area Revisited (A special Volume of
Language Sciences),Pergamon, Tokyo, 1991.
Corfield, Penelope. (ed.), Language, History and Class, Blackwell, Oxford, 1991.
Bhosale Narayan, Vimukti Prabodhan, Atharv Publication, Jalgaon, 2012.
Kavanagh, G., Museum Languages, Roultedge Publications,1992.
Mane Lakshaman, Vimuktayan, Lokvngamaygruh, Mumbai, 1997.
Routledge Sampson, Geoffrey, Schools of Linguistics, Stanford University Press,
Stanford, 1980.
Taylor, D.J. , The History of Linguistics in the Classical Period, 1987.
Various State and National Commission for Denotified, Nomadic and Semi-
Nomadic Tribes, 1930 to 2008.

Ms Laxmi Salvi

Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Mumbai

I) Corporate Social Responsibility in India: a historical perspective

1. Business and Community: The story of corporate social Responsibility in
India by Pushpa Sunder, Sage Publication, 2012.
2. Corporate Social Responsibility in India by Bidyut Chakraborty, Published
by Rout ledge contemporary South Asia Series 2011, Canada.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Welfare State: The historical and
contemporary Role of CSR in the mixed Economy of welfare by Jeanette
Brejning: Published by Rout ledge London and New York, 2016.
4. Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia by Kyoko Fukukawa, edited
published by Rout ledge International Business in Asia, London & New
Yark, 2010.
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Challenges, opportunities and strategies
Edited by John O, Okpara and Samuel O, Odowu Published Springen,
Berlin, 2013.

II) History of Slum proliferation in India in the twentieth century

1. State of slums in India, A statistical compendium, 2013, Government of
India, Ministry of Housing and Urban poverty Alleviation National
Buildings organization, 2013.
2. Learning from the slums for the Development of Emerging the
Development of Emerging cities. Editors Bolay, Jean-Claude Chenal,
Jerome, Pedrazzine, Published by Springle, 2016.

3. Dharavi : From mega-slum to Urban paradigm (Cities and the urban
imperative) by marie-caraline saglio- yatzi miasky (Authar) Published
4. Urbanization, Urban povery and slums in India, by Narayan Laxmi,
Published by LAMBERT, 2014.
5. The Environmental History of Maritime Forts in and around Mumbai by
Dipti Mukherji, edited by MHS Academics Monitoring Committee, Sudha
Srivastava, 2008.
6. Totally Mumbai by pereena Lamba & Miel Sahgal, 2017.
7. Home in the City: Bombay 1977 Mumbai-2017, by Boomi Taraporewala,

III) Water Conflicts in India in the twentieth century

1. Water Conflicts in India: A million Revolts in the making by K.J.Joy, Suhas

Paranjape, Biksham Gujja, Vinod Goud, Edited, 2007, Published Rout ledge
2. Inter-State River water Disputes in India by M.V.V. Ramana, 2009,

Published orient Blackswan Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2009.

3. Indus Divided: India, Pakistan and the Fiver Basin Dispute-by Daniel Haines

Viking, 2017.
4. The Teesta water dispute : Geopolitics, myth and economics by maya
mirchandani, 2016 observer Research foundation, 2016.
5. Water allocation and use in the Mahanadi River Basin: A study of the
Agricultural and Industrial Jeetors pub. by Forcem For Policy Dialogue on
water conflicts in India. July, 2017.

IV) Sustainable Development in India in the twentieth century
1. The Economics of sustainable Development: The case of India by Kumar
Surenelec Managi Shunsuke, 2009.
2. Environmental concerns and sustainable Development: Some perspectives
from India by Jakarama Somayaji, 2009. Pub by the Energy and Resource
3. Challenges to sustainable in India by M.D. Reyazuddin, 2010.
4. The Challenpes and Dilemma of sustainable Development: India‟s Response
by Sudhin Sinha, 2017.
5. „Bottom-up‟ A approaches in Governance and Adaptation for sustainable
Development: case studies from India and Bangladesh sage, publication,
2017 New Delhi by Prade Swarnakar edited by Stephen zavestoski.

Dr B. B. Jadhav
Co-ordinator, P.G. Centre in History, S.M.D.L College, Kalamboli

1) Political, Social, Economic, Cultural History of any topic.

2) History of Ideas

3) History of Peasants and Agrarian Relations particular place & period.

4) Urban History- any city.

5) Regional and Local History – any Local place & aspects.

6) Travels & Tourism Development – Local places, Historical places,

museums, picnic points etc.

7) Women‟s History- any women & any aspects.

8) Demographic History

9) Social Movements and Popular Protest

10) Industrialization History & Impact

11) Resistance to British Rule

12) National Movement

13) History of Science and Technology

14) Historical Geography

15) Quantitative History

Mrs. Vidya Prabhu,
Co-ordinator, P.G. Centre in History, Dnyanasadhana College, Thane:

1. Project Name: Chawls in Mumbai

1. Adarkar Neera, Menon Meena, One Hundred Years, One Hundred
Voices, The Mill Workers of Girangaon; An Oral History, Seaguel,
Mumbai, 2004.

2. Adarkar Neera, Gendering of the Culture of the Building: Case of

Mumbai, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 38(43) 4528, 2003.

3. Kidambi Prashant, The making of Indian Metropolis: Colonial

Governance and Public Culture, Ashgate, Lonond, 2007.

4. Patel Sujata, Masselos Jim , eds, Bombay and Mumbai, The City in
Transition, Oxford, New Delhi, 2003.

5. G.R.Pradhan, Untouchables workers of Bombay City, Karnatak

Publishing House, Bombay, 1938.

6. Madgaonkar Govind Narayn, Mumbaiche Varnan, (First Publication in

1863) Varada Books, Pune, 2002

2. Project Name: World Heritage Sites in India


1. Banarjee, N.R., Museum and Cultural Heritage of India, Agam Kala

Prakashan, New Delhi,1990.

2. Corsane, G. (ed.), Heritage, Museums and Galleries: An Introductory

Reader. Abingdon: Routledge, 2005.

3. Pearce and Sales J., Travel and Tourism Encyclopedia, Blanford,
London, 1959.

4. Patil Shivkumar, Exhibitive Sciences of History (Marathi) , Cinmay

Publication, Aurangabad, 2014.
5. Sharma Raj Bahadur, World Tourism in 21st Centruy, Alfa Publication,

6. Shah Rajesh, Dynamics of World Tourism Deveolpment, Raj Publishing

House, Jaipur, 2006.

3. Project Name: Forts in Maharashtra


1. Naravane M.S, The Forts of Maharashtra, New Delhi, 1995.

2. Kamlapur J.N, The Deccan Forts, Bombay, 1961.

3. Sessa Alberto, Tourism in Developing Countries, UNESCO, Paris, 1970.

4. Kathare Anil and Pawar Shivaji, Marathvadyaatil Kille (Forts in

Marathwada), Alfa Publication, Nanded, 2008.

5. Satish Akkalkot, Shodh Sivchatrapatinchya Durgancha,

6. Tendulkar Mahes, Kathaa Sagari durganchya part I,

7. Varange Rahul, Varange Shalaka and Vanarase Rupesh, Kilyanchi

Bhatkanti, Nav Chaitayan Publication, Mumbai, 2005.

4. Project Name: Heritage Sites in Thane

1. Sinha P. C.(ed), International Tourism and Sustainable Development,
Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2003.

2. Behera K.S, Maritime Heritage of India, New Delhi, 1999.

3. Naravane M.S, The Heritage Sites of Maharashtra, Pune, 2001.

4. Dalvi Dawood, Ase Ghadale Thane, Shri Krupa Publication, Thane,
5. Chawla Romila, Heritage Tourism and Development, Sonali
Publications, New Delhi,2004.

Mr. Mandar Thakur

Co-ordinator, P.G. Centre in History, Aadarsh Colloge, Badlapur

1. Social Reform Movement in Maharashtra (19th & 20th Century)

Suggested Books:
i) Ganachari A.G., Nationalism and Social Reform in a Colonial
Situation, Kalpaz Publication, New Delhi, 2005.
ii) Lederle Mathew, Philosophical Trends in Modern Maharashtra,
Popular Prakashan, Bombay, 1976.
iii) Phadke Y.D., Social Reformers of Maharashtra, Information Center,
New Delhi, 1975.
iv) Sunthankar B.R., Nineteenth Century History of Maharashtra (1818-
1857), Popular Book Depot, 1988.
v) Sunthankar B.R., Maharashtra (1858-1920), Popular Book Depot,
vi) Vohra Rajendra (Ed.), Adhunikata aani Parampara- Ekonisavya
Shatkatil Maharashtra, Pratima Prakashan, Pune, 2000.

2. Maharashtra and Indian National Movement

Suggested Books:
i) Javadekar S. D., Adhunik Bharat, Continental Prakashan, Pune, 1979.
ii) Ketkar Kumar, Katha Svatantryachi (Maharashtra), Maharashtra
Rajya Pathyapustak Nirmiti Va Abhyaskram Sanshodhan Mandal,
2003 ( Reprint)
iii) Masselos J.C., Towards Nationalism, Group Affiliations and the
Political Associations in Nineteenth Century Western India, Popular
Prakashan, Bombay, 1974.
iv) Phadke, Y.D., Visavya Shatkatil Maharashtra, Vol. I to V, Shrividya
Prakashan, Pune.
v) Sunthankar B.R., Nineteenth Century History of Maharashtra (1818-
1857), Popular Book Depot, 1988.
vi) Sunthankar B.R., Maharashtra (1858-1920), Popular Book Depot,

vii) Tara Chand, History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol. III & IV,
Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New

3. India: Foreign Policy and International Relations

Suggested Books:
i) Appadorai, Domestic Roots of India‟s Foreign Policy,OUP, New
ii) Bandopadhyaya J., The Making of India‟s Foreign Policy, Allied
iii) David M.D & Ghoble T.R., India, China and South East Asia, the
Dynamics Development, Deep & Deep, New Delhi, 2000.
iv) Dixit J.N., Indian Foreign Policy and its neighbors, Gyan Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2001.
v) Talwalkar Govind, Bharat aani Jag, Mauj Prakashan, Mumbai, 2009.

4. United Nations Organization and its Specialized organizations:

Suggested Books:
i) Baily Sidney, The United Nations, Macmillan Press, London, 1989
ii) Bennet A. Lecoy, International Organisation, Engle Word Clipps,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1988.
iii) Bourantonis Dimitris and Weiner Jarrod (Ed), The United Nations in
New World Order, Palgrave Macmillan, 1995
iv) Borges Johnson (Ed), Sanyukta Rashtra aani Etar Aantarrashtriy
Sanghatana, Diamond Publication, Pune, 2011.
v) Deolankar Shailendra, Aantarrashtriya Sambandh, Vidya Books
Publishers, Aurangabad, 2010 (2nd Revised Edition)
vi) Deolankar Shailendra, Samkalin Jagtik Rajkaran, Vidya Books
Publishers, Aurangabad, 2011 (3rd Edition)

5. Human Rights Movement:

Suggested Books:
i) Donelly J., Universal Human Rights in Theory and Practice, Cornell
University Press, 1989
ii) Freeden Michael, Human Rights: An Interdisciplinary Approach,
Oxford, 2002
iii) Greengarten I. M. Thomas Hill Green, The Development of Liberal
Democratic Thought, Toronto, 1981.

Mrs. Anagha Rane

Co-ordinator, P.G. Centre in History, K.M. Agrawal College, Kalyan

1. Introduction to Indian Archaeology-

a. Chakrabarti Dilip, India An Archeological History, OUP

b. Dhavlikar M. A. , Puratatvvidya
c. Dhavlikar M. A, Aaryanchya Shodhat.
d. Khanna A. N..,Archaeology of India
e. Deo S. B., Puratatvvidya
f. Ghosh S., Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology.

2. Thinkers of Modern Maharashtra-

 Sunthankar B. R. Nineteenth Century History of Maharashtra 1818-1857,

Shubhada-Saraswat prakashan, 1988.

 b.fDko ya dI, 19 vyaa SatkatIla maharaYT/ KMD ˗ 1 va 3 EaIivaVa p`kaSana, 1991˗93

 c. gaazaL esa. esa., AaQauinak maharaYT/acaa [ithasa, kOlaasa piblakoSana, AaOrMgaabaad, 2015.

 kzaro Ainala, AaQauinak maharaYT/acaa [ithasa, ivaVa bauk piblaSasa-, AaOrMgaabaad, 2009.

 jaaQava esa.jaI., AaQauinak maharaYT/acaa [ithasa, saMskRtI pustkalaya, naaMdoD, 2005.

3. Women Emancipation Movement of Modern Maharashtra-

1. Sunthankar B. R. Nineteenth Century History of Maharashtra 1818- 1857,

Shubhada-Saraswat prakashan, 1988.
2. Kumar Ravindar, Western India in the Nineteenth Century, Routledge
and Kegan Paul, London, 1968.
3. mahajana vaMdnaa, s~Ivaad AaiNa samaaja pirvat-na, Aqava- p`kaSana, QauLo, 2013.
4. ranaDo p`tIBaa, s~I mau>Icyaa maharaYT/atIla pa}laKuNaa, pa^Pyaular 1991.
5. Baaosalao naarayaNa, maharaYT/atIla s~IivaYayak sauQaarNaavaadacao sa<aakrNa, Aqava- p`kaSana, QauLo.
6. BaaoLo Baaskr laxmaNa ivasaavao Satk AaNaI samata ivacaar, Da^. baabaasaahoba AaMbaoDkr AkadmaI.
4. Social History Of Ancient India-

a. Altekar A. S. Position of Women in Hindu Civilization.

b. Altekar A. S., Education in Ancient India.
c. Basham A. L. The Wonder that was India.
d. Shrma R. S. Perspective in Social and Economic History of Ancient India.
e. saaLuMKo Aa,h., ihMdU saMskRtI va s~I, laaokvaaD\mayagaRh, mauMba[-, 1988.

Dr Somnath Kadam

P.G. Center in History, Kankavli College, Kankavli

1. isaMQauduga- ijalhyaatIla gaD ijalhyaacaa eoithaisak AByaasa.

2.isaMQauduga- ijalhyaatIla klaa AaiNa vaastuklaocaa [ithasa.

3. isaMQauduga- ijalhyaatIla ga`ama naamaaMcaa eoithaisak AByaasa.

4. isaMQauduga- ijalhyaatIla smaarko pya-Tnaacyaa saMQaI va Aavhanao.

5.isaMQauduga- ijalhyaatIla marazo kalaIna [ithasa.

6. dixaNa kaokNacaa p`acaIna [ithasa.

7.dixaNa kaokNaatIla AaMbaoDkr caLvaLIcaa [ithasa.

8.saavaMtvaaDItIla saavaMt rajaGaraNyaacaa ]dyaast.

na.ka.varaDkr klaa va ra.iva.baolaaosao vaaiNajya mahaivaValaya, daopalaI.
[ithasa ema.e.Baaga ˗ 2 saomaI. ˗ 4
p`klp ivaYaya pustkaMcaI yaadI
p`a. sauroSa Krat, [ithasa ivaBaagap`mauK
p`klp ivaYaya ˗ 1 kaokNacaa sqaainak [ithasa
A.k`. pustkacao naaMva laoKk p`kaSana p`kaSanaacaI tarIK AavaR<aI
1 kaokNacaa saaMskRitk [ithasa Da^. BaalacaMd` Aaklaokr navaBaart, mauMba[- 18 jaUna 2003 p`qama
2 kaokNacaa rajakIya [ithasa Da^. iva.gaao. Kaobarokr [ithasa saMSaaoQana maMDL, dadr 7 jaanao. 2006 p`qama
3 kaokNaatIla kuNabaI samaaja EaI. sauBaaYa saavaMt AanaMdI p`kaSana, icapLUNa 28 jaanao.2017 p`qama
4 mau$Dcaa [ithasa EaI. saMjaya gaaNaU gaaNaU p`kaSana, mau$D 1956 p`qama
Da^. sauroSa inaMbaaLkr,
5 kaokNacaa dIpstMBa SabdvaOBava, saaolaapUr 18 jaUna 2016 p`qama
EaI. baaLkRYNa pazk
6 p`itibaMba kaokNa EaI. kOsar dosaa[- smaRtI, mauMba[- 4 jaUna 2017 p`qama
7 inasaga- saMudr raoha EaI. EaIinavaasa gaDkrI ga`MqaalaI, mauMba[- 25 foba`uvaarI 2006 iWtIya
20 vyaa SatkatIla mauMba[-caI
8 Da^. iva.gaao. Kaobarokr [ithasa saMSaaoQana maMDL, dadr 4 jaanaovaarI 2013 p`qama
9 dapaolaIcaa [ithasa Da^. ivajaya taoro p`itmaa, saaMgalaI jaUna 2017 p`qama
10 r%naaigarI ijalha ga^JaoTsa- maharaYT/ Saasana maharaYT/ Saasana 1962 p`qama
p`klp ivaYaya ˗ 2 maharaYT/atIla ikllyaaMcaa [ithasa
1 p`tapgaDcaI jaIvanagaaqaa EaI. [Md`ijat saavaMt sahyaad`I, kaolhapUr jaUna 2014 p`qama
2 Asaa ha rayagaD EaI. esa.ema.doSamauK SaaoBanaa, Ailabaaga jaUna 2003 p`qama
3 gaDkaooTaMcaa [ithasa EaI. Bagavaana icalao iSavaspSa-, kaolhapUr 11 foba`uvaarI 2008 p`qama
4 dugaa-Mcyaa doSaa EaI. Bagavaana icalao iSavaspSa-, kaolhapUr jaUna 2011 tRtIya
5 pna-la pva-t pnhaLgaD EaI. [Md`ijat saavaMt sahyaad`I, kaolhapUr jaUna 2004 p`qama
6 ikllao EaI. gaao.naI.daMDokr ma^jaoisTk, mauMba[- jaanaovaarI 1982 iWtIya
7 duga- laoNaI EaI. sadaiSava ToiTlakr EaIkRpa, mauMba[- 3 foba`uvaarI 2013 p`qama
8 dugaa-Mcyaa doSaatuna EaI. saMidp tapikr ga$D, pUNao jaUna 2015 p`qama
9 jaladUgaa-Mcaa [ithasa EaI. Bagavaana icalao iSavaspSa-, kaolhapUr jaUna 2011 p`qama

p`a. sauroSa Krat, [ithasa ivaBaaga p`mauK, varaDkr baolaaosao ka^laoja, dapaolaI

p`klp ivaYaya:- kaoMkNacaa sqaainak [ithasa

saMdBa- pustko
1. gaDkaoT va ikllyaaMcaa [ithasa Bagavaana icalao
2. vaod jaladgaa-Mcaa Bagavaana icalao
3. kaoMkNacaa [ithasa Da^. iva.gaao. Kaobarokr
4. dapaolaIcaa [ithasa Da^. ivajaya taorao
5. mau$Dcaa [ithasa saMjaya gaaNaU
6. inasaga-sauMdr raoha EaIinavaasa gaDkrI
7. duga- laoNyaaMcaa [ithasa sadaiSava yaoivalakr
8. p`tapgaDcaI ijavanagaaqaa [Md`ijat saavaMt
9. rayagaDcaI ijavanagaaqaa Da^. Acarokr
10. 20 vyaa SatkatIla mauMba[-caI vaaTcaala Da^. iva.gaao. Kaobarokr


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