Open House 2023 24
Open House 2023 24
Open House 2023 24
martin school!
We look forward to working with
your child.
Mrs. McKay
• Introduction
• CORI Forms
• Tour the school after classroom visits
PTO Transportation
Kindergarten Curriculum
Mrs. Tracey Archambault - Teacher
Mrs. Laura Miguel - Teacher
Mrs. Sherman - Teacher
TBA- Teacher
Everyday math
Math Program: McGraw Hill Program- Everyday Math
★ Hands-on
★ Manipulatives
★ Number Sense
★ Numeral Formation
★ Counting, Addition and Subtraction
★ Geometry
★ Measurement and Data
St math
★ PreK-8 visual instruction program
★ Parent conferences
★ Report cards
self regulation
Without self regulation with self regulation
self regulation and executive functioning
★ Teaches children to self-regulate emotions, physical behavior, social
★ Interactions, and control cognitive processes (pay attention)
★ Emphasizes the importance of oral language development as a necessary
beginning to learning to read and write
★ Kids talk MORE and teachers talk LESS
★ Taking turns, sharing, managing emotions, taking care of materials
★ Staying focused and completing tasks
★ Learning and applying academic concepts independently
How can you support self-regulation at home?
★ Set up routines that get children involved in remembering steps in a
sequence, and planning what comes next
★ Encourage children to talk to themselves to remember
★ Act out play stories at home
★ Write, write, write
★ And of course, read together!
School Routines
and Expectations
Please feel free to contact us at the following emails:
Mrs. A -
• Note
Mrs. Miguel -
• Phone
Mrs. Sherman-
• E-mail
Teacher- TBA
* Review what your child will have for lunch each day.
* Practice opening straws, twisting water bottle caps,
opening fruit cup containers, and so on.
* Keep snacks and lunch separate.
* Don’t forget utensils.
* Lunch Codes will be emailed to you for ordering lunches
* How to pay for lunch…
Extra Snacks and Clothes
Please bring in an extra snack in a labeled ziplock
baggie. Please do the same with the extra set of
These baggies are okay HOWEVER the zipper locked baggies are much easier
to close.
Extra Snacks and Clothes
● Please practice putting on coats, sweatshirts, zipping,
buttoning, and tying shoes.
● Pack a small baggie of extra snacks in the event that your
child forgets one.