NIW Practice Pointer AILA 9-7-2017 3

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The New NIW Standard Established by Matter of Dhanasar

By Dan Berger, Ellen Freeman and Rita Sostrin

Our panel will focus on the important changes that the late 2016 AAO precedent case Matter of
Dhanasar brings to representing clients seeking national interest waivers (NIWs). We offer
practical tips on meeting new evidentiary standards, and provide guidance on how to prepare
successful NIW petitions under the new framework.

Making Your Case Given the Dhanasar Criteria

On December 27, 2016, in Matter of Dhanasar, 26 I&N Dec. 884 (AAO 2016), the USCIS
Administrative Appeals Office (AAO) announced a new analytical framework for determining
whether a foreign national pursuing employment-based permanent residence in the EB-2
category as a member of the professions holding an advanced degree or as an individual of
exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business is eligible for a discretionary waiver of the
job offer and labor certification requirements in the U.S. national interest - a “National Interest
Waiver” (NIW).2

According to Dhanasar,3 the third prong of NYSDOT4 (various versions: “that the national
interest would be adversely affected if a labor certification were required,” that beneficiary
“present[s] a national benefit so great as to outweigh the national interest inherent in the labor
certification process,” beneficiary will “serve the national interest to a substantially greater
degree than would an available U.S. worker having the same minimum qualifications,” or “ the
alien’s past record justifies projections of future benefit to the national interest”) has generated
confusion and needed to be revised. NYSDOT required showing of a “past history of
demonstrable achievement with some degree of influence on the field as a whole,” yet Dhanasar
concluded that past achievements are not necessarily the best or only predictor of future success.

Dhanasar’s new three-prong test looks at the facts holistically: the first prong – endeavor has
substantial merit and national importance – reviews the field; the second prong – individual is
1 See generally an excellent discussion of Dhanasar at Matter of Dhanasar: AAO Vacates NYSDOT and
Provides a “New Analytical Framework” for National Interest Waiver Petitions in Bender’s immigration
Bulletin (February 15, 2017). For a review of pre-Dhanasar adjudications, see Kludt, Angel and Camire,
Recent Trends in National Interest Waiver Cases, 18 Bender’s Immigration Bulletin 741-8 (June 15,

3 The US Alliance for International Entrepreneurs provides information on use of immigration categories
to support entrepreneurial ventures - see its press release on Dhanasar at
4 8 CFR §204.5(k)(4)
well positioned to advance the endeavor – reviewed the beneficiary; and the third prong –
beneficial to the U.S. to waive the job offer and labor certification requirement – reviews the
national interest.

Under the new test, in order to be granted an NIW, an EB-2 petitioner - either the foreign
national or an employer - must meet all of the following criteria, under the preponderance of
evidence standard:

1. The foreign national’s proposed endeavor has both substantial merit and
national importance. A wide range of fields of endeavor may qualify, including
business, entrepreneurialism, science, technology, culture, health, and education.

2. The foreign national is well-positioned to advance the proposed endeavor. To

determine whether the foreign national meets this requirement, USCIS will look
to his or her education, skills, knowledge and record of success in related or
similar efforts, a model or plan for future activities, progress toward achieving the
endeavor, and the interest of potential customers, users, investors or other relevant
entities or individuals.

3. On balance, it would be beneficial to the U.S. to waive the job offer and labor
certification requirements of the EB-2 category. To meet this requirement, USCIS
will consider (among other factors) whether the U.S. would benefit from the
foreign national's contributions even if qualified U.S. workers are otherwise
available, and whether the national interest of the foreign national's contributions
is sufficiently urgent to warrant foregoing the labor certification process.

The AAO stated that the petitioner must also show that a favorable exercise of discretion is
warranted. In addition, the beneficiary must qualify as a member of the professions holding an
advanced degree or as an individual of exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, or business.5

“National Importance” vs. “National Scope” Criteria

The Dhanasar decision made NIWs more broadly available to foreign nationals pursuing
endeavors that would benefit the United States, including entrepreneurs and the self-employed.
Matter of Dhanasar vacates the framework set forth in In Re New York State Dept. of
Transportation (NYSDOT).6 Under the NYSDOT standard, in determining whether a foreign
national is deserving of a waiver of labor certification, the Immigration Service looked at several
factors and determined whether:

5 See 8 CFR §204.5(k)(1)-(3).

6 22 I&N dec 215; File No. EAC 96 063 51031 (August 7, 1998).
(1) it has been shown that the alien seeks employment in an area of substantial
intrinsic merit;
(2) it has been shown that the proposed benefit of the foreign national's work will be
national in scope;
(3) the petitioner seeking the waiver has persuasively demonstrated that the national
interest would be adversely affected if a labor certification were required for him or her. The
petitioner must demonstrate that it would be contrary to the national interest to potentially
deprive the prospective employer of the services of the alien by making available to U.S.
workers the position sought by the alien.

A foreign national seeking an exemption from the labor certification process had to present a
national benefit so great as to outweigh the national interest inherent in the labor certification
process. The petitioner (whether the U.S. employer or the foreign national) had to establish that
he or she will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree than would an available
U.S. worker having the same minimum qualifications. The legacy INS found that Congress
intended to grant national interest waivers on the basis of the overall importance of a given
profession, rather than on the merits of the individual foreign national as they relate to the job to
be performed. The benefit which the foreign national presents to his or her field of endeavor will
greatly exceed the "achievements and significant contributions" contemplated in the regulation.
It clearly must be established that the foreign national's past record justifies projections of future
benefit to the national interest.

Dhanasar moved away from the geographic importance of “national in scope” to a specific
endeavor that the foreign national proposes to undertake. The USCIS no longer evaluates the
prospective impact of foreign national’s solely in geographic terms. Instead, the USCIS
evaluates the importance of the problems one tackles which could be important on a local level.
To determine whether the proposed endeavor has national importance, the AAO considers the
potential prospective impact of the foreign national’s undertaking. Using same information, one
can prove substantial merit associated with his or her endeavor.

Well Positioned to Advance the Proposed Endeavor

Dhanasar gives the following examples of demonstrating a beneficiary’s strong position to

advance their proposed endeavor:

● Education, skills, knowledge and record of success;

● Model or plan for future activities;
● Progress towards achieving the proposed endeavor;
● Interest of potential customers, users, investors, etc.
Dhanasar recognizes that some innovative endeavors that are in the national interest may fail,
and does not require petitioners to demonstrate that their proposed endeavors will be successful.
They must, however, demonstrate that they are well positioned to advance the proposed
endeavor. This is similar to the EB-1A requirement of demonstrating the intention to continue
work in the area of “extraordinary ability,” which could include a statement from the beneficiary
detailing professional plans.7

A reliable way to demonstrate professional plans is through a business plan, particularly for self-
sponsored petitioners. As such, either a professionally prepared business plan with financial
projections, or a detailed statement with market analysis could be a helpful tool to meet this

We can also look for guidance at the regulations governing the J-1 waiver program, where an
exchange visitor’s two-year foreign residence requirement8 can be waived through a
recommendation by the Department of Health and Human Services because of the nature of the
applicant’s research. One of the requirements is that the applicant be able to make original and
significant contributions and possess outstanding qualifications, training and experience beyond
the usually expected accomplishments at their education level.9

Lastly, for those beneficiaries who are already required to demonstrate “exceptional abilities”
instead of the advanced degree,10 this evidence would certainly go toward establishing that they
are well positioned to advance their field. Helpful evidence could include expert testimony,
work with government agencies or work on federally funded research projects, confirmation of
professional leadership positions, record of publications, citation history, speaking engagements,
media appearances, etc.

Clearly, to be well positioned to advance their field of endeavor, a beneficiary must demonstrate
an impressive level of accomplishment, unique skills, innovative ideas, and a specific plan for
implementation of those ideas.

On Balance, it is Beneficial to the U.S. to Waive a Job Offer and Labor Certification

Congress created the national interest waiver precisely in order to address the limitations of the
labor certification process. When a foreign national provides unique and substantial benefits to
an entire field of endeavor above and beyond what could reasonably be expected as part of his or
her “job,” they should not be excluded from permanent residence on the grounds that another
7 26 I&N Dec. 884 (AAO 2016).
8 22 I&N Dec. 215 (Acting Assoc. Comm’r 1998).
9 8 CFR §204.5(h)(5).
10 INA §212(e).
individual is “minimally qualified” to perform the “job,” in the narrowest sense of performing
competent work for the sole benefit of a single employer.

According to Dhanasar, an adjudicator is to conduct a balancing test by weighing the national

interest of requiring job offers/labor certifications to protect domestic workers against other
national interest factors that a foreign national beneficiary brings to the table. Factors to be
evaluated could include:

● The impracticability of obtaining a job offer/labor certification, given the beneficiary’s

qualifications or proposed endeavor (e.g., beneficiary is a self-employed entrepreneur, or
beneficiary has unique skills not easily articulated in a labor certification);
● The U.S. would benefit from the beneficiary’s contributions, even if U.S. workers are
● The national interest in the beneficiary’s contributions is “sufficiently urgent” to
necessitate foregoing a labor certification.

Unlike in NYSDOT, this prong does not require showing harm to the national interest, or a
comparison to U.S. workers in the field, thus allowing beneficiaries to focus on the benefits they
bring rather than the harm of losing them. In recent AAO decisions, USCIS has focused on the
“sufficiently urgent” language, so this may be an area for practitioners to explore.

To successfully meet the balancing test, unique and exceptional qualifications of the beneficiary
should be highlighted to show that, because of these qualifications, the beneficiary should not be
regarded as competing with U.S. workers. Rather, he or she is in a class of their own, and
putting them through the labor certification process, or requiring them to have a job offer (in the
case of an entrepreneur or an exceptional foreign national seeking to self-sponsor) would make
the job they are performing no longer viable because of stringent DOL requirements.

Foreign nationals who present a significant benefit to their field of endeavor create a paradox
that cannot be solved by the labor certification process. While the labor certification process
normally serves the national interest by protecting American jobs, it is precisely in the case of
individuals who present a significant benefit to their field of endeavor, that the national interest
would not be served by a blind adherence to the “minimally qualified” standard of the labor
certification process.

Adjudication Trends and Case Preparation Tips

As of the writing of this piece in early fall, 2017, the extremely long backlogs of NIW case are
starting to clear. They were running close to a year for an initial adjudication in 2016, and
USCIS stopped processing cases for training post-Dhanasar until about May 2017. 2016 cases
are being worked, and new filings are being considered in under six months.
We note that of all case types processed by USCIS, NIWs have been particularly volatile since
1990 when the category was created. There have been times when NIWs seem to sail through
with largely favorable outcomes in just a couple of months, and other times where the bar seems
unreasonably high and case processing runs close to a year. The inherent flexibility and
vagueness of the NIW category provides opportunities for creativity in advocacy for clients, but
it can also lead to uncertainty in USCIS decisions. Dhanasar is being applied, and seems to be a
positive development, but we caution that with the new Administration and time and more AAO
decisions, the NIW category could continue its historic pattern of ups and downs.

One excellent way to follow the NIW category is to read AAO cases, which are available on the
USCIS website at

Since Dhansar was decided in December, 2016, there have not been many AAO cases, but a
review of those posted show relatively positive treatment of these cases at the appeals level. In
particular, previous cases tended to emphasize citation counts and traditional academic activities.
More recently, leadership roles in projects seems to be valued, sometimes just as much as
citation count or publication record. See the attached chart showing highlighting some 2017
AAO decisions.

The AAO cases also suggest that providing a business plan for an entrepreneur, and a resume for
most cases is valuable. Some practitioners will leave out the resume because it can be
misinterpreted. USCIS officers have been known to focus on minor, unimpressive points on the
resume to issue an RFE. If a resume is to be submitted, it should be edited to highlight and
reinforce the key arguments in the NIW petition.

NIW for Entrepreneurs

In 2014, USCIS announced a plan to re-evaluate existing immigration categories to try to make
them more accessible to entrepreneurs.11 Dhanasar seems to be an outgrowth of that effort.
With the seeming demise of the entrepreneur parole rule, Dhanasar could be a particularly good
tool for helping international entrepreneurs who do not fit neatly into an existing temporary visa

In particular, Dhanasar supports businesspeople by:

11 45 CFR §50.4.
12 8 CFR §204.5k(1) – (3).
1. Allowing use of the applicant’s degrees and experience. This benefits highly educated
2. Permitting teaching as evidence. For example, an entrepreneur who also teaches in his or her
field will now get a boost in the NIW category.
3. Clarifying that benefit to the U.S. interest can be local, such as helping to create jobs in a
depressed area or creating a specialized local product. Entrepreneurs can argue the impact of
their work on the economy, starting regionally, and then adding national supply chain
implications if applicable.
4. Noting specifically that entrepreneurial work can lead to an NIW. This has been on the USCIS
website for a couple of years, but now it in case law. The decision notes that “evidence that the
endeavor has significant potential to employ US workers or has other substantial positive
economic effects... may well be understood to have national importance.”
5. Clarifying that the entrepreneurial venture does not need to succeed to be valuable: “many
innovations and entrepreneurial endeavors may ultimately fail, in whole or in part, despite an
intelligent plan and competent execution. We do not, therefore, require petitioners to
demonstrate that their endeavors are more likely than not to ultimately succeed.” The business
just needs to be “well positioned to advance the proposed endeavor.” This stresses the
importance of a high quality business plan for entrepreneur NIW cases.


As always, NIWs are a chance for creativity in showing a foreign national’s talents. It is an
exercise in marketing within the guidelines of evolving case law.
AAO cases on NIW post-Dhanasar

Citation Field Quotes

Matter of E-C- Self-employed consultant, This petitioner submitted a business plan for his
H-, ID# 77734 specifically for veteran proposed company, including types of services,
(AAO Dec. 27, services. fee structures, marketing strategies, an
2016) operating budget, financial statements, and a
list of potential clients.

“Based on his intention to start a consultancy

firm through which he will be self-employed, it
would be impractical for him to obtain a labor
certification. The record demonstrates the
immense value in improving programs and
assisting organizations that provide support
and advocacy tor U.S. veterans and wounded
warriors. Furthermore, the Petitioner has a
past record of success . . . and he has shown
that several organizations in the field are eager
to make use of his services as a consultant.”
Matter of E-A- Cancer staging instructor, “The Petitioner submitted his resume,
A-, ID# 77902 intent on pursuing a documentation of his published and presented
(AAO Dec. 27, surgical oncology work, peer review activities, medical training
2016) fellowship. credentials, along with reference letters
discussing his work in the field, and evidencing
his leadership in developing cancer staging
tools. The record also includes evidence that
the Petitioner is being recruited for fellowship
positions at several leading hospitals . . .”

“Experts . . . testified to their use of the

Petitioner’s work in their own clinical practice
and research.”
Matter of F-E-, Metallurgical engineer This petitioner had very few citations but
ID# 46885 with intent to develop submitted letters attesting to his leadership role
(AAO Mar. 20, mining projects. in large-scale industrial projects.
“While a strong citation history can be useful
in establishing the influence or significance of
an individual's work within the broader field,
the evidence in the aggregate supports the
Petitioner's affirmation that his past work has
found practical application in industry settings,
rendering him well positioned to advance the
proposed endeavor. The submitted letters
describe with specificity how his work has been
used by his employer who relies upon him to
manage multi-million dollar projects at the
[redacted] in North America, as well as how his
work has impacted other independent mining
companies. Thus, the significance of his
leadership role in research projects and, most
importantly, his track record managing large
scale mining projects, position him well to
continue to advance his proposed endeavor of
developing and implementing sustainable
mining techniques.”
Matter of R-T-I- Chemical engineer “His experience developing and improving
ID# 77341 developing clean energy clean energy and biofuels processes, his record
(AAO Mar. 27, technology for a non- of proven innovation, and his ability to use
2017) profit. creative thinking to solve technical and
multifaceted problems in the energy sector
could not be easily articulated on an
application for labor certification because such
requirements are not customarily required for
the occupation of a chemical engineer.”
Matter of K-H- Postdoctoral researcher “Several of these individuals testify that they
S-, ID# 532240 studying the have modified their protocols based upon his
(AAO June 7, cardiovascular medicine. research and publications. Overall, the
2017) Petitioner has demonstrated through his
scholarship, innovative methodologies, and
record of high citations, that he has a record of
success and progress in his field, and that his
work has attracted the sustained interest of
relevant parties at a level that renders him well
positioned to advance his proposed endeavor of
researching molecular treatments for
cardiovascular disease. He notes that the
Petitioner’s work has been adopted by
researchers around the globe and that it has
‘mass cross disciplinary applicability.’”
Matter of T-U- Software engineer who is The Petitioner submitted several reference
O-A-, ID# 77945 developing tools for letters attesting to the Beneficiary’s leadership
(AAO Dec. 29, managing Big Data in the role in various projects.
2016) sciences.
“As detailed above, the significance of the
Beneficiary's past projects in the field is
corroborated by documentation of praise for
his work and published articles reflecting
widespread utilization of the [redacted] in the
scientific community. The Beneficiary's
experience and expertise in his field, his record
of success . . . and his significant role as lead
software engineer for the [redacted] project,
which has received ongoing funding from
[redacted], position him well to advance his
proposed endeavor.

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