GSP 2205 Lecture Note
GSP 2205 Lecture Note
GSP 2205 Lecture Note
Definition 1: A proposition is a statement that is either true or false, but not both,
i.e. a statement of opinion or judgment.
Example 1
1. BUK is the best university in Nigeria.
2. Abdu gets money
3. Bola study hard
4. 3 + 9 = 12
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Note: that there are some related conditionals that can be formed from p→q. The
proposition q→p is called Converse of p→q. The proposition ~q→~p is called
Contra-positive of p→q. The proposition ~p→~q is called the Inverse of p→q.
Write the converse, inverse and the contra-positive of the implication “if today is
Tuesday, then I have a class today”
The converse is “if I have a class today, then today is Tuesday”
The inverse is “if today is not Tuesday, then I do not have class a today”
The contra-positive is “if I do not have a class today, then today is not Tuesday”.
Note: - The biconditional p↔q is true precisely when both the conditionals p→q
and q→p are true. Because of this the terminology “p if and only if” is used and
this abbreviated as “iff”.
Some ways of expressing the proposition p↔q are
(a) “p is necessary and sufficient for q”
(b) “If p then q, and conversely”.
1. You passed the GSP2205 course, if and only if you scored 45% or higher
2. Abdu can takes the flight, is necessary and sufficient for Abdu buy a ticker
3. You are breathing, iff you are alive.
5.4 Uses of Logical terms
(1) Sometimes English sentences can be translate into expressions that involves
propositions and logical terms, one of the reason of doing this, is to analyze
the logical expression to determine their truth values.
How can the following English statement be translated to logical expression?
“You can pass the GSP2205 only if you attend all the classes of GSP2205 or you
study the book of GSP2205”
Answer: Logical expression
p: “You can pass the GSP2205”
q: “if you attend all the classes of GSP2205”
r: “you study the book of GSP2205”
(2) Logical terms are used extensively in searches of large collections of
information, such as indexes of web pages etc.
Definition 8: Compound propositions that have the same truth values in all
possible cases are called logical equivalent.
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Definition 9: A compound statement that is always true no matter what the truth
values of the propositions that occur in it, is called a Tautology.
Definition 10: A compound proposition that is always false is called
Definition 11: A proposition which is neither a tautology nor a contradiction is
called Contingency.
Definition 12: The propositions p and q are called logically equivalent.
If p↔q is a Tautology. The notation p≡q denotes that p and q are logically
One way to determine whether two propositions are equivalent is to use a truth
1. p↔q is equivalent to (p→q)˄(q→p).
2. ~(p˅q) and ~p˄~q are logically equivalent. (use truth table to verify)
Mathematical statements involving variables, such as
“𝑥 > 0”, “𝑥 + 𝑦 = 5”, and “𝑥 + 𝑧 < 𝑦”
are common in mathematical assertions. The truth value of these assertions can
only be determined when the values of the variables 𝑥, 𝑦 and 𝑧, are given. The
statement “𝑥 is greater than 0” has two parts, the variable 𝑥 and the predicate “is
greater than”. We can denotes this assertion by P(𝑥), where P denotes the predicate
“is greater than 0” and 𝑥 is the variable. The statement P( 𝑥) is called the value of
propositional function P at 𝑥. However, when the value of 𝑥 is given, then P(𝑥)
becomes proposition and has a truth value.
For example: if P(𝑥) denotes “𝑥 >0” what are the true values of P(4) & P(-1)? P(4)
is “4>0” is true and P(-1) is “-1>0” is false.
1. Let P(x) donate the statement “x>5” what is the truth value of the
quantifications Ǝ x P(x), where the universe of discourse is the set of real
Since “x>5” is true for instance when x=6-the existential quantification of
P(x), which is Ǝ x p(x) is true.
2. Let Q(x) denote the statement “x+1<x” what is the truth value of the
qualification Ǝ x Q(x) where the universe of discourse is the set of real
Since there is no real number x such that Q(x) is true, the existential of Q(x)
which is Ǝ x Q(x) is false.
Note: that the truth value of a quantified statement often depends on which
elements are in this domain.
Logic is dealing with techniques and principles of reasoning. The necessity and
importance of logic is indicated by the place it occupies in the order of learning. St
Thomas says that “logic must be learned before any other science, and he points
out that this has been the usual method of philosophers”.
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1) Which of the following statements are propositions? What are the truth values
of them?
a) Audu is a name
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a) p ˄ q b) ~ q˅ p c) ~ p→ ~ q d) ~ q ˄ ~ p e) ~ p ˅ ~ q f) p → q g) p ↔ q
h) ~p˅ ~ q
5) Consider the following propositions
p: Audu is rich
q: John is poor
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Write each of the following compound propositions in term of p and q and logical
Write each of the following compound propositions in term of p and q and logical
terms (symbolic)