BIO273 Module 7
BIO273 Module 7
BIO273 Module 7
a. !Crete
b. Sardinia
c. Cyprus
d. Sicily
5. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. True
b. !False
5. The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the
a. True
b. !False
6. In Norse mythology, what is the name of the serpent which eats the roots of the
ash tree Yggdrasil?
a. Odin
b. Ymir
c. !Nidhogg
d. Bragi
10. Which greek godgoddess tossed a golden apple with the words quot;for the
fairestquot; into the middle of the feast of the gods?
a. Artemis
b. Ares
c. Hades
d. !Eris
1. The ancient Roman god of war was commonly known as which of the following?
a. !Mars
b. Jupiter
c. Ares
d. Juno
2. Who in Greek mythology, who led the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece?
a. Castor
b. Odysseus
c. Daedalus
d. !Jason
10. Who is a minor god that is protector and creator of various arts, such as
cheese making and bee keeping.
a. !Aristaeus
b. Cephisso
c. Autonoe
d. Carme