Marion County
Board of County Commissioners
McPherson Governmental Campus
601 SE 25" Ave
Ocala, FL34a74
Phone: 352-438-2500
Fae 352-438-2524
May 23, 2023
Re: BCC Resignation
Chairman Craig Curry,
Distret 1 - Craig Gury, Chairman
District 2 Kathy Bryant, Commissioner
District 3 Jf Gold, Commissioner
Ost 4 - Car Zala il, Commissioner
District 5 Michelle Stone, Vice Chai
‘After attending the May 17, 2023, Visioning Workshop and meetings, | am confident the
Marion County Board of County Commissioners have a clear and collective vision for the
future. Therefore, | have achieved everything | can as a Marion County Commissioner and feel
| can better serve the community, as well as the state and nation, in other capactes.
| will submit my letter of resignation from the Marion County Board of County Commissioner's
to Governor DeSantis at the conclusion of the July 2023, board meeting or shortly prior to that.
{thas truly been an honor and pleasure to serve the citizens of Marion County and to work with
the board members and employees in my various roles for the past 40 years.
Jeff Gold
Empowering Marion fr Success