EAPP - Arguments in Manifestoes - LAS

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Department of Education
Region III - Division of Nueva Ecija
Sta. Barbara, San Antonio, Nueva Ecija
Learning Activity Sheet in English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP)
Quarter 2:
Arguments in Manifestoes

Name: ___________________________ 12-________________

Activity 1: Listen to the Argument Song on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=Fg6_UwQ3Cys. Then do the task that follows.

The Argument Song

By Ms. McCann

Because you know I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons
I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim

Yea, it’s pretty clear. I know how to argue

But what steps should I Be taking, taking before I do? First, read the writing prompt, and
make a t-chart
Then skim through the sources, read through the sources

Then find some evidence for both pros and cons. Go over my-chart, come on now make a
Then choose two reasons, reasons that tell them why.
It’s time to plan and write and tell them why I chose my side.

No, I won’t focus on my opinion and how I feel But, I will use my sources to cite evidence that’s
Yea, I’ll use facts and statistics to try and prove my point
And expert opinions and quotes to support my side

Because you know I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons
I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim

I’m writing paragraphs.

Got to make sure I have four paragraphs. Into comes first and conclusion is last.
Two in the middle. So one for each reason, and your essay is top notch!

No, I won’t focus on my opinion and I how I feel But, I will use my sources to cite evidence that’s
Yea, I’ll mention the counterclaim so they see the other side
But, then I’ll show how my claim is more logical and is right

Because you know I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons
I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim and reasons I’m all about my claim, ‘bout my claim


Task: Transfer what you have learned from the song about argument through this concept


Activity 2: Write A if the following is an example of an argument and N if it is not.

1. Justine is angry with me, so she probably won’t accompany me to

the party.
2. Are you serious? Stop doing that!
3. Animal abuse laws in most countries are so lenient that offenders
face almost no punishment, so stronger, stricter law must be imposed to protect animals.
4. As generation of students enter college, it is time for higher
education to use gaming to appeal to students and make learning more engaging.
5. First, I watched Netflix, and then I ate lunch. At noon, I decided to go
out with my friends. I missed them.
6. Divorce should be legalized in our country. There are many women
suffering from abusive relationship.
7. Elena showed me her artwork, and I was very surprised to see how
talented she is.
8. Obesity has become a problem of many women because obesity
rates have risen over the past years.
9. If the floor wasn’t slippery, she wouldn’t have fallen into an
10. Here you go again. Please, stop complaining.

Activity 3: Based on what you have learned from the lesson, supply the missing word using
picture clues.

An argument is a set of put together to prove a


It consists of a or conclusion and reasons or premises.

Writers can present their argument using these three ways: Reasoning,

and Appeal.

The two major types of Arguments are: Deductive and Argument.

Activity 4: Read the given manifesto entitled Is Bad Language Unacceptable on TV?’.
Then, do the task that follows.

Is Bad Language Unacceptable on TV?

BBC Online

(1) The use of racially abusive language on television and radio is an area of increasing
concern among viewers and listeners, a new study has revealed. The report also suggests most
adult with children want their homes to be expletive free. Stephen Whittle, Director of the
Broadcasting Standards Commission in England, says there is an acceptance that swearing
and offensive language is used in daily life, and may be appropriate if a program is aimed at

(2) But he says people “would prefer their homes to remain an expletive deleted zone for
children.” Is swearing still a matter of major concern to you? Or have swear words and
offensive language become an accepted part of TV output? Here are some responses to this
question featured on the BBC Online’s “Talking Point”:

(3) There’s a simple answer to all those complaining. If you don’t like it then don’t watch it.
There is nothing more annoying than listening to outraged people complaining about what
they had to watch the night before. No one makes you watch them so if you hear bad language/
see sex scene/ view violence then change the channels instead of watching all three hours and
then complaining about afterwards. YOU DON’T HAVE TO WATCH IT. It’s true that at times
in films/programs it seems the language is used purely to shock rather than as part of the
script/plot/characters but if you sit and watch it all instead of turning over/ switching off then
you can’t then blame your shock and outrage on the program makers.
James, UK

(4) There is no justification to the use of bad language on TV. It is unacceptable. How can a
parent positively correct a child who uses bad language if all they hear on TV is filthy language
every minute?
Ruskin Kwofic, USA

(5) Not only is swearing wrong and extremely offensive, even worse than that is the constant
blasphemy on TV. This is especially hurtful to a Christian like myself when it is done to make

people laugh. We should not be blaspheming or condoning this when we laugh or otherwise
accept it passively or actively. It is too easy to say,” ...use the off switch...,” this is not the
answer. Does any parent want to encourage their child to swear and adopt negativity? Rather
it would be more constructive to teach them the values of right and wrong. To sum up, all who
own a television license are entitled to be informed and entertained by its purchase and that
means all.
K.D., Wales

(6) Protecting children is a big chunk of what responsible parenting is about, and protecting
their minds and emotions is just as important as physical protection, if not more so. Of course
they’ll come across it elsewhere, but it’s clear that the extent will be increased or decreased by
the levels of exposure of their peers. As a parent I find the so-called watershed is no guarantee
at all that my kids won’t hear swearing on the television. Please can we have a consistently
regulated watershed?
Tom Richards, UK

(7) I consider the television to be a guest. I would not allow a visitor to my house to use
swearing and foul language in front of me or my children. I consider the television to be a guest,
and when it offends, off it goes!
J.Herbert, UK

(8) It really is stupid to campaign for protecting young people against swearing on TV. By the
time you reach 12 years old you’ve heard every word under the sun a million times in the
playground. Anyone who fails to realize this is just completely ignorant.
Darren Meale, UK

(9) Bad language is nothing compared to all the violent shows on so many series. I prefer to
hear someone pronounce a four-letter word than to see them beaten to death or killed in a TV
series. Bad language is part of the everyday life of most people. Violence is not.
Luc Masuy, Belgium

(10) The use of bad language in TV or cinema is not a reflection of society, but rather
an excuse by writers and actors to hide the facts that they can no longer produce real drama
or real emotion. The use of swearing is to emphasize a point is only there to mask the lack of
understanding and talent. Media twenty years ago didn’t need to use bad language—the skill in
presenting drama and emotions was there anyway. Sorry, no swearing on TV or cinema at all
for me.
Steve Gittins, UK

(11)In writing drama one of the first rules is to make your characters believable. Censorship of
bad language could lead to some of the most unbelievable characters ever portrayed on
television. People swear. For instance, a prison drama in which no one ever swore would be
ridiculous. What sort of programs you allow your children to watch is up to you? But they will
hear swearing in the real world—you can’t censor that.
Colin Wright, UK
(12) Why is it necessary? Surely we can use descriptive adjectives without resorting
to bad language. It is not enough to say it is a part of life. We have the power to adopt better
social attitudes; instead many people seem content with debasing everything.
Jill Doe, Wales

(13) All drama revolves around conflict and jeopardy so bad language in itself is not
wrong, it all depends on the context it is used in. Imagine if Shakespeare or Chaucer had been
prevented from writing and performing their works without the “bawdy” language, the
swearing of their day. As long as it doesn’t become meaninglessly used and the watershed is
observed to my eyes at least, it is acceptable.

James Newman, UK

(14) Please keep it off our screens. You only have to listen to children going to school
to see how commonplace it has become. Gerry, Scotland

(15) It may be the duty of our media/entertainment outlets to reflect the standards
and behavior of our society and culture, but they surely also have some responsibility to set the
standard. By merely reflecting, because they permeate every level of society, they take the lead
in the general debasement of “generally accepted standards of behavior.” I am not prudish or
offended by bad language/behavior on TV and radio, per se, but if often makes me wince!
Mark M. Newdick, USA

(16) As a relatively liberal minded young person, I am not outraged by occasional

bad language on television, but at the same time, I do not think that it is necessary. Bad
language is neither amusing nor particularly effective in stressing a point. It is just fashion—
and a very cheap fashion at that. It’s best to leave it in the cinemas (if it is really required
there) and edit the stronger language out before it appears on television. Personally, I have
never found that a movie is lacking punch just because a few profanities have been deleted.
Indeed, this should be the test to see whether a films is worth its weight at all.
Robert Kidd, Australia

(17) My personal experience of working in an environment where swearing was the

norm was to swear more. When I changed jobs where swearing was banned I stopped. The
best thing to do is to avoid swearing in the main but keep a little to be realistic, and hence cut
down on the excessive use of profanities in society.
Gavin Pearson, USA

(18) As adults, we can accept bad language on TV programs, as long as it relates to

the program in question (i.e., drama series or films). However, children should not have to
hear that sort of language. I’m not a prude by any means, but I find it really depressing when I
hear children from toddler age and up using foul language. Of course, they may learn this from
their parents and other family members, but let’s minimize their exposure by keeping it out of
children’s programs. Karen, UK

(19) The simple fact of the matter is if you don’t like the swearing then turn over!
Anything that your children may or may not hear on TV they are certainly going to hear in the
real world. People need to wake up and understand that the censorship of television is going
beyond a joke. I’m all for restricting bad language before a time when children are likely to be
up but can someone please explain to me the necessity to cut swear words from a film at 10:30
or 11:00. People can say they are offended as much as they like but the simple fact is that you
control what you watch, if you’re offended by swearing then turn it off. Welcome to the real
world people, people swear!

Richard Tacke, England



1. Classify the different positions in the article regarding the acceptability of bad language on
Positive Negative Neutral

2. Put together similar arguments and label them as to the kind of argument (religious,
mental, social, literary, etc.)

Kind of Argument Sample Argument from the Text


3. To sum up, what is the message implied in the example manifesto regarding swearing on

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