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Operations Strategy & Competitiveness

Quality Management
Strategic Decisions (some)
Design of Products Process Selection Capacity and
and Services and Design Facility Decisions


Tactical & Operational Decisions

Predict the next number in the pattern:

a) 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, ?

b) 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, ?

c) 5.0, 7.5, 6.0, 4.5, 7.0, 9.5, 8.0, 6.5, ?

Predict the next number in the pattern:

a) 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7, 3.7

b) 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5

c) 5.0, 7.5, 6.0, 4.5, 7.0, 9.5, 8.0, 6.5, 9.0

What is Forecasting?
◼ Process of predicting a future event
based on historical data
◼ Educated Guessing
◼ Underlying basis of
all business decisions
✓ Production
✓ Inventory
✓ Personnel
✓ Facilities
Why do we need to forecast?

Throughout the day we forecast very different things such as

weather, traffic, stock market, state of our company from different

Virtually every business attempt is based on forecasting. Not all

of them are derived from sophisticated methods. However, “Best"
educated guesses about the future are more valuable for the
purpose of Planning than no forecasts and hence no planning.
Importance of Forecasting in OM
• Departments throughout the organization depend on forecasts to
formulate and execute their plans.

• Finance needs forecasts to project cash flows and capital


• Human resources need forecasts to anticipate hiring needs.

• Production needs forecasts to plan production levels, workforce,

material requirements, inventories, etc.
Importance of Forecasting in OM

• Demand is not the only variable of interest to forecasters.

• Manufacturers also forecast worker absenteeism, machine

availability, material costs, transportation and production lead
times, etc.

• Besides demand, service providers are also interested in

forecasts of population, of other demographic variables, of
weather, etc.
Forecasting During the Life Cycle
Qualitative Forecasting Methods
Qualitative Methods
Briefly, the qualitative methods are:

Executive Judgment: Opinion of a group of high level experts or

managers is pooled

Sales Force Composite: Each regional salesperson provides his/her

sales estimates. Those forecasts are then reviewed to make sure they
are realistic. All regional forecasts are then pooled at the district and
national levels to obtain an overall forecast.

Market Research/Survey: Solicits input from customers pertaining to

their future purchasing plans. It involves the use of questionnaires,
consumer panels and tests of new products and services.
Qualitative Methods
Delphi Method: As opposed to regular panels where the individuals involved
are in direct communication, this method eliminates the effects of group
potential dominance of the most vocal members. The group involves
individuals from inside as well as outside the organization.

Typically, the procedure consists of the following steps:

Each expert in the group makes his/her own forecasts in form of
➢The coordinator collects all group statements and summarizes them
➢The coordinator provides this summary and gives another set of
questions to each
group member including feedback as to the input of other experts.
➢The above steps are repeated until a consensus is reached.

Qualitative Methods
Delphi Method:

l. Choose the experts to participate representing a variety of

knowledgeable people in different areas
2. Through a questionnaire (or E-mail), obtain forecasts (and any
premises or qualifications for the forecasts) from all participants
3. Summarize the results and redistribute them to the participants
along with appropriate new questions
4. Summarize again, refining forecasts and conditions, and again
develop new questions
5. Repeat Step 4 as necessary and distribute the final results to all
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
Time Series Models
Try to predict the future based on past data

Assume that factors influencing the past will continue

to influence the future
Time Series Models
Time series forecasting models try to predict the future based
on past data
You can pick models based on:
1. Time horizon to forecast
2. Data availability
3. Accuracy required
4. Size of forecasting budget
5. Availability of qualified personnel
Time Series Models: Components

Random Trend

Product Demand over Time
Product Demand over Time
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
Naive Approach
2a. Simple Moving Average
What if ipod sales were actually 3 in month 4
2a. Simple Moving Average

Forecast for Month 5?

2a. Simple Moving Average

Actual Demand for Month 5 = 7

2a. Simple Moving Average
Forecast for Month 6?
2b. Weighted Moving Average
3a. Exponential Smoothing – Example 3
Company A, a personal computer producer purchases
generic parts and assembles them to final product. Even though
most of the orders require customization, they have many
common components. Thus, managers of Company A need a
good forecast of demand so that they can purchase computer
parts accordingly to minimize inventory cost while meeting
acceptable service level. Demand data for its computers for the
past 5 months is given in the following table.
3a. Exponential Smoothing

◼How to choose α
✓depends on the emphasis you want to place
on the most recent data

◼Increasing α makes forecast more

sensitive to recent data
To Use a Forecasting Method
◼ Collect historical data
◼ Select a model
✓ Moving average methods
◼ Select n (number of periods)
◼ For weighted moving average: select weights
✓ Exponential smoothing
◼ Select 

◼ Selections should produce a good forecast

…but what is a good forecast?
A Good Forecast

 Has a small error

 Error = Demand - Forecast
Measures of Error
Forecast Bias
Quantitative Forecasting Methods
Exponential Smoothing (continued)
Exponential Smoothing (continued)
Regression Analysis as a Method for
Regression analysis takes advantage of the
relationship between two variables. Demand is
then forecasted based on the knowledge of this
relationship and for the given value of the
related variable.

Ex: Sale of Tires (Y), Sale of Autos (X) are

obviously related

If we analyze the past data of these two variables

and establish a relationship between them, we
may use that relationship to forecast the sales
of tires given the sales of automobiles.

Sales of Autos (100,000)

The simplest form of the relationship is, of course,
linear, hence it is referred to as a regression
y= a + bx
Regression – Example
Web-Based Forecasting
• Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) a Web-
based tool used to coordinate demand forecasting, production and purchase
planning, and inventory replenishment between supply chain trading

• Used to integrate the multi-tier or n-Tier supply chain, including

manufacturers, distributors and retailers.

• CPFR’s objective is to exchange selected internal information to provide for

a reliable, longer term future views of demand in the supply chain.

• CPFR uses a cyclic and iterative approach to derive consensus forecasts.

Web-Based Forecasting:
Steps in CPFR
1. Creation of a front-end partnership agreement
2. Joint business planning
3. Development of demand forecasts
4. Sharing forecasts
5. Inventory replenishment
General Guiding Principles for
1. Forecasts are more accurate for larger groups of items.
2. Forecasts are more accurate for shorter periods of time.
3. Every forecast should include an estimate of error.
4. Before applying any forecasting method, the total system should be
5. Before applying any forecasting method, the method should be tested
and evaluated.
6. Be aware of people; they can prove you wrong very easily in forecasting

William S. (2015). Operations Management. McGraw-

Hill Education.

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