Mgt501 Mid Term by Juanid
Mgt501 Mid Term by Juanid
Mgt501 Mid Term by Juanid
► Labor union
► Competitor's threat
► Organizational structure Pg 16
► Pressure group
The actions of people at work place are studied under which of the
following discipline?
► Psychology
► Organizational behavior PG 17
► Sociology
► Anthropology
► Required skills
0304-1659294 1
► Specific qualification
► Personality traits
► Job analysis pg 68
► Job title
► Job evaluation
► Job worth
► Job analysis pg 68
► Job specification
► Job worth
► Job description
0304-1659294 2
Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Physical motion
► Significance of task
► Mental stress
► Job description
► Job specification
► Job evaluation
0304-1659294 3
► Job satisfaction, job orientation and organizational commitment
► Perception
► Personality pg21
► Attitude
► Ability
► Goal achievers
0304-1659294 4
► Strict to employees
► Policy makers
► Job fairs
► Recent grads
► Internship programs
► Recruiting sites pg 43
Which of the given statement reflects the Relationship between HRM &
0304-1659294 5
► HRM is one aspect of Management pg 47
► No relationship exists
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► Interpersonal role
► Informational role
► Supportive role
► Decisional role pg 11
► Task
► People
► Structure
► Technology pg 13
0304-1659294 7
Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Scientific approach
► Rational approach
► Systematic approach
► Staff
► Functional
► Line pg 51
► Implied
0304-1659294 8
Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Workforce
► Multiple perspectives
The best hiring occurs when the goals of which of the following should
consistent to each other?
► Organization, Individual
► Counseling simulations
0304-1659294 9
► Vocational interest test
► Role playing
► Employment interview pg 86
► Learning
► Training
► Development
► Need analysis
► HR department pg 105
► Procurement department
► Finance department
► Marketing department
0304-1659294 10
Question No: 23 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► 1960-70
► 1980-90
► 1990-2000
► Simulation pg 59
► Modeling
► Mock-up
► Replication
0304-1659294 11
► How task has done?
► Selection
► Recruitment 74
► Staffing
► Enrollment
► Job publishing
0304-1659294 12
► Job declaration
► Job posting 77
► Job listing
► Concept validity
► Criterion validity
► Construct validity 85
► Content validity
► Structured interview
0304-1659294 13
► Unstructured interview 86
► Formal interview
► Planned interview
► Reference check 89
► Criminal record
► Application form
► Credit history
► Organizational history
► Employee benefits
► Organizational issues
► Organizational politics 94
0304-1659294 14
Question No: 32 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
► Finance department
► Marketing department
► Production department
Which of the following term best represents the individuals who have
interests in an organization and are influenced by it?
► Workforce
► Stakeholders
► Customers
► Stockholders
0304-1659294 15
► Affective component
► Cognitive component 18
► Behavioral component
► Objective component
► Perception pg 20
► Personality
► Attitude
► Ability
► Fair employment 55
► Legal compliance
0304-1659294 16
► Litigation process
► Affirmative action
► Grievance practices
► Reverse discrimination
► Job analysis
0304-1659294 17
► Job description
► Job specification
► Job summary
0304-1659294 18
Question No: 41 ( Marks: 10 )
There are several sources that can identify the training needs. List &
explain any five of such sources.
0304-1659294 19
Cost-Benefit Analysis. Analysis of the return on investment (ROI) of
training. Effective training results in a return of value to the
organization that is greater than the initial investment to produce or
administer the training.
► Society
► Organization pg 8
► Union
► Government
►Organizational behavior
► Organizational rules
0304-1659294 20
What could be the reason behind linking HRM with the strategic goals
& objectives of an organization?
►Promote centralization
►Foster innovation & flexibility 62
►Support bureaucratic culture
►Develop rigid policies
0304-1659294 21
Reactive approach to overcome the influence of discriminatory practices
occurred in the past is referred as:
►Equal employmentopportunity
►Affirmative action
►Job offer
►Job fair
► Jobfestival
► Job listing
► Interpersonal skills
► Conceptual skills
0304-1659294 22
► Practical skills
0304-1659294 23
► Performance
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Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Organizational basic components are:
► Machinery, people, office building
► People, purpose, structure pg 3
► People, structure, finances
► People, strategies, resources
0304-1659294 25
► Valid
► Reliable
► Qualitative
► Traditional
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► Develop company wide Equal Employment Opportunity plan
► Apply job evaluation procedures to new job titles
► Develop plans for organizational retrenchment
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which of the following types of group role is recognized as functional by
the literature?
► Task oriented roles and relationship roles 24
► Task oriented roles and individual roles
► Relationship roles and self serving roles
► Interest pleader role and self confessor role
0304-1659294 27
Supervisory authority
0304-1659294 28
A voluntary program to correct past injustice in an employment
process pg 55
An action that is discriminatory towards the minority group
An early retirement program for the female workers
A process of receiving less favourable outcomes
0304-1659294 29
Provide work history
Indicate abilities to follow directions
Provide full medical history
0304-1659294 30
Under which of the following authority, an HR Manager took the
decision to provide training to its employees regarding the operations of
newly installed machine?
0304-1659294 31