Module 2

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This unit looks at a consolidated income (profit-and-loss) statement and

balance sheet of HSBC Holdings plc.


Discuss these questions.

1 What are the main items on a bank's a) income statement, b) balance sheet?
2 What do the bank's shareholders mainly look for when reading them?

•• I

a Understanding the main points

Read HSBC's 2007 and 2008 income statement on the opposite page and d cide
whether these statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Indicate the line(s) i~ the statement that give you the answer.

1 In 2008, the total operating income increased slightly on the previous year.
2 Interest expenses fell by a larger amount than the fall in interest from sa ers' accounts,
so the net figure actually went up on the previous year.
3 Trading income rose significantly on the previous year.
4 Employee salaries and bonuses are deducted from the operating profit.
S The banking group sold off some German regional banks in 2008.
6 The bank's tax bill in 2008 was lower than in the previous year.
7 E1:lrnings per share were significantly reduced on the previous year.


a Definitions
Match these words and phrases from the income statement (1-6) with their meanings (a-f).
1 operating income a) A part of the profits of the company for a particular period of time that
is paid to shareholders for each share that they own
2 depreciation b) Money earned from a company's normal activities, not including
exceptional items
3 goodwill c) The value that a company has in addition to its assets, such as a good
reputation with its customers
4 dividend d) Profit relating to a company's normal activities f providing goods or services,
before tax is deducted
S operating profit e) Costs relating to a company's normal activities of providing goods or services
6 operating expense f) The gradual loss in value of a fixed asset that wears out over a number of
years or needs to be replaced regularly


Summary Consolidated Income Statement US$m

2008 2007
Interest income 91 01 92,359
Interest expense (48,738) (54,564)
Net interest income 42,563 37,795
Fee income 24764 26,337
Fee expense (4,740) (4,335)
Net fee income 20.024 22,002
Trading income excluding net interest income 847 4,458
Net interest income on trading activities 5.713 5,376
Net trading income 6.560 9,834
Changes in fair value of long-term debt issued and related derivatives 6.679 2,812
Net income/(expense) from other financial instruments designated at fair value (2 '27) 1,271
Net income from financial instruments designated at fair value 3,852 4,083
Gains less losses from financial investments 197 1,956
Gains arising from dilution of interests in associates 1,092
Dividend income 272 324
Net earned insurance premiums 10,50 9,076

Gains on disposal of French regional banks 2,445
Other operating income 1,08 1,439
Total operating income 88,571 87,601

Net insurance claims incurred and movement in liabilities to policyholders (6 89) (8,608)
Net operating income before loan impairment charges and other
credit-risk provisions 81,82 78,993
Loan impairment charges and other credit-risk provisions (24,937) (17,242)
Net operating income 56,745 61,751
Employee compensation and benefits (20,792) (21,334)
General and administrative expenses (15,260) (15,294)
Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and equipment (1,750) (1,714)
Goodwill impairment (10,564)
Amortisation and impairment of intangible assets (733) (700)
Total operating expenses (49,099) (39,G42)
Operating profit 7,646 22,709
Share of profit in associates and joint ventures 1,661 1,503
Profit before tax 9,307 24,212
Tax expense (2,8 9) (3,757)
Profit for the year 6,498 20,455
Profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company 5,728 19,133
Profit attributable to minority interests 770 1,322

Basic earnings per ordinary share 0.47 1.65
Diluted earnings per ordinary share 0.47 1.63
Dividends per ordinary share 0.93 0.87

Reproduced with permission from HSBC Holdings pic Annual Report and Accounts 2008


a Understanding the main points

Read the balance sheet on the opposite page and say whether these state ents are true (T) or false (F).
Correct the false ones. Indicate the line(s) in the statement that give you the answer.

1 The bank more than doubled its cash deposits in 2008.

2 Customers had more money in savings than in the previous year.
3 The bank lent a lot more money to customers and other banks compared to the previous year.
4 The bank's derivatives increased dramatically in 2008.
5 The bank's pension liabilities went up significantly in 2008.
6 Shareholders' equity grew significantly on the previous year.
7 The value of the bank's intangible assets decreased in 2008.
8 The bank's balance sheet grew in 2008. However, the bank's 'other reserves' ended the year as
a negative figure.

VOCABULARY 2 -::'",.

a Word search

Find words in the balance sheet which fit these meanings.

1 things which belong to a business which have the value or power to create money, such as machinery
a .
2 amounts of money owed by a business to a supplier or lender
1... .....
3 money which is lent or borrowed
I. .
4 rrtoney set aside for a future expense (such as debts which a company's customers fail to pay)
p .
5 shares which have been issued and for which the company is demand in payment
c. -v r.·.····c. .
6 the capital that a company has from shares rather than from loans
e .
7 less than half a company's shares, or fewer shares than the largest shareholder
m / .
8 the part of a company's profits from previous years which have not been paid to investors
r .

2008 was a less profitable year for HSBC Holdings pic than 2007 due to the economic and banking crisis.
However, several other British banking groups suffered much more severely. Do an Internet search to find
out which banks were worst affected and write a short report.


Summary Consolidated Balance Sheet US$m

US$m 20 8 2007
Cash and balances at central banks 52,396 21,765
Items in the course of collection from other banks 6,003 9,777
Hong Kong Government certificates of indebtedness 15,358 13,893
Trading assets 427,329 445,968
Financial assets designated at fair value 28,533 41,564
Derivatives 494,876 187,854
Loans and advances to banks 153,7 6 237,366
Loans and advances to customers 932,8 8 981,548
Financial investments 300,235 283,000
Interests in associates and joint ventures 11,537 10,384
Goodwill and intangible assets 27,3_7 39,689
Property, plant and equipment 14,025 15,694
Other assets 37,822 39,493
Current tax assets 2,5 2 896
Deferred tax assets 7,on 5,284
Prepayments and accrued income 15,797 20,091
Total assets 2,527,465 2,354,266

Hong Kong currency notes in circulation 15,358 13,893
Deposits by banks 130,084 132,181
Customer accounts 1,115,327 1,096,140
Items in the course of transmission to other banks 7,232 8,672
Trading liabilities 247,652 314,580
Financial liabilities designated at fair value 74,587 89,939
Derivatives 487,06 183,393
Debt securities irrissue 179,693 246,579
Retirement benefit liabilities 3,888 2,893
Other liabilities 72,384 35,013
Current tax liabilities 1,822 2,559
Liabilities under insurance contracts 43,683 42,606
Accruals and deferred income 15,448 21,766
Provisions 1,730 1,958
Deferred tax liabilities 1,855 1,859
Subordinated liabilities 29,433 24,819
Total liabilities 2,427,23 2,218,850
Called-up share capital 6,053 5,915
Share premium account 8,46 8,134
Other equity instruments 2,13
Other reserves (3,747) 33,014
Retained earnings 80,68 81,097
Total shareholders' equity 93,591 128,160
Minority interests 6,63 7,256
Total equity 100,229 135,416
Total equity and liabilities 2,527,465 2,354,266

Reproduced with permission from HSBC Holdings pic Annual Report and Accounts 2008

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